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Muslim Girl Can Marry Once She Completes 15 Years of Age: Gujarat High Court

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If I understand correctly, Indian secularism is not about the absence of religious law but about the equality of all religious groups and their following different laws. Am I right?
LOL muslims families are the ones who indulge in most honor killing cases all around the world.

i don't want to start a quarrel on this... i was only pointing to the rights and justice provided in true islam... i anyway have been proposing post-religion humanity... :coffee:

If I understand correctly, Indian secularism is not about the absence of religious law but about the equality of all religious groups and their following different laws. Am I right?

that is correct... which is why india has so many religious riots and evil things like "honor killing" and dowry murders being done by all communities... it is not like in your west or in socialist muslim nations or in russia.

but this high-court order is scientific and natural... non-muslims in india can at least acknowledge that, especially what i underlined in post# 32.
I do not want to say, but I read it in Yahoo news (tabloid) that women love it at 26 and men at 32 years of age!! So make it 26 and 32 compulsory all over the world!!

No comment on this, just read it and move on!!...:D
what! i know some kids who've been ehm, beating the meat since they were 9
i don't want to start a quarrel on this... i was only pointing to the rights and justice provided in true islam... i anyway have been proposing post-religion humanity... :coffee:
If true Islam was your point, then you should tell us how true islam advocates "death by stoning for adultery" for a woman
and how a womans testimony is half that of man and how a woman who was raped has to produce 4 males witnesses who witnessed the crime because her own testimony is invalid.
Lets not get into woman driving or other things shall we? because that will only embarrass you more,

If you are proposing post-religion humanity then WELCOME TO SANATANA DHARMA AKA Hinduisim.:enjoy:
If true Islam was your point, then you should tell us how true islam advocates "death by stoning for adultery" for a woman
and how a womans testimony is half that of man and how a woman who was raped has to produce 4 males witnesses who witnessed the crime because her own testimony is invalid.
Lets not get into woman driving or other things shall we? because that will only embarrass you more,

If you are proposing post-religion humanity then WELCOME TO SANATANA DHARMA AKA Hinduisim.:enjoy:
So lets get somethings straight here: the death by stoning (Rajm) in Islam is for both married men and married women who commit adultery. According to scholars the stoning is only for extreme cases such as rape and repeated adultery by married persons or prostitutes. The normal punishment for adultery is lashing (80 times with a soft tree branch) and this too only if 4 reliable witnesses can be produced who have actually witnessed the act of copulation (and their accounts must not differ even in the slightest detail upon separate examination by the judge) and the accused must confess.
If a woman is accused of adultery and the judge finds her not guilty or they can not produce the 4 witnesses then the punishment of lashing is to be given to the accusers. Thereafter the accusers testimony can never again be accepted in an Islamic court. These restrictions placed upon the Hudud punishments make it very difficult to actually prosecute such a case. The purpose of the Hudud punishments is to demonstrate the hideousness of the crimes and it's reprehensibility in the eyes of God and not necessarily to execute the punishments.
In the Prophets time only a single instance where a person was stoned for adultery has been recorded...and it was a man. He repeatedly insisted that he should be punished even though the Prophet tried to dissuade him.
In the instance of rape most scholars agree that 4 witnesses are not necessary if the case can be proved using medical and forensic science. The rapist is then killed. (Imagine the consequences of that in India!)
The Hanafi and Hambali schools both consider women's testimony to be equal to a man's in all matters. The Shafe'i school considers a woman's testimony to be half only in legal disputes...in all other matters including financial the woman's testimony is equal to a man's. The reason given for this is to lessen the burden upon the woman and to prevent her from being coerced to give a false testimony.
Please don't repeat the lies that Hitchins, Dawkin and Harris spew here...if you have not studied Islamic law you have no idea of the intricacies and complexities behind it. Islamic law places the punishment as the last resort. I assume that you are influenced by Western jurisprudence and ethics but the fact is that Islamic law had reached a level of complexity that surpassed even current Western law in an era when the West was burning women alive for having a squint eye.
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So lets get somethings straight here: the death by stoning (Rajm) in Islam is for both married men and married women who commit adultery. According to scholars the stoning is only for extreme cases such as rape and repeated adultery by married persons or prostitutes. The normal punishment for adultery is lashing (80 times with a soft tree branch) and this too only if 4 reliable witnesses can be produced who have actually witnessed the act of copulation (and their accounts must not differ even in the slightest detail upon separate examination by the judge) and the accused must confess.
If a woman is accused of adultery and the judge finds her not guilty or they can not produce the 4 witnesses then the punishment of lashing is to be given to the accusers. Thereafter the accusers testimony can never again be accepted in an Islamic court. These restrictions placed upon the Hudud punishments make it very difficult to actually prosecute such a case. The purpose of the Hudud punishments is to demonstrate the hideousness of the crimes and it's reprehensibility in the eyes of God and not necessarily to execute the punishments.
In the Prophets time only a single instance where a person was stoned for adultery has been recorded...and it was a man. He repeatedly insisted that he should be punished even though the Prophet tried to dissuade him.
In the instance of rape most scholars agree that 4 witnesses are not necessary if the case can be proved using medical and forensic science. The rapist is then killed. (Imagine the consequences of that in India!)
The Hanafi and Hambali schools both consider women's testimony to be equal to a man's in all matters. The Shafe'i school considers a woman's testimony to be half only in legal disputes...in all other matters including financial the woman's testimony is equal to a man's. The reason given for this is to lessen the burden upon the woman and to prevent her from being coerced to give a false testimony.
Please don't repeat the lies that Hitchins, Dawkin and Harris spew here...if you have not studied Islamic law you have no idea of the intricacies and complexities behind it. Islamic law places the punishment as the last resort. I assume that you are influenced by Western jurisprudence and ethics but the fact is that Islamic law had reached a level of complexity that surpassed even current Western law in an era when the West was burning women alive for having a squint eye.

