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With this argumentation racism in the West could never have been fought.

When I was younger, I also only blamed the West and unconditionally defended the Muslims. Only the West was evil, Muslims could do no wrong! Muslims are always only victims but never perpetrators! Then I got in older and older, till one day I couldn't live this lie anymore.

I'm so sick of the Muslim victim mentality, I can't hear anymore! The West makes many evil things, but there are so many people in the West who criticize this crimes, no matter what the topic is.
And the Muslims? Just look at this thread, read the posts, this thread is the perfect example.....was there just one guy who said "Yes bro you are right, our treatment of Blacks is a shame, it is shameful that we think this way"? No, nothing! One or two guys shortly agreed with me, but 98% just used the typical Muslim victim behaviour: lying and deniying! I post one evidence after the other, and what do de see: lying and deniying.
And when you look at the posts, you can see that they (maybe also you) don't even have a bad conscience about it: they WANT to be racist, they WANT to hate Blacks! They would not even think for a second to change their behaviour....but I know, Palestine, Kashmir, Uigurs, blablabla....

Believe me, Black Muslims don't need me to feel alone or hated, they know they are, everytime they interact with their non-black "brothers" they understand that they can't expect any love or compassion.

I could tell many stories of how Blacks were treated by Muslims....have you ever seen a grown man who has tears in his eyes because the guys who are supposed to be his brothers feel nothing but hate and disgust towards him, and that only because of his skin colour? I have....and I can't get those pictures out of my head!

So no, I will not calm down, I will continue to permanently post here! I will go against this Muslim victim bubble that also exists in this forum as it exists in the real world...

No more Muslim victimhood!!!
yo likeeeeeeeee BBC ??



i meant the news agency
With this argumentation racism in the West could never have been fought.

When I was younger, I also only blamed the West and unconditionally defended the Muslims. Only the West was evil, Muslims could do no wrong! Muslims are always only victims but never perpetrators! Then I got in older and older, till one day I couldn't live this lie anymore.

I'm so sick of the Muslim victim mentality, I can't hear anymore! The West makes many evil things, but there are so many people in the West who criticize this crimes, no matter what the topic is.
And the Muslims? Just look at this thread, read the posts, this thread is the perfect example.....was there just one guy who said "Yes bro you are right, our treatment of Blacks is a shame, it is shameful that we think this way"? No, nothing! One or two guys shortly agreed with me, but 98% just used the typical Muslim victim behaviour: lying and deniying! I post one evidence after the other, and what do de see: lying and deniying.
And when you look at the posts, you can see that they (maybe also you) don't even have a bad conscience about it: they WANT to be racist, they WANT to hate Blacks! They would not even think for a second to change their behaviour....but I know, Palestine, Kashmir, Uigurs, blablabla....

Believe me, Black Muslims don't need me to feel alone or hated, they know they are, everytime they interact with their non-black "brothers" they understand that they can't expect any love or compassion.

I could tell many stories of how Blacks were treated by Muslims....have you ever seen a grown man who has tears in his eyes because the guys who are supposed to be his brothers feel nothing but hate and disgust towards him, and that only because of his skin colour? I have....and I can't get those pictures out of my head!

So no, I will not calm down, I will continue to permanently post here! I will go against this Muslim victim bubble that also exists in this forum as it exists in the real world...

No more Muslim victimhood!!!

You need a proper place for this, over here you'll just be pouring water in a basket...you wanna change some mind and have contents to share then better you try to contact some channels or share your thoughts on religious forums and facebook pages
You need a proper place for this, over here you'll just be pouring water in a basket...you wanna change some mind and have contents to share then better you try to contact some channels or share your thoughts on religious forums and facebook pages

This is a proper place, most of the threads in this forum are not military-related, and nobody has a problem with that. The only reason why they have a problem with this thread is because it shatters the Ummah Ummah myth, it doesn't show Muslims as victims but as perpetrators, that's what makes them angry, but as I already said, no more Muslim victimhood!!!
This is a proper place, most of the threads in this forum are not military-related, and nobody has a problem with that. The only reason why they have a problem with this thread is because it shatters the Ummah Ummah myth, it doesn't show Muslims as victims but as perpetrators, that's what makes them angry, but as I already said, no more Muslim victimhood!!!

