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Muslim Brotherhood threatens to sue the UK

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@Hazzy997's not the most pleasant person on the forum; but let's cut him some slack. He's still a teenager! Hormones :angel:

Besides, it can get quite overwhelming trying to defend your country all alone.
He's forcing people to hate him and his country.
It's called the English Defence League.
If you educate yourself, you will be very surprised whom they consider to be true Englishmen.
Hint: You will NEVER be a true Englishman in their books (and neither will the Jews and Sikhs).

I know exactly who they are and what they stand for. They are mostly hooligans nothing else but many of their arguments are true. I have talked and interacted with people who call themselves members of BNP and EDL. They are not all hooligans, they have legitimate concerns regarding the fate of their nation and the free hand that is given to Mullah to propagate and spread hate in in their own nation. Mullahs and their supporters needs to be deported from UK.
Like most imbeciles who join far right organizations, you are predictably ignorant. There is absolutely ZERO expectation that a schmuck like you would have the slightest historical knowledge of how 'far right' and 'nationalist' organizations are typically a front for racists who oppose ALL non-whites (regardless of their rhetoric). This will come as news to some Sikh morons who also support EDL.

EDL leader Tommy Robinson tweets link to anti-Semitic website. That's the company he keeps – Telegraph Blogs

EDL Support Hardcore Anti-Semites in Manchester This Saturday #edl #nwi @slatedl - UK Indymedia

And, as far as the Jewish division of EDL is concerned, heck, some Jews even supported Hitler...

It's called the English Defence League.

If you educate yourself, you will be very surprised whom they consider to be true Englishmen.

Hint: You will NEVER be a true Englishman in their books (and neither will the Jews and Sikhs).
Here comes an extremist Islamist with no knowledge on this matter but is telling some one who lives in Britain like me and @Jaanbaz what happens here.:rofl:
I consider him a Englishman because unlike others he abides by the law and works hard to my knowledge. He also seems like an educated individual.

I have said before, a lot of neo-nazi members have been kicked out the EDL and many people living in the UK can tell you themselves that Jews indeed join the EDL in great numbers, I hardly expect an immigrant from Pakistan who moved to Australia for benefits to understand what happens here. I think you are one of those people with an inferiority complex and even when someone from the country tells you what happens, you must immediately argue for the sake of it.:lol:

If you must know, a lot of the media is anti-EDL and many events are staged against them. @Azizam can confirm this.
Here comes an extremist Islamist with no knowledge on this matter but is telling some one who lives in Britain like me and @Jaanbaz what happens here.:rofl:
I consider him a Englishman because unlike others he abides by the law and works hard to my knowledge. He also seems like an educated individual.

I have said before, a lot of neo-nazi members have been kicked out the EDL and many people living in the UK can tell you themselves that Jews indeed join the EDL in great numbers, I hardly expect an immigrant from Pakistan who moved to Australia for benefits to understand what happens here. I think you are one of those people with an inferiority complex and even when someone from the country tells you what happens, you must immediately argue for the sake of it.:lol:

If you must know, a lot of the media is anti-EDL and many events are staged against them. @Azizam can confirm this.
EDL is a racist org no doubt but they have every right to voice their opinion, this is a free country afterall.
And yes many of their grievences are genuine (at least feelings are if not solution they propose), but it is basically a working class group who feel threatened by foreigners.
Tomi Robinson left due to neo-nazis why are you still in it?
EDL is a racist org no doubt but they have every right to voice their opinion, this is a free country afterall.
And yes many of their grievences are genuine (at least feelings are if not solution they propose), but it is basically a working class group who feel threatened by foreigners.
Tomi Robinson left due to neo-nazis why are you still in it?
I was never in it.:lol:
I just support some of there aims, not how they portray themselves.
I know exactly who they are and what they stand for. They are mostly hooligans nothing else but many of their arguments are true. I have talked and interacted with people who call themselves members of BNP and EDL. They are not all hooligans, they have legitimate concerns regarding the fate of their nation and the free hand that is given to Mullah to propagate and spread hate in in their own nation. Mullahs and their supporters needs to be deported from UK.

You haven't the faintest clue what the EDL stands for. If people have 'legitimate grievances', there are better ways to address them than to join a racist organization.
You haven't the faintest clue what the EDL stands for. If people have 'legitimate grievances', there are better ways to address them than to join a racist organization.
issue is there is no political party that can represent them. If a group of people feel disenfrancsed, they turn more radical and resort to violence.
Working class people are like this everywhere in the world, EDL is not special.

