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Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue the UK

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yes that sucks watching your country go down like that but sometimes i think the English have colonlized the world the irony is that people of the middle east asia and africa are maybe doing the same without firing a shot
on topic the brotherhood is bad news to any country they are in a lot of extremsts come out from it most extremsts in Egypt are or were brotherhood

Let me teach you something, when you make very broad demonizing allegations like that you need to give a basis to your argument and present real source supporting your thesis. This the problem with you and other people here, you do not support your thesis in any way at all therefore you're not going to get a break. Nobody has a reason to believe your allegations until you support your thesis with credible sources. Meanwhile, they govern in Tunis, Libya, and Yemen and Gaza and Turkey. Yet they're far from 'extremist' and weren't bad news for any of those places. Look where Tunis has gone, now they're guaranteed to win next elections there thanks to the smart moves they made which allowed a new secular constitution to take place.

Shut up stateless terrorist. I warned you before to never talk to me. I'll make you the hard way

@Developereo @DRaisinHerald @Azlan Haider

Now you guys can believe me, this is not a personal problem with me and him. This is him hating on me in every form possible because he doesn't respect my opinions or politics no matter how rational I try being with him he doesn't understand rationality.

Btw, please give him a negative rating for such one liners like this and I will report him for it too.
Shut up stateless terrorist. I warned you before to never talk to me. I'll make you the hard way

If you wanna make me learn the 'hard' way then you exchange emails with me and we meet face to face, you're naive to believe you're achieving anything this way.

You hate me that much because I disagree on some politics, if I became anti-MB and pro Israel overnight I'm sure you'd have in problem with me.
@Jaanbaz what happens here.:rofl:
I consider him a Englishman because unlike others he abides by the law and works hard to my knowledge. He also seems like an educated individual

Yeah, sure you do; that's what the EDL is famous for... *lights up a cigarette*
Stateless terrorist. What I demand from you is never quoting me. I don't deal with stateless terrorists at all.

Look man, you're one of the oldest and more respected Arab members on this forum. I don't know what went wrong between you two, but you need to stop repeating that 'stateless terrorist' thing like a broken CD player...
Look man, you're one of the oldest and more respected Arab members on this forum. I don't know what went wrong between you two, but you need to stop repeated that 'stateless terrorist' thing like a broken CD player...
I will repeat it as long as he quotes me. All I want from him is getting off my back.
So what are the aims of EDL.to kick out all the non white immigrants from Britain??
No, to stop Islamic extremism.
YeahIslamic extremism needs to be curbed.Btw you need to slow down a little bit.Hurling Insults like this will get you banned.I dont want to see interesting members like you getting banned :D
Btw-Can you shed some more light on what some members are saying that MB(or some other organization) disrespected dead British soldiers??
You haven't the faintest clue what the EDL stands for. If people have 'legitimate grievances', there are better ways to address them than to join a racist organization.

I live on planet mars. I repeat i live on planet mars. You Sherlock living in Australia know everything about EDL and the current situation in UK.
Okay ''Tink Tank'' whatever you say.:lol:
I live on planet mars. I repeat i live on planet mars. You Sherlock living in Australia know everything about EDL and the current situation in UK.
Okay ''Tink Tank'' whatever you say.:lol:

You don't live on Mars.
You live in a delusional bubble where you think that the EDL crowd sees you any differently from the mullahs, and you spout apologist babble to defend the EDL.

The irony -- and the hilarity -- is to see you defend the people who consider you to be a subhuman waste of space. YOU may think you are different from the mullahs, but I can assure you that the EDL guys don't see past your ethnicity.

Let me repeat once again: there are legitimate concerns about Islamic extremism, but joining the EDL is not the way to address the issue. Reasonable people don't join racist organizations.
Stateless terrorist. What I demand from you is never quoting me. I don't deal with stateless terrorists at all.

So, you're against people who light up cigarettes

Reported once again, I hope you enjoyed your negative rating btw. :lol:

How ironic, you claim I'm the one that's stocking you but you're whining about me in every single thread. :lol:
You don't live on Mars.
You live in a delusional bubble where you think that the EDL crowd sees you any differently from the mullahs, and you spout apologist babble to defend the EDL.

The irony -- and the hilarity -- is to see you defend the people who consider you to be a subhuman waste of space. YOU may think you are different from the mullahs, but I can assure you that the EDL guys don't see past your ethnicity.

Let me repeat once again: there are legitimate concerns about Islamic extremism, but joining the EDL is not the way to address the issue. Reasonable people don't join racist organizations.
Please tell me what you know about the EDL all the way from Australia?
You don't live on Mars.
You live in a delusional bubble where you think that the EDL crowd sees you any differently from the mullahs, and you spout apologist babble to defend the EDL.

The irony -- and the hilarity -- is to see you defend the people who consider you to be a subhuman waste of space. YOU may think you are different from the mullahs, but I can assure you that the EDL guys don't see past your ethnicity.

Let me repeat once again: there are legitimate concerns about Islamic extremism, but joining the EDL is not the way to address the issue. Reasonable people don't join racist organizations.

I never dream of being accepted by any crowd. I follow my way and my heart. But you living in Australia know nothing about the ground situation in UK.

When lunatics with beards run around calling for deaths of British soldiers, beheading a soldier, seeing mass immigration which has changed the demography of their cities and towns what do you think the natives would think or react? Immigrants with high skills are always a plus to any nation but mass immigration of people who has no respect for the law, culture and way of living is suicide for any nation.

Yes EDL is a racist organisation and neither do i nor do most of British people agree with their policies. When the mainstream political parties ignore the working class they tend to shift to more extreme views. And the behaviors of certain Muslim communities in UK is appalling.
Please tell me what you know about the EDL all the way from Australia?

I already answered that question.

I know about the EDL because all these racist organizations follow the same pattern, whether they are in Britain, Australia, France, Holland, or anywhere else. Their 'grievances' are the same, their rhetoric is the same, and their membership follows similar trends.

And, no, I don't expect you to understand it.
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