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Let me correct you buddy, Somalis are just Somalis from the Horn of Africa. Our relationship with Arabs is Sunni islam. Due to the proximity to Yemen and Oman. we've had 1000s of years of interacting with them. We've also had interactions with Ottoman empire and Persia for over 1000 yaers. Ever since Islam came to Horn of Africa, we've been much closer to the Ottoman empire and the rest of the Muslim world. Back in the days, this nationalism we display nowadays was much less, and being a Muslim was much stronger.

I don't know what you are trying to tell me, but Somalians consider themselves Arabs and are part of the Arab league, but they face racism from all other Arabs, and at the same time, Somalis don't want to have anything to do with Black Africans, even though Somalis are Black....Somalis are a very weird people.

If you go to other African countries, you would find minority groups who originally came from Middle East and South Asia but been in Eastern Africa for several hundred years. They're voiceless if you look at their situation.

I don't know who told you that, but it is not true.

The only Middle Eastern guys who live in Africa that I know of are Lebanese, and they are not "voiceless" at all:



Lebanese are extremely successful and have a huge impact on African economies, they have enormous influence (which is used by Iran and Hezbollah).
If Lebanese were "voiceless", they would not have such a dominant position.

Indians in Africa are also not "voiceless" at all:



Indians are very successful, in many areas they dominate the economies of African countries....Black Africans would never allow this if they had racist feelings towards Indians. It is actually the other way around, although they live in Africa since such a long time, in their private lifes Indians don't interact with their Black neighbours, and they would never allow their children (especially not their daughters) to marry Blacks, because Indians are so racially disgusted of Blacks!

And in the last 20 years many Chinese came to Africa, you know their impact on African economies and I think I don't have to mention the racism of Chinese towards Black people!

Fact is, Black Africans are the least racist people on earth and when other races come to Africa, the racism always comes from the immigrants and is directed towards local Blacks!

If u don't care about the answer of the Turks and think that u know better than us on how we feel, why asking the question in the first place?

Because I love to expose a persons lying nature, just as I successfully did with you.

One day the Saudis will do in Somalia what they did in Sudan, and the Turkish naval base will be closed as it was closed in Sudan, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you will not "care" about Somalis anymore, just as you don't "care" about Sudanese anymore...
I don't know what you are trying to tell me, but Somalians consider themselves Arabs and are part of the Arab league, but they face racism from all other Arabs, and at the same time, Somalis don't want to have anything to do with Black Africans, even though Somalis are Black....Somalis are a very weird people.

Joining the Arab League was political and it was very beneficial to Somalia in terms of political support. When leaders like Saddam Hussein (May Allah take him to Jannah), Hafez Al-Assad (RIP), King Faisal (May Allah take him to Jannah), Nawar Saddat (May Allah take him to Jannah), Sheikh Zayid (May Allah take him to Jannah), and Mu'amar Qaddafi (May Allah take him to Jannah) were in power, Somalia used to get huge military and financial support from the govt led by those leaders.

When the brutal civil war erupted in Somalia, Some Arab states such as Egypt, Syria, and Yemen allowed Somali citizens to stay in their countries without facing evictions. UAE under Sheikh Zayed allowed Somalis to stay in UAE and do business there.

So joining the Arab league in the past benefited both Somalia and DJibouti. However, ethnically, we're Cushitic from the Horn of Africa. The Somali language that we speak is much closer to the Mehra language spoken in parts of Yemen, Oman, and Socotra Island (part of the Arab Republic of Yemen).

I don't know what you are trying to tell me, but Somalians consider themselves Arabs and are part of the Arab league, but they face racism from all other Arabs, and at the same time, Somalis don't want to have anything to do with Black Africans, even though Somalis are Black....Somalis are a very weird people.

I tried to give you some background. With respect to racism, I remember a Lebanese brother wanting to marry a Somali girl, and her family refused him to marry their daughter. He and I went to the same school. He was a Sunni Muslim and the head of the Muslim student association. I was very surprised why they did it. The lady's parents stated because of his background, they only wanted their daughter to marry a fellow Somali. I gave you this story because I'm trying to show you racism is two dimensional. It doesn't have to be a particular group who are racist. We all are.

Not sure why you meant by "Somalis are weird people' and I wouldn't bash your ethnicity, but I think you'r just a dumb guy who is just chatting sh-t. We're Somalis, and there is nothing with wrong being who you're :lol:

The only Middle Eastern guys who live in Africa that I know of are Lebanese, and they are not "voiceless" at all:

This proves your ignorance on Africa as a whole. Lebanese are found in West Africa, areas where there is a diamond trade. They were recent arrivals.

In East Africa, there are huge settlements of people who historically migrated from the Arabian peninsula, Yemen, Oman, Andulus, Iberia, and even Persia. Some of them have been in this part of the world close to 1000 years. Not sure if you hear about Zanzibar (Tanzania), the People of the Mombasa (Kenya), etc. These are groups who have been in this part of the world for close to a thousand year. And when you look at the situation of these groups of people in these countries, they're marginalized. Unemployment is very high, and the other tribes took over the areas they historically settled. Just did a search and educate yourself on it.

Read here and get the information before you act smart!

With respect to the Indians, former Yugandan President Idi Amin expelled all Asian minorities in his country one morning in 1972. Just one morning, he declared them out. Their properties were seized, and Indophobia was part of the norm.


Because I love to expose a persons lying nature, just as I successfully did with you.

You haven't exposed anything. You have your preconceived notions and look for some Wikipedia links to prove your point. But of course as I've shown you still have further reading and traveling to do.

One day the Saudis will do in Somalia what they did in Sudan, and the Turkish naval base will be closed as it was closed in Sudan, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you will not "care" about Somalis anymore, just as you don't "care" about Sudanese anymore...

