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Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue the UK

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I never dream of being accepted by any crowd. I follow my way and my heart. But you living in Australia know nothing about the ground situation in UK.

When lunatics with beards run around calling for deaths of British soldiers, beheading a soldier, seeing mass immigration which has changed the demography of their cities and towns what do you think the natives would think or react? Immigrants with high skills are always a plus to any nation but mass immigration of people who has no respect for the law, culture and way of living is suicide for any nation.

Yes EDL is a racist organisation and neither do i nor do most of British people agree with their policies. When the mainstream political parties ignore the working class they tend to shift to more extreme views. And the behaviors of certain Muslim communities in UK is appalling.
Yeah all well and good. But one question, no offence - do you get threats? :(
@Developereo @DRaisinHerald @Azlan Haider

Now you guys can believe me, this is not a personal problem with me and him. This is him hating on me in every form possible because he doesn't respect my opinions or politics no matter how rational I try being with him he doesn't understand rationality.

You guys should just avoid responding to each other's posts.
Yeah all well and good. But one question, no offence - do you get threats? :(

I had threats on my Facebook page but never on public. Its one thing to threaten someone on the internet and other on someones face. I don't mix too well with the breardo crowd, i tend to stay away from them. Two of my friends are half Pakistani-Half white even they don't mix too well with the Desi crowd.
But you living in Australia know nothing about the ground situation in UK.

I know the situation and, like I wrote, I understand the concerns about Islamic extremists.

However, you claimed that some 'reasonable' people join EDL because of these concerns, and I repeat that 'reasonable' people don't join racist organizations, no matter what their grievances.

Having legitimate grievances is one thing. Joining a racist organization is quite another.
You guys should just avoid responding to each other's posts.

That can't happen if I'm discussing anything related to Palestine or Arab affairs he immediately goes on an anti MB tirade and I have to defend my position. When people like him assert their fight is a fight against 'terrorists' in Jordan, Egypt or Israel then I need to set the record straight. It's beyond imaginable how an elected president and tens of millions of supporters become 'terrorists' overnight in Egypt. They do this to justify their agenda of crushing all political dissent and it's based on a false allegation. We all might as well become 'terrorists' if being a 'terrorist' is the equivalent of struggling for the truth. So until those baseless lies come to an end, I'm sorry to say that the discussion can't come stop unless mods warn members here from labeling political opposition as 'terrorist monsters' because they have a deep hatred for them.
I know the situation and, like I wrote, I understand the concerns about Islamic extremists.

However, you claimed that some 'reasonable' people join EDL because of these concerns, and I repeat that 'reasonable' people don't join racist organizations, no matter what their grievances.

Having legitimate grievances is one thing. Joining a racist organization is quite another.

Yeah well, when the time calls, we all have to do crazy things.
Right now the nation is guided by a bunch of petty politicians who are flooding the nation with immigrants to gain votes and calling anyone who is against this "racist". The only party which seems to stand in the way of the government is UKIP and look at how the media is crucifying them right now.
Liberal hippies i.e Labour destroyed UK and now the Conservatives are doing it.
Yeah well, when the time calls, we all have to do crazy things.
Right now the nation is guided by a bunch of petty politicians who are flooding the nation with immigrants to gain votes and calling anyone who is against this "racist". The only party which seems to stand in the way of the government is UKIP and look at how the media is crucifying them right now.

Britain has a population of 60+ million and you are claiming that the politicians are 'flooding the country' with immigrants to gain votes.

Are you saying that 60 million people are opposed to immigration but, somehow, the few thousand immigrants mange to provide enough votes to negate and override 60 million votes?

What kind of math did you learn in school?
Britain has a population of 60+ million and you are claiming that the politicians are 'flooding the country' with immigrants to gain votes.

Are you saying that 60 million people are opposed to immigration but, somehow, the few thousand immigrants mange to provide enough votes to offset 60 million votes?

What kind of math did you learn in school?

Well, first of all, there aren't "a few thousands immigrants" in the UK.
Second of all, every vote counts, and the labour has been losing support in the UK.
Finally, it's a well known fact that the Labour party had been using immigration as a tool for votes.
Labour's 'secret plan' to lure migrants - Telegraph
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