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Do Black African Muslims have ANY compassion for Kashmiri and Pakistani Muslims?

The probability is very high, because there exists absolutely no evidence that Black African Muslims are racist towards anybody!

And how is it the other way around?

In this thread I have provided dozens of evidences (from mostly Pakistanis sources) of the deep-seated racial hatred of Pakistanis towards Blacks, even if this Blacks are Muslims! If you want me to, I can repost those evidences.

What about Indians? There are tons of evidences of the fanatical anti-black racism of Indians, I will post just one:

Pakistanis always claim that they are totally different than the Hindus, in many areas this probally is true, but when it comes to Blacks, that's a lie. Despite their major disagreements, they agree on Blacks. Pakistanis and Hindus are brothers in arms when it comes to hating Black Africans, here Pakistanis and Hindus are one!

And now we come to Kashmiris. Kashmir is part of Pakistan and of India. Kashmiris are product of the same south Asian culture, so my conclusion is that the probability is extremely high that Kashmiris feel exactly the same about Blacks as Pakistanis and Hindus do!

So again my question:

Do Kashmiri Muslims, who live under Hindu oppression, have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?
fanatical anti-black racism of Indians,

for us indians are themselves like blacks specially if they see some sun

LOL the woman in 33:09 she does not have a mirror? :rofl:
My point is:

Do Kashmiri Muslims, who live in oppression, have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?

Yes the ones from Pakistan . Our brothers .

Blacks in the UK (and in the USA) are totally irrelevant to this discussion, they are not Muslims! This thread is about Blacks in the Muslim world, it is about the relationship between Black Muslims and non-black Muslims! Your post would only matter if it were Muslim Blacks who are racist towards others! So don't try to change the subject!

And now back to the topic:

Do oppressed Kashmiri Muslims have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?

Your kidding right ? There’s Millions of black Muslims in UK / US lol

are they not African enough ?

The probability is very high, because there exists absolutely no evidence that Black African Muslims are racist towards anybody!

And how is it the other way around?

In this thread I have provided dozens of evidences (from mostly Pakistanis sources) of the deep-seated racial hatred of Pakistanis towards Blacks, even if this Blacks are Muslims! If you want me to, I can repost those evidences.

What about Indians? There are tons of evidences of the fanatical anti-black racism of Indians, I will post just one:

Pakistanis always claim that they are totally different than the Hindus, in many areas this probally is true, but when it comes to Blacks, that's a lie. Despite their major disagreements, they agree on Blacks. Pakistanis and Hindus are brothers in arms when it comes to hating Black Africans, here Pakistanis and Hindus are one!

And now we come to Kashmiris. Kashmir is part of Pakistan and of India. Kashmiris are product of the same south Asian culture, so my conclusion is that the probability is extremely high that Kashmiris feel exactly the same about Blacks as Pakistanis and Hindus do!

So again my question:

Do Kashmiri Muslims, who live under Hindu oppression, have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?


Only African Kashmiri have compassion and love for is above Pakistani African who support us and help us throughout the occupation .

rest .... nope none zilch
Yes the ones from Pakistan . Our brothers .

But Black Muslims from Africa are not your brothers?

Your kidding right ? There’s Millions of black Muslims in UK / US lol

are they not African enough ?

That's a total lie!

In the UK, the number of Black Muslims is 200K to 300K, and they face permanent racism from their Muslim "brothers", first and foremost from Pakistanis. If you want me to, I can give you evidence for that.

In the US, Black Muslims are mainly converts, and their number is about 750K, and they face permanent racism from their Muslim "brothers", first and foremost from Pakistanis. If you want me to, I can give you evidence for that.

View attachment 621094

Only African Kashmiri have compassion and love for is above Pakistani African who support us and help us throughout the occupation .

rest .... nope none zilch

I don't understand this, please rewrite it in proper English.
But Black Muslims from Africa are not your brothers?

That's a total lie!

In the UK, the number of Black Muslims is 200K to 300K, and they face permanent racism from their Muslim "brothers", first and foremost from Pakistanis. If you want me to, I can give you evidence for that.

In the US, Black Muslims are mainly converts, and their number is about 750K, and they face permanent racism from their Muslim "brothers", first and foremost from Pakistanis. If you want me to, I can give you evidence for that.

I don't understand this, please rewrite it in proper English.