Turks have been backing us (Somalis) throughout history. Don't be a just hateful person who envies Turks and what they've achieved throughout history.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajuran_Sultanate

Over the next several decades Somali-Portuguese tensions would remain high and the increased contact between Somali sailors and Ottoman corsairs worried the Portuguese who sent a punitive expedition against Mogadishu under João de Sepúlveda, which was unsuccessful.[59] Ottoman-Somali cooperation against the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean reached a high point in the 1580s when Ajuran clients of the Somali coastal cities began to sympathize with the Arabs and Swahilis under Portuguese rule and sent an envoy to the Turkish corsair Mir Ali Bey for a joint expedition against the Portuguese. He agreed and was joined by a Somali fleet, which began attacking Portuguese colonies in Southeast Africa.[54]

You think we can easily be bribed by some country in order to cut ties with Turkey? Bigger western powers are trying to bully Somali leaders to cut ties with Turkey, but we aren't gonna fall for it. We're forever grateful for our Turkish brethren!!
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Joining the Arab League was political and it was very beneficial to Somalia in terms of political support. When leaders like Saddam Hussein (May Allah take him to Jannah), Hafez Al-Assad (RIP), King Faisal (May Allah take him to Jannah), Nawar Saddat (May Allah take him to Jannah), Sheikh Zayid (May Allah take him to Jannah), and Mu'amar Qaddafi (May Allah take him to Jannah) were in power, Somalia used to get huge military and financial support from the govt led by those leaders.

When the brutal civil war erupted in Somalia, Some Arab states such as Egypt, Syria, and Yemen allowed Somali citizens to stay in their countries without facing evictions. UAE under Sheikh Zayed allowed Somalis to stay in UAE and do business there.

So joining the Arab league in the past benefited both Somalia and DJibouti. However, ethnically, we're Cushitic from the Horn of Africa. The Somali language that we speak is much closer to the Mehra language spoken in parts of Yemen, Oman, and Socotra Island (part of the Arab Republic of Yemen).

I tried to give you some background. With respect to racism, I remember a Lebanese brother wanting to marry a Somali girl, and her family refused him to marry their daughter. He and I went to the same school. He was a Sunni Muslim and the head of the Muslim student association. I was very surprised why they did it. The lady's parents stated because of his background, they only wanted their daughter to marry a fellow Somali. I gave you this story because I'm trying to show you racism is two dimensional. It doesn't have to be a particular group who are racist. We all are.

Not sure why you meant by "Somalis are weird people' and I wouldn't bash your ethnicity, but I think you'r just a dumb guy who is just chatting sh-t. We're Somalis, and there is nothing with wrong being who you're :lol:

This proves your ignorance on Africa as a whole. Lebanese are found in West Africa, areas where there is a diamond trade. They were recent arrivals.

In East Africa, there are huge settlements of people who historically migrated from the Arabian peninsula, Yemen, Oman, Andulus, Iberia, and even Persia. Some of them have been in this part of the world close to 1000 years. Not sure if you hear about Zanzibar (Tanzania), the People of the Mombasa (Kenya), etc. These are groups who have been in this part of the world for close to a thousand year. And when you look at the situation of these groups of people in these countries, they're marginalized. Unemployment is very high, and the other tribes took over the areas they historically settled. Just did a search and educate yourself on it.

Read here and get the information before you act smart!

With respect to the Indians, former Yugandan President Idi Amin expelled all Asian minorities in his country one morning in 1972. Just one morning, he declared them out. Their properties were seized, and Indophobia was part of the norm.


You haven't exposed anything. You have your preconceived notions and look for some Wikipedia links to prove your point. But of course as I've shown you still have further reading and traveling to do.

Turks have been backing us (Somalis) throughout history. Don't be a just hateful person who envies Turks and what they've achieved throughout history.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajuran_Sultanate

You think we can easily be bribed by some country in order to cut ties with Turkey? Bigger western powers are trying to bully Somali leaders to cut ties with Turkey, but we aren't gonna fall for it. We're forever grateful for our Turkish brethren!!

Arabs/Semitic people settled Horn of Africa and influenced it greatly on every front (felt to this day in almost every sphere) millennia before Islam.

Which explains the DNA of Semitic speaking peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia (Habesha and others) and that of the DNA of Somalis living in Somaliland (Northern Somalia)

During the Islamic era, Somalia has been more influenced by Arabs than any other foreigner. Many prominent Somali clans trace their ancestry to Arabia/Arab clans. Somali language has been heavily influenced by Arabic. The alphabet derives from Arabic. The Shafi'i fiqh is the most popular fiqh in Somalia because Islam was spread in Somalia by mostly Yemeni and Hijazi people.

The culture of coffee drinking came from Arabia. The camel (main resource of Somalia and greatest livestock - Somalia has the most camels in the world) was first domesticated in Arabia. Ancient trade ties. Khat chewing is a joint tradition shared with Yemeni.

Much of the food and cuisine of Somalia is shared with Yemenis (Southern Yemenis in particular).

All this relationship is far greater than anything remotely tied to Anatolia/Turkey which no Somali can deny.

This is just a glimpse of it, until not many centuries ago, Somali dynasties of Arab origin ruled Somalia.

And let us not forget that Arabic has been the second language of Somalia for millennia.

Somalias also differ hugely in appearance. For instance Somalis from Somaliland (Northern Somalia), many of them have clear Arab/Semitic/Caucasian features while Somalians from the South (Mogadishu etc.) are more similar to nearby Kenyans etc. which is also explained by geography.

Because I love to expose a persons lying nature, just as I successfully did with you.

One day the Saudis will do in Somalia what they did in Sudan, and the Turkish naval base will be closed as it was closed in Sudan, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you will not "care" about Somalis anymore, just as you don't "care" about Sudanese anymore...

I cannot speak for Turks, although I agree with your theory, but you cannot compare people (Turks) that have mostly nothing to do with Somalis and vice versa in terms of genetics, culture, language, geography, and then use a comparison between Saudi Arabians and Sudanese (neighbors almost) when Sudanese Arabs are Arabs genetically (proven by DNA) and culturally, linguistically, that just happen to have mixed with mostly local Nubian and other local ethnic groups, females, creating an Afro-Arab fusion.

Likewise you are completely clueless about Arabs and their views about skin color. While Arabs are historically and genetically a Caucasian and West Asian (now spanning mostly 2 contents, excluding the huge Arab diaspora that is spread in all corners of the world) population, Arabs come in all shapes, pale, olive skin, brown, black and everything in between, and skin color was never a defining factor, which explains why some pre-Islamic figures and poets, who were half Ethiopian for instance, were revered despite their color.



The obsession about skin color is a new phenomenon in the Middle East, mostly imported from the West. The same West that tans in the millions in order to get the same beautiful olive skin color that most Arabs have, lol.

I for instance find Habesha women (Mulatto women) to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Far more beautiful than the average Northern European. No contest for me.

