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'Muslim nations firm in halting Israel'

Dear poster,

All of your assertions prove my point. Muslim countries have deep divides and fishers. Anyone who makes a statement that "Muslim nations (combined) will do this or do that", is simply a deceiving the poor hapless Pakistanis.

Got it? Look at the thread title and see why I said what I said. It was not meant to be multi-volume Islamic history but rather a summary to show that Muslim countries cannot unite because of their religious and cultural differences.

As far as your views about tombs are concerned. You are entitled to all that.

We'll make sure your type never comes to power in Pakistan (and hopefully not even in India). Because primitive tribals will bring down beautiful architecture and art like Taj Mahal, Maqbra noor Jehan/Jahangir etc.

Pakistan is blessed with old buildings and some of them are tombs, and and some are hindu and Sikh temples and everything in between.

Primitive Tribals will bring all these down by saying poor sentences that you repeated.

Taliban too were primitive tribals and see how they destroyed Afghan history and bombed centuries old statutes that had no consequence for Islam whatsoever.

From your post it is clear as a day that's why whosoever follows the primitive tribals will remain a bedrock of Jahiliyah and thus poor pathetic group who is shunned and hated by the whole world.


So you would agree that our cultural aspects apart from Islam our linked closely with some corners of India??

And you basically repeated what he said “an average Muslim is least concerned about Arab –Israeli affairs” which I imply to be that he is not worried about other affairs that dont conflict with pak.

1 thing you may agree with me is that the concept of a caliphate or (in simple terms a united Islamic empire) is long gone?!

So you would agree that our cultural aspects apart from Islam our linked closely with some corners of India??

Not sure what you mean by this statement.


Majority of Pakistanis have the culture of Sindh (Indus) Valley.

On the other hand modern day India is dominated by the culture of Ganga valley.

From all the historical accounts, Sindh valley predates by 100s if not 1000s of years the civilization of Ganga valley.

Thus a simple statement would be that Pakistani culture is Indus valley culture. This culture is distinct in many ways from that of Ganga valley's.

One of the major difference is that Sindh valley people never "bought" into Vedic religions. That's why you will see that every major temple of Vedic religion has been built in Ganga valley. Brahmins were never present in large numbers. Business castes of Hindus were always present in Sindh valley but in very very small numbers. Their highest number present was limited to Punjab and it was roughly 20-25 % in July 1947. And most of them were "immigrants / migrants" from Ganga valley while doing work in accounts, informal banking (Sahukar) etc. Even majority among them later ditched Vedic religion in favor of Sikhism.

And you basically repeated what he said “an average Muslim is least concerned about Arab –Israeli affairs” which I imply to be that he is not worried about other affairs that dont conflict with pak.

1 thing you may agree with me is that the concept of a caliphate or (in simple terms a united Islamic empire) is long gone?!


Caliphate is long gone I agree.

However Pakistan's educated elite is hell bent in putting their nose and behinds in Arab-Israeli affair.

Whereas Arabs give a hoot to Pakistani-India affair (and rightfully so).

It is time we established good relations with everyone including Israel. If Egyptians can have Israeli ambassador, if Palistinians can sit down with Israeli government, If Jordanians can have relations with Israel, then why on earth, Pakistan has to dance on some extremist Arab tunes?

Not sure what you mean by this statement.


Majority of Pakistanis have the culture of Sindh (Indus) Valley.

On the other hand modern day India is dominated by the culture of Ganga valley.

From all the historical accounts, Sindh valley predates by 100s if not 1000s of years the civilization of Ganga valley.

Thus a simple statement would be that Pakistani culture is Indus valley culture. This culture is distinct in many ways from that of Ganga valley's.