The big parties should at least start talking about the concerns of working class.
Here comes an extremist Islamist with no knowledge on this matter but is telling some one who lives in Britain like me and @Jaanbaz what happens here.:rofl:
I consider him a Englishman because unlike others he abides by the law and works hard to my knowledge. He also seems like an educated individual.

As I wrote, you lack the brainpower to process the information.

As much as you try to defend the EDL -- and your imbecile statements denying their anti-Semitic character were shown to be false -- you will never convince a thinking person that the EDL is anything but a racist organization.

I am also enjoying your little dance to convince the brown people that you respect them as Englishmen. You don't, you never will, and we all know that.

Of course,the EDL crowd don't accept Jews like you as equals either, so the ultimate joke is on you.

I have said before, a lot of neo-nazi members have been kicked out the EDL and many people living in the UK can tell you themselves that Jews indeed join the EDL in great numbers, I hardly expect an immigrant from Pakistan who moved to Australia for benefits to understand what happens here. I think you are one of those people with an inferiority complex and even when someone from the country tells you what happens, you must immediately argue for the sake of it.:lol:

Oh, I can buy trash like you any time of day.

The educated elite in the West have the utmost contempt for racist bigots like you who are a drag on the nation. To excuse your incompetence and failure in life, you blame it all on the "immigrants".

issue is there is no political party that can represent them. If a group of people feel disenfrancsed, they turn more radical and resort to violence.
Working class people are like this everywhere in the world, EDL is not special.

The big parties should at least start talking about the concerns of working class.

The proper channel for any concerns is the democratic system of fielding candidates.

These organizations are just a bunch of welfare-addicted losers who are losing their jobs and their homes because they lack the skills to compete in the modern world.

So they take out their frustrations on the immigrants. However, it is politically incorrect to be racist or bigoted against most people. The only exception is Muslims, where the media has allowed an exception, so these bigots channel all their frustrations on to Muslims.

In reality, they hate all non-white immigrants, and even some white ones (from Eastern Europe, e.g.).
The proper channel for any concerns is the democratic system of fielding candidates.

These organizations are just a bunch of welfare-addicted losers who are losing their jobs and their homes because they lack the skills to compete in the modern world.

So they take out their frustrations on the immigrants. However, it is politically incorrect to be racist or bigoted against most people. The only exception is Muslims, where the media has allowed an exception, so these bigots channel all their frustrations on to Muslims.

In reality, they hate all non-white immigrants, and even some white ones (from Eastern Europe, e.g.).
EDL is much bigger group than just bunch of welfare addicted losers. Their sympathizers are much more broad based and people dont talk openly about it because its not the 'in' thing to do so. (political correctness)
The longer big parties take to talk about it, more people support these groups.
UKIP is going to be the third largest party in UK now, they have nothing to do with EDL nor are they openly racist. But they are the only one who can talk about causes that EDL finds important.
Yes they are anti immigrant in general and want status quo, feel threatened by any large group of foreigners(white black or brown). If I think from their point of view, a white English working class person who sees his tribe reduced to minority in many areas, wages going down while inflation is up, I will be worried and feel threatened too.
EDL is much bigger group than just bunch of welfare addicted losers. Their sympathizers are much more broad based and people dont talk openly about it because its not the 'in' thing to do so. (political correctness)
The longer big parties take to talk about it, more people support these groups.
UKIP is going to be the third largest party in UK now, they have nothing to do with EDL nor are they openly racist. But they are the only one who can talk about causes that EDL finds important.
Yes they are anti immigrant in general and want status quo, feel threatened by any large group of foreigners(white black or brown). If I think from their point of view, a white English working class person who sees his tribe reduced to minority in many areas, wages going down while inflation is up, I will be worried and feel threatened too.

Yes, the central issue is whites v/s foreigners (including Eastern European foreigners).

The Muslims are just the politically acceptable excuse to increase their numbers, but they are against all non-whites.

You are right that their message resonates beyond the working class, but even the middle class has the same concerns: jobs going away, uncertainty about the future, and blaming it all on immigrants and foreigners.
As I wrote, you lack the brainpower to process the information.

As much as you try to defend the EDL -- and your imbecile statements denying their anti-Semitic character were shown to be false -- you will never convince a thinking person that the EDL is anything but a racist organization.

I am also enjoying your little dance to convince the brown people that you respect them as Englishmen. You don't, you never will, and we all know that.

Of course,the EDL crowd don't accept Jews like you as equals either, so the ultimate joke is on you.

Oh, I can buy trash like you any time of day.