So no, your claims are nonsense and Blacks are far more integrated/welcomed in most of the Arab world than in Iran or other regions of the Middle East, simply because we Arabs have had much longer interactions with Africans, for good and bad, mostly good.

A black muslim girl from Mecca made a rap song about Mecca. After that she got arrested:


But also the backclash from Saudi citizens was enormous, and their main complain was her black african skin, they are using disgusting racial slurs against her! If an ethnic Saudi girl had done the same, everything would have been OK.
Her sin is not that she made a rap Video in Mecca, her sin is that she has a black skin!

Is the Ummah not lovely towards their Blacks :smitten::smitten::smitten:

Fake news. Qatari regime owned Al-Jazeera and KSA and objectivity? Might as well visit a brothel in order to look for caste girls. What is next?

She was not arrested, nor is one or two racist comments reflective of anything. There is regional/tribal bias much more in KSA than freaking skin color. Most educated people and most people care very little about skin color and Saudi Arabians come in every sharp and form from pale, olive skin (majority), brown to black (Afro-Arab) and everything in between.

Black/Horner people have had interactions with Arabia since recorded history. Grew up and stop projecting. Before you start blabbering about slavery, Arabs/Muslims used to have slaves of every ethnicity from Vikings to Blacks and from within the Muslim world.


Criticism of such videos, even though they are harmless, where present from certain circles within society, even though this girl was a local. So this has nothing to do with skin color, lol.

And ironically, this propaganda news can only be found among Qatari regime/Erdogan regime propaganda. Middle East Eye, Al-Jazeera, TRT etc.:lol:


Saudi female rapper denies arrest by authorities
Mecca Girl music video was 'not a problem' for Saudi's public prosecution, says Asayel Al-Bishi

Some inside news for those interested, she belongs to the family that has been hereditary (one of the few such families) executioners (sword) in KSA.:lol: This was/is a job/profession held by Afro-Arabs.
Not sure why you meant by "Somalis are weird people' and I wouldn't bash your ethnicity, but I think you'r just a dumb guy who is just chatting sh-t. We're Somalis, and there is nothing with wrong being who you're :lol:

Somalis love their enemies and hate their natural allies...

Somalis are a very weird, strange people!

This proves your ignorance on Africa as a whole. Lebanese are found in West Africa, areas where there is a diamond trade. They were recent arrivals.

In East Africa, there are huge settlements of people who historically migrated from the Arabian peninsula, Yemen, Oman, Andulus, Iberia, and even Persia. Some of them have been in this part of the world close to 1000 years. Not sure if you hear about Zanzibar (Tanzania), the People of the Mombasa (Kenya), etc. These are groups who have been in this part of the world for close to a thousand year. And when you look at the situation of these groups of people in these countries, they're marginalized. Unemployment is very high, and the other tribes took over the areas they historically settled. Just did a search and educate yourself on it.

Read here and get the information before you act smart!

I knew that all already and what you're claiming is ridiculous. Those people who you call Arabs or Persians are not Arabs or Persians at all, they may have adopted some sort of Arab or Persian identity, and a small minority may even had Arab or Persian ancestors many many centuries ago, but that's totally irrelevant.

Your linked page talks about the (Wa-)Swahili people, how do these people look like?


And you want to tell me these guys come from the Middle East?!

Maybe they are discriminated in their home countries, but it's definitely not because of racism, cause these people look 100% Black African!

And this proves my point that the only Arabs who live in Black Africa are Lebanese, and Iranians don't live there at all.

With respect to the Indians, former Yugandan President Idi Amin expelled all Asian minorities in his country one morning in 1972. Just one morning, he declared them out. Their properties were seized, and Indophobia was part of the norm.


Correct, and Uganda was the only severe case, and it stoped in the mid 80's, and they were only expelled because of financial envy, not because of racism, Ugandans didn't think that Indians are ugly sub-humans.
And the anti-Indian riots in Kenya and South Africa were isolated cases, they were only a few, and once again, they didn't happen because of racism but because of financial envy, the local Blacks didn't think that Indians are ugly sub-humans.

And this once again proves my point that Indians have a great life in Africa with a dominant economic position, which would be impossible if Blacks were racist towards Indians.

You can twist the facts as much as you want, Black Africans are the least racist people in the world!

We're forever grateful for our Turkish brethren!!

It's great that you call them your brethren, but Turks don't think the same about Somalis, you are only their brothers because of the Turkish naval base, and if tomorrow this base would close, you would not be the brothers of the Turks anymore, just as Sudanese are not their brothers anymore.

The obsession about skin color is a new phenomenon in the Middle East, mostly imported from the West.

Totally wrong. Many years ago I read Al-Muqadimah from Ibn Khaldun (the Arab worlds greatest intellectual of all time), and what he said about Black Africans is more than clear, so if at all, anti-Black sentiment was exported from the Arab world to the white West, espicially during the time of Arab-ruled Spain.

So no, your claims are nonsense and Blacks are far more integrated/welcomed in most of the Arab world than in Iran

Arab hate towards Blacks is world known, and I'm not even talking about the medival past, that doesn't matter, what's important is the present.
The deep-seated racial hatred of Arabs towards Blacks is perfectly documented, you could spend weeks doing research on that matter and no end would be in sight. In this thread I have provided many evidences of that Arab hate and many more will follow....and if you claim Iranians are more racist towards Blacks, ok, post the evidence for that, if it's true, I will accept it.

Fake news. Qatari regime owned Al-Jazeera and KSA and objectivity?

I can give you even German sources who reported it. And what mattered to me was not if she had been arrested or not, but the racial slurs against her from normal civilians.
Totally wrong. Many years ago I read Al-Muqadimah from Ibn Khaldun (the Arab worlds greatest intellectual of all time), and what he said about Black Africans is more than clear, so if at all, anti-Black sentiment was exported from the Arab world to the white West, espicially during the time of Arab-ruled Spain.

Arab hate towards Blacks is world known, and I'm not even talking about the medival past, that doesn't matter, what's important is the present.
The deep-seated racial hatred of Arabs towards Blacks is perfectly documented, you could spend weeks doing research on that matter and no end would be in sight. In this thread I have provided many evidences of that Arab hate and many more will follow....and if you claim Iranians are more racist towards Blacks, ok, post the evidence for that, if it's true, I will accept it.

