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Musharraf warning to India

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You are a reporter.

A reporter has a whole lot of inside info.

Do you really feel India and Pakistan fight wars as per their plans?

India, in any case, during Kargil go for an all out war since it would have been catastrophic for the economy and the NDA govt wanted to prove that they are better in governance than the Congress! Self interest uber alles!!

Ohh Sir Jee thats what im saying going to conventional wars these days specially by India or Pakistan is out of question due to many reasons some you mentioned above.

In so far as Superpowers getting kicked out of war zones, one should view it pragmatically and without emotions. There was no hope in hell of the USSR going out of Afghanistan without the help of the US. And there is no hope of the USA quitting either in Afghanistan or Iraq unless they want to go!

I have no delusions about what these powers can do since they are not only militarily strong but also control the world economy! And without a cooperative economy, one is finished!

Don't think any superpower or even China will ruin their position as world supremos to help anyone!

Self interest above all!

No emotionlaism Sir Ray.
rather these powers have to due to many reasons.

1. domestic pressure.
2. fighting a war that is creating more problems for their own people and breeding more terror
3. The burden on their own tax-payer for fighting a war that is being fought for some vested elements some jaints that would be benefited by the energy game.
4. the terrain is not favourable for them.
5. the popoulation of the countries they had attacked wants them out of their countries.
and many other reasons.
The cost of the usless war is casuing them also.
Oh kicking the empty handed Iraqi and Afghans behind is no millitary win rather getting kicked behind by the arm-less civcilians of these countries is indeed a bad defeat for the most equiped army or for that matter armies in case of Afghanistan and Iraq.

And indeed the population refused to accept americans so how on earth you can dream in case of Pak-India conventional war India would be accepted by us :rolleyes: cuz as malay was saying India is superior to Pakistan millitarily

Arey...who wants to get accepted by Pakistanis. The objective is to crush the enemy and withdraw from most of the areas ,except some strategic locations.

Occupying a country in the 21st century needs the support of the locals. In medeival times the locals who resisted were simply massacred. You can't do that anymore.
Neither can India think about being involved in a conventional war with Pakistan.

Its a Pakistanis who claimed of conventional war.

If it could have she might have gone for one during kargil stand off so lets not to jump over just illusions.

Nawaz Sheriff was forced to go to washington only bcoz India threatened to extend the theatre of conflict. US was forced to intervene and ask Pakistan to withdraw bcoz of the same fear.

The world has changed alot even the Super Power with most advanced warefares is getting kicked out of war zones.

Well you need to realise that US is kicked in assymetrical warfare. In conventional warfare US has shown how to kick *** in Iraq and Afghan when the much famed Iraqi Army and Taliban was crushed.

Sooner or later they had to withdraw without winning.

They won, now they are trying to govern it.
OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:

OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:
OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:
OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:
OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:
OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:

Enough said.
same advice to you Bull ;) in case of even a sneaz that is blamed on us

So, file a case if you take exception to that too.

PS: Dont wink at me, pls.
Really, how some Pakistani's think they are militarily superior to India. That Pakistan can actually even think about being involved in a conventional war with India..!
That's a Flame... Relevance?
Arey...who wants to get accepted by Pakistanis. The objective is to crush the enemy and withdraw from most of the areas ,except some strategic locations.

Occupying a country in the 21st century needs the support of the locals. In medeival times the locals who resisted were simply massacred. You can't do that anymore.
I'm surprised why you weren't kicked off when you posted terrorist videos on Defence.pk. I don't think there's hope for you. Go devise your crushing plans.

This is the time of Ramazan.

They are not supposed to get angry and have evil thoughts or anything negative.

I think one should respect that!
I'm surprised why you weren't kicked off when you posted terrorist videos on Defence.pk. I don't think there's hope for you. Go devise your crushing plans.

were those videos wrong?

If so, you are right!

Look Asim, you are good guy. Can we talk after Ramazan?

I would like all to follow what their religion dictates if they indeed believe in it. I do so for all my Moslem friends out here too. They like me for that! I am their conscience keeper.

Don't you see me being, as polite as I can, now?
Don't sneeze! :)

Sir sitting in Pakistan i cant sneaz in India :)


Ahh If you were that smart i would have winked at you :D

Sir Ray as far those videos these said Terrorist Videos so by rules of the forum posting of any such stuff should have been banned.

This is the time of Ramazan.

They are not supposed to get angry and have evil thoughts or anything negative.

I think one should respect that!
Actually its just been declared Eid tomorrow ;). I can rampage away all I want :D
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