The educated elite in the West have the utmost contempt for racist bigots like you who are a drag on the nation. To excuse your incompetence and failure in life, you blame it all on the "immigrants".
My lack of brainpower is forcing you to call me a Jew.:rofl:
As anyone can see that now you have started resorting lies and insults based on your superiority complex.

Many members living the UK are coming forward and contradicting everything you are saying from your viewpoint in Australia so you clearly have a lot of experience with the EDL all the way in Australia.:lol:
You are clearly resorting to not arguing with facts and sources but now just making claims that I don't respect brown people without any basis what so ever.:rolleyes:
I'll be honest with you though, it's actually amusing to see a desperate specimen like yourself be so desperate to look "correct" that you eventually resort to insults and making claims. A psychiatrist can help you though whatever the case, Mr Australian EDL expert.:rofl:
My lack of brainpower is forcing you to call me a Jew.:rofl:
As anyone can see that now you have started resorting lies and insults based on your superiority complex.

Why would you think that being called Jewish is an insult?
I call you that because of your avatar and the fact that you got your OP propaganda from an Israeli source.

Many members living the UK are coming forward and contradicting everything you are saying from your viewpoint in Australia so you clearly have a lot of experience with the EDL all the way in Australia.:lol:
You are clearly resorting to not arguing with facts and sources but now just making claims that I don't respect brown people without any basis what so ever.:rolleyes:
I'll be honest with you though, it's actually amusing to see a desperate specimen like yourself be so desperate to look "correct" that you eventually resort to insults and making claims. A psychiatrist can help you though whatever the case, Mr Australian EDL expert.:rofl:

I know about the EDL because all these racist organizations follow the same pattern, whether they are in Britain, Australia, France, Holland, or anywhere else. Their 'grievances' are the same, their rhetoric is the same, and their membership follows similar trends.
EDL is much bigger group than just bunch of welfare addicted losers. Their sympathizers are much more broad based and people dont talk openly about it because its not the 'in' thing to do so. (political correctness)
The longer big parties take to talk about it, more people support these groups.
UKIP is going to be the third largest party in UK now, they have nothing to do with EDL nor are they openly racist. But they are the only one who can talk about causes that EDL finds important.
Yes they are anti immigrant in general and want status quo, feel threatened by any large group of foreigners(white black or brown). If I think from their point of view, a white English working class person who sees his tribe reduced to minority in many areas, wages going down while inflation is up, I will be worried and feel threatened too.
yes that sucks watching your country go down like that but sometimes i think the English have colonlized the world the irony is that people of the middle east asia and africa are maybe doing the same without firing a shot
on topic the brotherhood is bad news to any country they are in a lot of extremsts come out from it most extremsts in Egypt are or were brotherhood
@Hazzy997's not the most pleasant person on the forum; but let's cut him some slack. He's still a teenager! Hormones :angel:

Besides, it can get quite overwhelming trying to defend your country all alone.

Don't listen to this guy, at the beginning we were great together and supportive of Palestine including Hamas. After events in Egypt his politics changed and he took it that he should be anti Palestinian because Saudi Egyptian Jordanian politics. I already told him more than once let's stop from now on and respect each other's opinions. In response he wrote to me that I'm a stateless Palestinian terrorist, something along those lines a while back.

Because the "Palestinian voice" is just a bunch of savage nutters who worship Hamas, a tool created by the Saudis and Israelis. Lets all remember that Hamas was seen as a counter-weight to the socialist groups operating in Palestine at that time.

No we aren't savages, Hamas is legitimate voice amongst all Arab people's. It's a government which seeks legitimate goals and you have to face the reality rather than try delegitimizing them. Also your information has no basis at all, you're reading lots of misinformation online. Saudi Arabia has no ties to them whatsoever.

He's forcing people to hate him and his country.

That's only and you're the only person who insists on going on and on.
Don't listen to this guy, at the beginning we were great together and supportive of Palestine including Hamas. After events in Egypt his politics changed and he took it that he should be anti Palestinian because Saudi Egyptian Jordanian politics. I already told him more than once let's stop from now on and respect each other's opinions. In response he wrote to me that I'm a stateless Palestinian terrorist, something along those lines a while back.

No we aren't savages, Hamas is legitimate voice amongst all Arab people's. It's a government which seeks legitimate goals and you have to face the reality rather than try delegitimizing them. Also your information has no basis at all, you're reading lots of misinformation online. Saudi Arabia has no ties to them whatsoever.

That's only and you're the only person who insists on going on and on.

Shut up stateless terrorist. I warned you before to never talk to me. I'll make you the hard way
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