I can give you even German sources who reported it. And what mattered to me was not if she had been arrested or not, but the racial slurs against her from normal civilians.

Arabs have had the most well-known and largest amount of scientists and scholars in the pre-modern era in the Islamic world. Only Iranians are remotely close.


Ibn Khaldun was one such person and albeit he was known/has since been known as a great historiographer, historian and forerunner of modern historiography, sociology, economics and demography, he was no infallible saint and many of his writings (as expected given the time period) have been proven wrong.

So one remark of his about Blacks is not of any importance. Just the words of 1 person and I have not read all of his works to say if that was a one-time opinion or something consistent and whether or not this view was held by the society at large. There is no tangible proof to know this with certainty.

What nonsense is that? Any proof of "Arabs exporting "hatred of Blacks" to Europe, lol?

No, we don't, if we did there would be no Afro-Arabs (which are a sizable minority in the Arab world from Morocco to Oman). People of African origins are far better integrated in the Arab world than anywhere else in the Muslim world that is non-Black in nature.

Well, it turns out that it was untrue (which is the most important thing here) as I already provided a proof of and what 1 or 2 Twitter users (you deliberately forgot the many more comments that said that her race was of no importance and shamed those who said what they did) are saying is not important either, as there will always be idiots/simpletons/hateful people around who look at the race, clan, tribe, ethnicity, social status of a person and starting to hate rather than getting to know the person and forming an opinion about the actual person.

For your information, the example of yours where you wrote that Blacks are publicly ridiculed by your officials, in KSA ANY hate speech based on race, ethnicity, clan, tribe, religion etc. is banned and carries a fine and prison sentence. Just for your information, you are free to google this fact.
Arabs have had the most well-known and largest amount of scientists and scholars in the pre-modern era in the Islamic world. Only Iranians are remotely close.

In his book Ibn Khaldun explains very well who were by far the greatest Muslim scientists und who not really contributed to science.

Go read his book, but be prepared for some uncomfortable truth.

Ibn Khaldun was one such person and albeit he was known/has since been known as a great historiographer, historian and forerunner of modern historiography, sociology, economics and demography, he was no infallible saint and many of his writings (as expected given the time period) have been proven wrong.

Ibn Khaldun is known as the greatest intellectual of the Arab world, not when it comes to natural sciences, but in social sciences he was way ahead of everybody else. He even had enormous influence on Europe. Of course he also had many opponents, because he wrote some uncomfortable truth.
Show me another Arab thinker who has so many sculptures/statues in the Arab world.
He was not one of many....

What nonsense is that? Any proof of "Arabs exporting "hatred of Blacks" to Europe, lol?

No I have no proof, just as you didn't provide any proof that it was introduced to the Arabs by the West.

People of African origins are far better integrated in the Arab world than anywhere else in the Muslim world that is non-Black in nature.

If that's true then there should be evidence to back that up. I can provide tons of evidences of the extreme anti-black racism in the Arab world, can you provide the same evidence for Iran, Turkey, Indonisia, etc...?

Well, it turns out that it was untrue (which is the most important thing here) as I already provided a proof of and what 1 or 2 Twitter users (you deliberately forgot the many more comments that said that her race was of no importance and shamed those who said what they did) are saying is not important either, as there will always be idiots/simpletons/hateful people around who look at the race, clan, tribe, ethnicity, social status of a person and starting to hate rather than getting to know the person and forming an opinion about the actual person.

I am just saying what I read in different articles about it, if you now claim the racial attacks were only few, then I will believe you, since I can't read Arabic.

For your information, the example of yours where you wrote that Blacks are publicly ridiculed by your officials,

That is totally new to me...when did an Iranian official ridicule Iranian Blacks?
In his book Ibn Khaldun explains very well who were by far the greatest Muslim scientists und who not really contributed to science.

Go read his book, but be prepared for some uncomfortable truth.

Ibn Khaldun is known as the greatest intellectual of the Arab world, not when it comes to natural sciences, but in social sciences he was way ahead of everybody else. He even had enormous influence on Europe. Of course he also had many opponents, because he wrote some uncomfortable truth.
Show me another Arab thinker who has so many sculptures/statues in the Arab world.
He was not one of many....

No I have no proof, just as you didn't provide any proof that it was introduced to the Arabs by the West.

If that's true then there should be evidence to back that up. I can provide tons of evidences of the extreme anti-black racism in the Arab world, can you provide the same evidence for Iran, Turkey, Indonisia, etc...?

I am just saying what I read in different articles about it, if you now claim the racial attacks were only few, then I will believe you, since I can't read Arabic.

That is totally new to me...when did an Iranian official ridicule Iranian Blacks?

Yes, the Arabs which is common knowledge and which my link confirms for everyone to see. You can compare it with the Iranian list. Irionically most of the well-known Iranians were fully Arabized, adopted fully Arabic names, studied in Arab lands, studied in Arab universities and many of their teachers were Arabs. Flourished under Arab rule and tutelage in other words. How many Iranian scholars and scientists can you mention from the Qajar, Safavid, Mongol, Seljuk etc. dynasties and periods? They can be counted on 1 or 2 hands for a reason.


Arab scholars at an Abbasid library in Baghdad. Maqamat of al-Hariri Illustration, 1237.
This is a list of Arab scientists and scholars from the Muslim World and Spain (Al-Andalus) who lived from antiquity up until the beginning of the modern age, consisting primarily of scholars during the Middle Ages. For a list of contemporary Arab scientists and engineers see List of modern Arab scientists and engineers

Both the Arabic and Latin names are given. The following Muslim naming articles are not used for indexing:

  • Al - the
  • Ibn, bin, banu - son of
  • abu, abi - father of, the one with
  • Ja'far al-Sadiq, theologian and alchemist
  • Jabir ibn Aflah (1100–1150), astronomer and mathematician who invented torquetum
  • Jabir ibn Hayyan (821–915), polymath who is considered the father of chemistry, emphasized systematic experimentation and did much to free alchemy from superstition and turn it into a science
  • Jābir ibn Zayd, theologian and jurist
  • Al-Jawaliqi, grammarian and philologist
  • Al-Jahiz (776, Basra, Iraq–869, Basra, Iraq), historian, biologist and author
  • Al-Jayyānī (989, Cordoba, Spain–1079, Jaen, Spain), mathematician and author
  • Al-Jawbari, alchemist and writer
  • Al-Jabali, physician and mathematician from Al-Andalus
  • Al-Jubba'i (died c. 915), Mu'tazili theologian and philosopher
  • Al-Jazari (1136–1206), inventor, engineer, artisan, mathematician
  • Al-Jarmi (died 840), grammarian of Arabic Language
  • Ibn al-Jazzar (10th century, Qairwan, Tunis), influential 10th-century physician and author
  • Ibn al-Jawzi, heresiographer, historian, hagiographer and philologist
  • Ibn Juzayy (died 1357), historian, scholar and writer of poetry
  • Ibn Juljul (c. 944–c. 994), physician and pharmacologist
  • Ibn Jazla (11th century), physician and author of influential treatise on regimen
  • Ibn Jubayr (1145, Valencia, Spain–1217, Egypt), geographer, traveller and poet, known for his detailed travel journals
  • Waddah al-Yaman (Yemen, ?–Syria, Damscus, 709), poet, famous for his erotic and romantic poems
  • Wasil ibn Ata (700–748), theologian and founder of the Mutazilite school of Islamic thought
  • Wang Daiyu (1292–1342), Chinese Muslim scholar and Philosopher of Arab descent
  • Al-Warraq (889–994), scholar and critic of religions
  • Al-Wafa'i (1408–1471), astronomer
  • Ibn al-Wafid (997–1074), pharmacologist and physician
  • Ibn al-Wardi (1292–1342), historian
  • Ibn Wahb (743–813 CE), jurist of Maliki school
  • Ibn Wahshiyya, Arab alchemist and agriculturalist

I read many of his works. Still not an infallible individual. You have sculptures of 1000's of Arab scholars and scientists across the world.

I can easily proof that.

Arabs in pre-Islamic and Islamic ties praised our beautiful olive skin (the majority skin color of Arabs and Middle Eastern people) (poems and works freely available to this day) but the influence of the West in the Middle East helped change beauty standards for many. This is not news either.

As for slavery, every group of people in Europe employed slaves from the Romans to the primitive Germanic, Slavic and Celtic tribes (at that time).

Arabs employed slaves of all ethnic groups and colors, while Europeans (in the Middle Ages) mostly employed Blacks as slaves hence how millions of Blacks ended up in the Americas.

LOL, am I really supposed to argue why people who are less exposed to people of African origin are likely to be more racist than people who have interacted with Africans (like Arabs) the longest of all Middle Eastern people and who to this day have the largest African minorities? Can't be serious.

Well, you did in this very thread.

See your own post (268) in this thread:

Your own words:

"It doesn't matter how long Blacks lived in Iran, 100 years, 1000 years, million years, totally irrelevant! The only thing that matters is how they were treated and far more important, how they are treated! And the very fact that the Iranian speaker of parlament called the American president a kaka-zia (nigga!), the very fact that such a derogatory term for Blacks even exists in the persian language speaks volumes!"

Anyway, I got to eat some delicious kabsa.
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I don't want to derail this thread so I won't talk about the scientific stuff.

Arabs employed slaves of all ethnic groups and colors, while Europeans (in the Middle Ages) mostly employed Blacks as slaves hence how millions of Blacks ended up in the Americas.

I didn't talk about slavery, but OK, let's open the slave topic.
Yes, Arabs also had white slaves, but not because of racism. (In the US there were also many white Irish slaves)
But what is more important: Arabs had millions and millions of slaves, but when you look in the Arab world today, where are they? Where are their descendants?
When you look at the USA or Brazil, you see millions and millions of descendants of slaves, but you don't see the same in the Arab world, why? Because they were not allowed to reproduce!
In the US, male slaves and female slaves were allowed to marry, reproduce and built a family. (Of course, often the White slave master raped his female slaves, hence today you also have these light-skinned Blacks.)

But in the Arab world the slaves were mostly not allowed to reproduce. The male slaves were castrated and sometimes even double-castrated, their penises were cut off and sometimes also their testicles were cut off, and they were turned into eunuchs! Many died during this process, and those who survived this barbarity lived their whole live as slaves and could never marry a woman and have chlidren. And after this eunuchs died, the Arabs went on the hunt for new slaves, who were once again treated in such a cruel way, and this went on for more than 1000 years (and was finally stoped by Europe).
But there were not only male slaves, what about the female slaves? There were many millions of them, and they were enslaved for the sole purpose of being sex slaves for the Arab slave master. They were not allowed to marry the black male slaves, which would have been impossible anyway (eunuchs). No, millions of females were only enslaved to be sex slaves and fulfill the sexual desires of the Arab slave master! That's why some Arabs today have this mulatto look with small Black features.

So don't try to portray Arab slavery as harmless, it was first and foremost a racist slavery against Blacks and it was way more cruel than the slavery in the Americas! For more than 1000 years the Arab slave trade existed, but today nearly no traces exist of that. In the US you see this huge amount of slave descendants, in the Arab world there should be at least the same amount...

Arab slavery was the most cruel slavery!

LOL, am I really supposed to argue why people who are less exposed to people of African origin are likely to be more racist than people who have interacted with Africans (like Arabs) the longest of all Middle Eastern people and who to this day have the largest African minorities? Can't be serious.

So you don't have any evidences and come up with this explanation?
OK, if the time and amount of exposure to a race is determining, then Arabs should be way more racist to Norwegians and Japanese, right? Because you were less exposed to them than to Blacks!
And White Americans should be far less racist to Blacks than White Europeans, because White Americans were way more exposed to Blacks, right?!
And Germans should be way more racist to Blacks than Arabs, because Germans are only exposed to Blacks since a few decades! Curiously you don't hear any of the horror stories of Black Germans that you hear in tons from Blacks in the Arab world.

If you don't have any evidence, simply say nothing and don't try to hide it by making such a ridiculous explanation.

Well, you did in this very thread.

See your own post (268) in this thread:

Your own words:

"It doesn't matter how long Blacks lived in Iran, 100 years, 1000 years, million years, totally irrelevant! The only thing that matters is how they were treated and far more important, how they are treated! And the very fact that the Iranian speaker of parlament called the American president a kaka-zia (nigga!), the very fact that such a derogatory term for Blacks even exists in the persian language speaks volumes!"

OK, you mean this isolated case. But where did I talk about officialS who "ridicule" blackS ?
This was one man against one man, and he didn't "ridicule" him, he insulted him in a disgusting way.
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I don't want to derail this thread so I won't talk about the scientific stuff.