the ummah concept is not new, how did ummah came into being in the first place? did islam not spread into diverse set of people and didn't non arabs embrace islam? there is sangha concept in buddhism which is also made up of diverse nationalities and ethnicities and culture, the western buddhists come to budh gaya and feel being part of ''sangh'' try search it out, so ummah is not an exclusive islamic concept, smilar concepts are present in other faiths as well.

the ummah concept is not new, how did ummah came into being in the first place? did islam not spread into diverse set of people and didn't non arabs embrace islam? there is sangha concept in buddhism which is also made up of diverse nationalities and ethnicities and culture, the western buddhists come to budh gaya and feel being part of ''sangh'' try search it out, so ummah is not an exclusive islamic concept, smilar concepts are present in other faiths as well.


So? The only thing that matters: Muslims are fanatically hateful and racist towards their Black Muslim "brothers"!
So? The only thing that matters: Muslims are fanatically hateful and racist towards their Black Muslim "brothers"!

racism is something which is an engrained nature of mankind, some people are racists by nature and some are not, for instance despite racist aparthied era, the USA projects itself as a plural and diverse society, similarly in islam there is racism among some select group of people but it doesnt falsify the diversity and plural nature of the religion and its main principle which is non discrimination when it comes to such diverse groups, islam is not the only religion which provides concept of unity among its community but also buddhism, hinduism etc, islam infact promotes not only the ummah concept but also people of the book which includes the jews and the christian, a muslim man can marry a christian and a jewish female because of belonging to abrahamic religion.

i remember the first time i saw an african guy and a european guy in a madrasah near my home and i felt no racism, but curiosity and i always thought of them being among islamic brotherhood, practicing the same faith and religion and hence culture.

Homajon are you Iranian of African descent? I'm not gonna get too involved in this thread but I agree with you Muslims hardly look inward and they promote an infidel lifestyle with cover of Islam. We are living in very odd times, lots of Muslims trying to acquire Islam like a trophy for themselves that helps them get attention/social benefits/power/dunya goals and they do so in a cruel manner. They are going after their dunya goals like everyone else on the planet but insist otherwise to rest of Muslim community.

They have multiplied so much that they are dominant in all spheres of Muslim society(government/school board/Mosque staff&board/ordinary cliques of Muslims/Business) and thus we are in worst state we are in terms of obedience to God. Who cares if we have military power or not that is not relevant in determining if we are in good state of worship or not. God will destroy this Universe and fold it up during the Last Hour and on Judgement Day he is not gonna ask did we amass power and influence, he will ask who believed and seeked refugee in Allah and perserved with patience.

So for all God fearing Muslims, stay in your home and understand most Muslims gonna be aquintances to you if you sincerely obey God. They are arrogant and don't know the right path of worship. When I go to mosque and see the people who frequent it delude themselves into thinking they are the believers and need constant praise from rest of community and champion their activity and show it around like they are the best Muslims all for the feel good endorphins in their heads and to feel praise from the community and get more friends/more opportunity for wives/husbands/connections and more dunya goals advanced.

These same people will be same people who do zero struggling against their selves and are rude/arrogant/sin as a lifestyle outside mosque and operate in clique behavior in which best looking people only stay to themselves and leave rest of people to wander alone. No way such people can be considered as 'Mumins', yet they established some image to rest of people but don't despair the Lord knows what is in the hearts and the Lord knows the true, strange Mumins who are unknown by their local communities and don't seek attention or praise and are actually shunned by their communities as less religious/knowledgable.

They are in for a big shock that Allah(SWT) has prepared for them. The strange Muslims will emerge out of their homes soon and the arrogant class of Muslims will reject them as misguided/not cool/not cultural Muslim enough but nothing will prevent God's decree. Their delusions will be blasted into nothing and they will develop severe depression and the roles will flip. The strange Muslims stuck to the rope of their Lord and described by the Prophet as: "The believer in the end times will be like one grasping unto thorns from how much suffering they will endure to remain on Allah's side"(Not exact quote but meaning is as such), and they will get depressed and hopeless in the process but Allah(SWT) will flip this around and the 'cool', cliquey people will enter a realm of hopelessness and depression once they awake from their delusions.
racism is something which is an engrained nature of mankind

That's a lie. For example Muslims are not racist towards infidel Whites, but Muslims are fanatical racist towards Black Muslims, and the reason is the Black skin colour.

