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No military conquest in Sudan.....you know there is Google, right?

I won't say anything more to the Arab-Black topic, everybody here can judge for himself who is right and who is wrong.

Iran is not more closed to foreign media than your country, but even if it were, we live in the age of social media, it's absolutely no problem to get stories out.

1. I was talking about domestic servants.

2. Iranians also employ poor Iranians (as my family does).

3. Iranians didn't want Afghans to come, they didn't import them as cheap labor.

4. Iran has the most dangerous border in the world with the most dangerous drug smuggling route in the world.

5. It's not acceptable that this people are treated this way, but again, Iran didn't want them to come. For decades Iran had the biggest refugee population in the world. How is that possible?

6. There is social media, if these things were common in Iran, we would permanently see such pictures.

Most Arabs that settled in Sudan did not settle 1400 years ago during the Islamic conquests but from the 10th century onwards. It was a gradual process that ended not long ago. The most recent migrants across the Red Sea from the Arabian Peninsula are the Rashaida who migrated to Sudan and Eritrea (coastal mountainous regions) less than 200 years ago and even they have intermarried with locals. So much for the ingrained racism theory.

You don't want to because it shatters your agenda. Same goes with Horn of Africa and Arab relations.

I highly doubt that. When someone farts in KSA it becomes top news the world over. Recently we had 100.000's of foreigners (Westerners and non-Muslims mainly) visiting the country and exploring it hence the many 100's of Youtube travel vlogs from KSA.

There are also millions of expats, workers etc. from every corner of the world (millions of fellow Arabs too) in KSA so nothing can be hidden. In this sense Iran is much more "closed off". In fact KSA receives 16-20 million foreign visitors each year placing KSA in the top 15 of most visited countries.

Let me put it in another way, Dubai (1 single city) receives more foreign visits than all of Iran.

The function of "domestic servant" is dying out in the Arab world. For instance most "domestic servants", such as domestic drivers, lost their job in KSA as their livelihood was taken away from them due to the ridiculous 35 year old ban on women driving was removed.

1) Most domestic servants in the GCC (I don't know about the situation in detail in Lebanon or say in Morocco) are Filipino women who are well respected and who take care of small children while the parents are working. Making food, looking after the children and cleaning the house. More or less the same job they do in Western Europe!

2) Arabs employ mostly poor Arabs as well.

3) Arabs did not want millions of illegal Ethiopians and others coming either or African pilgrims "disappearing" in KSA and not returning home after their visa ran out.

Suggest watching this documentary made by France24 where you can see the ongoing trail of Ethiopians/Horn of Africans (and they are better off than most Africans!) risking their life to travel to KSA (illegally) crossing war torn Yemen even!

4) And the borders of the Arab world are perfectly safe? The biggest horde of migrants in the world (Sub-Saharan Africans) are crossing the Arab world in the millions to reach Europe next door. Or the GCC. See the documentary that I posted.

Iran's sole truly unstable borders are with Afghanistan and Pakistan and those borders are mainly desert/empty and there is no huge population movement in those regions. Those are mostly Baloch smugglers. In fact ironically Baloch (historically a poor people) have been looking towards Arabia for greener pastures hence the large Baloch minorities in the GCC in particular Oman.

5) If I used your tactic I could stupidly claim that all Iranians treat Afghans this way when this is not the truth. Similarly when you post some hand-picked articles of some woman from Burundi committing suicide or complaining about ill treatment in Lebanon. There is a problem of (occasional) mistreatment of domestic workers in both the Arab world and Iran and actually everywhere else. You think that this does not occur in Europe or the US? Ever read about how Mexicans and Latinos are taken advantage of in the US or how even fellow EU citizens from Eastern Europe were taken advantage off in Western Europe, mostly carpenters etc and au pair girls?

6) Well, it is not news for the rest of the world. However I am sure that Afghan media has been frequently reporting every such case. How many in the West know about the Kurdish mules in Iran?

Fact of the matter is that your agenda is ridiculous. Most educated people in 2020 are not looking at the skin color, ethnicity or whatever when they interact with people. Or maybe you do that at your workplace? As for personal beliefs, everyone of us is guilty of racist/prejudice/ignorance.

And let us face it, Arab world/Iran have come a HUGE way since slavery was legal in both regions of the world less than 100 years ago, as my examples showcase.

