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Musharraf warning to India

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Its the same congress that was in power in 71. We know how they work. Musharraf should stop playing politics that he is now and start addressing the real threat. India will not let us live in peace, so what the hell are we expecting from these absolutely useless peace process with the indians. If they want to destroy pakistan, make sure they go down with us.
Bull said:
File a case in ICJ and lets see how rock solid it is.
Case of Kashmir is Pending from about 60 years & you are suppose us to file another one.

no tnx. we have seen what the International community can do.we will not experience it again.

Your'e joking rite? I hope you are buddy. Cause when a babur or two come here, agni or two go there, and then ony agni agni everywhere:D

Then India-Pakistan turns into a new Afghanistan and China occupies both countries.

The End!!

.....well not reallly......then Russia dabbles in, and US comes in as well.........you know the drill............

wow not that you said Agni Agni few times iam scared.oh wait i believe we crossed that mountain in the 90s. if Agni was to fly we have the power to make India also glow in the dark for 1000s of years.so i doubt any thing will fly .as long as it comes to my countries security.we have the right to use any means possible to neutralize the threat.

only reason mushy ain't doing any thing cause he wants to go down in history as the guy who solved Kashmir.i Hate to burst his bubble India isn't interested in peace.

Then India-Pakistan turns into a new Afghanistan and China occupies both countries.

The End!!

.....well not reallly......then Russia dabbles in, and US comes in as well.........you know the drill............[/

May i suggest you stop watching Movies.:pop:
wow not that you said Agni Agni few times iam scared.oh wait i believe we crossed that mountain in the 90s. if Agni was to fly we have the power to make India also glow in the dark for 1000s of years.so i doubt any thing will fly .as long as it comes to my countries security.we have the right to use any means possible to neutralize the threat.

Oh dear...I forgot you guys don't speak hindi!! "Agni" means "fire" in sanskrit. So what I meant was, that there will be "fire" everywhere....get it? Not that solely Indian missles will rain on pakistan. :enjoy:

only reason mushy ain't doing any thing cause he wants to go down in history as the guy who solved Kashmir.i Hate to burst his bubble India isn't interested in peace.

Ah...well then....if thats the case....lets see who's got more firepower!!

Indian subcontinent will get a new name: Radiationistan

You're right....with the whole region covered in nuclear dust, I doubt China will be interested in the region any more! :D
Really, how some Pakistani's think they are militarily superior to India. That Pakistan can actually even think about being involved in a conventional war with India..!
Really, how some Pakistani's think they are militarily superior to India. That Pakistan can actually even think about being involved in a conventional war with India..!
Well i think we have practiced about three time War with India so there is no thinking, if it is then it is.
& how do you think that IA is Superior then PA with any proof.

only reason mushy ain't doing any thing cause he wants to go down in history as the guy who solved Kashmir.i Hate to burst his bubble India isn't interested in peace.
i agree with this, India never wanted peace in Pakistan they can want peace in any other country except Pakistan. A country who never accepted Pakistan how do accept from her that she will stand by you in solving the problems ?

This time there will be no US to stop the war!

So, why talk of such hypothetical nonsense?

Every time, except possibly 1971, Pakistan has started the war and so what is this that India will not allow peace?
This time there will be no US to stop the war!

Do you think we need US to stop the war, not to forget 1965 when actually india asked for the ceasefire.

Every time, except possibly 1971, Pakistan has started the war and so what is this that India will not allow peace?

What possibly do you suggest when you push the other countries limits. India will not allow peace because of its proxy wars against not only pakistan but srilanka, BD.
India cannot let go her mother india status and for that she constantly likes to poke her nose in the internal matters of other countries specially pakistan, What choice do we have then? actually two:

1) Let india do what it wants too.
2) Strike back and settle with them once and for all.

We'll prefer the second one.:sniper:
Really, how some Pakistani's think they are militarily superior to India. That Pakistan can actually even think about being involved in a conventional war with India..!

Malay i actually respect your patriotism but India is no US while pakistan is no Iraq.
Do you think we need US to stop the war, not to forget 1965 when actually india asked for the ceasefire.

The unfortunate part is that you do not understand the conduct of warfare.

Pakistan had an economy and the WWR to last 15 days and India, 30 days.

That should give you the answer.

What possibly do you suggest when you push the other countries limits. India will not allow peace because of its proxy wars against not only pakistan but srilanka, BD.
India cannot let go her mother india status and for that she constantly likes to poke her nose in the internal matters of other countries specially pakistan, What choice do we have then? actually two:

1) Let india do what it wants too.
2) Strike back and settle with them once and for all.

I understand your rationale for your morbid fear even when there is no reasons for the same. Self illusioned to be precise!
We'll prefer the second one.:sniper:


What did Bush say - Bring it on!

And anyway, why the delay?

I hope you will be there and not expect the soldiers to deliver it on the platter!

Great to be a cyber warrior, but real life is a wee bit different! ;)
Really, how some Pakistani's think they are militarily superior to India. That Pakistan can actually even think about being involved in a conventional war with India..!
Neither can India think about being involved in a conventional war with Pakistan.

If it could have she might have gone for one during kargil stand off so lets not to jump over just illusions. The world has changed alot even the Super Power with most advanced warefares is getting kicked out of war zones.

Sooner or later they had to withdraw without winning.
Neither can India think about being involved in a conventional war with Pakistan.

If it could have she might have gone for one during kargil stand off so lets not to jump over just illusions. The world has changed alot even the Super Power with most advanced warefares is getting kicked out of war zones.

Sooner or later they had to withdraw without winning.

Oh, the US kicked Iraqi and Afghans behinds. They only got bogged down after the main war was over, since the population itself started fighting each other and refused to accept the americans.

the US can take down any Middle Easter army in a matter of days.
Neither can India think about being involved in a conventional war with Pakistan.

If it could have she might have gone for one during kargil stand off so lets not to jump over just illusions. The world has changed alot even the Super Power with most advanced warefares is getting kicked out of war zones.

Sooner or later they had to withdraw without winning.


You are a reporter.

A reporter has a whole lot of inside info.

Do you really feel India and Pakistan fight wars as per their plans?

Why was Op Parakarma not gone through in the logical sequence? Stupid to have such a costly mobilisation and then sit on the haunches!

India, in any case, during Kargil did not go for an all out war since it would have been catastrophic for the economy and the NDA govt wanted to prove that they are better in governance than the Congress! Self interest uber alles!

In so far as Superpowers getting kicked out of war zones, one should view it pragmatically and without emotions. There was no hope in hell of the USSR going out of Afghanistan without the help of the US. And there is no hope of the USA quitting either in Afghanistan or Iraq unless they want to go!

I have no delusions about what these powers can do since they are not only militarily strong but also control the world economy! And without a cooperative economy, one is finished!

Don't think any superpower or even China will ruin their position as world supremos to help anyone!

Self interest above all!
Oh, the US kicked Iraqi and Afghans behinds. They only got bogged down after the main war was over, since the population itself started fighting each other and refused to accept the americans.

the US can take down any Middle Easter army in a matter of days.

Oh kicking the empty handed Iraqi and Afghans behind is no millitary win rather getting kicked behind by the arm-less civcilians of these countries is indeed a bad defeat for the most equiped army or for that matter armies in case of Afghanistan and Iraq.

And indeed the population refused to accept americans so how on earth you can dream in case of Pak-India conventional war India would be accepted by us :rolleyes: cuz as malay was saying India is superior to Pakistan millitarily
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