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Musharraf warning to India

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I'm surprised why you weren't kicked off when you posted terrorist videos on Defence.pk. I don't think there's hope for you. Go devise your crushing plans.

What he said was that ' there is no need to get local support, its just to cause as much damage possible in the time you have. In early times it was easy to kill off people, but now with all the media glare and humn right org its isnt possible'. Try reading his post again , i think thats what he meant.

This is the time of Ramazan.

They are not supposed to get angry and have evil thoughts or anything negative.

I think one should respect that!

Sir Jee at this time of the night we are not fasting :).

and i think Asim is acting very sensibly not out of anger :).

would you care to explain evil thoughts in this case
I haven't seen the videos.

Are they false?If so they should be banned.

If not, you are a reporter, it is freedom of speech and even Musharraf, a military man, allows it! ;)

Ban what is in the media?
Actually its just been declared Eid tomorrow ;). I can rampage away all I want :D

Go berserk after Eid.

Till then, hold your horses.

Just not done, Asim!

We have had a long chat on this.

And you are a good man!
What he said was that ' there is no need to get local support, its just to cause as much damage possible in the time you have. In early times it was easy to kill off people, but now with all the media glare and humn right org its isnt possible'. Try reading his post again , i think thats what he meant.

Bull he was saying that conventional wars need locals support today and in the past they had been masacard for not supporting the attackers and now it is not easy for the country to masacare them for supporting the attackers.

Now by no means i can see that if India attack us or any country our people will support the attacker which stealth was tring to say that in modern day, the locals will support them.

Go read his post again.
Sir Jee at this time of the night we are not fasting :).

and i think Asim is acting very sensibly not out of anger :).

would you care to explain evil thoughts in this case

Are you suggesting that only when you fast you should be good?

If so, you have not understood what is the essence of Ramazan or as we, Christians, say Lent!
were those videos wrong?

If so, you are right!

Look Asim, you are good guy. Can we talk after Ramazan?

I would like all to follow what their religion dictates if they indeed believe in it. I do so for all my Moslem friends out here too. They like me for that! I am their conscience keeper.

Don't you see me being, as polite as I can, now?
Salim, I don't have much to complain about your behavior. You haven't instigated any of the nonsense thus far and big ups to you for that.

However it is generally expected that a senior member of the forum, and a respected poster on a multitude of forums would not so easily be sucked into jumping onto the bandwagon. I leave it up to you to make that judgment call.
Lent is period of fasting and repentance traditionally observed by Catholics and some Protestant denominations in preparation for Easter. The length of the Lenten fast, was established in the 4th century as 40 days. During this time, participants eat sparingly, or simply give up a particular food or habit. Ash Wednesday and Lent began as a way for Catholics to remind themselves to repent of their sins in a similar manner to how people in the Old Testament repented in sackcloth, ashes, and fasting (Esther 4:1-3; Jeremiah 6:26; Daniel 9:3; Matthew 11:21).

However, over the centuries it has developed a much more "sacramental" value. Many Catholics understand giving something up for Lent as a way to gain blessing from God. The Bible does not teach that such acts have any merit with God (Isaiah 64:6). In fact, the New Testament teaches us that our acts of fasting and repentance should be done in a manner that does not attract attention to ourselves: “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:16-18).

Fasting is a good thing when it is done with a Biblical perspective. It is good and pleasing to God when we give up sinful habits and practices. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting aside a time where we focus on Jesus' death and resurrection. However, these "practices" are things we should be doing every day of the year, not just for 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. If you feel led of the Lord to observe Lent, you are free to do so. Be sure to focus on the time as you repenting from your sins and consecrating yourself to God - not on trying to earn God's favor or increase His love for you!

Recommended Resource: Why Celebrate Easter by Steve Russ
I haven't seen the videos.

Are they false?If so they should be banned.

If not, you are a reporter, it is freedom of speech and even Musharraf, a military man, allows it! ;)

Ban what is in the media?

Yes freedom of speech is allowed but using PFF for terrorist propoganda is not allowed i thinl.

As far banning the stuff well if such stuff appears on Blogs will even than call it Media ???

I leave it up to you to judge if I have not promoted Indo Pak amity or have I promoted hatred!

If you find my presence an impediment, I can always leave.

I have been one for sanity and not stupidity or day dreams!

My ranking in the board should in no way cloud my desire to bring sanity and Indo Pak amity. I also would not claim that I am perfect. Even the Creator is not! I am but a human!

If India Pakistan amity is a sin, then I am a sinner and if that is against the Board's rules, I shall leave.

You have just to tell me so!
Are you suggesting that only when you fast you should be good?

If so, you have not understood what is the essence of Ramazan or as we, Christians, say Lent!

:)Sir for heaven sake i was just replying to you in the same light mood as you were.

As for essence of Ramazan well i would say being Muslims we are adviced to carry the same all our lives not just Ramazan.

Hey good to see you have become Christian,:tup:
No I am not a Christian.

I used to be!

I have renounced organised religion!
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