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Mumbai blasts suspect may be in Bangladesh

This should be enough from the bhartis to promote such propaganda. I hope Bangladesh government will take strong measure against such propaganda. Now this is clear like water the meaning of MMS remark. This was done just to create political pressure on Bangladesh and to show USA that bangladesh has terrorist link. Now there are more reason for the bhartis to conduct false flag operation to promote their agenda. Keep barking as much as you want ... Nothing gonna achieved.

Thats why terror camp found in bangladesh during last government ???

Just because of present one almost all terror camps in bangladesh destroyed
What's the rational of your comment????? Learn to read first.:coffee:

I can read v well, thank you. It is you who have jumped into making a comment without going through the previous posts. Read them and you will understand what prompted that reply.
This should be enough from the bhartis to promote such propaganda. I hope Bangladesh government will take strong measure against such propaganda. Now this is clear like water the meaning of MMS remark. This was done just to create political pressure on Bangladesh and to show USA that bangladesh has terrorist link. Now there are more reason for the bhartis to conduct false flag operation to promote their agenda. Keep barking as much as you want ... Nothing gonna achieved.

Be afraid,... be very afraid..:rofl:. On a serious note, how many false flag operations have we conducted in all these years? You're lucky we got a gutless PM who's controlled by a callous alien.

Is that why Manmohan Singh said that Bangladeshis were anti-Indian?

If he has more important things to worry about, then why is he making such remarks?

In all his clumsy and weak PM career, he's said one thing correct. And one thing here; he said only about those Jamaati guys not the ENTIRE BD population.

BTW please teach him how to clear orders for raids.
Is that why Manmohan Singh said that Bangladeshis were anti-Indian?

If he has more important things to worry about, then why is he making such remarks?

Wrong again!
Manmohan Singh said around 25% of Bangladeshis are anti-Indian.

And he said that because he was on a state visit. Have you ever heard him even mentioning Bangladesh when he is in Delhi?

@Bengali members. Calm down! Read the article propely it says He MAY BE in Bangladesh, it's not confirmed and no one's blaming Bangladesh. They're IM who MAY BE hiding in Bangladesh.
Iran does have border with Afhganistan so does Uzbekistan.

Iran and Uzbekistan do not host one the largest if largest refugee population in the world (Iran maybe), nor do they have a long,mountainous, hard to monitor border with afghanistan with families on each side of the border, nor do they have afghanistan claiming parts of their country( Balochistan/Khyber-P, FATA), nor are they involved in the WOT
Iran and Uzbekistan do not host one the largest if largest refugee population in the world (Iran maybe), nor do they have a long,mountainous, hard to monitor border with afghanistan with families on each side of the border, nor do they have afghanistan claiming parts of their country( Balochistan/Khyber-P, FATA), nor are they involved in the WOT

But Sirji Iran and Uzbekistan not supported Taliban nor provide them weapons and training
i knew this will happen- india is going to blame every other country expect themselves-
Lets see what happens when the countries count runs out- i hope by then moon is not colonized-
i knew this will happen- india is going to blame every other country expect themselves-
Lets see what happens when the countries count runs out- i hope by then moon is not colonized-

You are clairvoyant?


You knew this would happen!!!
You are clairvoyant?


You knew this would happen!!!

Tikibhai we all accept there are evil people be they Muslims or Hindus or any other religion who are by these attacks are killing innocent people all over the place. I believe we need to launch a two prong attack to eliminate this threat. One we all need to cooperate to apprehend these evil people whoever they are wherever they are. however it is not helpful to point fingers at neighbouring countries almost like as if the general population or governments are culpable. For example Pakistan’s name was in headlights when we had the attacks on the tube in London. Yet when you look at the background the individuals were all British born and grew up here in the uk. Throughout the 80s and 90s the brits had a very lax attitude to granting political asylum to all kinds of nutcases from the ME who were wanted in their home countries. These refugees were preaching hatred in the UK so I don’t see why Pak name was even brought up. So the first part of the solution is to apprehend these people. The second part we need to look at is the root cause of the problems. Why do some people feel helpless that they feel the need to commit suicide. After the Sept 11th attack in new york I had a lot of sympathy for the Americans and was outraged at the loss of life as much as anyone. But I did give it some thought that what is it that could instigate young men to this extreme behaviour. It simply is not good enough to dismiss them as nutters although some of them maybe. After some thought I remembered seeing (in the 90s)on TV a Palestinian 5 or 6 year child being shot by a Israeli soldiers bullet ricocheting of a wall. He was being held by his father who was crying. Tikkibhai I have a young child you may have children or young relatives. Think about it if you held the Israelis and indirectly the Americans responsible for the death of a child. I could imagine someone if I there was no recourse to justice through courts in desperation doing desperate things.

So in summery to eliminate terrorism in my opinion we need to apprehend those responsible and also look at what the fertiliser is that is producing more candidates for this killing of innocents. I believe that the disproportionate response by the Americans in the name of war on terror: the deaths all over the world has resulted not just lost sympathy for Americans as in my case but created ripe ground for more desperate people who often cant attack America because of logistics but can attack what they perceive to be American interests whether they be Pakistani or Indian etc.

There is merit in what you have posted.

It is true that British born have done the terror strike in the UK. But the nub of the issue is that they had a tenure out in Pakistan for indoctrination and training.

Most of the terrorist have had a visitation to Pakistan and all are aware that the madrassas in Pakistan are flush with Saudi Money. Even Musharraf failed to close them down inspite of his saying so vehemently, owing to Saudi pressure since Saudi money was important to Pakistan.