How is a man buried upto his waist and woman buried upto her neck?
A ,man can free himself if he is buried upto his waist and then he is declared free, how would a woman buried upto neck free herself and be free unless there was an earthquake and the ground shifted underneath her?
I come from a unbroken Civilization from Eternity of humankind which worships female entity.all your abrahamic gods are male unlike ours.
FYI i grew up as a Hardcore Secular but then i saw the lies propagated then i changed, yes i do know about Monotheistic beliefs from Middle East.We didnt expand with sword but by a logical debate to the east because we realized Western Asia as BARBARIANS who would not understand anything and even if we tried to explain them they would still resort to BARBARISM thats their nature you can't help it!
Once the Oil dries up and when the world moves towards renewable energies, they will lose this clout and everything mark my words,India is moving towards Hydrogen cells Research and Thorium Reactors, pretty soon we will end the clout of the oil money which was propelling all these things then see more and more people become hindus, unlike you we dont threaten others to become hindus, they are free to come, and have a free will!
What is it about APOSTASY IN ISLAM?we dont kill those who go away from hindu faith.

Sorry to say i have never saw what Hutchins,Dawkin and Harris said, what i speak is from my own personal Observation.
Hudood LAWS?????????
IF YOU CAN INSERT two fingers in a vagina then the female is not a VIRGIN
Just a sample of your so called Huddood LAWS!

Right! produce a testimony from 4 male witnesses which wont differ a bit?
When the judge himself is biased in favor of your Islam? then difference in statement doesnt matter does it.

It doesnt matter if Hannafi and Hanbali schools consider women as equals, what is important is who is reigning now, WAHHABI for sure!
They dont consider such thing, hell even Music is Haram for them.

Please explain me how is a woman burdened by from being coerced to give a false testimony??
I am yet to hear such thing unless it is Middle East!
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This is Secularism, Indian version.

There is nothing like "Indian secularism". This is everything but secularism.

Just because some big mouth idiot calls the moon a star, it does not make it one.
Sorry we are not interested in a islamic nation, you can shove that suggestion where sun dont shine!
We know your strategy.
Bharat will always be HINDU RASTHRA, there is nothing you or your next generations if you can produce can do anything about it!

There is nothing like "Indian secularism". This is everything but secularism.

Just because some big mouth idiot calls the moon a star, it does not make it one.
What is Secularism?
its nothing but a western concept of separating the church from the state because the church was too involved in heresy and inquistion and then black death happened, the church came crumbling down,people began to question GOD who could not save their dear ones from death!
The priests did try to do a job then but were shoddy in the eyes of the common populace.
That is how Secularism started from that point,
why should we adopt this Western failed society Model of Secularism based on BLACK DEATH?
Without the backing of majority hindus in this country, no minority is safe.
We allow people with free will and thought,therefore it happens , that is why Hinduism has place for all people.
Once we start enforcing the monotheistic ideas will be the day everyone will be crying seas of blood.
You like Monotheistic concepts and ideas right?
How is a man buried upto his waist and woman buried upto her neck?
A ,man can free himself if he is buried upto his waist and then he is declared free, how would a woman buried upto neck free herself and be free unless there was an earthquake and the ground shifted underneath her?

IF YOU CAN INSERT two fingers in a vagina then the female is not a VIRGIN
Just a sample of your so called Huddood LAWS!
Lord knows where the hell you get this from...authentic Islamic sources do not have any of this nonsense.

It doesnt matter if Hannafi and Hanbali schools consider women as equals, what is important is who is reigning now, WAHHABI for sure!
Again you do not know what you are talking about...the Wahabis of Saudia follow the Hambali school of thought.

Please explain me how is a woman burdened by from being coerced to give a false testimony??
I am yet to hear such thing unless it is Middle East!
The woman is not being burdened by being coerced to give a false testimony...you took two separate points I was making and mixed them up into one. Perhaps in your part of the world literacy is only for members of some divine caste.
What I said was that in the Shaf'ei school the justification provided for requiring 2 females in place of 1 male for legal disputes was to lessen the burden on the woman by splitting the responsibility AND to prevent false testimonies because even if one woman is coerced then her testimony will not corroborate with that of the other woman. Simply because you have not heard of a thing does not make it an impossibility.

