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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

hilarious to see Pakistanis getting excited over these pathtic low life..and sorry excuse of a man called musharaff....

must be mentally degenerate to make such low life claims and Pakistani media is going over drive...as if they atlast had won war against India
What should we expect from Indian media?
They report the whole story before they hear enough of it.
They will demonise Pakistan given any opportunity, I'm sure it's good for ratings.
As soon as they get word of firing along the LoC, they will be first to air the headlines 'Pak violates ceasefire blah blah'.
And they will try their best to turn every little news story into a bollywood epic.

Most Indian media I've come across takes the bollywood approach (with the exception of some), but all of them, when it comes to Pakistan, they get all hot, sweaty and worked up. Even in this episode, they acted stupidly and unprofessionally.

For all the people barking about beheading and whatnot , see what @nabil_05 posted in the Seniors cafe about this whole episode ! An interesting read , I promise you ...

Could you post the link please?
I can't find it.
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Pakistanis are very good in making clips(that to which don't show the whole story) and then feeling good about themselves...

The accent of commentator is like Indians and the video is posted on an FB page run by Indians themselves so don't make lame excuses to hide your embarrassment and blame Pakistanis.
Hell, you just released Afghan Taliban terrorists. :rofl:

On the request of the Govt of the Presidential palace and by extension the coalition army asking for Pakistan's assistance in Afghan peace process ! :azn:
Your country is also shining. Brightly, every other day.

Seriously ? They didn't edited the part where an ex-Admiral of India said that IA also beheaded PA soldiers, which was wrong info still it was shown on national TV.

Also, your ex Army general accepted in this same show that insurgency in Kashmir is supported by PA. You reveal your own reality.

BTW, Indian Media at least shows one side, Pakistan media don't even bother to.

@KRAIT , I understand your viewpoint and I think you have a reasonable perspective from the other side of the arguement, however observing both side of medias and general anchors, you have to admit this anchor was rude and the interview was rather in poor taste to say the least. He should not have spoken to a former president of republic pakistanie like that and really did not represent the ethos that the profession of journalism stands for. To be fair, I did watch the interview in subtitles however i still prefer pakistanie media in terms of discussion and I will give you my reason and that is pakistanie side atleast self critisizes themselves. On the indienne side i see an overnationalistic media that somewhat distorts the info from my limited watching now exception should be made for NDTV(good channel). One media outlet used the effect of literally stretching the picture, which i found amusing on the humor side. However going back to main point, I do not think you should defend indienne media for this case, the interview was terrible and really tarnished indienne journalism. I understand where the frustration was coming from but a journalist should be neutral and ask tough question but there are different ways of doing it. Check out tout le monde program on cbc, you will see a different style of journalism, i recommend that program to both pakistanie and indienne.
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I saw the interview live on Times Now..& to tell the truth..when Musharraf finally got cornered on beheading & Sarauv Kalia issue..as Pakistan Govt's. official policy...deny deny deny & deny..no matter even God comes down & bring you the truth..but deny deny. Just imagining if he would have been in custody of Indian police in any "Police Thana"....Then Arnab Goswami doesn't have to push him so hard..

I have no intention to troll or make fun, but do i need to remind you of 2009 when mushraf was ex-president of pakistan, he was in your city, in front of your army boys, your media, your politicians, your businessmen, and he grilled them all to death, and you say you cornered him over the phone.....
Always respected this guy for his courage, confidence and bravery.doesn't matter who you are he will respect you but if you mess with him then he spent spare an inch........like a boss.......
the indians here are also crying definetly MUSHI really touches their raw nerves!!!! that is the only reason i miss him! compared to submissive PPP government that just tells everyone sssssssssssh let us do corruption!!!
An epic summary of Gen. Musharraf VS Arnab Goswami program. Gen Musharraf has r@ped Indian anchor on-air. :rofl:

What a nonsense irritating troll in the video who has got itch on all over his body by one single Anchor.

I know Pakistanis react this way, I remember how whole nation got schizophrenic by one girl who sang a poem about Pakistan.

He is a moderator who can talk to anyone, will make his guest have their turn.

Musharraf is a disgraced pathological lair who doesn't have guts to come back to his own country. He is a coward who wants to talk about past but doesn't want to talk about his failed Kargil operation as commented by one Pakistani lady journalist ''muhn kaal kar liya Kargil main''.

It was good to see he is having tenesmus pain in his belly seeing Pakistani hockey player being kicked out of India, Indian democracy and all 'wagiara wagiara'.
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Indian a$$holes must be shut up this way. Bravo Musharraf bravo!!

We have jackals of leaders who dont utter a word while creates hysteria on issues which are no even issues.
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