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How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

The microwave signal does not detonate the explosive. The satellite provides a microwave signal that simply activates the warhead's trigger. The microwave signal acts on the trigger, not on the explosive.

Really? That's fascinating. You do realize that microwaves can be blocked with a simple metal screen, right? The same sort of thing you see in the glass of your oven?

Microwaves are radio waves, EM radiation, nothing more. And their effect on materials is a simple one. They cannot tell a circuit to "turn on." They can heat materials, little more.

The scientists who design nuclear weapons know that they must function reliably in a hellish environment of all sorts of radiation, heat, electromagnetic pulses, and must detonate ONLY when commanded. My guess is that they are immune to external radio waves.

It seems to me that you are joining a rapidly growing club of people who ascribe a technological level to the USA that is little short of magic. If we can detonate nuclear weapons with some intercontinental radio beam, why are we using propeller-driven drones to kill terrorists, when we can cook them in their sleep? Why are we spending billions on ABM technology?

This whole thing sounds like a scare-mongering chain email, little more.
Guys, please ignore this thread. Unless ofcourse, you are one of those individuals with suicidal tendencies and dark fantasies about skinny dipping in a puddle of dung.
Really? That's fascinating. You do realize that microwaves can be blocked with a simple metal screen, right? The same sort of thing you see in the glass of your oven?

Microwaves are radio waves, EM radiation, nothing more. And their effect on materials is a simple one. They cannot tell a circuit to "turn on." They can heat materials, little more.

The scientists who design nuclear weapons know that they must function reliably in a hellish environment of all sorts of radiation, heat, electromagnetic pulses, and must detonate ONLY when commanded. My guess is that they are immune to external radio waves.

But Scalar wave can penetrate solid object . Do you know during Cold war , Soviet shot down lots of US air craft , missile , and sattelite by this wave ??
1) They are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. You can put a transmitter in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will receive the scalar wave frequency you are pulsing. The potential here is for a transmitter that can penetrate any obstacle or perhaps communicate directly through the Earth from one side of the globe to the other.

Chogy said:
It seems to me that you are joining a rapidly growing club of people who ascribe a technological level to the USA that is little short of magic. If we can detonate nuclear weapons with some intercontinental radio beam, why are we using propeller-driven drones to kill terrorists, when we can cook them in their sleep? Why are we spending billions on ABM technology?

This whole thing sounds like a scare-mongering chain email, little more
BCz this wave is deadly weapon , it can create Earth quake too , it will make another 'Star war ' to the world when US use it in every battle.
Enough said. Pure fantasy.
Hehe, Soviet was far better than you in this technology , No supprise if you don't know about it , but we VN used it to shoot down your F-111s during VN war already.

After lack of U.S. reaction to these tests showed that the U.S. still had no knowledge of the new technology and did not even recognize its employment, the Soviets apparently decided to proceed with tests where the target would actually be destroyed.

On December 12, 1985 the same Soviet weapon tested against the NASA shuttle launches deliberately interfered with the controls of an Arrow DC-8 taking off from Gander Air Force Base, Newfoundland.
At an altitude of 100 feet, the aircraft--carrying over 250 U.S. soldiers and civilian crew members lost power and sank into the ground tail-low, killing everyone on board. Three Canadian witnesses to the crash were interviewed over the Canadian Broadcast Corporation's television news on April 8,1986 at 10 p.m.
No flame or smoke issued from the plane before its descent and crash. However the aircraft was seen to be mysteriously glowing with a yellow glow.

That is a signature of the use of a scalar howitzer in the "continuous EM emergence" mode, similar to the manner in which the F-111s were downed in Vietnam.
In short, the DC-8s electrical systems were interfered with any electromagnetic noise created throughout the spacetime occupied by the aircraft.
The powerful charge created in and around the aircraft also apparently caused the loss of two engines, one after the other. With its controls ineffective, and its power drastically reduced, the aircraft sank to earth, still in its "tail down" configuration from takeoff, and crashed and burned.
The "yellow glow" was a corona due to the acquisition of a high electrical charge by the skin of the aircraft.
Hehe, Soviet was far better than you in this technology , No supprise if you don't know about it , but we VN used it to shoot down your F-111s during VN war already.

Ohhhh-kay. So it wasn't the SA-2 and 57mm AAA, it was a secret Soviet beam weapon.

The guys I talked to who fought in the VN war were concerned about the former, and didn't mention the latter. None of them mentioned being shot down by a magic invisible beam.

