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Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue the UK

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Is that real? :omghaha:

@Azizam is gay, not me. :D
@Hazzy997 tried to manipulate me into being gay. he's secretly gay.

You're average edl member
LOL PressTV is just scoring Muslim points here and there. They are desperately trying to gain influence of Muslims and probably paid some guy to talk like this in public. Don't get fooled.
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The fact that retards can stage and insult dead British soldiers and yet the Police protects them.
Reminds me of the terrorists who shoot one soldier one police and one civilian but still got protected by the police in Turkey.

Sometimes i think they should just let the mob crush them since they dont deserve anything better but then again we are better than this.

Educate yourself, EDL are nor neo-nazis and have Jewish speakers.
And no I am not Jewish so before making false accusations actually do research you cretin.

I am not a member but I find some of there values interesting, and stop being a crybaby.

LOL, I'm not even Jewish but whatever floats your boat terrorist.

That @Developereo is such a idiot. He is making grand statements that the EDL are anti-semites when he doesn't even live in the UK and then accuses me of being a Jew. The arrogance of that shit. Maybe I should report him since they are so ready to report others?

Like most imbeciles who join far right organizations, you are predictably ignorant. There is absolutely ZERO expectation that a schmuck like you would have the slightest historical knowledge of how 'far right' and 'nationalist' organizations are typically a front for racists who oppose ALL non-whites (regardless of their rhetoric). This will come as news to some Sikh morons who also support EDL.

EDL leader Tommy Robinson tweets link to anti-Semitic website. That's the company he keeps – Telegraph Blogs

EDL Support Hardcore Anti-Semites in Manchester This Saturday #edl #nwi @slatedl - UK Indymedia

And, as far as the Jewish division of EDL is concerned, heck, some Jews even supported Hitler...

I strongly disagree with EDL but EDL is just a backlash against mainstream British Politics and Jihadists running around freely in UK. The fact that retards can stage and insult dead British soldiers and yet the Police protects them. Andy Choudhy can freely spout his bullshit while living off benefits makes an average Brit angry and they have every right to voice their concern. Calling every one racist is a clever but a dangerous way to silence the fears and concerns of the majority.

It's called the English Defence League.

If you educate yourself, you will be very surprised whom they consider to be true Englishmen.

Hint: You will NEVER be a true Englishman in their books (and neither will the Jews and Sikhs).
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Poor guy in self denial, had Germany took Britain they would've took Russia as well and the Americans saved you when you could barely withstand less than a year of war. :lol:

I know the truth hurts, but it stays the truth. :lol:

Let him be.

Like all bigots, he will never see past your ethnicity, and see you as an American.

Which makes it all the more hilarious how the Pakistani/Indian/Jordanian clowns here are supporting this bigot. They haven't a clue what he really thinks of them.
Britain is doing the right thing. if these organizations are not kept in check, "British Mujahideen" will not be far away in the making.
Let him be.

Like all bigots, he will never see past your ethnicity, and see you as an American.

Which makes it all the more hilarious how the Pakistani/Indian/Jordanian clowns here are supporting this bigot. They haven't a clue what he really thinks of them.
I don't support anybody here. It's you who don't have any idea of who is the stateless
Palestenian Hazzy. He's just the rudest person I've ever known. He's the worst experience I've come through on the Net. The worst representetive of any country let alone Palestine.
I don't support anybody here. It's you who don't have any idea of who is the stateless
Palestenian Hazzy. He's just the rudest person I've ever known. He's the worst experience I've come through on the Net. The worst representetive of any country let alone Palestine.

He probably feels outnumbered and besieged as the only Palestinian voice on this forum.

It is expected that certain groups here would favor Israel over Palestine, but there are plenty of Pakistanis, Arabs and Iranians also who have been brainwashed into thinking that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, and who are desperate to prove their 'progressiveness' by defending the indefensible, viz. the colonial outpost called Israel.
He probably feels outnumbered and besieged as the only Palestinian voice on this forum.

It is expected that certain groups here would favor Israel over Palestine, but there are plenty of Pakistanis, Arabs and Iranians also who have been brainwashed into thinking that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, and who are desperate to prove their 'progressiveness' by defending the indefensible, viz. the colonial outpost called Israel.

Because the "Palestinian voice" is just a bunch of savage nutters who worship Hamas, a tool created by the Saudis and Israelis. Lets all remember that Hamas was seen as a counter-weight to the socialist groups operating in Palestine at that time.
London, Birmingham, Bradford and Luton is the breeding ground of lunatics who do not believe in British laws nor do they respect British values and culture. They wish to turn Britain into another Afghanistan. I wish to see them all kicked out UK tomorrow.

me happy .. UK deserves every bit of this !
He probably feels outnumbered and besieged as the only Palestinian voice on this forum.

It is expected that certain groups here would favor Israel over Palestine, but there are plenty of Pakistanis, Arabs and Iranians also who have been brainwashed into thinking that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, and who are desperate to prove their 'progressiveness' by defending the indefensible, viz. the colonial outpost called Israel.
I was the first to help him, I indulged in many fights to let him get through here. He started attacking us personally just because we have a different view than his regarding Egypt and Iran. The last time I told him to get off my back, his reply was cursing my parents, religion and country. He called me kafir, athienst enemy of Allah...etc. He is a psychopath. He was so disgusting.
@Hazzy997's not the most pleasant person on the forum; but let's cut him some slack. He's still a teenager! Hormones :angel:

Besides, it can get quite overwhelming trying to defend your country all alone.
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