This guy has kept making one dumb statement after another. He is running with "only African Muslims love other Muslims and others don't do the same". For goodness sake, can you spare us with your crap? The world is large, Muslims are close to 2 billion Muslims, each region has its own problems and challenges, and those outside of the African continent have a genuine goodwill toward their brethren in Africa. Now, your tired line is making no sense, so could you please give it up?
Now, your tired line is making no sense, so could you please give it up?

For too long, Muslims have maintained their victimhood. Muslims always talk about the crimes of others against them, but they never want talk about their own wrongdoings. This has to stop now!

I know I'm getting on your nerves, I'm getting on the nerves of the vast majority of people in this forum, because I'm talking about a topic that all others want to sweep under the rug, they just want to apply "don't ask don't tell", but this won't work anymore. I don't post my personal opinion, I only post evidences!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

The main issue in the Muslim world today is not Palestine, or Kashmir, or Uigurs, or Rohingas....no, the main issue is the extreme racial hatred of Muslims towards their Black "brothers"!!!
Before Muslims talk about the crimes of others, they first have to clean their own house!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

So you and others can open one thread after the other about the anti-muslim crimes of the Israelis, of the Indians, of the Chinese, etc.....and I will continue to post in this thread about the crimes that Muslims commit against their own people! And I could immediately post tens of evidences of that crimes, but I won't do it, I will post just one evidence, then wait a while, then post the next evidence, then wait a while, and so on...., so that this thread will be permanently at the top of the Middle East section, so that all PDF readers have to permanently confront themselves the wrongdoings of their own community!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

So no, I will not stop, I'm just at the beginning, many more evidences will follow!
For too long, Muslims have maintained their victimhood. Muslims always talk about the crimes of others against them, but they never want talk about their own wrongdoings. This has to stop now!

I know I'm getting on your nerves, I'm getting on the nerves of the vast majority of people in this forum, because I'm talking about a topic that all others want to sweep under the rug, they just want to apply "don't ask don't tell", but this won't work anymore. I don't post my personal opinion, I only post evidences!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

The main issue in the Muslim world today is not Palestine, or Kashmir, or Uigurs, or Rohingas....no, the main issue is the extreme racial hatred of Muslims towards their Black "brothers"!!!
Before Muslims talk about the crimes of others, they first have to clean their own house!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

So you and others can open one thread after the other about the anti-muslim crimes of the Israelis, of the Indians, of the Chinese, etc.....and I will continue to post in this thread about the crimes that Muslims commit against their own people! And I could immediately post tens of evidences of that crimes, but I won't do it, I will post just one evidence, then wait a while, then post the next evidence, then wait a while, and so on...., so that this thread will be permanently at the top of the Middle East section, so that all PDF readers have to permanently confront themselves the wrongdoings of their own community!

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

So no, I will not stop, I'm just at the beginning, many more evidences will follow!

Racism against blacks universal




Only a black person knows what it is to be black.

We may have empathy for their uphill struggle and stand in solidarity with them, but we can never walk in their shoes.

So let’s stop pretending we know what’s happening in the minds of young black men in Ferguson, Missouri.

And as to those, such as Iranian “Supreme” Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who are lecturing the U.S., let me assure them anti-black racism is ubiquitous all over the world, from Iran to China, to the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, to the Arab Middle East.

I am sure Khamenei is aware of such racist terms in the Persian language as “Siyaah Zangi” and “Kaakaa Siaah”, equivalent to the “N-word” and applied to descendants of African slaves brought to Hormuz by Portuguese and Arab slave traders.

Iranian-American writer Shalizeh Nadjmi in her essay, “Siaah Sookhteh” (Charcoal Face) notes that even in America, Iranian “exposure to ideas on racial equality [learned] at school are buried under racist mentalities perpetuated at home by parents and aunts and uncles.”

For those who believe institutional racism against blacks is a product solely of white America, let me assure you this cancer pre-dates Columbus and the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

As early as 1377, no less a scholar than the eminent historian Ibn Khaldun wrote:

“The Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little that is (essentially) human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals.”

No wonder the status of blacks in the Arab world is dismal.

The genocide of black African Darfuris by men who called themselves “Arab Janjaweed” is a testament to Arab, anti-black racism. Even today, the term many use to address blacks in Arab countries is, “Ya Abdi” (O my slave).

While America and the West have been confronting issues of race and racism, such efforts are virtually non-existent in the rest of the world, where allegations of racism are met with denial.

In China, anti-black racism erupted in the 1988 anti-African protests that led to mass demonstrations and riots in the city of Nanjing and lasted from December to the following January.

The racist behaviour of many students in China led to Prof. Barry Sautman of Hong Kong University penning an essay “Anti-Black Racism in Post-Mao China” in 1994.

