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Muslim student in Hijab takes on Hindu extremists

Pakistani Liberals will still stone her as being a evil hijabi and sing songs of Bollywood and India is great...

Pakistani Liberals will burn her with the Hindutva!.... Shame on them!

Are you in your right mind ?. Where you have seen Pakistani liberals stoning hijabi women ?

Liberals have nothing to do with violence. The saffron orange clothes guys in that video are equivalent to our Mullahs. Both are extreme, both are right-wing ideologies.

As far as your stoning comment is concerned, everyone know only radical religious extremists have done such things. Not just this they have even burned people. Please note, BJP / RSS or all those goons are not liberals. FYI they all are extremist groups of the right wing. IF you want to find example of liberals/seculars in india then maybe look within Congress.
Are you in your right mind ?. Where you have seen Pakistani liberals stoning hijabi women ?

Liberals have nothing to do with violence. The saffron orange clothes guys in that video are equivalent to our Mullahs. Both are extreme, both are right-wing ideologies.

As far as your stoning comment is concerned, everyone know only radical religious extremists have done such things. Not just this they have even burned people. Please note, BJP / RSS or all those goons are not liberals. FYI they all are extremist groups of the right wing. IF you want to find example of liberals/seculars in india then maybe look within Congress.

I didn't mean they will literally stone her... But they will do the following:
1. Blame her for being an extremist by wearing the "oppressive" hijab
2. Blame her for inciting the Hindu sensibilities
3. Blame Islam for being backwards
4. Champion the "democracy" of India
5. Sing Bollywood songs of Muslim-Hindu Bhai Bhai
6. Not report this in the Liberal hijacked media
7. Appease the Hindutva
8. Declare Pakistan's creation was a mistake

That's the fact!!!

example of liberals/seculars in india then maybe look within Congress.

Lol... You mean the dead useless ignored pathetic 🤣 Indian Congress.... Pakistani Liberal saviours????
your really are a pathetic person from india. if you can not see how frightening it is for a this vulnerable lone young girl had to come face to face with a ugly scum mob of males shouting vulgar at her

would you be okay if it was your sister being cat called verbally by a mob of ugly smelly scum like in the videos You Indians are so brainwashed like U.K. home office minister thinking she’s white with her attacks on immigration

This girl has been living in india for more than a thousand years, then idiots like you come long trying to attack her ,
Calm down ,if she was scared would you think she will come alone driving.

Pakistani Liberals will lynch these Muslim girls in hijab to appease their beloved Hindutva....

That's a fact... Poor Muslim girls have fight against Hindutva extremist and Pakistani Liberals!

Shame on Pakistani Liberals ... Appeasers of Hindutvaism

She was with meters of being lynched... The only thing that saved her were here legs that she was able to escape...
That is the problem with you guys , the girl herself was not scared or give dime about the protesters but here come the protesters like you seeing what the victim cannot see. She exactly knew no jack will happen to her.

Can you say if it is possible for a minority women in Pakistan to do the same. Yes or no will do.
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What exactly are these organisms saying when they chant slogan? Can someone translate?

Question 2, why do they have colored cloths in their hands? LGBT members?
Religious slogans, they say similar slogans before lynching someone

In return she started raising Islamic relgious slogans
Declare Pakistan's creation was a mistake
That's called a total lie!. Infact, Mullah's declared Pakistan as Haram at first place. Why liberals will ever think to say this. See my earlier post I shared hard facts with it. Now I am not getting shocked, as I had argued earlier with someone appearing to be as much against "liberals" as you. All I heard was 100% lies. I mean, why you guys can't see.. what religious extremism has done to this country ?. The TTP are actually product of religious extremism, all those fighters were produced by Madrassahs. Yet ALL of you keep uttering your unbelieable hatred against harmless "liberals" ? After TTP, another great threat is TLP. They are going to be even worse because they have representation in this nation at much larger scale.