Again, if such a weapon worked and was available, why does Russia aggressively pursue their advance SA missiles? Why spend billions on SA-20 upgrades? To provide a cover for their sooper-dooper alien beam weapon? Please elaborate.
All they did was spray a lot of bullets and pray that it finds a target. Not some secret "bum" weapon.
Ohhhh-kay. So it wasn't the SA-2 and 57mm AAA, it was a secret Soviet beam weapon.

The guys I talked to who fought in the VN war were concerned about the former, and didn't mention the latter. None of them mentioned being shot down by a magic invisible beam.

Again, if such a weapon worked and was available, why does Russia aggressively pursue their advance SA missiles? Why spend billions on SA-20 upgrades? To provide a cover for their sooper-dooper alien beam weapon? Please elaborate.
As I said this is a deadly weapon, it can create Earth quake , it will put the World in one more 'Star war' and Russia simply doesn't have enough money to keep up the arms race between Russia-USA any more .Russia doesn't want to be collapse again.

Btw: DO you know 'Star war' doctrine ??
Chogy: "You do realize that microwaves can be blocked with a simple metal screen, right? The same sort of thing you see in the glass of your oven?"

I have already mentioned shielding against the microwave signals from U. S. satellites by simple metal foil. But you cannot shield until you know about the threat.

Chogy: "Microwaves are radio waves, EM radiation, nothing more. And their effect on materials is a simple one. They cannot tell a circuit to "turn on." They can heat materials, little more."

You are an ignoramus. To take a very simple example familiar to everyone, microwaves turn on billions of cell phone circuits all the time every day.

Chogy: "If we can detonate nuclear weapons with some intercontinental radio beam, .."

A signal from a satellite a few hundred miles up in the sky is not an "intercontinental radio beam". Ever heard of radar imaging satellites? They are not secret and several countries have them. You also have to learn to read. I cannot waste time with such people.
I said above that nuclear weapons are made and used in a context which provides the motivation for making and using them. The most important part of the context is the psyche and genes of the leader. Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India like clockwork every year for over twenty years and Indians did nothing to defend themselves, passively waiting for him to come and kill and enslave hundreds of thousands of them every year. The same is the story regarding other invaders; they quietly submitted to rule by a handful of the British for centuries and remain in the deepest slavery to the United States which is invading the subcontinent. Without me there would be no weapons development and no attempt at liberation ; I have had the task of motivating and pushing an inert mass of a billion-plus people out of slavery for the past 36 years.
...Read my first post again which also shows how the design of triggers can be changed...

So basically you are the same guy as SatishChandra's Assistant, because this IS your first post under this username.
I though multiple accounts are not allowed?
So basically you are the same guy as SatishChandra's Assistant, because this IS your first post under this username.
I though multiple accounts are not allowed?

If you read the first post of this thread, it says that CIA-RAW has the ability to change the content of web pages and frequently does. It often deletes parts of my posts, posts fake comments in my name, etc., as is described in post # 1 of this thread. This seems to be its latest such act. In post # 1 of this thread, one of the paragraphs under October 28, 2011 says:

"On November 20, 2009 I wrote (see my blog): "While RAW has always been a branch of the C.I.A., the Tamil traitor-enemy Chidambaram has made other Indian intelligence agencies branches of the United States intelligence agencies, bringing in U.S. equipment to India to enable comprehensive real-time monitoring and interception ability for the U.S. of all communications in India, a comprehensive and total censorship power to the United States of not only what gets into the Indian media of all kinds [for example, CIA-RAW can block, partially block, alter or remove communications -- not just comments -- to news media at will and in real time and does it all the time; it can and does also alter the content of web pages, for example, published news reports] but even communications between individuals, bringing India into a colonial grip of and slavery to the United States such as has never been seen in human history. None of this will be allowed, no nuclear deal in any form, no IAEA inspections of any kind of anything in India, no guards of honour, no state dinners, no representing India for C.I.A.-RAW operatives." "

It is not just communications in India that it can so interfere with; it can do so in any country. The coverge of its satellites is global.

The focus of this thread is its ability to disable or activate the triggers of nuclear warheads but the same satellites can to a lot of other things such as interference with communications described above and audio and video surveillance, also mentioned in post # 1 of this thread.
You also have to learn to read. I cannot waste time with such people.

And YOU have to learn to critically analyze the doomsday, secret weapon rumors that fly about the internet. Do you believe the people who design and produce atomic weapons and missiles aren't familiar with microwaves? Do you have the slightest idea how difficult it is to detonate a nuclear weapon without authorization? That assumes you actually have the weapon in front of you...

Google Permissive Action Link and research the modern methods used to safeguard nukes. All countries use them. In fact, PAL technology has actually been shared among nuclear nations, because it benefits everybody.

