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Muhammad Khurrasani spokesperson of TTP killed in Afghanistan - PTV News

Half of Pakistan?
Pfftt... the sect that Taliban belong, its not more than 10 percent. Majority of Pakistan is Barelvi.
Majority of People are illiterate sheep, they follow whoever put up the best show regardless of sect.
I have a theory, 3 weeks back, Mullah Faqir also had a narrow escape where as Khorasani got killed. This may very well implies that Afghan Talibans are quietly cooperating with us and to show others that they do not listen to Pakistan much, they deliberately staged fencing destruction incidents.
100% this, they would never dare defy their ISI masters
Where are all Bajwa bashers ? Not that I am a fan.

The disgruntled ones should still be having issues. Maybe this one wasn't killed the way to their liking. Bajwa should retire, why did he take extension after all.
I was actually wondering whether this like the government confirming that he is dead (and we made that happen hint hint).

I have a feeling that this really is the case.
And I'd rather that the PTV and APP continue to do this, rather than the ISPR.
I wish ISI or whoever departed this scum would record shooting him, TTP and ISIS scum needs to die in most brutal way... Saalay Jahanum ke kutte
@waz @The Eagle .... Hi Mods, there are two threads running on this subject. Are you able to merge please?? The link is below.

Where are all Bajwa bashers ? Not that I am a fan.

The disgruntled ones should still be having issues. Maybe this one wasn't killed the way to their liking. Bajwa should retire, why did he take extension after all.
Waiting for an attack on the FC so they can blame him for it even though FC and what happens to them falls under MOI instead of the Army
Waiting for an attack on the FC so they can blame him for it even though FC and what happens to them falls under MOI instead of the Army

Still believe Bajwa shouldn't have got extension and also he should retire in November 2022 when his extension ends

A dead TTP spokesperson won't change that
Still believe Bajwa shouldn't have got extension and also he should retire in November 2022 when his extension ends

A dead TTP spokesperson won't change that
A dead ttp spox wont change his extension but it does show the game has changed.

COAS knows what he is doing. This is war. We will lose soldiers. Civillians will unfortunately be caught in the cross fire or purposely targeted by these terrorists. We cannot go around playing the blame game for each soldiers shahadat. If thats the case then Raheel Shareef should be demonised for the casualties he took whilst he was COAS. Casualties are a natural cause of war. Its a hard truth to accept.
A dead ttp spox wont change his extension but it does show the game has changed.

COAS knows what he is doing. This is war. We will lose soldiers. Civillians will unfortunately be caught in the cross fire or purposely targeted by these terrorists. We cannot go around playing the blame game for each soldiers shahadat. If thats the case then Raheel Shareef should be demonised for the casualties he took whilst he was COAS. Casualties are a natural cause of war. Its a hard truth to accept.

Terrorists have been dying in Afghanistan. Even before Bajwa was COAS

In early 2020 Pakistan was on a roll when top TTP commanders like Khalid Haqqani and Shehryar Mehsud were killed in Afghanistan in quick successions. BLA Aslam Baloch was killed along with whole of top BLA leadership in Afghanistan. TTP terrorists were killed in Afghanistan even before Bajwa became COAS

So this isn't something new in case you don't know

You just can't push death of our soldiers under the carpet that it is all natural and happens in war

If some FC post won't get any kind of backup or support even after 4 hours of ambush then COAS would be questioned. If our soldiers keep dying in similar manner then questions would be raised and should be raised. If drones are use only for 23rd march parade then questions would be raised. If soldiers keep dying in those tin can Suzuki pickups then questions would be raised

You guys need to stop using death of a terrorist in Afghanistan to whitewash failures
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Opposed to Bajwas extension for the harm it does to the institution of the army. But can’t change the fact that the Afghanistan situation has turned out better than anyone predicted and Pak army has a role in this stability. The fence was an excellent prescient call.

Afghanistan going to the emirate has taken the air out of ttp and definitely BLA etc who were sponsored by Doval. There are kinetic operations in Afghanistan but nothing to take advantage of the fault lines in India while India is working overtime against us.

Until the last 6-12 months the procurements were nothing much to talk about but since then VT 4, drones, HQ 9, j10 coming to light so clearly lots of work was being done in the back ground which should be appreciated. India will never want peace with their Hindutva ideology leading to a war with us and and genocide of Muslims and other minorities. Not getting these tools to protect Pakistan wold be a dereliction of his duty. Despite this he must leave Nov 2022.
Waiting for an attack on the FC so they can blame him for it even though FC and what happens to them falls under MOI instead of the Army
If i say anything more, it will be counted as defending Bajwa which isnt my intention, however, were successful strikes in Afghanistan undertook in Kiyani and Raheel Shareef eras by Pakistan Military ? I am not aware but would like to know.

As for FC, yes Bajwa himself instructs from his office in GHQ where and how to deploy FC so they get ambushed repeatedly. Forget all the others in chain of command who are directly responsible for deploying FC. Lets blame Bajwa.
however, were successful strikes in Afghanistan undertook in Kiyani and Raheel Shareef eras by Pakistan Military ?

Yes. They were conducted. Albeit in small numbers since Pakistan was more busy in operations inside Pakistan

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan splinter group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar confirmed on Thursday that a key commander had been killed in Afghanistan, BBC Urdu reported.

In a statement released on Thursday, the group's spokesperson said that Maulana Shakeel Ahmed Haqqani, alias Qari Shakeel, and Dr Tariq Ali, alias Abu Obaidah al-Islamabadi, had been killed. Blaming the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) arm of the military for their deaths, he warned that the group will exact revenge.

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