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Muslim woman removed from flight

It's close to impossible to convince you(a turk) who was indoctrinated from childhood to think wearing tents is compulsory. It's not, it has nothing to do with Islam. If you can be open minded I can show you enough proof from the Quran NOT to wear the scarf. As a Muslim it's my duty to clear up misconceptions and show people the true Islam from the Quran :3

I am open minded, please show me enough proof from Quran and Hadith.
By your logic, every civilian wearing fatigues should be singled out for extra security.
What 'logic' are you referring to? My point was that the Islamic jihadists refused to conform to accepted rules of war, which demand that all combatants be clearly visually defined in some unique ways. They turned civilian garbs into uniforms of war and in doing so, they broadened the context of what is a 'combatant' or a 'soldier'. The day we refuse to make as clear as possible that line between a 'combatant' and a 'non-combatant' is the day when we return to when war equals to killing everyone and anyone of the opposite side. You ask any professional soldier of any professional military and he will tell you that he would rather face a superior armed opponent dressed like him than to face who appears to be a 'civilian' but whose status is uncertain.

Again, I am not arguing the need for extra security -- we all want to be safe -- but the immediate question here is what exactly this woman did to deserve being kicked off. Remember, she was OK'ed by the professionals at the security checkpoint. It was only a paranoid flight attendant who blew a gasket. The question is, do we trust our security professionals to do their job, or has every Tom, Dick and Harry become an expert on identifying terrorists? When does reasonable caution become uncontrolled paranoia that infringes upon the rights of law abiding citizens?
Nothing...And that is the tragic point. This is about perceptions based upon visual cues and fear. Call it irrational fear if you like, but keep in mind that it was not military aircrafts that attacked the WTC Towers but civilian airliners commandeered by combatants dressed like civilians.
Ohh good, you are still here, I thought you decided to be silent and lay low for a while :)

There are a lot of things that are wrong with your arguments. The problem is that when people point them out to you, you don't respond....
Ohh good, you are still here, I thought you decided to be silent and lay low for a while :)

There are a lot of things that are wrong with your arguments. The problem is that when people point them out to you, you don't respond....
I hope you are not talking to me...
BTW, has anyone checked the figures on how many people are deplaned in a month on various grounds like security etc? I am sure there will be many more incidents apart from the ones that make the headlines because of the Islam angle
Yeah, I once read of a religious Jew who was booted off the plane for praying. I'm not really bothered by these incidents, because they do more to destroy America's soft power among Muslims than any amount of propaganda. Americans are growing steadily more aggressive, and in the long term it will harm only them.
Yeah, I once read of a religious Jew who was booted off the plane for praying. I'm not really bothered by these incidents, because they do more to destroy America's soft power among Muslims than any amount of propaganda. Americans are growing steadily more aggressive, and in the long term it will harm only them.

Sadly it will harm a lot many others much more.
Just kicking her out for saying something she didn't actually say is wrong. No doubts. This is paranoia and not at all justified. The woman was right in suing the airline. Such madness is what dampens the initiative to classification of a genuine threat from that of a fake one.
Just kicking her out for saying something she didn't actually say is wrong. No doubts. This is paranoia and not at all justified. The woman was right in suing the airline. Such madness is what dampens the initiative to classification of a genuine threat from that of a fake one.
I disagree. If you see a man in a 'business' suit with a briefcase walking into a bank and behind him is a man in 'ratty' clothes with a black knit skull cap, the kind that may be a rolled up ski mask, who would earn your paranoia? Why? Would you feel justified? Is it possible that the 'business' looking man is the one with a weapon in his briefcase intending to rob the bank?
Just kicking her out for saying something she didn't actually say is wrong. No doubts. This is paranoia and not at all justified. The woman was right in suing the airline. Such madness is what dampens the initiative to classification of a genuine threat from that of a fake one.

These people are paranoid no doubt.

Remember, this "paranoia" has prevented another attack after 9/11. I won't mind increased security in India even if some call it paranoia, as long as it keeps the citizens safe.
I disagree. If you see a man in a 'business' suit with a briefcase walking into a bank and behind him is a man in 'ratty' clothes with a black knit skull cap, the kind that may be a rolled up ski mask, who would earn your paranoia? Why? Would you feel justified? Is it possible that the 'business' looking man is the one with a weapon in his briefcase intending to rob the bank?

Sorry Gambit..couldnt resist :woot:


If the woman looked like that then the airline staff was rightfully worried..But a team of young healthy men and women afraid of a lone woman in her late 50s..after she had been checked by security staff..is just too naive and shameful...
Sorry Gambit..couldnt resist :woot:


If the woman looked like that then the airline staff was rightfully worried..But a team of young healthy men and women afraid of a lone woman in her late 50s..after she had been checked by security staff..is just too naive and shameful...

And that too just because she said, it's a go.!
If the woman looked like that then the airline staff was rightfully worried..But a team of young healthy men and women afraid of a lone woman in her late 50s..after she had been checked by security staff..is just too naive and shameful...
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?

See, this is your problem, calling me and him terrorists, calling us out into the field, rather than doing something about those AQ people. Your problem is that you deem muslims as terrorists, and have made these two words synonyms.
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