There is absolutely nothing that you can say to downplay this fact, I have already posted tons of evidences, and many more will follow!

And this thread is only about Muslims, it's totally irrelavent what's going on in other parts of the world. Even if theoratically Non-Muslim would be 100times more racist towards Blacks (which they are not), that would be totally irrelevant! Don't try to change the subject, if you want to talk about non-Muslims, open a separate thread!

This thread is only about Muslims and nothing but Muslims!!!

Homajon are you Iranian of African descent?

man that homojohn guy has more will power than any jew wich aims to bring muslims against each other :D
why other iranian women like BBC


man that homojohn guy has more will power than any jew wich aims to bring muslims against each other :D
This guy actually has deep hate for all non-black races even though he tries to hide it through “racism against blacks” pointless thread but when you mention black racism on others he will say that they have a pass since they suffered the most
Usually such hypocritical one-sided people should be avoided because they will never engage into meaningful discussion with you
With this argumentation racism in the West could never have been fought.

When I was younger, I also only blamed the West and unconditionally defended the Muslims. Only the West was evil, Muslims could do no wrong! Muslims are always only victims but never perpetrators! Then I got in older and older, till one day I couldn't live this lie anymore.

I'm so sick of the Muslim victim mentality, I can't hear anymore! The West makes many evil things, but there are so many people in the West who criticize this crimes, no matter what the topic is.
And the Muslims? Just look at this thread, read the posts, this thread is the perfect example.....was there just one guy who said "Yes bro you are right, our treatment of Blacks is a shame, it is shameful that we think this way"? No, nothing! One or two guys shortly agreed with me, but 98% just used the typical Muslim victim behaviour: lying and deniying! I post one evidence after the other, and what do de see: lying and deniying.
And when you look at the posts, you can see that they (maybe also you) don't even have a bad conscience about it: they WANT to be racist, they WANT to hate Blacks! They would not even think for a second to change their behaviour....but I know, Palestine, Kashmir, Uigurs, blablabla....

Believe me, Black Muslims don't need me to feel alone or hated, they know they are, everytime they interact with their non-black "brothers" they understand that they can't expect any love or compassion.

I could tell many stories of how Blacks were treated by Muslims....have you ever seen a grown man who has tears in his eyes because the guys who are supposed to be his brothers feel nothing but hate and disgust towards him, and that only because of his skin colour? I have....and I can't get those pictures out of my head!

So no, I will not calm down, I will continue to permanently post here! I will go against this Muslim victim bubble that also exists in this forum as it exists in the real world...

No more Muslim victimhood!!!
that is sad actually what happened to the black guy. i fully support your intention to make Muslims to notice their malicious actions and i appreciate it. i'm just saying do not be the parent who beat up their children without they knowing what they did wrong. some might think you are trolling some countries.
and BTW thank you for your good job and intentions ma'am and keep it up.

yo likeeeeeeeee BBC ??



i meant the news agency
That's a lie. For example Muslims are not racist towards infidel Whites, but Muslims are fanatical racist towards Black Muslims, and the reason is the Black skin colour.

wow, your concept of racism seem to be obscured and dilusioned, so you think that racism is actually hatred for a dark skin, my friend, if thats the case then i fail to undertand why are you merely draggnig africans into this, have you tried researching on the usage of the word ''barbarian'' by the greeks and how they considered the white germans as barbarians or the romans considering white folks of western europe today as barbarians, the nazis considered greeks on the other hand as the non aryan race because their blood line was too polluted. same goes to the hindu notion of mleccha who declared everyone except an indian as a mleccha or a barbarian, same goes to the chinese.

The kind of skin colour racism you are indicating the the white supremacist racism, which was based on skin colour, people have been racist disregarding skin tone and based on alien culture which they had low grasp on.

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