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'Muslim nations firm in halting Israel'

As per this news dated 27-Aug-2011, Honduras and El Salvador have recognized Palestine lately. Bringing the number of countries which have recognized Palestine to 120 out of 196.

تيجوسيجالبا- (رويترز): اعترفت هندوراس الجمعة بفلسطين دولة مستقلة وسط حملة من الجامعة العربية لتصعيد وضعها إلى العضوية الكاملة في الأمم المتحدة.
واتخذت هندوراس هذا القرار حتى على الرغم من تهديده لعلاقاتها مع اسرائيل حليفتها منذ فترة طويلة.

وقال الياهو لوبيز سفير إسرائيل في هندوراس إن هذه الخطوة "ضربة في قلب اسرائيل".

وقالت وزارة الخارجية في هندوراس في بيان "انها ايدت وتواصل تأييد الحقوق الكاملة لدولة اسرائيل في الوجود داخل حدود امنة يعترف بها المجتمع الدولي".

وكانت السلفادور المجاورة قد اعلنت ايضا يوم الخميس اعترافها بفلسطين دولة مستقلة. واعترف نحو 120 دولة بدولة فلسطين حتى الان.

وكان الفلسطينيون الذين يتمتعون حاليا بوضع "مراقب" في الأمم المتحدة قد تعهدوا من قبل بالسعي الى موافقة الأمم المتحدة على إعلان دولتهم وسيادتها في قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية المحتلة والقدس الشرقية.

ويتطلب وضع العضوية الكاملة موافقة مجلس الامن التابع للامم المتحدة الذي قالت فيه الولايات المتحدة حليفة اسرائيل انها ستعترض بحق النقض (الفيتو) على مثل هذا القرار.​
The most easything to do is to blame arabs.and evade the responsability.every muslim in the world is responsable for the mess.Because Allah says in Quran that i wont change your state untill you struggle to change it.

No no you are wrong it is not the fault of the downtrodden poor and powerless. Its the fault of our leadership for a number of years now. In pakistan the solution, I got dissapointed when musharaff had the oppurtunity and did not do it. We need an attaturk type or a general to come into power who is sincere to pakistan and its people. I prefer General to this sham of a democracy that we have. At least I can be assured that he got there on merit and not because his mother handed him the slaves of ppp. What Mush should have done is made a list of lets say 500 families who have come through there wealth by corruption and just lined them up and shot them. That would have been an example to all others that corruption and theft of state assets is not acceptable. In Saudi thy have a similar problem ok god has blessed them with oil but all that evil royal family does is use everything at its disposal to perpetuate their rule. Their people and everything else come a long way down. I know some of you may think what Im saying is quite drastic but if you look at western democracies eg france-their revolution was bloody when they did away with their kings, same with russia and the romanovs, in the UK cromwell had many beheaded. So what we need is a cleansing of our society before we can move forward
Its very simple. When i put the thread i was trying to suggest if all muslim nations stick together and sort our issues out we can not only be firm in halting zionism but we can do anything. United we stand divided we are nothing!

Why it is that you my dear poster keep on repeating the falsehood so often spewed by little village Moolah?

Muslim nations today are scum of the earth and they have been so for the last many many centuries.

Religion cannot be a binding force in today's world. Each country has to fix their own house first. No Khalifah will come fix the stuff for them.

One has to crawl before he walks, ----- Level 1
One has to walk before he can run, ---- Level 2
One has to run before he can sprint. --- Level 3

All the Khilafah-proponants want to sprint (Level3) before ever getting to level 1.

This is what they call "putting the cart before the Khalifa horse alaihe salam."

Hope you get it this time.

Why it is that you my dear poster keep on repeating the falsehood so often spewed by little village Moolah?

Muslim nations today are scum of the earth and they have been so for the last many many centuries.

Religion cannot be a binding force in today's world. Each country has to fix their own house first. No Khalifah will come fix the stuff for them.

One has to crawl before he walks, ----- Level 1
One has to walk before he can run, ---- Level 2
One has to run before he can sprint. --- Level 3

All the Khilafah-proponants want to sprint (Level3) before ever getting to level 1.

This is what they call "putting the cart before the Khalifa horse alaihe salam."

Hope you get it this time.


Wow thank you for your words of wisdom. I will take them on board.
BTW let me know when you have left level 1....
Why it is that you my dear poster keep on repeating the falsehood so often spewed by little village Moolah?

