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'Muslim nations firm in halting Israel'

First of all they are not stone armed. They have lots of weapons:




Secondly most of their victims were civilians, killed in suicide bombings.

few hundred rocket launchers? what can few hundred rocket launchers can do to your big army, air force, navy and all that?

and most civilians are killed by Israeli air strikes.

---------- Post added at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

Enough of Arab world trying to liberate Palestine through gun for the last 50 years, NOW the time is to do it through non-violence

you dont know anything so you need to learn some facts before.
few hundred rocket launchers? what can few hundred rocket launchers can do to your big army, air force, navy and all that?
Afghans did. But Palestinians cant fight the army thats why they prefer to attack Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own civilians.
Afghans did. But Palestinians cant fight the army thats why they prefer to attack Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own civilians.

500 yet again you are off topic. Are you unable to engage in a dicussion relating to the thread? Why cant you just discuss how the muslim nations will be fiem in halting Israel? Start another thread if you want to have cheap shots.
Enough of Arab world trying to liberate Palestine through gun for the last 50 years, NOW the time is to do it through non-violence

Actually look at this Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now the tables have turned we are the ones who want peace and they are the ones denying it. Stop believing Israeli bullsh1t that Arabs want no peace.

Also this:

Prince Turki bin Faisal which appeared in the Washington Post (June 11, 2011) in which he wrote that, “in the absence of productive negotiations, the time has come for Palestinians to bypass the United States and Israel and to seek direct international endorsement of statehood at the UN. They will be fully supported in doing so by Saudi Arabia, other Arab nations and the vast majority of the international community — all those who favor a just outcome to this stalemate and a stable Middle East.” He added that “As the main political and financial supporter of the Palestinian quest for self-determination, Saudi Arabia holds an especially strong position… In September, the kingdom will use its considerable diplomatic might to support the Palestinians in their quest for international recognition.”
Prince Turki underlined that “There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes UN recognition of a Palestinian state. It would mark a nadir in the decades-long relationship as well as irrevocably damage the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and America’s reputation among Arab nations. The ideological distance between the Muslim world and the West in general would widen — and opportunities for friendship and cooperation between the two could vanish.”
Actually look at this Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now the tables have turned we are the ones who want peace and they are the ones denying it. Stop believing Israeli bullsh1t that Arabs want no peace.

Also this:

Prince Turki bin Faisal which appeared in the Washington Post (June 11, 2011) in which he wrote that, “in the absence of productive negotiations, the time has come for Palestinians to bypass the United States and Israel and to seek direct international endorsement of statehood at the UN. They will be fully supported in doing so by Saudi Arabia, other Arab nations and the vast majority of the international community — all those who favor a just outcome to this stalemate and a stable Middle East.” He added that “As the main political and financial supporter of the Palestinian quest for self-determination, Saudi Arabia holds an especially strong position… In September, the kingdom will use its considerable diplomatic might to support the Palestinians in their quest for international recognition.”
Prince Turki underlined that “There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes UN recognition of a Palestinian state. It would mark a nadir in the decades-long relationship as well as irrevocably damage the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and America’s reputation among Arab nations. The ideological distance between the Muslim world and the West in general would widen — and opportunities for friendship and cooperation between the two could vanish.”

Theres no point Zionists are fanatics and they will never agree to a just solution. Which is sad but good. Sad because in the short term nore palestinians will suffer but good because in due course when muslims get good leaders and or when america goes bust Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth
few hundred rocket launchers? what can few hundred rocket launchers can do to your big army, air force, navy and all that?

Nothing really, hence the use of term "terrorist". They would never dare take on Israeli military for all their claim of "might" and "right" being on their side.
Theres no point Zionists are fanatics and they will never agree to a just solution. Which is sad but good. Sad because in the short term nore palestinians will suffer but good because in due course when muslims get good leaders and or when america goes bust Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth

We already knew they would not negotiate. We washed our hands of being called the war mongers and of being called planning the destruction of poor little small Israel. Now the tables have turned. And no one can say that we are the ones not looking for peace and the real war mongers have shown their face.
Nothing really, hence the use of term "terrorist". They would never dare take on Israeli military for all their claim of "might" and "right" being on their side.