I didn't talk about slavery, but OK, let's open the slave topic.
Yes, Arabs also had white slaves, but not because of racism. (In the US there were also many white Irish slaves)
But what is more important: Arabs had millions and millions of slaves, but when you look in the Arab world today, where are they? Where are their descendants?
When you look at the USA or Brazil, you see millions and millions of descendants of slaves, but you don't see the same in the Arab world, why? Because they were not allowed to reproduce!
In the US, male slaves and female slaves were allowed to marry, reproduce and built a family. (Of course, often the White slave master raped his female slaves, hence today you also have these light-skinned Blacks.)

But in the Arab world the slaves were mostly not allowed to reproduce. The male slaves were castrated and sometimes even double-castrated, their penises were cut off and sometimes also their testicles were cut off, and they were turned into eunuchs! Many died during this process, and those who survived this barbarity lived their whole live as slaves and could never marry a woman and have chlidren. And after this eunuchs died, the Arabs went on the hunt for new slaves, who were once again treated in such a cruel way, and this went on for more than 1000 years (and was finally stoped by Europe).
But there were not only male slaves, what about the female slaves? There were many millions of them, and they were enslaved for the sole purpose of being sex slaves for the Arab slave master. They were not allowed to marry the black male slaves, which would have been impossible anyway (eunuchs). No, millions of females were only enslaved to be sex slaves and fulfill the sexual desires of the Arab slave master! That's why some Arabs today have this mulatto look with small Black features.

So don't try to portray Arab slavery as harmless, it was first and foremost a racist slavery against Blacks and it was way more cruel than the slavery in the Americas! For more than 1000 years the Arab slave trade existed, but today nearly no traces exist of that. In the US you see this huge amount of slave descendants, in the Arab world there should be at least the same amount...

Arab slavery was the most cruel slavery!

So you don't have any evidences and come up with this explanation?
OK, if the time and amount of exposure to a race is determining, then Arabs should be way more racist to Norwegians and Japanese, right? Because you were less exposed to them than to Blacks!
And White Americans should be far less racist to Blacks than White Europeans, because White Americans were way more exposed to Blacks, right?!
And Germans should be way more racist to Blacks than Arabs, because Germans are only exposed to Blacks since a few decades! Curiously you don't hear any of the horror stories of Black Germans that you hear in tons from Blacks in the Arab world.

If you don't have any evidence, simply say nothing and don't try to hide it by making such a ridiculous explanation.

OK, you mean this isolated case. But where did I talk about officialS who "ridicule" blackS ?
This was one man against one man, and he didn't "ridicule" him, he insulted him in a disgusting way.

Be my guest.

There are millions of Afro-Arabs in the Arab world from Morocco to Oman. Sudan is the result of Arabian men intermarrying with local Nubian (Black) women and modern DNA tests have proven this as well as historical records dating back to over 1000 years ago. Now Sudan is a 44 million strong nation that is projected to reach almost 60 million people by 2030.


Have you taken a look at the national football teams of many Arab countries and noticed the large amount of people of African origins? KSA is a good example. Do you think that those people jumped down from the sky?

In KSA Afro-Arabs have held prominent positions in all walks of life from some of the most celebrated sportsmen, to Grand Imam's of Al-Masjid al-Haram such as Al-Kalbani (there is not a more prestigious religious position in the Islamic world than that), high-ranking military officials, businessmen (the second richest African/Black person in the world is an Afro-Arab with Saudi Arabian citizenship (Yemeni and Ethiopian origins)




So what you are writing is pure nonsense not really connected to the ground realities.

Any prominent Afro-Iranians worth of notice even comparable to just the two people that I mentioned above? I don't think so.

The foremost African historian (of Afro-Arab heritage - paternal Arab family that once ruled parts of the Swahili coastline) said it brilliantly in this video below:

Only 5 minutes long.

In fact I created an entire thread about this topic (slavery in the Arab world):


Find me a similar comment from such a high-ranking official in KSA about Afro-Arabs in KSA as what that Iranian official said (in your own words). You won't be able to find such a primitive comment.
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Be my guest.

There are millions of Afro-Arabs in the Arab world from Morocco to Oman. Sudan is the result of Arabian men intermarrying with local Nubian (Black) women and modern DNA tests have proven this as well as historical records dating back to over 1000 years ago. Now Sudan is a 44 million strong nation that is projected to reach almost 60 million people by 2030.

Sudan is totally irrelevant to this discussion. I'm talking about descendants of Black slaves in North Africa and the rest of the Arab world.
Sudanese are some weird arabized Blacks with many being descendants of Arabs and Blacks, and the ancestors always being an Arab man with a Black woman but never a Black man with an Arab woman! Did the Nubian men 1000 years ago like to give their woman to Arab men without getting Arab woman in return?!! Surely they liked it....
Just as Somalis, Sudanese are self-hating Blacks who permanently face racism from the rest of the Arab world.
So don't bring Sudan into this discussion!

Have you taken a look at the national football teams of many Arab countries and noticed the large amount of people of African origins? KSA is a good example. Do you think that those people jumped down from the sky?

So? It just shows that Arabs from GCC countries suck at football and that's why they let (imported) Blacks to play for them. It's no sign of tolerance!

In KSA Afro-Arabs have held prominent positions in all walks of life from some of the most celebrated sportsmen, to Grand Imam's of Al-Masjid al-Haram such as Al-Kalbani (there is not a more prestigious religious position in the Islamic world than that), high-ranking military officials, businessmen (the second richest African/Black person in the world is an Afro-Arab with Saudi Arabian citizenship (Yemeni and Ethiopian origins)



The two black Arab billionaires are Mo Ibrahim and Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi.

Mo Ibrahim is Sudanese (=weird Arab) and he made his money in England.

Al Amoudi is not fully Black, he is half Arab and half Black, and again his father is Arab and the mother is Black, but never a Black father and an Arab mother!

Al-Kalbani is fully Black and yes, his appointment was a positiv symbol, but if Saudi citizens had a say in whether he should be appointed or not....know where your place is abeed!

If a Saudi is too lazy for a job or if he considers a job to be below his honour, this job may go to Blacks....don't portray this as tolerance!

Any prominent Afro-Iranians worth of notice even comparable to just the two people that I mentioned above? I don't think so.

