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Muslim woman removed from flight

See, this is your problem, calling me and him terrorists, calling us out into the field, rather than doing something about those AQ people. Your problem is that you deem muslims as terrorists, and have made these two words synonyms.
Nonsense. I called no one any names. And US deemed muslims as terrorists? Please...Who started the suicide bomber trend? US? Like it or not, it was the muslims who deemed other muslims as terrorists when jihadists recruit muslim civilians to be suicide bombers against other civilians. We only follow the trend.
Nonsense. I called no one any names. And US deemed muslims as terrorists? Please...Who started the suicide bomber trend? US? Like it or not, it was the muslims who deemed other muslims as terrorists when jihadists recruit muslim civilians to be suicide bombers against other civilians. We only follow the trend.

No, the Muslims did not start this trend, how can you say Muslims did this? A select group does this, you cannot blame the whole religion because of this, or can you? It was not me, the guy in my street or the shopkeeper near my house that made it, they were a select group of people, who were oppressed by the US and it's policies, who were cornered by your massive military, and when you get cornered, you seek alternative ways, and one of that is to recruit normal plain people, and instill a warring mentality in them, and how do you do that? By giving them motivation, and how did those select few people motivate them? By giving false interpretations of Islam, and the term giving your life for your cause turned into this.

But what caused them to do this? I think you and I both know the answer.
No, the Muslims did not start this trend, how can you say Muslims did this? A select group does this, you cannot blame the whole religion because of this, or can you? It was not me, the guy in my street or the shopkeeper near my house that made it, they were a select group of people, who were oppressed by the US and it's policies, who were cornered by your massive military, and when you get cornered, you seek alternative ways, and one of that is to recruit normal plain people, and instill a warring mentality in them, and how do you do that? By giving them motivation, and how did those select few people motivate them? By giving false interpretations of Islam, and the term giving your life for your cause turned into this.
Let me guess: The Swedish Bikini Team.

But what caused them to do this? I think you and I both know the answer.
The Swedish Bikini Team did not 'put out'?

Sorry, buddy, but no one buy that 'muslims are oppressed' line anymore. The muslims have their own countries. They control large reserves of oil. If you do not like your rulers, look at where they came from. Sure as the sky is blue they did not came from 'the West'.

False interpretations of Islam? Why is it our burden to distinguish a muslim who followed the 'true' interpretation of Islam versus the muslim who followed the 'false' one? How do we do that? After the bomb had gone off? Right-O, as I lay breathing my last, I can feel comfort in finally knowing that the muslim who blew himself up was a follower of the 'false' interpretation of Islam.
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?

For clarification of few things:

Cowardly tactics like dropping nukes on two Japanese cities and killing, sorry I meant meeting, 100K civilians+ out in the field? Or instead of fighting like men, dropping (I mean carpet-dropping) napalms on forests at Vietnam?

You are fighting the Taliban for 10 years now. As far as the news stories tell, they are pretty much out there in the field. US shys away from hunting those on the ground, but resorts to drone attacks, and dropping 2000pounders from 10km above. No wonder this war never ends...

Would we lose like Vietnam did, North Korea did, Afghanistan did?

Finally, as for the Swedish bikini team analogy (analogy was the best description I could come up with).... simply brilliant. Icing on the cake on top of your coherent, well versed points.
For clarification of few things:

Cowardly tactics like dropping nukes on two Japanese cities and killing, sorry I meant meeting, 100K civilians+ out in the field? Or instead of fighting like men, dropping (I mean carpet-dropping) napalms on forests on Vietnam?

You are fighting the Taliban for 10 years now. As far as the news stories tell, they are pretty much out there in the field. US shys away from hunting those on the ground, but resorts to drone attacks, and dropping 2000pounders from 10km above. No wonder this war never ends...

Would we lose like Vietnam did, North Korea did, Afghanistan did?

Finally, as for the Swedish bikini team analogy (analogy was the best description I could come up with).... simply brilliant. Icing on the cake on top of your coherent, well versed points.

That's cause they are super power. They can do whatever they want.

