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Musharraf seeks army’s role in governance

Waffen SS said:
And who the hell is the army to approve anything. They are, technically, security guards who get salaries from our taxes.

Only the tax payers have the right to approve or dis-approve anything.
And who the hell is the army to approve anything. They are, technically, security guards who get salaries from our taxes.

Only the tax payers have the right to approve or dis-approve anything.

Yeah right, security guards should have the the right to meddle in politics.

Why don't we start this practice at our homes; allow security guards to meddle in our affairs. It would really be nice.

Please then tell me if they are security guards then tell me what our public servants are up to? If you must degrade the greatest thinkers in our country by calling them security guards then sir you disrespect the sacrifices that so many of these security guards have given for this country.
These public servants are getting rich while the democratically placed checks are doing nothing. Tell me what is happening in Thar is part of democracy where children starve and die because of mismanagement of funds and utter disregard for human life. Where the police forces can baton charge blind people or where the capital is blocked by reformists every month. Where no new jobs are being created and educated people are encouraged to go drive taxis or live abroad. Democracy is a system that has been tried again and again but the only way it will work is when there are proper check and balances on it from some authority not bound to the democratic system itself.
I do not want to pick apart each project and discuss it but sir in simple words democracy is for the betterment of people and not for personal pleasures, it is where human life is sacred, where there is tolerance and the ability to be free.
The funny thing is the internet itself where you talk right now has been censored in the democratic era, irrational powers given to security and police forces in the democratic era, and let us not talk about how people are left to starve in this democratic era.
most of pakistan is too illiterate for democracy, we need to become a military state for 10 years for a reboot, mind you I do not mean martial law

the truth hurts my friends
He said the PPP with the support of opposition parties promulgated the 18 amendment and abolished 58 (2)(b) provision, giving dictatorial powers to party head who can now dispel the elected member of their party from parliament.

That is not dictatorship it is Democracy. Use democracy to do what ever you want, even sell the nation, Upholding Democracy is important, not the nation.

And if a dictator delivers to the citizens it is unconstitutional and he should be taken to the court.

That is why i say again and again, form of government is not important, what is important is what is delivered to the citizens and how the nation prospers.

most of pakistan is too illiterate for democracy, we need to become a military state for 10 years for a reboot, mind you I do not mean martial law

the truth hurts my friends

Make it 50 years. Ten years, you can see what happened after Musharraf left. What he did in his tenure was destroyed in under 2 years.
Naah this situation is fine with army;Power with out accountability.thats the present situation.
i think rather all political people who want to stand for office must be fully approved by army. Educated, honest, hard working people are what is needed and the army has enough on its hand without day to day affairs.
Fully approved by Army? why bother about appointing civilians when they would have to seek approval from the army to get into office. Why not every Pakistani get an approval from army before going to school, before giving births, before getting CNIC, before filing tax returns, before dying?

Army atleat sud not let those crupt politicians to get money out of counrty.
Politicians destroying Pakistan rather than building..
I support the idea of mushy.
Most of these corrupt politicians died in this country. Why is it that every second general in army,navy and air force ends up settling in US after retirement?
Waffen SS said: Please then tell me if they are security guards then tell me what our public servants are up to? If you must degrade the greatest thinkers in our country by calling them security guards then sir you disrespect the sacrifices that so many of these security guards have given for this country..

1) When someone joins the Army (and any country for that matter), they join out of sheer patriotism to fight against the enemy and safeguard its people. These soldiers very well know that they may have to sacrifice their lives for the country. But since when, their patriotism should be used as an excuse to overtake a running democratic system or use force and put marshal laws in?

A boxer isn't trained to do public speaking. If he did try to learn it, he may not be good at it. Public speakers are entirely different category and they spend majority of their lives in academic institutions. Different skill-set altogether. Similarly, a military man, even with his utmost patriotism, isn't designed and trained to rule the country in today's age. Civilians do that. The boxer (soldier in this case) knows how to fight. He'll be doing just that when he needs to instead talk to his enemy diplomatically. But he might start another issue when a democratic civilian would've reduced tensions down to normal.

2) Your logic about public services people making money doesn't make sense. If money is the objective, than don't join the military to be a patriot. You join public sector instead to be rich. Don't create short cuts for a soldier to make money. That would be through marshal laws, kick backs and through coupes, which is like breaking the constitution.

3) If there wasn't military's intervention in Pakistan, Pakistan would've been to a place in early 80's where it is finally headed now economically, with NS's team bringing huge projects and billions of investments inside Pakistan.
Imagine if this work was going on in the 80's, today, Pakistan would be listed in the top 10 economies!! Unfortunately, it was the military that took over and the progress stopped. Internally, due to the fear, the security situation gets better during the military rule but everything else, international trade and relations go down the hill. Musharraf was given billions for Pakistan so please don't tell me it was great in his time. That prosperity show in Musharraf's time, should be a thank you to the American tax payers like myself.

4) The only thing Musharraf now needs to do, is to accept old age. Same for IK, Zardri, and same for NS after this term. These people need to retire and let the new talent come up.
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Black sheep are everywhere i am not saying curreption is not in army but relativily less than any other orginization in Pakistan.
how many politicians have their sons and daughters served in Army where every other house or neighbour have one soilders.. mainly prob is that soilders get retirment and they cant transfer their power to their relatives.. where politician have this luxury to transfer. and they are always in power thats why they dont leave country but transfer all their money name one old politician who doesnt have account or property in foreign. where in army there are only few high rank staff can have this luxury..
we have to decide whos working for islam and then for Pakistan..
1) When someone joins the Army (and any country for that matter), they join out of sheer patriotism to fight against the enemy and safeguard its people. These soldiers very well know that they may have to sacrifice their lives for the country. But since when, their patriotism should be used as an excuse to overtake a running democratic system or use force and put marshal laws in?

A boxer isn't trained to do public speaking. If he did try to learn it, he may not be good at it. Public speakers are entirely different category and they spend majority of their lives in academic institutions. Different skill-set altogether. Similarly, a military man, even with his utmost patriotism, isn't designed and trained to rule the country in today's age. Civilians do that. The boxer (soldier in this case) knows how to fight. He'll be doing just that when he needs to instead talk to his enemy diplomatically. But he might start another issue when a democratic civilian would've reduced the tensions to normal.

2) Your logic about public services people making money doesn't make sense. If money is the objective, than don't join the military to be a patriot. You join public sector instead to be rich. Don't create short cuts for a soldier to make money. That'll be through the marshal laws, kick backs and through coupes, which is like breaking the constitutions.

3) If there wasn't military's intervention in Pakistan, Pakistan would've been to a place in early 80's where it is finally headed now with NS's team bringing huge projects and billions of investments. Imagine if this work was going on in the 80's, today, Pakistan would be lists in the top 10 economies!! Unfortunately, it was the military that took over and the progress stopped. Internally, due to the fear, the security situation gets better during the military rule but everything else, international trade and relations go down the hill. Musharraf was given billions for Pakistan so please don't tell me like was great in his time. It should be a thank you to the American tax payers like myself.

4) The only thing Musharraf now needs to do, is to accept old age. Same for IK, Zardri, and same for NS after this term. Let the new talent come up.

too many army kids here ! for armed forces establishment is supreme!
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