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Musharraf warning to India

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Consulates are allowed only if the host country allows.

Afghanistan surely desired them and the US surely acquiesced.

And we all know what kind of a friend the Afghanistan is to us...

Anyway, I haven't seen this interview yet.

I believe that Karzai and the Afghan govt is very keen to foster excellent ties with Pakistan.

That is why, I believe, they had the joint loya jirga with the Pakistani Pashtun, but Musharraf could not attend due to last minute pressing issues back home.


India can do nothing about it; that is if I have understood your post.

It has to come from within the heart of those who are waging the terrorism in NWFP and FATA and holding the Pakistan and Afghan govt to ransom.
This will be tricky for the US, Pakistan can pull back the operation in FATA, if the "Indian support" does not cease, and completely turn back the clock on whatever progress has been made.

Pakistan had done nothing to counter the extremists tribals until now. Mushraff smartly waited for his re election and now he is settling the force.
India has no role here.

I believe that Karzai and the Afghan govt is very keen to foster excellent ties with Pakistan.

That is why, I believe, they had the joint loya jirga with the Pakistani Pashtun, but Musharraf could not attend due to last minute pressing issues back home..
lolz Sir i think you forgot Musharraf did attened the Jirga and

if you remember from boths sides the participants demanded withdrawl of foreign froces from Afghanistan.

India can do nothing about it; that is if I have understood your post.

It has to come from within the heart of those who are waging the terrorism in NWFP and FATA and holding the Pakistan and Afghan govt to ransom.

:) well there are some miscreants there but Indian involvement is adding to them and indeed those counsulates Sir Ray are not much of doing any dimplomatic thing there in Afghanistan as these indian counsulates are in such areas where these are not required had you heard any other country have this much at a time when there is not much diplomatic activity rather its war all around there.

AS far Karzai we all know how much he is eager to foster relations with Pakistan.

His family is India and he had been living there for long.
No doubt on who's payrole he is
just like in 60 yrs we broke pakistan in 2.

nobody really gains anything but death and destruction. all these 'gains' are only on paper. in fact both sides are just losers. we both lose soldiers who fight each other coz the politicians of either country cant meet eye-to-eye.

its time for this nonsense to stop. its time to solve the kashmir issue once and for all. the solution should be satisfactory to either nation.

yes indeed the proxies are harming every nation look at the world today.

Even US despite all the powers have gain nothing from waging proxies.

as far breaking Pakistan well we had some mistakes and India taken full advantage of that pluse the location of BD was not favourable for Pakistan.

But im glad today even than Bangladesh is an Islamic Country and not part of India :pakistan:

I think it would be naive of any one to think that no one is causing problems in each others countries. in the mindsets of 'realists' the balance of power is established or increased to further undermine an adversary.

India's RAW agencies are definately working in hand and causing issues.....it's in their interest to do this. They would like a weak country that is forced to concentrate on it's own issues and the survival of it's countries current regimes.

In addition, Pakistan ISI is doing similar activities in India occupied Kashmir and other separatist movement (Naxalites etc).....again it's in Pakistan's interest to show that it too can cause domestic problems for a would be adversary.

Likewise the Iranians are vying for influence in Afgahanistan and thus have it's operators in that country aswell as Pakistan.....just in case things ever deteriorate.

Furthermore, the US/UK/Nato are also doing the same.....BUT I think they play the dirtiest.....DIVIDE and CONQUER has always been there game.

The US is what I would say is the 'Muscleman' and the UK is the 'brains'....they would certainly like to keep developing countries weak or have the potential for instability.....just in case they need to do some 'action' in the future.

In my understanding...India will never be strong enough to destroy Pakistan and the same applies to Pakistan. Unless they become absolutely stupid....there should not be any major conflict with these two neighbours.

Pakistan and India and to that effect the whole South asian region has the potential to become an economic powerhouse (economic miracle), they could substantially reduce poverty in the region and become major international force to be reckoned with.....HOWEVER....this would challenge western hegemonistic ambitions in the World....thus they would play the 'dirtiest' game of DIVIDE and Conquer.

I see western powers as '**** stirrers'..out there to encourage further divisions......

Pakistan needs to do the following:

1) make peace with it's 'militant' population
2) give free religious/secular education to the people
3) negotiate 'peacefully' with it's people on various issues, resolve their issues amicably
4) do not let foreign powers encourage you to fight one another
5) fear God (Allah swt) and bow to no foreign power....Pakistan is not that weak that any country could just randomly threaten it.

Originally Posted by Bull
The tribal too feel they are being held hostage by Islamabad. So how can you deny our right to help them out.