As far as Japan was concerned, Truman faced a difficult decision, but gave the green light for the nukes. The Americans took many casualties in Europe. A ground invasion of Japan would've yielded similar results.
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?

i am not generalizing my dear sir.
This has been argued so many times before. The so call 'ground zero mosque' and all. Its the same troll brigade that shows up. Its just going in circles.
What 'logic' are you referring to?

Your earlier statement:

What the Islamic jihadists have done was to turn ordinary garbs that are associated with muslim civilians into visual cues of war

The 9/11 hijackers were dressed in western clothes. All potential terrorists apprehended on airlines have worn western clothes. Where exactly did the muslim garbs come into the picture?

Nothing...And that is the tragic point. This is about perceptions based upon visual cues and fear. Call it irrational fear if you like, but keep in mind that it was not military aircrafts that attacked the WTC Towers but civilian airliners commandeered by combatants dressed like civilians.

Dressed like ordinary western civilians. What part of this woman's appearance match the hijackers to justify suspicions?

You are twisting and turning to justify religious profiling when every professional will tell you that other cues are far more important.
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?

Underpowered guerillas always fight in civilian clothes -- from the French Resistance to the South American and Vietnamese guerillas to the current Islamic insurgents.

Are you saying that these guerillas have so gotten under your skin that America has subjugated its own values and allowed the terrorists to dictate the American way of life?
The fact that she's able to sue the airlines, speaks volumes of how much freedom she gets.
I'm glad she has taken advantage of her rights :tup:
Sue southwest like there is no tommrow .... lolz.
Call American civilians anything you like. We do not care. But think of what we can call the muslims if they cannot face US the way normal soldiers should and must resort to this cowardly tactic. Want to fight US? Fine, put on a uniform and meet US out in the field. You would lose, but at least you would lose with some dignity because it is uniformed soldiers against uniform soldiers, no? So why are you so afraid of a few scraps of cloth?

What a retarded logic! Afghanistan doesn't (didn't) have an Army and Iraqi army did (try to) face US and surrendered after 27 days (?) ..So your point? Its like me saying "Hey US Army, if you are 'men' then why not fight on equal grounds? No air support , no tanks , no artillery ...Just Ak-47s and other weapons that Talibans also have... Equal weapons..you can have your superior training"..Would your Army face Talibans in Afghanistan then? :lol: By the way, there are many videos in which American soldiers (with all their training and superior weapons) are crying during a fire fight etc ...So much for your "bravery" thingy :laugh:..We call such soldiers as "pussi*s" ...Have you ever saw a Talib crying during a fire fight? So please stop thing "brave/coward" thing.Its ALL about technology and industrial power.Also I advise you to stop going to hate blogs and anti-Islam sites ...seems like you have started disliking Muslims lately.
What a retarded logic! Afghanistan doesn't (didn't) have an Army and Iraqi army did (try to) face US and surrendered after 27 days (?) ..So your point? Its like me saying "Hey US Army, if you are 'men' then why not fight on equal grounds? No air support , no tanks , no artillery ...Just Ak-47s and other weapons that Talibans also have... Equal weapons..you can have your superior training"..Would your Army face Talibans in Afghanistan then? :lol: By the way, there are many videos in which American soldiers (with all their training and superior weapons) are crying during a fire fight etc ...So much for your "bravery" thingy :laugh:..We call such soldiers as "pussi*s" ...Have you ever saw a Talib crying during a fire fight? So please stop thing "brave/coward" thing.Its ALL about technology and industrial power.Also I advise you to stop going to hate blogs and anti-Islam sites ...seems like you have started disliking Muslims lately.

And you live in America... :rolleyes:

Yeah you're talking about the same soldiers who protect your @ss while you sleep at night comfortable in your bed, rather than Pakistan. It's disgusting to know we have morons like you within the country. And you people wonder why there is so much discrimination. Hah! Go figure
And you live in America... :rolleyes:

Yeah you're talking about the same soldiers who protect your @ss while you sleep at night comfortable in your bed, rather than Pakistan. It's disgusting to know we have morons like you within the country. And you people wonder why there is so much discrimination. Hah! Go figure
To be honest, I am an American-Pakistani and I think the entire war is worthless. Does that eliminate me from being a patriot?
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