What Israeli might? They only exist because of american charity. Which will soon finish because americans are going bust. You think those 7 million jews or should i say zionists are holding billion plus muslims back? Get real get a brain. But I must congratulate you today jdme this is the second time today i have seen you on topic which in it self is unusual for you
What Israeli might? They only exist because of american charity. Which will soon finish because americans are going bust. You think those 7 million jews or should i say zionists are holding billion plus muslims back? Get real get a brain. But I must congratulate you today jdme this is the second time today i have seen you on topic which in it self is unusual for you

So your comprehension of English is the true problem here, not our ideologies. Good to know.
What Israeli might? They only exist because of american charity. Which will soon finish because americans are going bust. You think those 7 million jews or should i say zionists are holding billion plus muslims back? Get real get a brain. But I must congratulate you today jdme this is the second time today i have seen you on topic which in it self is unusual for you

If you are going by numbers then I must say that it has been a shame that 350 million Americans (of which a significant section is non-American expatriate one) plus 14 million Jews worldwide are holding 1.4 billion Muslims till now.

Here's a tip: it is not the number but how to utilize those numbers that makes the difference between victory and defeat. As for American charity, there are many other countries that count themselves as Israel's number one enemies proudly who also depend on the same American financial goodwill. Once again the difference is clear: Israel transformed that assistance into a hi-tech indigenous industry while... well that's enough to say and prove isn't it?

Work does show result in the end.
If you are going by numbers then I must say that it has been a shame that 350 million Americans (of which a significant section is non-American expatriate one) plus 14 million Jews worldwide are holding 1.4 billion Muslims till now.

Here's a tip: it is not the number but how to utilize those numbers that makes the difference between victory and defeat. As for American charity, there are many other countries that count themselves as Israel's number one enemies proudly who also depend on the same American financial goodwill. Once again the difference is clear: Israel transformed that assistance into a hi-tech indigenous industry while... well that's enough to say and prove isn't it?

Work does show result in the end.

You are entitled to your opinion. Every country race nation has its turn empire grow reach a zenith and then fall of. We are at the zenith of the american empire and its now on its way down they are going bust. Israelis survive becasue the evil empire that exists today suports them thats about it. Muslims held jerusalem. Crusaders took it held it for 100 years then muslims took it back. Jews have it now so what 70 years big deal. Jews have been kicked around for centuries and now they are doing that to palestinians. Humans never learn and in due course just as day follows nights muslims will take israel and jews will be kicked about again. Its the way of the world nothing is for ever

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

So your comprehension of English is the true problem here, not our ideologies. Good to know.

JDME I am so sorry but you really are dim I dont what the hell you are talking about here.
Say whatever u want,Israelis have Tatte.They ll extinguish you before u can think of touching them.
Say whatever u want,Israelis have Tatte.They ll extinguish you before u can think of touching them.

Why cos you say so? They live on american charity. And americas going bankrupt. So israels days are numbered But I know why you indians burn cos you hoping that daddy america and zionist racists will come save you when your neighbours kick ur axx so u cant bear to hear the truth
You are entitled to your opinion. Every country race nation has its turn empire grow reach a zenith and then fall of. We are at the zenith of the american empire and its now on its way down they are going bust. Israelis survive becasue the evil empire that exists today suports them thats about it. Muslims held jerusalem. Crusaders took it held it for 100 years then muslims took it back. Jews have it now so what 70 years big deal. Jews have been kicked around for centuries and now they are doing that to palestinians. Humans never learn and in due course just as day follows nights muslims will take israel and jews will be kicked about again. Its the way of the world nothing is for ever

You seems to forget that Holocaust had a profound impact on the Jewish psyche. 'Never again' seems to be the Israeli motto.

Its unlikely that the Arabs/Muslims will come together to destroy Israel in the near future. Even if that happens and Israeli dfences are over run, they will simply opt for Samson Option and make sure that along with them their aggressors also go down .Ever wondered why such a small country like Israel accumulated over 200 nuclear heads and 2nd strike capability even though none of their neighbours is a nuclear power?
Assalam alaikum

palistine is a muslim land crusaders could not holt if for more then 100 years, say jews will keep it for 200 or 300 years, centuries r nothing in the history of nations but at the end we will get this blessed land make no mistake.
We r down but we were down before and cameback hard and we will do it again,
history says

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