By the way who tells u all that? Taaliban once announced that in case of US attack Taliban will fight USA along with PA.

Keep in mind that Tribal areas are "Pakistan" by their wish they joined this Great Country and they are helping Govenment in fighting with Terrorists

I think that overall, the majority of the people are pro-pakistani in the tribal areas (actually the whole of Pakistan). However, its the various domestic issues that the government does not address (such as baluch griveiences etc) on issues such as economic prosperity and allocation of state resources that causes people to be unhappy.

The 'problems' are then exploited by foreign powers.......i.e Divide the nation etc.
As a journalist you have to tell falsehood

Here is what it is from your greatest friend, the Chinese (they should be right, right?)!:

Im not Indian Journalist sir ;)

Here is the news of his address that too from ur great friedn DT paper

Sir next time better do your homework before accsuing ;)

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Musharraf says not all Taliban terrorists

* Stresses battle for ‘hearts and minds’

KABUL: The Taliban are a part of Afghan society and those among them who are not committed to endless violence must be brought into the political mainstream, President Gen Pervez Musharraf said in an address to the concluding session of the Pak-Afghan Peace Jirga on Sunday, APP reports.

“We must understand the environment. Taliban are a part of Afghan society. Most of them may be ignorant and misguided, but all of them are not diehard militants and fanatics who even defy the most fundamental values of our culture and our faith Islam,” Gen Musharraf said. He said that military action was necessary against Al Qaeda militants and Taliban diehards who refused to reconcile, but a more comprehensive political and development approach was needed to defeat extremism and ‘Talibanisation’. “Talibanisation and extremism ... represent a state of mind and require a more comprehensive long-term strategy where military action must be combined with a political approach and socio-economic development,” he said.

More importantly, he said, the population that appears to be sympathetic to the Taliban is not militant. “Our approach must be focussed on isolating those diehard militants who reject reconciliation and peace. Here, it is a question of winning hearts and minds,” he said.He said the success of the Afghan jirga delegates in achieving peace in their country would “depend on political engagement and understanding in reaching out to the people”.

Iqbal Khattak adds: Shortly before Gen Musharraf’s speech, jirga delegates were handed copies of a joint declaration in which both Afghanistan and Pakistan vowed to pursue “an extended, tireless and persistent campaign against terrorism” and not to allow terrorists sanctuaries or training centres on their soil.

Calling the declaration a “stepping stone” towards peace, Gen Musharraf told the jirga: “Along with Afghanistan, Pakistan has also witnessed the rise of militancy and violence attacking our society. We cannot remain mired in the past.”

He conceded that there was support from the Pakistani tribal areas for the insurgency in Afghanistan and extremism. Pakistan understood it had a “solemn responsibility” to fight against such influences, he said.

The declaration said the jirga resolved to constitute a smaller jirga of 25 members from each side to “monitor and oversee the implementation of the decisions/recommendations” made at the joint Pak-Afghan jirga. Delegates also approved of dialogue and reconciliation with “opposition”, an indirect reference to the Taliban and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.Talking to reporters on his return to Islamabad, Gen Musharraf termed the joint declaration and formation of the 50-member jirga “a good beginning” for a peace process.Gen Musharraf and Mr Karzai discussed cooperation against terrorism and the outcome of the jirga in one-on-one meetings before and after the conclusion of the jirga.

Over 600 delegates attended the Pak-Afghan grand jirga from both countries. The participants discussed means to strengthen bilateral relations. They also considered working out an effective mechanism to arrest the increase in poppy cultivation, processing and trafficking and underlying connection between terrorism and drug trafficking in the region.

The initiative to hold a joint peace jirga was undertaken after a suggestion in Washington when President Musharraf and President Karzai resolved to settle contentious issues between the two countries by arranging a jirga of elders from both sides.
India was successful at highlighting and supporting the mukti bahini forces...encouraginging the divisions......however it was primarily the corrupt Pakistani leadership at the time that allowed foreign powers to cause internal friction and thus separating a muslim country at the time.

Pakistan needs to take heed of the lessons of that period and not allow foreign powers to cause internal division and try to achieve a nother substate...i.e break it apart.

wandrer agreed that our own mistakes had given room to India to exploit the situation and indeed it was stupid on part of our politicians to not allow the majority to form government their at that time.

But saying that India had only highlighted the situation is not right.

We all know what role India had played.

But at he end that BD is another Islamic Country on map of the world :) :tup:

BTW who can forget money India taken from US for accomodating BD Refugees by that time
But at he end that BD is another Islamic Country on map of the world ...