As a child growing up in Pakistan, I heard the term “Kaaliya” — the “N-word” in most Indo-Pakistan languages — uttered without embarrassment to describe people of black African descent, whose forefathers were sold as slaves in India by Arab slave traders up to the 19th century.

Prof. Saba Dashtiyari, a Baloch nationalist who was assassinated in 2011, once recalled that anytime he would get on a bus going towards Karachi University, he would notice fellow students put their hands on their wallets and clasp their purses.

He was black, of African heritage, and that meant other Pakistanis saw him as a criminal.

So next time you watch the anger of young black men on display, remember the words of Trayvon Martin’s mother in a letter to Michael Brown’s mother:

“If they refuse to hear us, we will make them feel us.”

A few days of street violence protesting the shooting death of another mother’s son, is a small price to pay for a thousand years of injustice that does not seem likely to go away anytime soon.


But I know, it is only a few individuals that are racist towards Blacks, right?!
Racism against blacks universal




Only a black person knows what it is to be black.

We may have empathy for their uphill struggle and stand in solidarity with them, but we can never walk in their shoes.

So let’s stop pretending we know what’s happening in the minds of young black men in Ferguson, Missouri.

And as to those, such as Iranian “Supreme” Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who are lecturing the U.S., let me assure them anti-black racism is ubiquitous all over the world, from Iran to China, to the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, to the Arab Middle East.

I am sure Khamenei is aware of such racist terms in the Persian language as “Siyaah Zangi” and “Kaakaa Siaah”, equivalent to the “N-word” and applied to descendants of African slaves brought to Hormuz by Portuguese and Arab slave traders.

Iranian-American writer Shalizeh Nadjmi in her essay, “Siaah Sookhteh” (Charcoal Face) notes that even in America, Iranian “exposure to ideas on racial equality [learned] at school are buried under racist mentalities perpetuated at home by parents and aunts and uncles.”

For those who believe institutional racism against blacks is a product solely of white America, let me assure you this cancer pre-dates Columbus and the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

As early as 1377, no less a scholar than the eminent historian Ibn Khaldun wrote:

“The Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little that is (essentially) human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals.”

No wonder the status of blacks in the Arab world is dismal.

The genocide of black African Darfuris by men who called themselves “Arab Janjaweed” is a testament to Arab, anti-black racism. Even today, the term many use to address blacks in Arab countries is, “Ya Abdi” (O my slave).

While America and the West have been confronting issues of race and racism, such efforts are virtually non-existent in the rest of the world, where allegations of racism are met with denial.

In China, anti-black racism erupted in the 1988 anti-African protests that led to mass demonstrations and riots in the city of Nanjing and lasted from December to the following January.

The racist behaviour of many students in China led to Prof. Barry Sautman of Hong Kong University penning an essay “Anti-Black Racism in Post-Mao China” in 1994.

As a child growing up in Pakistan, I heard the term “Kaaliya” — the “N-word” in most Indo-Pakistan languages — uttered without embarrassment to describe people of black African descent, whose forefathers were sold as slaves in India by Arab slave traders up to the 19th century.

Prof. Saba Dashtiyari, a Baloch nationalist who was assassinated in 2011, once recalled that anytime he would get on a bus going towards Karachi University, he would notice fellow students put their hands on their wallets and clasp their purses.

He was black, of African heritage, and that meant other Pakistanis saw him as a criminal.

So next time you watch the anger of young black men on display, remember the words of Trayvon Martin’s mother in a letter to Michael Brown’s mother:

“If they refuse to hear us, we will make them feel us.”

A few days of street violence protesting the shooting death of another mother’s son, is a small price to pay for a thousand years of injustice that does not seem likely to go away anytime soon.


But I know, it is only a few individuals that are racist towards Blacks, right?!

Do you spend your entire life crying about racism directed at blacks?
Do you spend your entire life crying about racism directed at blacks?

No, normally I only spend 99% of my life crying about racism against Blacks, but currently because of Corona I spend 100% of my life crying and peeing in my bed because of racism against Blacks!
No, normally I only spend 99% of my life crying about racism against Blacks, but currently because of Corona I spend 100% of my life crying and peeing in my bed because of racism against Blacks!

Bro, you are an Iranian. Some of the most beautiful and nicest people on earth. Your girls are the best looking on the entire planet. Enjoy the fruits of your race, be happy and prosperous. The blacks are not your problem and neither are they mine's. Peace out.
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