Correct. My counter-question: Any horror stories from Black Iranians that you permanently hear in masses from Blacks in the Arab world?

The foremost African historian (of Afro-Arab heritage - paternal Arab family that once ruled parts of the Swahili coastline) said it brilliantly in this video below:

Only 5 minutes long.

I watched it, this man is total apologetic, his sole aim is to portray American slavery as worse, which it wasn't, as I explained in #293.
First he says Arab settlers "intermarried" with locals, so again (how could it be else) Arab men and Black woman….did the locals give their woman voluntarily to the Arab men?!

Then he says "Arab slavery mixed races, anglo-Saxon slavery separated races" :hitwall:
How did this mixture occur? Was it a harmonious mixture? I take the local woman, force them to be my sex slaves, and then children are born….well yes, this is an absolutely great mixture, waaaayyy better than in the US where slaves were allowed to marry each other, have children, have family….

And then he asks "where are the slaves in the world Arab today?"
Yes correct, I am asking the same question: Where are they? And I already gave the answer! If I enslave a man, cut his penis off, cut his testicles off, take away his ability to reproduce, then he will never have any descendants, and generations later my own descendants can claim "Our forefathers never had slaves"!

This historian only wants to bash the West. But I can understand why he does it, he is a descendant of Arab slave masters and Black female slaves, he somehow tries to find peace with the nature of his own existence, he is like the Somali guy who in this thread claimed "Blacks are as racist as others"....such people always twist the reality, always change the facts because facing the truth is too painfull.

In fact I created an entire thread about this topic (slavery in the Arab world):


I read the whole first page: nothing but deflections, nothing but excuses, and lies.

The funniest thing is when Arabs come up with stuff like "our slaves were treated better, they were officials, they governed, etc..." Yeah right, you cut my dick off, cut my balls off, rob me of my right to ever have a wife and children, at the same time you use my woman as sex slaves, then you put me in an administrativ position and tell me that I should be thankful for that….wow, I'm really impressed!!!

Arab slavery was the most cruel slavery in world history!

Find me a similar comment from such a high-ranking official in KSA about Afro-Arabs in KSA as what that Iranian official said (in your own words). You won't be able to find such a primitive comment.

Yes, this one case proofs that Blacks in Iran are treated worse than in Arab countries...…

First, why you talk about "KSA about Afro-Arabs"? The right equivalence is "KSA about the American president".

Larijani said this because the US is the enemy, and because he wanted to portray Obama as the slave of the rich White man (which is true). But still this insult was disgusting and totally unacceptable.

Anti-Black racism exists in Iran, I never denied it, and I am the only one in this thread who admitted it while all others in this thread denied it, but it's not a big major thing in Iranian society.

No Iranian calls a Black man a slave, while the common word for Blacks in Arab countries is abeed!

Blacks in Iran are in no leading positions, and fortunately such nonsense as quotas for woman and quotas for racial minorities are not an Iranian thing, but apart from this Blacks in Iran can be found in all walks of life, they live like all other Iranians, and they are not treated nearly as badly as in most other Muslim countries (give me evidence that proofs the opposite), and they are not viewed as slaves.

This one that I posted is the perfect example:


Why are there 250000 non-Arab domestic workers in Lebanon. More than one million Syrian refugees live in Lebanon, why not employing them as domestic workers? Is it unacceptable for the Arab Herrenmensch to work as a domestic worker? Why do Arab countries never import poor Arabs as domestic servants? And why are these servants always treated so brutally?

Iranians don't import foreign domestic workers. There are three million Afghan refugees in Iran, and many wealthy Iranians employ them as domestic workers. Yes, there is discrimination against Afghans, but not because of racism, Afghans are an Iranian race, but you don't hear the horror stories that you permanently hear out of the Arab world.

So as I said: Don't twist the reality! Arabs are elite Black-haters, they are extremist Black-haters!!!
Sudan is totally irrelevant to this discussion. I'm talking about descendants of Black slaves in North Africa and the rest of the Arab world.
Sudanese are some weird arabized Blacks with many being descendants of Arabs and Blacks, and the ancestors always being an Arab man with a Black woman but never a Black man with an Arab woman! Did the Nubian men 1000 years ago like to give their woman to Arab men without getting Arab woman in return?!! Surely they liked it....
Just as Somalis, Sudanese are self-hating Blacks who permanently face racism from the rest of the Arab world.
So don't bring Sudan into this discussion!

So? It just shows that Arabs from GCC countries suck at football and that's why they let (imported) Blacks to play for them. It's no sign of tolerance!

The two black Arab billionaires are Mo Ibrahim and Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi.

Mo Ibrahim is Sudanese (=weird Arab) and he made his money in England.

Al Amoudi is not fully Black, he is half Arab and half Black, and again his father is Arab and the mother is Black, but never a Black father and an Arab mother!

Al-Kalbani is fully Black and yes, his appointment was a positiv symbol, but if Saudi citizens had a say in whether he should be appointed or not....know where your place is abeed!

If a Saudi is too lazy for a job or if he considers a job to be below his honour, this job may go to Blacks....don't portray this as tolerance!

Correct. My counter-question: Any horror stories from Black Iranians that you permanently hear in masses from Blacks in the Arab world?

I watched it, this man is total apologetic, his sole aim is to portray American slavery as worse, which it wasn't, as I explained in #293.
First he says Arab settlers "intermarried" with locals, so again (how could it be else) Arab men and Black woman….did the locals give their woman voluntarily to the Arab men?!

Then he says "Arab slavery mixed races, anglo-Saxon slavery separated races" :hitwall:
How did this mixture occur? Was it a harmonious mixture? I take the local woman, force them to be my sex slaves, and then children are born….well yes, this is an absolutely great mixture, waaaayyy better than in the US where slaves were allowed to marry each other, have children, have family….

And then he asks "where are the slaves in the world Arab today?"
Yes correct, I am asking the same question: Where are they? And I already gave the answer! If I enslave a man, cut his penis off, cut his testicles off, take away his ability to reproduce, then he will never have any descendants, and generations later my own descendants can claim "Our forefathers never had slaves"!

This historian only wants to bash the West. But I can understand why he does it, he is a descendant of Arab slave masters and Black female slaves, he somehow tries to find peace with the nature of his own existence, he is like the Somali guy who in this thread claimed "Blacks are as racist as others"....such people always twist the reality, always change the facts because facing the truth is too painfull.