I agree...but the phrase 'United we stand and Divided we fall'....Pakistan should have never allowed it get into that position....I hope they seriously take notice of the griviences that it's people have so that no other power can split it up.

I honestly belive no foreign power can split or destroy pakistan EXCEPT the Pakistanis themselves!
The Nation

Proofs found of Indian involvement

ISLAMABAD-When Pakistan Army troops are out to tackle militants in tribal areas after a flood of suicide attacks in the aftermath of Lal Masjid Operation, country’s intelligence has found the proofs of Indian involvement in the militancy, it was learnt reliably.

An official, who recently attended a high profile meeting regarding the investigations of suicide attacks, revealed to this scribe that intelligence agencies have found strong and irrefutable proofs of involvement of the neighboring country in the suicide attacks.
“The investigators have gathered ‘rock-hard’ proof of involvement of the neighboring country in the anti-army attacks in Pakistan”, the official said.
He said that the investigations of countrywide suicide attacks took this turn when the agencies found a passport of Indian origin from Lal Masjid after completion of the operation

“The investigations regarding the presence of a passport of the enemy state in the residence of Lal Masjid deputy leader Abdul Rashid Ghazi are making headway. The secret agencies are also probing the links of Lal Masjid militants and the insurgents carrying out attacks against army installations and convoys in FATA and other areas of the country”, he maintained.

The investigations into the killing of the Chinese nationals also point finger at the same country. The investigators are also keenly probing the incident of abduction of the Chinese nationals by Lal Masjid clerics, which can further establish the doubts that secret agents of the enemy state have penetrated the jihadi outfits.
“Because few elements believe that even Maulana Abdul Rashid Gahzi was unaware of the activities of few elements taking shelter in the Lal mosque,” he said.

The official added that agencies also discussed the already acquired ‘significant’ proof of the involvement of the enemy state in the uprising of nationalist parties in Balochistan.
They have also information that approximately all the tribal leaders absconding from Pakistan are being heavily funded by the same neighboring state.
“The information of the agencies reveals that secret agents of the specific country have infiltrated the hardliner jihadi outfits. The enemy has adopted a two-pronged strategy against Pakistan by pouring in huge funding and unleashing anti Pakistan and Army propaganda,” the official quoted the high level meeting’s discussion.
He said that the concerned officials believe that the neighboring country on one side was using the militants to carry out massive attacks against the army while on the other using media buildup to launch propaganda against Pakistani Armed Forces.
He added that the recent findings have put the present regime in a total fix and even jeopardized the fate of ongoing composite dialogue process.
The President General Pervez Musharraf himself is facing a critical situation after disclosure of this fact and was considering the development seriously as concerned quarters feel that it would hurt his desire of early settlement of the decades-old Kashmir dispute.

The recent information gathered by the agencies is a source of serious concerns for the present regime. The government circles are also carefully evaluating the recent statement by Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh regarding Kashmir.
“The analysts are dubbing the statement of the Indian premier as an ‘abrupt and out of the context move’ as no solid headway has been made on Kashmir. According to the analysts, the surprise statement could be a bid aimed at diverting the attention from the anti-Pakistan moves being taken by the same state,” the source concluded.
Im not Indian Journalist sir ;)

Haha, good one.

But on a different note let's not mock any sort of journalism. It's a gutsy business and you guys have enough slander to combat itself from the "professionals", anyway.
Consulates are allowed only if the host country allows.

Afghanistan surely desired them and the US surely acquiesced.

An interesting trio of common interests I presume.

India is involved in the reconstruction of the Afghanistan infrastructure that has been ravaged by the years of war. It requires consular assistance for bureaucratic snarls that crop up.

wow didn't no karzai who cant control Kabul without USA supplied security personals can allow India to operate consulates out of Afghanistan specially near Pakistan border while the construction of the highway you are mentioning is no where near this area.

Building infrastructure requires consulates i guess may be in India they do things differently for every highway they are constructing they have a consulate general there.At least come up with some thing thats even closer to an excuse.

deny all you like you no the only reason they are there is cause of training terrorist.and mushy for some strange reason is hell bend on dialog.he better get his head out sand and its time to use babur or 2.
mushy for some strange reason is hell bend on dialog.he better get his head out sand and its time to use babur or 2.

Your'e joking rite? I hope you are buddy. Cause when a babur or two come here, agni or two go there, and then ony agni agni everywhere:D

Then India-Pakistan turns into a new Afghanistan and China occupies both countries.

The End!!

.....well not reallly......then Russia dabbles in, and US comes in as well.........you know the drill............
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