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Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue the UK

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Mate, you live in the UK. Can you please clarify to that half-brained idiot @Developereo that the EDL are not anti-Semite?

I strongly disagree with EDL but EDL is just a backlash against mainstream British Politics and Jihadists running around freely in UK. The fact that retards can stage and insult dead British soldiers and yet the Police protects them. Andy Choudhy can freely spout his bullshit while living off benefits makes an average Brit angry and they have every right to voice their concern. Calling every one racist is a clever but a dangerous way to silence the fears and concerns of the majority.
I strongly disagree with EDL but EDL is just a backlash against mainstream British Politics and Jihadists running around freely in UK. The fact that retards can stage and insult dead British soldiers and yet the Police protects them. Andy Choudhy can freely spout his bullshit while living off benefits makes an average Brit angry and they have every right to voice their concern. Calling every one racist is a clever but a dangerous way to silence the fears and concerns of the majority.
Agreed, majority of the EDL are idiots though. I don't even know why I named my User ID after them anyway. Can I change it?
Do more research on WW2, please show me one reputable source which backs up your claim about us? Even Americans admit that WW2 would not have been won without us and most American fighting wasn't even done in Europe, most was against Japan. It was UK which carried out intelligence ops and frontline assault against Nazis.
Stateless Palestinean should stop claiming American achievements while crying over the imaginary land of Palestine.:haha::haha:

We saved you in WW2. :omghaha:

That's the undeniable truth, you were begging for us and we rebuilt all of Europe for you. :rofl:
Stateless terrorist :lol:

We got you guys paranoid just like the Zionist are now paranoid from the MB. :omghaha::yay:

The will of the people terrifies you, maybe they'll Sodomize king abdullah like they did with Gaddafi. :laughcry:

Source for such claims?

Nobody needs a source for reality, we saved your asses after Germany was going to smoke you. :lol:

Who rebuilt your country? :lol:
No source, what can we expect from a stateless Palestinian.:lol:

I'm an American you Brit with yellow teeth :D, we defeated you at home and saved you in WW2 then rebuilt your nation and profited enormously out of it. :omghaha::usflag:
@EDLdefence : :D EDL is the league of thugs and Islamphobe bigots. They are also against every immigrant or non white British..Is that you crying here?





I'm an American you Brit with yellow teeth :D, we defeated you at home and saved you in WW2 then rebuilt your nation and profited enormously out of it. :omghaha::usflag:
You are a stateless Arab refugee who begged for America to let him in when Israelis kicked his ***.:lol:
And as for your historical claims.
WW2 - Rebuilding London | History.co.uk
World War II in the Electronic Passport

@EDLdefence : :D EDL is the league of thugs and Islamphobe bigots. They are also against every immigrant or non white British..Is that you crying here?





Read post #49
Poor guy in self denial, had Germany took Britain they would've took Russia as well and the Americans saved you when you could barely withstand less than a year of war. :lol:

I know the truth hurts, but it stays the truth. :lol:
Look at this Arab in denial, first Israelis kick him out of his homeland so he is now claiming to be an American.:rofl:
I feel sorry for a stateless Palestinian like yourself.:cry:
I'm an AMERICAN !! It's ALL 'my business.' And I just ate Chinese food.

P.S. Just installed my Jersey-legal stock to my AR. I'm going to the range in about two hours. I'll post some pics when I get back. I built a cool target set up to shoot at. You'll see.:sniper:


Snitches get stitches. :partay:
Look at this Arab in denial, first Israelis kick him out of his homeland so he is now claiming to be an American.:rofl:
I feel sorry for a stateless Palestinian like yourself.:cry:

We're taking a temporary vacation, meanwhile Israeli nukes are aimed at your major cities. Ha Ha Ha you EDL social degens are crack for brains! :rofl:

Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue British government
Muslim Brotherhood's most senior member in Britain, Ibrahim Mounir, warns that outlawing the Islamic movement could lead to violence • Brotherhood plans to challenge any "improper attempt to restrict its activity" in court, he says.

Eli Leon
The U.K. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood warns of possible attacks following government probe

Photo credit: Reuters


Days after British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the U.K. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood would soon come under investigation, the Islamist organization warned that the probe could lead to terror attacks against civilians.

In an interview with British weekly The Sunday Times, the Muslim Brotherhood's most senior member in the U.K., Ibrahim Mounir, said that if a ban was instituted against the organization, it could lead to violence.

"If this [ban] happened, this would make a lot of people in Muslim communities think that [peaceful] Muslim Brotherhood values ... didn’t work and now they are designated a terrorist group, which would make the doors open for all options," Mounir said.

According to him, this kind of stance could cause unpredictable responses from big Muslim organizations close to the Brotherhood.

Following Cameron's announcement of the investigation, the Muslim Brotherhood released a statement saying that the organization, "Is prepared to engage with the British Government's review. … [it] will challenge, through the British courts, any improper attempt to restrict its activity."

The Brotherhood further questioned whether the probe would be fair, considering it would be headed by Sir John Jenkins, the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has banned the Muslim Brotherhood, labeling it a terror group.

"It is important that the British government does not bend to pressure from foreign governments who are concerned about their own people's quest for democracy," the Brotherhood said in a statement, hinting at Saudi Arabia's motives for outlawing the organization.

If they really did threaten the government they need to be interned permanently.
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