I read the whole first page: nothing but deflections, nothing but excuses, and lies.

The funniest thing is when Arabs come up with stuff like "our slaves were treated better, they were officials, they governed, etc..." Yeah right, you cut my dick off, cut my balls off, rob me of my right to ever have a wife and children, at the same time you use my woman as sex slaves, then you put me in an administrativ position and tell me that I should be thankful for that….wow, I'm really impressed!!!

Arab slavery was the most cruel slavery in world history!

Yes, this one case proofs that Blacks in Iran are treated worse than in Arab countries...…

First, why you talk about "KSA about Afro-Arabs"? The right equivalence is "KSA about the American president".

Larijani said this because the US is the enemy, and because he wanted to portray Obama as the slave of the rich White man (which is true). But still this insult was disgusting and totally unacceptable.

Anti-Black racism exists in Iran, I never denied it, and I am the only one in this thread who admitted it while all others in this thread denied it, but it's not a big major thing in Iranian society.

No Iranian calls a Black man a slave, while the common word for Blacks in Arab countries is abeed!

Blacks in Iran are in no leading positions, and fortunately such nonsense as quotas for woman and quotas for racial minorities are not an Iranian thing, but apart from this Blacks in Iran can be found in all walks of life, they live like all other Iranians, and they are not treated nearly as badly as in most other Muslim countries (give me evidence that proofs the opposite), and they are not viewed as slaves.

This one that I posted is the perfect example:


Why are there 250000 non-Arab domestic workers in Lebanon. More than one million Syrian refugees live in Lebanon, why not employing them as domestic workers? Is it unacceptable for the Arab Herrenmensch to work as a domestic worker? Why do Arab countries never import poor Arabs as domestic servants? And why are these servants always treated so brutally?

Iranians don't import foreign domestic workers. There are three million Afghan refugees in Iran, and many wealthy Iranians employ them as domestic workers. Yes, there is discrimination against Afghans, but not because of racism, Afghans are an Iranian race, but you don't hear the horror stories that you permanently hear out of the Arab world.

So as I said: Don't twist the reality! Arabs are elite Black-haters, they are extremist Black-haters!!!

You must be some elite troll.

Yes, Sudan, an ENTIRE 44 million strong country, mostly the result of Arab and Nubian/Beja intermarriage etc. is not an example of successful and peaceful coexistence. Is this a joke?

You should ask them as no military conquest took place. Locals willingly accepted Islam and intermingled with Arabs and vice versa.

No, it shows that Afro-Arabs are an existing community and not some hidden minority in all Arab countries from Morocco to Oman. As for sports, it is well-known that Blacks dominate sports. KSA is the most successful football nation in West Asia. Only Japan (all of Asia) has been more successful historically.

They are Arabs/Afro-Arabs and the most successful Black people in the world. Perfectly emphasizes my point.

Afro-Arabs are a small minority (overall) in the Arab world because they are not natives to the Arab world. Most modern-day Afro-Arabs in KSA/Arabia are the result of African pilgrims visiting and staying for good as well. Hence the diverse origins of theirs.

If you treat your "Afghan cousins" in this way, anyone can imagine how you treat your mostly poor Afro Iranians. You have been a closed pariah state in the past 4 decades. Hardly any foreign media is present so ridiculous to compare it with Lebanon. HRW and other organizations frequently report what you blame Arabs for in Iran as well (mistreatment of domestic workers, foreigners included)

Iran has millions of poor people why do they need to employ impoverished Afghans mostly poor Mongol looking Shia Hazaras? Are those your new "cousins"? Everyone also knows the reality of Kurds in Iran and those human mules.




Kabul Protests After Iran Cages Afghan Detainees


The esteemed professor and foremost authority on the Swahili region is just telling the truth and as it does not suit your agenda, you just dismiss it with nonsense claims. Not my problem.

You must be talking about yourself, Afro-Arabs in KSA live peacefully and are far more successful than Afro Iranians can dream about!

Honestly there is no point for me to engage in this "discussion" as you are not interested in any scholarly discussion just to somehow pursue your agenda of "Arabs bad" and "Arabs hating Blacks" nonsense. So continue doing that.

EDIT: As for Black on Black racism, that is pretty much a common theme all across Sub-Saharan Africa. I suggest reading up on how minorities are treated, Pygmies and how South Africans treat African migrants. They are killed openly on the street in broad daylight. But hey, "evil Arabs" and all, all while Arabs host more people of Black origin than anywhere else in the region. How easy it would be to have killed them all centuries ago. Like the Europeans did with the African community pre-slavery and post-slavery until modern migration from former Western slave colonies (ironically).
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Can COVID19 bring Murad Seid and Bilawal Bhutto together?

Sorry wrong thread.

Someone know how to delete posts? usually moderators do it for me
You should ask them as no military conquest took place.

No military conquest in Sudan.....you know there is Google, right?

I won't say anything more to the Arab-Black topic, everybody here can judge for himself who is right and who is wrong.

You have been a closed pariah state in the past 4 decades. Hardly any foreign media is present so ridiculous to compare it with Lebanon.

Iran is not more closed to foreign media than your country, but even if it were, we live in the age of social media, it's absolutely no problem to get stories out.

If you treat your "Afghan cousins" in this way, anyone can imagine how you treat your mostly poor Afro Iranians. You have been a closed pariah state in the past 4 decades. Hardly any foreign media is present so ridiculous to compare it with Lebanon. HRW and other organizations frequently report what you blame Arabs for in Iran as well (mistreatment of domestic workers, foreigners included)

Iran has millions of poor people why do they need to employ impoverished Afghans mostly poor Mongol looking Shia Hazaras? Are those your new "cousins"? Everyone also knows the reality of Kurds in Iran and those human mules.




Kabul Protests After Iran Cages Afghan Detainees


1. I was talking about domestic servants.

2. Iranians also employ poor Iranians (as my family does).

3. Iranians didn't want Afghans to come, they didn't import them as cheap labor.

4. Iran has the most dangerous border in the world with the most dangerous drug smuggling route in the world.

5. It's not acceptable that this people are treated this way, but again, Iran didn't want them to come. For decades Iran had the biggest refugee population in the world. How is that possible?

6. There is social media, if these things were common in Iran, we would permanently see such pictures.
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