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Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive

That ethnicity you mentioned is binded by religion. TTP wants their own version of Islamic caliphate and Government, a glimpse of what was seen in Swat. Its not ethnic but religious.

Its just a smokescreen.

When PA raided TTP camps in FATA they found alcohol bottles. They are drug addicts, alcoholics, drug dealers, rapists. Nothing Muslim about them.

It is a fascist extremist Pashtun militancy used by Taliban to destabilize the tribal belt, KPK and Baluchistan to achieve Afghan objective of sea access. Brainchild of AQ. You really Al Qaeda cared about religion? It was a ruse :lol: Their bread and butter was the poppy fields.
Its just a smokescreen.

When PA raided TTP camps in FATA they found alcohol bottles. They are drug addicts, alcoholics, drug dealers, rapists. Nothing Muslim about them.

It is a fascist extremist Pashtun militancy used by Taliban to destabilize the tribal belt, KPK and Baluchistan to achieve Afghan objective of sea access.
A very effective smokescreen, but not just a smokescreen.

RAW's hand was seen in many forms, one of which was seen when uncircumcised deadbodies of terrorists were found, who were fighting along hardened militants with lineage from Afghanistan war of 1980s, but in any case its a religious movement, though false in nature, which is why I mentioned extremism in religion, a means how these movements prey on public.
Sure sure keep telling yourself that, which is why there are bomb blasts and terrorism incidents in India every day like Pakistan, Or maybe ISI operates in an extremely covert method that you dont even know what hit you and where :laugh:
most unfortunate :(

but game toh dono khelte hain, Durrani's book only stated the obvious.

Its just a smokescreen.

When PA raided TTP camps in FATA they found alcohol bottles. They are drug addicts, alcoholics, drug dealers, rapists. Nothing Muslim about them.

It is a fascist extremist Pashtun militancy used by Taliban to destabilize the tribal belt, KPK and Baluchistan to achieve Afghan objective of sea access. Brainchild of AQ. You really Al Qaeda cared about religion? It was a ruse :lol: Their bread and butter was the poppy fields.
You're one of the few guys who understands this. The Islamist aspect is to legitimatise the war, but luckily not many people follow along too much because they also sense the ethnofacism part of it.
The double game pakistani military and political leadership played with the west is beyond laughable. Today they look like fools. If one thinks logically it was the US which killed more anti pak terrorist while securing our western border while financing a failed state/economy and supplying billions in modern weapons.

Yet what did we do in return?

Then again we are a double faced society. We see it at the micro level within our families or how we deal with friends. Pakistani society itself is evil
If we start a war with Afghanistan, many Pakistani will not side with Pakistan on ethnic grounds as Afghanistan is called "Pushtoon land" despite majority population being Uzbek, Tajik non Pushtoon.

Likewise a war with Iran, will see many Pakistani siding with Iran on religious grounds and Iran since 1978 is the "Holy land" of a certain sect.

The problem is not just military, its also the people of Pakistan who rather side with a foreign country than own, based on ethnic religious bias.
If we start a war with Afghanistan, many Pakistani will not side with Pakistan on ethnic grounds as Afghanistan is called "Pushtoon land" despite majority population being Uzbek, Tajik non Pushtoon.

Likewise a war with Iran, will see many Pakistani siding with Iran on religious grounds and Iran since 1978 is the "Holy land" of a certain sect.

The problem is not just military, its also the people of Pakistan who rather side with a foreign country than own, based on ethnic religious bias.
Just another reason not to go for a long drawn out war, economically we can't sustain it either.

Destructive and decisive force that can end things quickly is required if they plan to enter Afghanistan.

In my opinion the best solution is a buffer zone, deport every refugee, and do limited strikes/ops against militant infrastructure. Nothing like an invasion type.
Pak needs to divide the Afgans and rule....

Ey 100% narcotic Taliban, don't forget who has put you up there. And, the same party can pull you down to the gutter you used to reside......
lol.. We ain't going to war with Afghanistan period... my opinions are irrelevant but we simply arent going to war

Agree with you, Pak does not have the resources for a two-front opening. Besides war with Afghanistan is not the solution.
my bet is on the Afghan Taliban-your Pakistani military should not fall for this trap- Taliban can and will suck out Pakistani military...and then Indian military will be laughing to the bank.

Pakistani army cant defeat taliban- thats my point, afterall US couldnt do it in 20 years so how can Pakistani army? Some of you need to calm your egos down.

This problem occured because Pakistani govt is now doing US govt's bidding in the region- Gosh, it will go so bad so fast for Pakistan- Pakistan knew before how to "manage" Talibans a bit better... but this govt now? lol- full US proxy- US gov seems to be trying to use its puppet in Pakistani govt to continue its lost war in Afghanistan..and probably support ISIS-K, its loyal useful proxy.

This wont end well for Pakistan.
Difference is that we don't plan to occupy territory. We will strike and retreat to our border. If we can militarise the Durand line like we have the LOC, then Taliban cannot harm us.

Also the US couldn't suffocate Afghanistan because they needed thier supplies coming through Pakistan. If 2e close the border the Afghans have nobody else to turn too.
Agree with you, Pak does not have the resources for a two-front opening. Besides war with Afghanistan is not the solution.
Agree with you but two-fronts are already open, TTP is the ideological & ethnic brother of TTA (Afghan Taliban).

The only reason they are distancing themselves is due to political necessity, but of course they support them. You think any Afghan will ever not support them or not claim land they believe is theirs? The general populations belief is enough to tell you their leadership has such desires but cannot formally express them due to political pressure.
Difference is that we don't plan to occupy territory. We will strike and retreat to our border. If we can militarise the Durand line like we have the LOC, then Taliban cannot harm us.

Also the US couldn't suffocate Afghanistan because they needed thier supplies coming through Pakistan. If 2e close the border the Afghans have nobody else to turn too.
Pak has a million ways to modulate Afganistan, but for some unknown (!?!) reasons, Pak is showing an extreme patience....

*Afganistan is a 100% narcotic country. No further elaboration is required.
Just another reason not to go for a long drawn out war, economically we can't sustain it either.

Destructive and decisive force that can end things quickly is required if they plan to enter Afghanistan.

In my opinion the best solution is a buffer zone, deport every refugee, and do limited strikes/ops against militant infrastructure. Nothing like an invasion type.
We don't need to enter Afghanistan, just do blockade. Everything they need , passes through Pakistan.
what an insanely hare-brained idea..

bc amreeka ki aisi taisi kar di in janwaaron ne, aap kya top ho ? :P
We are not Americans. This is our home. We have walloped them before. We will whoop their behinds again; all from the comfort of our home.
We are not Americans. This is our home. We have walloped them before. We will whoop their behinds again; all from the comfort of our home.
Nope, Pakistanis are only tough against Indians.

They become pathetic cowards begging for forgiveness and licking boots against Afghans.

Most Pakistanis are beghairat ghulaams who would cheer Afghans on in a war against Pakistan, even though they spew vile insults towards their mother's and sisters. Especially youthias 🤣
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