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Muslim woman removed from flight

Why on earth did she need a headscarf? Wannabe arab :P
Scarfs don't make you holy, they make you a show off

Why, do you know her? What is in her heart or on her mind? Maybe she wears them to comply with her religious duties.

Nothing on this earth can make us holy anyway.
lol this remind me this clip from movie getsmart

The Get Smart movie was terrible. At least compared to the Get Smart Series. xD

Now here's the clip you should get reminded of:

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Why on earth did she need a headscarf? Wannabe arab :P
Scarfs don't make you holy, they make you a show off

Well, it is her decision. But true, it does attract unwarranted attention in a culture that sees hijab as alien and xenophobic.

But then, it is not the duty of the airline crew to conduct security operations.

The most they can do is remain vigilant, and that's it. And if that's a responsibility, it's understandable.

Security is all dealt with within the airport, not inside the plane.
The people saying that racial profiling is alright, harpoon etc.

Here's why racial profiling isn't alright. You end up missing many other criminals/terrorists that commit crimes/terror acts.

Take the US alone. Terror acts committed by Muslims account for 6% of the total. Focus on Muslims and you miss the rest.

Anyway, the latest terror act on a plane was by Rajasekharan Nair, as usual either army or civil security involved.
The people saying that racial profiling is alright, harpoon etc.

Here's why racial profiling isn't alright. You end up missing many other criminals/terrorists that commit crimes/terror acts.

Take the US alone. Terror acts committed by Muslims account for 6% of the total. Focus on Muslims and you miss the rest.

Anyway, the latest terror act on a plane was by Rajasekharan Nair, as usual either army or civil security involved.

Not only you will miss others, it will be considerably suboptimal in the wrong run too. Once the real terrorists know the profile(s) you are looking for, they will avoid it. For instance, if long beard sends an alarm, they will shave it. Precisely what not to do when you play a game...
I don't want to say the name here. It's a rather popular forum.

Anyway it's mostly filled with dumb Americans with some real dumb responses.

mmmm Oh you mean that forum is full of average Americans with their responses? No wonder their responses are real dumb ...Afterall,when it comes to outer world,other cultures and other religions..Americans are just like little kids ....
mmmm Oh you mean that forum is full of average Americans with their responses? No wonder their responses are real dumb ...Afterall,when it comes to outer world,other cultures and other religions..Americans are just like little kids ....

So what does this say about the rest of the world when the "average" Americans are "dumb" but they form the only superpower in the world presently? Positively moronic?
mmmm Oh you mean that forum is full of average Americans with their responses? No wonder their responses are real dumb ...Afterall,when it comes to outer world,other cultures and other religions..Americans are just like little kids ....

The ones that you see here are not the typical Americans. Read the NY Times, CBS, WSJ comments and you would see the spectrum is pretty evenly spread. This forum attracts the fundamentalists or shills.

As far as understanding of other culture goes, they are certainly very curious, but they also have lot to be pre-occupied with.
Look at the illustration below...


Whenever we see certain visual cues, we immediately form associations of those cues to certain behaviors, or at least of certain behaviors. For the 'soldier', even if we do not see a weapon, we associate his wearing of the uniform to weapons, to war, to destruction, and ultimately to death. For the 'civilian', when we see the camera, we associate this instrument to tourism, to travel, to decadence, to food, to businesses, and ultimately to peace and long life.

These visual cues are so important that they are codified into the conducts of war...

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 75 U.N.T.S. 135, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950.

What the Islamic jihadists have done was to turn ordinary garbs that are associated with muslim civilians into visual cues of war. A religious war. So for those of us who, not only are used to but actually instilled from birth, to associate certain restricted visual cues to war, to encounter something that goes contrary to what we demand and expect, what do you think is going to happen? Like it or not, we will do EXACTLY what the Islamic jihadists have done: To associate a civilian, which is burqa-ed woman, a holy text, and a loud praise to a deity, with violence, war, and death.

By your logic, every civilian wearing fatigues should be singled out for extra security.

Again, I am not arguing the need for extra security -- we all want to be safe -- but the immediate question here is what exactly this woman did to deserve being kicked off. Remember, she was OK'ed by the professionals at the security checkpoint. It was only a paranoid flight attendant who blew a gasket. The question is, do we trust our security professionals to do their job, or has every Tom, Dick and Harry become an expert on identifying terrorists? When does reasonable caution become uncontrolled paranoia that infringes upon the rights of law abiding citizens?
Actually read your ticket i think you will find most airlies do have the right to refuse you passage, seeing there are probably 40 lawyers writting the small print they probably dont have to give you a reason, its their aircraft.

Not exactly.....They can refuse passage before taking payment. Once they have taken payment they have to provide due services, for which they were paid for, unless a sufficiently good reason is provided. The ticket in a sense is a contract. On top of that when they refuse passage while contradicting a said contract without any sane justification and in turn cause inconvenience (such as delaying a customer) for the customer they are liable for a hefty law suet. This is not anything legal just plane old basic human rights.
She hit the jackpot !! The d!mbass crew will get sued too. Remember also to sue the individual apart from the company. Its good fun.
^^ All countries ask for the civilians to be vigilant. That is the only way to maintain security.
So what does this say about the rest of the world when the "average" Americans are "dumb" but they form the only superpower in the world presently? Positively moronic?

Well duhhh..This is one "misconception" people have lolz..When we (non-Americans) say that Americans are dumb..We mean that they are LESS-INFORMED about other cultures,which is NOT a big deal.Its normal cuz American life style is as such...Work,job,study,job,work,wok,job study OMG and so on..They are (specially young generation) more interested in make up , sports ( not international sports but local leagues ) and girl/boy friends ..One thing I like about our youth is the fact that they DO take little bit of interest in economy,wars and whats happening around them and how it will effect them etc ..No one said that Americans are dumb when it comes to science,maths,arts,banking,communication,innovation,discipline,investments (above average here) and so on ...Hope you got it :cheers:
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