What do you really mean by "liberal" ? Your definition is perhaps not right.
A liberals doesn't mean that anyone who is non-islamic is a liberal LOL. The RSS / BJP are opposite of liberals. ALL extreme groups who use violence are majorly at the right-wing. Liberals / Seculars are majorly leftists. The leftists weigh on human-rights, minority rights, equality, women protection & empowerment etc. All those things which ideally the state has to do. Which actually a true islamic society would offer at first place.

Pakistan is created by liberal minded people including the great Quad-e-azam. The mullahs labelled Quad as "Kafir-a-azam". Liberals/seculars give first priority to country. You are so wrong in your assessment.
Jinnah was a great leader! The mullahs were strictly against creation of Pakistan, they even labelled the great man as Kafir-e-azam.

"Shaikh-ul-Uloom Maulana Husain Ahmed Madani of Deoband and Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind issued a fatwa on the eve of the 1945 election declaring it haram for any Muslim to become a member and vote for the Muslim League. Mazhar Ali Azhar of Mjlis-e-Ahrar wrote that Jinnah was not Quaid-e-Azam but ‘Kafir-e-Azam‘. Khasaars made two attempts on Jinnah’s life, wounding him once."

article: https://www.globalvillagespace.com/did-mullahs-oppose-jinnahs-pakistan/
Many Mullahs were behind Jinnah for the creation of Pakistan in fact, more Islamic scholars were behind jinnah for the creation of Pakistan then liberals. Liberals have always questioned the very idea of Pakistan.
What you have quoted is that specific Deobandi Sheikh’s view. Many deobandis supported Pakistan.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal him self wasn’t a liberal rather a Islamic scholar.
The supporters of Muslim league didn’t support Muslim league for liberalism, rather they supported them for a Islamic state not a secular liberal state.
Muwlana Muhammad Ali Jauhar the founder of Jamia Milia Islamia was a staunch supporter of Jinnah and one of Pakistans founding fathers.
Many Khilafat movement members like Shaukat Ali supported the creation of Pakistan and were part of the founding fathers of Pakistan.
Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi was another person you’d call “mullah” but was in support of creating Pakistan and one of its founding fathers.

Instead of being ignorant do some research. All the liberals at the time were spreading unity bs with Indians. IT WAS THESE PEOPLE YOU CALL “MULLAHS” WHO PUSHED FOR PAKISTAN!
Calm down ,if she was scared would you think she will come alone driving.

That is the problem with you guys , the girl herself was not scared or give dime about the protesters but here come the protesters like you seeing what the victim cannot see. She exactly knew no jack will happen to her.

Can you say if it is possible for a minority women in Pakistan to do the same. Yes or no will do

You make no sense.
Nothing does in your country these days. Muslim student Girl victim arrived at her college some how is baying a rented Hindu mob to go crazy on her ….. lol okay ….. haha
That's called a total lie!. Infact, Mullah's declared Pakistan as Haram at first place. Why liberals will ever think to say this. See my earlier post I shared hard facts with it. Now I am not getting shocked, as I had argued earlier with someone appearing to be as much against "liberals" as you. All I heard was 100% lies. I mean, why you guys can't see.. what religious extremism has done to this country ?. The TTP are actually product of religious extremism, all those fighters were produced by Madrassahs. Yet ALL of you keep uttering your unbelieable hatred against harmless "liberals" ? After TTP, another great threat is TLP. They are going to be even worse because they have representation in this nation at much larger scale.

What do you really mean by "liberal" ? Your definition is perhaps not right.
A liberals doesn't mean that anyone who is non-islamic is a liberal LOL. The RSS / BJP are opposite of liberals. ALL extreme groups who use violence are majorly at the right-wing. Liberals / Seculars are majorly leftists. The leftists weigh on human-rights, minority rights, equality, women protection & empowerment etc. All those things which ideally the state has to do. Which actually a true islamic society would offer at first place.

Pakistan is created by liberal minded people including the great Quad-e-azam. The mullahs labelled Quad as "Kafir-a-azam". Liberals/seculars give first priority to country. You are so wrong in your assessment.

So your response to Hindutvaism is to attack Islam???... Typical Liberals... Proving me right. So that niqabi / hijabi is oppressed and needs to be lynched by Hindutva according to your beliefs???