Muslim nations today are scum of the earth and they have been so for the last many many centuries.

Religion cannot be a binding force in today's world. Each country has to fix their own house first. No Khalifah will come fix the stuff for them.

One has to crawl before he walks, ----- Level 1
One has to walk before he can run, ---- Level 2
One has to run before he can sprint. --- Level 3
All the Khilafah-proponants want to sprint (Level3) before ever getting to level 1.

This is what they call "putting the cart before the Khalifa horse alaihe salam."

Hope you get it this time.


In your insults you show your upbringing. You do not have to get personal to make your point. I take issue with your assertions. Muslims and muslim nations are not scum. Its just a few corrupt in each muslim country that are complicit with the west eg zardari. there is nothing with countries that have people from the same faith having similar agendas. look at the eec and how they do not allow turkey into eec because they are not christian. This neo coloniolim of our countries will not last forever.

I find you to be the type of pakistani muslim if thats what you are to be brainwashed into thinking the worst of our own how sad you are
Why it is that you my dear poster keep on repeating the falsehood so often spewed by little village Moolah?

Muslim nations today are scum of the earth and they have been so for the last many many centuries.

Religion cannot be a binding force in today's world. Each country has to fix their own house first. No Khalifah will come fix the stuff for them.

One has to crawl before he walks, ----- Level 1
One has to walk before he can run, ---- Level 2
One has to run before he can sprint. --- Level 3

All the Khilafah-proponants want to sprint (Level3) before ever getting to level 1.

This is what they call "putting the cart before the Khalifa horse alaihe salam."

Hope you get it this time.


Muslim nations are "scum"?? Khalifa "alaihe salam"?? You sure you are swinging the right flag there buddy??
Muslim nations are "scum"?? Khalifa "alaihe salam"?? You sure you are swinging the right flag there buddy??

No need to get emotional. As too much emotions destroy the nations and individuals.

Muslim nations are scum when it comes to contemporary development. Take the case of my country.

We have all the resources and yet we have not produced world class society, science, and above all arts, music, and literature for the last 60+ years.

Shalimar garden is the most recent architectural gem built in Pakistan and it was built in 350+ years ago.

The rot is not limited to Pakistan. Other so called Muslim nations are intellectually and scientifically dead too.

The ones who are doing well like Turkey or Malaysia are dependent and closly linked with the West economically and militarily. However very little comes out of these places intellectually.

Pumping oil using American tech is the lowest form of development.

Take the case of Saudi Arabian region. It has been scientifically and intellectually dead for 1000+ years.

Off course you may say that Assad and Qaddafi and Saddam and Mubarak are the shining examples of Khalifa Alaihe Salam but the rest of world may differ.

That's why my dear I say the so-called Muslim nations are at the bottom of the heap a bit higher than the pathetic tribal countries of Africa.

Truth hurts. Isn't it?

No need to get emotional. As too much emotions destroy the nations and individuals.

Muslim nations are scum when it comes to contemporary development. Take the case of my country.

We have all the resources and yet we have not produced world class society, science, and above all arts, music, and literature for the last 60+ years.

Shalimar garden is the most recent architectural gem built in Pakistan and it was built in 350+ years ago.

The rot is not limited to Pakistan. Other so called Muslim nations are intellectually and scientifically dead too.

The ones who are doing well like Turkey or Malaysia are dependent and closly linked with the West economically and militarily. However very little comes out of these places intellectually.

Pumping oil using American tech is the lowest form of development.

Take the case of Saudi Arabian region. It has been scientifically and intellectually dead for 1000+ years.

Off course you may say that Assad and Qaddafi and Saddam and Mubarak are the shining examples of Khalifa Alaihe Salam but the rest of world may differ.

That's why my dear I say the so-called Muslim nations are at the bottom of the heap a bit higher than the pathetic tribal countries of Africa.

Truth hurts. Isn't it?


Saudi Arabia has been scientifically and intellectually dead for 1300+ years a correction there for you my friend.
You are saying "Pumping oil using american tech is the lowest form of development" Ill tell you how else is a nation how was scientifically and intellectually dead for 1300+ years is suppose to pump it?? Drill a well and get cows to turn around it??

And what makes you think I would say that Assad and Qaddafi and Saddam and Mubarak are Khalifa?? And btw a little Islam lesson you do not say alaihe salam to a khalifa just thought you might need to increase your "historianisness".

You still have a lot to learn about history. A lot more.
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