If Saudi money is to run the madrassas, then it is obvious that they will insist that their 'type' of Islam is taught ie. Wahhabi. And Wahabis are the real way out people who are radical fundamentalist in nature. It is not Pakistan's fault. Pakistan is actually helpless.

Now these Wahabi trained Tablibs have gone all around the world causing mayhem. Because the madrassas are located in Pakistan and Pakistan is helpless to act against them, Pakistan wears the Albatross around the Neck and gets the blame.

That is the reality of this unfortunate situation.

Who are the TTP who are havocking Pakistan itself? It is the very own home trained Wahabis.

It is impossible to cure this cancer unless one is ready to weather serious upheavals!

There is merit in what you have posted.

It is true that British born have done the terror strike in the UK. But the nub of the issue is that they had a tenure out in Pakistan for indoctrination and training.

Most of the terrorist have had a visitation to Pakistan and all are aware that the madrassas in Pakistan are flush with Saudi Money. Even Musharraf failed to close them down inspite of his saying so vehemently, owing to Saudi pressure since Saudi money was important to Pakistan.

If Saudi money is to run the madrassas, then it is obvious that they will insist that their 'type' of Islam is taught ie. Wahhabi. And Wahabis are the real way out people who are radical fundamentalist in nature. It is not Pakistan's fault. Pakistan is actually helpless.

Now these Wahabi trained Tablibs have gone all around the world causing mayhem. Because the madrassas are located in Pakistan and Pakistan is helpless to act against them, Pakistan wears the Albatross around the Neck and gets the blame.

That is the reality of this unfortunate situation.

Who are the TTP who are havocking Pakistan itself? It is the very own home trained Wahabis.

It is impossible to cure this cancer unless one is ready to weather serious upheavals!

Ok we agree that Wahabis are the problem. Americans have enormous influence over Saudies. Even today the Saudies are funding mosques I know of in the UK. These mosques have also small schools attached to them. Saudies insist on sending Saudie trained teachers. This is in th UK man. If you went down certain areas in the UK you would see more burkhas than in north west pak. I can vouch this is the effect of these mosques. The UK bomber Siddique went to one of these mosques. Why dont the Americans/English put a stop to that.

I would say that UK, US, Saudies have played their parts in this. But only Pakistan is blamed. And all though you agree that there is merit in what I say you have chosen not to address the root causes point. Where even more countries would be culpable.

Apportioning blame on Pakistan I think is it very easy for everyone to do this without accepting their own parts and I think it unhelpful and non productive these attacks on the public and government of Pakistan. All this does is put pakistanis back up. If you want coopperation you ask as freinds not with threats.
After watching news I am really surprised how police can tell reporters each and every step before solving the case ???
Ok we agree that Wahabis are the problem. Americans have enormous influence over Saudies. Even today the Saudies are funding mosques I know of in the UK. These mosques have also small schools attached to them. Saudies insist on sending Saudie trained teachers. This is in th UK man. If you went down certain areas in the UK you would see more burkhas than in north west pak. I can vouch this is the effect of these mosques. The UK bomber Siddique went to one of these mosques. Why dont the Americans/English put a stop to that.

I would say that UK, US, Saudies have played their parts in this. But only Pakistan is blamed. And all though you agree that there is merit in what I say you have chosen not to address the root causes point. Where even more countries would be culpable.

Apportioning blame on Pakistan I think is it very easy for everyone to do this without accepting their own parts and I think it unhelpful and non productive these attacks on the public and government of Pakistan. All this does is put pakistanis back up. If you want coopperation you ask as freinds not with threats.

The US has put a stop to it. They don't even allow the azaan over loudspeakers or so I read.

UK has the problem of Vote Banks. However, they have a very efficient intelligence system and that is why there has been no incidents are 7/11.

I have addressed the root cause of the problem - Saudi money and Wahabi madrassa in Pakistan. Note how clever the Saudis are. They monitor strictly their own madrassa, strictly monitor who enter their country and yet, to spread the Wahabi style of Islam, they make Pakistan have the best of madrassa. The Pakistani madrassas have maximum number of foreign students and then they get into the act and Pakistan takes the rap!

Pakistan is in a Catch 22 situation. Given the education infrastructure and the economy, they cannot spurn Saudi money.

So, while the Saudis kowtow and grovel at the US feet and are the apple of the Western nations, Pakistan burns and are blamed for all the issues.

Imagine that Saudi Osama is banned in Saudi Arabia and he has to be found in Pakistan!!
The US has put a stop to it. They don't even allow the azaan over loudspeakers or so I read.

UK has the problem of Vote Banks. However, they have a very efficient intelligence system and that is why there has been no incidents are 7/11.

I have addressed the root cause of the problem - Saudi money and Wahabi madrassa in Pakistan. Note how clever the Saudis are. They monitor strictly their own madrassa, strictly monitor who enter their country and yet, to spread the Wahabi style of Islam, they make Pakistan have the best of madrassa. The Pakistani madrassas have maximum number of foreign students and then they get into the act and Pakistan takes the rap!

Pakistan is in a Catch 22 situation. Given the education infrastructure and the economy, they cannot spurn Saudi money.

So, while the Saudis kowtow and grovel at the US feet and are the apple of the Western nations, Pakistan burns and are blamed for all the issues.

Imagine that Saudi Osama is banned in Saudi Arabia and he has to be found in Pakistan!!

Regarding root causes I also refer you to the injustices suffered by innocents around the world who have no recourse to justice.

If you accept Pakistan is in a catch 24 situation do you agree that Indian government and indian public should be supportive of pakistan rather than the threats and jibes we see on this forum from some indians regarding terrorist attacks

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