You are either with us. Or with the Hindutva. You are who you chose to attack.

Stalin was a leftist.
Hitler was also a leftist.
Pol pot was a leftist.
The French imperialism was also leftist..... Etc. Etc. Etc.
"Fair skin" is a really messed up way of deciding who's better or not. Firstly, it's a colonial legacy. Please grow out of it.

Secondly, all spectrums of human skin are a part of God's creation --- you're thanking God in one sentence and then insulting a huge part of the creation (non fair skinned people) in the next.


To your overall point of Pakistanis in general being better looking than Indians --- that's FOR SURE!

Well at-least we agree on the conclusion, who cares how we got there, Lol.
Many Mullahs were behind Jinnah for the creation of Pakistan in fact, more Islamic scholars were behind jinnah for the creation of Pakistan then liberals. Liberals have always questioned the very idea of Pakistan.
What you have quoted is that specific Deobandi Sheikh’s view. Many deobandis supported Pakistan.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal him self wasn’t a liberal rather a Islamic scholar.
The supporters of Muslim league didn’t support Muslim league for liberalism, rather they supported them for a Islamic state not a secular liberal state.
Muwlana Muhammad Ali Jauhar the founder of Jamia Milia Islamia was a staunch supporter of Jinnah and one of Pakistans founding fathers.
Many Khilafat movement members like Shaukat Ali supported the creation of Pakistan and were part of the founding fathers of Pakistan.
Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi was another person you’d call “mullah” but was in support of creating Pakistan and one of its founding fathers.

Instead of being ignorant do some research. All the liberals at the time were spreading unity bs with Indians. IT WAS THESE PEOPLE YOU CALL “MULLAHS” WHO PUSHED FOR PAKISTAN!

He is a typical Pakistani Liberal.... His automatic response to Hindutva lynching of Muslim defenceless girls is to attack Islam and the poor Muslim girls.

These Pakistani Liberals are worse than the Hindutva.
Many Mullahs were behind Jinnah for the creation of Pakistan in fact, more Islamic scholars were behind jinnah for the creation of Pakistan then liberals. Liberals have always questioned the very idea of Pakistan.
What you have quoted is that specific Deobandi Sheikh’s view. Many deobandis supported Pakistan.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal him self wasn’t a liberal rather a Islamic scholar.
The supporters of Muslim league didn’t support Muslim league for liberalism, rather they supported them for a Islamic state not a secular liberal state.
Muwlana Muhammad Ali Jauhar the founder of Jamia Milia Islamia was a staunch supporter of Jinnah and one of Pakistans founding fathers.
Many Khilafat movement members like Shaukat Ali supported the creation of Pakistan and were part of the founding fathers of Pakistan.
Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi was another person you’d call “mullah” but was in support of creating Pakistan and one of its founding fathers.

Instead of being ignorant do some research. All the liberals at the time were spreading unity bs with Indians. IT WAS THESE PEOPLE YOU CALL “MULLAHS” WHO PUSHED FOR PAKISTAN!

This link is better then your commentary: https://www.globalvillagespace.com/did-mullahs-oppose-jinnahs-pakistan/

btw, You will find educated, progressive & enlightened Maulanas supporter of Pakistan. They were always very few and they faced hatred of illiterate islamists extremists. Those very few enlightened maulanas were ridiculed by almost all extremist religious groups of india.. Jamaat-e-islami leader even called new country as Na-Pakistan.
I thought South Indians were more enlightened and progressive versus their northern Indian, hindi cowbelt counterparts. But it seems this menace has plagued indian society at all levels.

When you eat shit you have shit for brains it goes for the lot of them.
You make no sense.
Nothing does in your country these days. Muslim student Girl victim arrived at her college some how is baying a rented Hindu mob to go crazy on her ….. lol okay ….. haha
It won't make sense when you jump in the middle of a story and assume.
That's a kind of woman that will give birth to the next Muhammed bin Qassim. I am so angry at the Muslim men in India. This girl is a true belive a true warrior. May Allah keep her safe. Note how Allah protected her. Not one idol worshipper came near her
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