One of the major difference is that Sindh valley people never "bought" into Vedic religions. That's why you will see that every major temple of Vedic religion has been built in Ganga valley. Brahmins were never present in large numbers. Business castes of Hindus were always present in Sindh valley but in very very small numbers. Their highest number present was limited to Punjab and it was roughly 20-25 % in July 1947. And most of them were "immigrants / migrants" from Ganga valley while doing work in accounts, informal banking (Sahukar) etc. Even majority among them later ditched Vedic religion in favor of Sikhism.

Caliphate is long gone I agree.

However Pakistan's educated elite is hell bent in putting their nose and behinds in Arab-Israeli affair.

Whereas Arabs give a hoot to Pakistani-India affair (and rightfully so).

It is time we established good relations with everyone including Israel. If Egyptians can have Israeli ambassador, if Palistinians can sit down with Israeli government, If Jordanians can have relations with Israel, then why on earth, Pakistan has to dance on some extremist Arab tunes?


Exactly you got my point spot on.
Glad there is another sensible Pakistani who shares the thoughts and ideas of a revisionist Pakistan.
Btw I would agree to an extent that Indus valley was mostly in pak but we do share some cultural aspects with some Indians like the Punjabi Sikhs and rajasthanis who have similar culture as pak Sindhis.

Rather I might add that apart from ethnicity and caste the Indians share more of our culture then we do to Theirs in the modern context like language , music, food etc etc

....Btw I would agree to an extent that Indus valley was mostly in pak but we do share some cultural aspects with some Indians like the Punjabi Sikhs and rajasthanis who have similar culture as pak Sindhis....

Punjabi Sikhs are the sons of Indus valley and so are western part of Rajasthan.

Sikhs became Indian only when Punjab was divided. But their culture is nowhere close to the Ganga valley. All of their holy temples are on one of the rivers of Sindh.

.... I would agree to an extent that Indus valley was mostly in pak but we do share some cultural aspects with some Indians like the Punjabi Sikhs...

To clarify it further,

Sikhs holy book "Guru Granth" draws heavily from the Muslim Punjabi Sufi poets.

Sikh religion is mere child in the history of Indus valley.

Therefore it is the Sikhs who follow Muslim Punjabi culture and not the other way around.

It doesn't matter at this time, but we must be careful in temporal order when studying history.

To clarify it further,

Sikhs holy book "Guru Granth" draws heavily from the Muslim Punjabi Sufi poets.

Sikh religion is mere child in the history of Indus valley.

Therefore it is the Sikhs who follow Muslim Punjabi culture and not the other way around.

It doesn't matter at this time, but we must be careful in temporal order when studying history.


i know but ty for the input anyway. I don’t like to go in to depths or greater details then it is absolutely necessary hence my solid statement.

Btw are you really a fauj historian????
The bosnians through out history were used as bargaining chips in europe by the ottoman turks. They have some what come used to blaming all sides expect taking responsibility for themselves..the sooner they realize this, the faster they will heal..all we can do is feel sympathy for them and contribute.

As far as destruction of monuments is concerned, idoltary, grave worship and monuments over graves are the way of jahiliya and strictly forbidden in Islam. Ottoman erected them to strengthen their political grip in the name of religion and Allah made them bite the dust of history to the point that Turks dont even bother taking their name.

Too sad that i have missed this.

First of all,i dont think Bosnians need your wahhabi style history-reading. Actually anything related to wahhabism is the last thing they need. They know whats good for them and they know how they lived under the Ottoman era.

You are talking in the name of Allah. So Allah destroyed the Ottomans(most strongest state muslims ever had lately) in order to take vengeance of your primitive tribes.:lol:
The propaganda of stupid kingdoms(most members of them shi.tting on golden toilets) working as good as hasbara.

It was the backward tribes only knows to destroy(also a common trait of primitive nomads) rather than to construct. Didnt even hesitate to destroy the most beautiful buildings reflecting the islamic culture. Worse than crusaders.

Sorry dude but when we consider that most muslims doesnt want your destructive culture in their countries,kicking wahhabis out of the borders was a good shot.:rolleyes:
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