PALs are also linked directly or indirectly with a number of security measures, which together form a comprehensive security package. In general, elements of PAL systems are located deep within the nuclear device. This makes it almost impossible to bypass the system.

Bypassing a PAL should be, as one weapons designer graphically put it, about as complex as performing a tonsillectomy while entering the patient from the wrong end.
—Peter D. Zimmerman, nuclear physicist and weapons inspector[12]

PAL devices have been installed on all or nearly all nuclear devices in the US arsenal, including the Minuteman ICBM, MGM-13A Mace Tactical Ballistic Missile, CGM-13B Mace Tactical Ballistic Missile, Sergeant, Pershing, and WAC Corporal missiles as well as the Nike-Hercules, Honest John rockets, the Davy Crockett system, and artillery-launched howitzer rounds..

Another part of the PAL design is the inclusion of "stronglinks" and "weaklinks." These words, which come from the proverb "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link" ensure resilience to accidental activation through damage. The stronglinks include the ruggedization of some components and inclusion of insensitive munitions so that they will not be circumvented by fire, vibration, or magnetic fields, leaving the PAL vulnerable to bypass after such damage. On the other hand, activation-critical electronics within the weapon, such as capacitors, are selected so that they will fail before the safety device in the event of damage, ensuring that the weapon fails safe.

Many if not all nukes use a combination of digital AND mechanical safeties. Somehow, I doubt a microwave beam, regardless of what digital data is embedded within it, has the ability to override a mechanical safety. Nuclear weapons are not cell phones. :disagree:

If you read the first post of this thread, it says that CIA-RAW has the ability to change the content of web pages and frequently does. It often deletes parts of my posts, posts fake comments in my name, etc., as is described in post # 1 of this thread.

Paranoid, a little? :mod:
And YOU have to learn to critically analyze the doomsday, secret weapon rumors that fly about the internet. Do you believe the people who design and produce atomic weapons and missiles aren't familiar with microwaves? Do you have the slightest idea how difficult it is to detonate a nuclear weapon without authorization? That assumes you actually have the weapon in front of you...

So how about this news for Soviet deadly ray ??
Bodies did not decay even in 30 days...

The Soviets are employing just such a scalar "death ray" weapon in Afghanistan, apparently in the noses of some of their HIND helicopters. These choppers usually fire gas rockets to camouflage the testing of the tactical scalar death ray. For example, they may fire rockets filled with nerve gas, and some persons will die convulsively from the chemical. Those hit by the scalar EM weapon, however, have a most peculiar death mode.

Death comes-instantly and totally. There is no convulsion, no response. The entire nervous system is destroyed instantly. Every living cell in the body is killed instantly, including all bacteria, germs, etc. A body hit with this thing falls like a limp rag and lies where it falls. It doesn't decay in even 30-45 days. In a macabre fashion, it's been reduced to something like food irradiated with nuclear radiation; everything is killed, so the material is preserved for an extended period before any decay can set in.

Western military authorities have speculated that this strange death is due to some sort of eery new gas. However, even with the most virulent gas, some seconds are required for a body to die. And while it's dying it goes into convulsions. Violent convulsions. This eery, instant death that leaves a non-decaying corpse is not due to a gas. This is the signature of a high-powered pulse kill using a scalar EM weapon. The associated gas rockets are the disguise used to fool our intelligence analysts. They're just part of the Soviet deception plan.

ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REFERENCES - For details of the mysterious, instant deaths in Afghanistan, see Yossef Bodansky, "Soviets testing chemical agents in Afghanistan," Jane's Defence Weekly, 1(13), Apr. 7, 1984, p. 508

Armor has no effect...

Such weapons are also effective against armored vehicles, for example. They can be carried by personnel, mounted on vehicles, mounted in helicopters, etc. They are truly all-purpose weapons.

An infantryman with a bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon can easily knock out a tank with one shot. The armor has no effect; scalar EM goes right through conductive shielding and Faraday cages. And with the same weapon he can knock out another tank, and another, and another...

More frightening than the mind of Man has ever imagined...

Brezhnev's unheeded 1975 characterization of these weapons as "more frightening than the mind of ran has ever imagined" has very real justification. There is now a "balance of terror" loose in the world that makes the old MADmen's MAD concept look like a sunny day in Hawaii.
Russia has a powerful Particle Beam Death Ray Gun Weapon
Its called verbal diarrhea, typed on word pad pasted into pdf.

The guy with thread starter name used to spam in every Indian forums fake stories about Indian defense and stuff

i would rather call it intellectual masturbation . :) though using the word intellectual is stretching it a bit.:rofl:
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