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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

I dont understand what Pakistanis are celebrating about....This interview only shows what an idiot and stupid their leaders are..they cant even debate properly and argue like fisherman's wives....

Damn you guys even have issue with us enjoying something? :argh:
if there's anything to condemn then its the attitude of that Anchor

no body messes with Mushiii :devil:

Mushraf a champion on television but a coward in real life who runaway in china at the times of kargil war.... He told sharif to go america and beg clinton to stop india.... Mr sharif told everything what happened....

Continue your " aliens are coming " stuff , these distorting realities thing do not suit you at all ! :lol: Martian , Musharraf is considered a champion and the best ruler of Pakistan in the whole history , what the hell do you know about him ? :azn: Do you know the economic condition and International image of Pakistan during his era or the fact that he was near solving the Kashmir dispute with your country once and for all ? :no: ... Mr . Sharif is a corrupt politician who got butt hurt after being proven inept to run the country and loosing the throne to military and now spends the rest of his life bashing Pakistan's army ...

P.S Sharif may be the " alien gospel " for you ! :rofl:

I wish he was the ruler of Pakistan today ! Even though I am much impressed by Kayani's handling of the matters at LOC , not giving an iota of importance to Indian chief's statements at all ... Musharraf would have done better , much better ...
Shame on this pathetic low life...!!!

This guy must be a retard..he is saying that the father of the dead soldier 'Saurabh Kalia' cooked up such story..disregarding the lonely fight that brave man has been doing for the last 10 years....really must be a mentally sick person this musharaff.....

wonder how that poor man...Mr Kalia must be feeling with this kind of charges being levelled at him by this sorry excuse of general...

I blame times now for inviting these type of people...
All I see is the usual denial by the Denial-istanis. This will join the long list of Pakistani lies and denials they are known for:

- We didnt start 1948 war, 2 weeks later: Oops OK maybe sending tribals meant we started the conflict
- We didnt start 1965 war, 2 weeks later: Oops OK sending a tank into a Indian territorry of Jammu probably wasnt the best choice
- We didnt start 1971, 2 weeks later: Ooops srry about the genocide and rapes of Bangladeshis bro
- We didnt start Kargil, 2 weeks later: Yeah maybe sending militants and troops across the LoC wasnt the brightest idea
- We didnt do Mumbai, 2 weeks later: Yeah we kinda did...

We will just add this incident to the list of Pakistani denial and lies...

It comes naturally to them.
Just guessing, why do Pakistani leaders make a bee line to India though?

Cuz we let 'em. How can anyone make it to India without our explicit or implicit approval?

Who's they? the Pakistani populace? and hit back at whom..musharaf?

'They' as in the Pakistani establishment. They would want to hit back at the Indian contingent either directly or via proxies for the alleged pain we caused them.
It comes naturally to them.

Pakistani media going on overdrive...showing selective clips of the debate....and claiming victory...just like all the wars..

Pakistani media is just a joke as Indian media..if not more..
Good to see that ugly face anchor got slapped. He has been barking too long

For all the people barking about beheading and whatnot , see what @nabil_05 posted in the Seniors cafe about this whole episode ! An interesting read , I promise you ...
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frankly speaking WAY TOO LESS than yours.

our Media held no talk shows where as yours.. Wooha! completely went bonkers like a dengue-disease

just saw the video on top....we dont have videos revelling on a mentally deficient speech by an ex-general..where he makes statements like the dead soldiers father must be complicit in propaganda against pakistan....as a soldier he should be ashamed of even making such accusations...

An epic summary of Gen. Musharraf VS Arnab Goswami posted on Facebook.

Pakistanis are very good in making clips(that to which dont show the whole story) and then feeling good about themselves...
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