Western failed society Model of Secularism based on BLACK DEATH?
Dear Lord...flawed concepts of history combined with faulty grammar. I have a Forest Whitaker eye now!
Lord knows where the hell you get this from...authentic Islamic sources do not have any of this nonsense.

Again you do not know what you are talking about...the Wahabis of Saudia follow the Hambali school of thought.

The woman is not being burdened by being coerced to give a false testimony...you took two separate points I was making and mixed them up into one. Perhaps in your part of the world literacy is only for members of some divine caste.
What I said was that in the Shaf'ei school the justification provided for requiring 2 females in place of 1 male for legal disputes was to lessen the burden on the woman by splitting the responsibility AND to prevent false testimonies because even if one woman is coerced then her testimony will not corroborate with that of the other woman. Simply because you have not heard of a thing does not make it an impossibility.

Dear Lord...flawed concepts of history combined with faulty grammar. I have a Forest Whitaker eye now!
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Please explain me how are hudood laws applied and prevalent in Pakistan if they are not authentic islam?
Do i need to produce the pictures to prove my point? or will you make the shift that you never had such laws?

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 50: Conditions, Number 885: Narrated Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani: A bedouin came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's apostle! I ask you by Allah to judge My case according to Allah's Laws." His opponent, who was more learned than he, said, "Yes, judge between us according to Allah's Laws, and allow me to speak." Allah's Apostle said, "Speak." He (i .e. the bedouin or the other man) said, "My son was working as a laborer for this (man) and he committed illegal sexual intercourse with his wife. The people told me that it was obligatory that my son should be stoned to death, so in lieu of that I ransomed my son by paying one hundred sheep and a slave girl. Then I asked the religious scholars about it, and they informed me that my son must be lashed one hundred lashes, and be exiled for one year, and the wife of this (man) must be stoned to death." Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, I will judge between you according to Allah's Laws. The slave-girl and the sheep are to be returned to you, your son is to receive a hundred lashes and be exiled for one year. You, Unais, go to the wife of this (man) and if she confesses her guilt, stone her to death." Unais went to that woman next morning and she confessed. Allah's Apostle ordered that she be stoned to death.The stoning was done to the woman because she was a jew and according to torah punishment is stoning.The son got 100 lashes because its the punishment for zina in quran.

Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:50:885 see also Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:49:860 Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:82:842 Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:89:303
What is Secularism?
its nothing but a western concept of separating the church from the state because the church was too involved in heresy and inquistion and then black death happened, the church came crumbling down,people began to question GOD who could not save their dear ones from death!
The priests did try to do a job then but were shoddy in the eyes of the common populace.
That is how Secularism started from that point,
why should we adopt this Western failed society Model of Secularism based on BLACK DEATH?
Without the backing of majority hindus in this country, no minority is safe.
We allow people with free will and thought,therefore it happens , that is why Hinduism has place for all people.
Once we start enforcing the monotheistic ideas will be the day everyone will be crying seas of blood.
You like Monotheistic concepts and ideas right?

Utter nonsense, the general concept of the secular state dates thousands of years back. And the Black Death did not have such an effect as you are trying to illustrate it.

why should we adopt this Western failed society Model of Secularism based on BLACK DEATH?

Wow you must be @wolfsschanze himself or his worthy successor. Because this sentence is so stupid, it hurt reading it.

Who told you this shit? Stop reading/listening to some nonsensical pseudohistorical BS.
Utter nonsense, the general concept of the secular state dates thousands of years back. And the Black Death did not have such an effect as you are trying to illustrate it.
How secular was europe when women were forbidden to wash themselves ever?
Because humans were made from clay of adam and therefore gods dirt must not be washed away, lest angels will curse you, think of it 30 years of no bathing and washing.YUCK!
:haha::haha::haha: Black Death killed almost whole of europe, that is when the pope was resting a tall ivory tower surrounded by flames ever burning 24/7 (That was holy fire anointed in the name of holy father )
The rats and fleas never came to that ever burning place of POPE due to the heat!
So naturally he escaped BLACK DEATH! or else he would be one casualty of that epidemic.:p:
My uncle was a Grandmaster in a Freemason lodge, he told me and asked me to read how
Templars were killed by Phillip IV of france.
You never liked free will and thought!

After all this you moron will stick to a foreign religion instead of the nation you were born in.
Just think, what if
India was a intolerant Monotheistic Country which persecuted pagans like you(who didnt believe in our religion)then would you be talking the same here or would you be beggning?
We allow you to have free will and therefore your concepts of free will from western nations are nothing but our ideas, once we start showing you the same principles which Monotheism ruled Europe for you wont like it.

Remember, when we say enough is enough, then Secularism is DEAD in India!
The tide has turned and we are changing at your constant cribbing of secularism
From now on it is upto you Minorities to support Secularism and show us how good you are, we had enough and we shown enough compassion to you.
After all this nation was split on Religious lines, so Secularism Doesnt matter.WE will wipe it out from Constitution in just a day!
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The door's wide open for exploitation of young girls now, early marriages were already a problem despite there being a law against it, now imagine it with the explicit sanction of the state.
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