Is there still bias? Of course. Would an Arab/Iranian/Turkish father (most of them at least) be reluctant to give his daughter away to say a Somalian or Tanzanian? Sure. You think it is any different the other way around? But let me tell you something. It would be the EXACT same thing if an Arab/Iranian father had to give his daughter away to say a Chinese man. Mostly due to the great difference in appearance/culture/religion etc. That is the reason not freaking skin color.

The only think that I can think about (in terms of dislike) is the behavior of some illegal African migrants in the Arab world. But guess what, anti-migrant/anti-illegal migrant sentiments are normal across the entire world if said community is threatening you economically. This "dislike" is mostly originating from "poor/less accomplished" Arabs whose jobs are threatened with cheaper African workforce.

The people who dislike those illegals the most in the GCC, are actually not locals, but legal migrants whose jobs they steal.

Lastly I am yet to see, a single anti-Black Arab PDF user to date. We have no problems with Africans and have had older ties with them than most other Muslims if not all other Muslims. Muslim Africans have historically been friends of Arabs from Senegal to the Swahili coastline. So why should we hate/dislike them? Ever wondered how come most African Muslims look very favorably at Arabs?

Not only Muslim Africans, Christian Africans such as the Habesha have ancient (millennia old) ties to the Arab world (Arabia mainly) and are a result of Arabian/local intermarriages.

I personally find Africans (Horners especially) to be some of the most welcoming and warm people out there. Never had a single bad experience.
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The last thing I have to tell you:

Normally, the West would ruthlessly use your slave trading past against you, they would mercilessly put pressure on you, start a never seen media campaign against you, force you to pay compensation to Blacks (which would mainly benefit Western industries), and so on.
But the Arabs have a very effective weapon against that: the Jewish slave trade!
Basically nobody ever heard of Jewish involvement in slavery, and not just the trans-atlantic slavery, but jewish slavery in Europe in the last 2000 years, jewish involvement in Arab slavery, jewish slave trade between Arabs/Ottomans and Europe!
The White slave trade is perfectly known, Arab slave trade was long concealed but is now also well known, but absolutely nobody ever heard of Jewish slavery, the Jews took care that the world doesn't know, it is essentially important for Israel to maintain the "Jewish victim"-narrativ! If the West would start making Arab slavery a huge topic in the world, Arabs could perfectly counter by bringing up the Jewish slave trade!
So in a way, Arabs should be thankful for the Jewish slave trade...
Racism in Saudi Arabia

Poor girl....but what do you expact, Saudis call Blacks abeed, so it's logical that they treat her as an abeed!

Totally horrific, especially the first video....how fanatic does your racism has to be that you absolutly do not care! I'm speechless, Arab racism is just :crazy::crazy::crazy:

But at least the Arab guy doesn't try to hide the truth, not like certain other guys who always lie about it. He openly talks about this problem, good man!
Do oppressed Kashmiri Muslims have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?
Do oppressed Kashmiri Muslims have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?

There are many blacks especially here in the UK who love White people but hate all "Brown people". Be they Pakistanis, Iranians, Arabs, Turks, indians, South American Brown people etc. They also hate East Asians too. Don't underestimate black racists either.
There are many blacks especially here in the UK who love White people but hate all "Brown people". Be they Pakistanis, Iranians, Arabs, Turks, indians, South American Brown people etc. They also hate East Asians too. Don't underestimate black racists either.

Blacks in the UK (and in the USA) are totally irrelevant to this discussion, they are not Muslims! This thread is about Blacks in the Muslim world, it is about the relationship between Black Muslims and non-black Muslims! Your post would only matter if it were Muslim Blacks who are racist towards others! So don't try to change the subject!

And now back to the topic:

Do oppressed Kashmiri Muslims have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?
Blacks in the UK (and in the USA) are totally irrelevant to this discussion, they are not Muslims! This thread is about Blacks in the Muslim world, it is about the relationship between Black Muslims and non-black Muslims! Your post would only matter if it were Muslim Blacks who are racist towards others! So don't try to change the subject!

And now back to the topic:

Do oppressed Kashmiri Muslims have any Ummah love and compassion for Black African Muslims?

WHAT makes you think Black Muslims are not racist?
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