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Muhammad Khurrasani spokesperson of TTP killed in Afghanistan - PTV News

Pakistan needs 1 year of zero terrorist incidents before they should officially recognize Afghanistan's new regime.
Pakistan needs 1 year of zero terrorist incidents before they should officially recognize Afghanistan's new regime.
1? That is nothing for Afghanistan, they literally waited 20 years for the Americans.

Ground rules need to be established, a clear cut policy must be agreed upon, we need to be given permission and a base to have operatives gathering intelligence to control terrorism or something similar.

This should be a must requirement before any recognition.

Once that is established for about two years, then they should be recognised.
Pakistan needs 1 year of zero terrorist incidents before they should officially recognize Afghanistan's new regime.

IEA has nothing to do with insurgency elements on Pak soil besides AFG doesn't really need recognition because they are already a recognized country hence all this recognition stuff is just falling on an empty spot.. Hence AFG doesn't seek anything of recognition they firmly believe in power and with that they have recognition.. It is a dog eat dog world and they are ground reality.. It is about power, balance and deterence.

Besides AFG is Pakistan's single biggest stragetic asset hence recognition will occur immediately there Embassy is even functional in Islamabad
Most wanted Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander and a spokesperson for the proscribed outfit Khalid Balti alias Muhammad Khorasani was killed in the Afghan province of Nangarhar, sources told The Express Tribune on Monday.

Khorasani was appointed as the new spokesperson for the terrorist group in 2014 after former spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid declared his allegiance to Da'ish. He had established a terrorist hub in Miranshah but after the successful operation "Zarb-e-Azb", he escaped to Afghanistan.

Khorasani was involved in the killing of many innocent civilians and personnel of security forces and was involved in uniting different factions of TTP. Sources said that Khorasani was planning attacks against Pakistan with Noor Wali Mehsood and had hinted at attacking different targets in the country recently.

Last year, Pakistan had approached the Afghan Taliban leadership after the group returned to power in August with a list of demands that included action against the TTP. The interim Taliban government was even provided with a list of most wanted TTP terrorists. But Afghan Taliban instead offered its good offices to broker a peace deal with the TTP. Pakistan accepted the offer and after some face to face meetings between the two sides, a ceasefire deal was reached in November.

According to senior Pakistani official, Islamabad believes that TTP is a "test case" for the Afghan Taliban, as tackling the group would help the interim government establish its credentials in the eyes of the world with regards to dealing with other terrorist outfits. "We are telling the Taliban leadership consider the TTP as a test case," the official familiar with the development told The Express Tribune while requesting anonymity on Sunday. "If the Taliban can't address concerns of Pakistan then who would trust them and their promise of cutting ties to al Qaeda and other such groups," the official added.

Last week at a news conference Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar for the first time publicly revealed why Pakistan entered into a ceasefire with the TTP. According to the chief military spokesperson, the interim Taliban government facilitated ceasefire with TTP as a confidence building measure. The month-long ceasefire, however, was ended on December 9 with no further progress.

General Babar said talks were now on hold as some of the conditions put forward by the TTP were non-negotiable for Pakistan. Although he did not divulge details, it is believed that the TTP was demanding the release of their senior commanders, establishment of a political office in a third country, reversal of FATA merger and introduction of Sharia law in the country. As per the DG ISPR, operations against the TTP were being conducted on a daily basis and the fight against the "violent non-state actors" would continue till their threat was totally eliminated.

The statement of DG ISPR clearly suggested that Pakistan was not hopeful of any prospects of talks or peace deal with the TTP at least in the foreseeable future. The official sources said Pakistan was talking to the interim Taliban government on the TTP issue. "It is a complicated process. Afghan Taliban are keen that the TTP no more uses Afghan soil against Pakistan but they are not willing to act against them," said another official.

Despite a month-long ceasefire, the number of terrorist attacks in 2021 saw 56 per cent increase compared to 2020. Interestingly, the surge in TTP sponsored attacks was coincided with the Afghan Taliban takeover in August 2021. As per the Islamabad think-tank report August saw 45 terrorist attacks in Pakistan, the highest tally in a single month since 2017. While Pakistan would continue operations against the TTP, it has been pushing the Taliban government to make sure that the Afghan soil is not used by these terrorist groups against the country.

A day of mourning in India.
Besides AFG is Pakistan's single biggest stragetic asset hence recognition will occur immediately there Embassy is even functional in Islamabad

Single biggest headache. If they had a normal functioning country the soviets would never have invaded. On top of that they are like the jealous envious friend who gets upset when someone else achieves something. TTP was there to make sure Pakistan doesn't go beyond Somalia/Sudan level, that's why they go bonkers when Pakistan gets positive coverage. They think they they deserve influence in Pakistan, delusional.

Pakistan needs 20 years of year on year progress and once we make it to the other end, our people will label them as primitives and they will become invisible.
Single biggest headache. If they had a normal functioning country the soviets would never have invaded. On top of that they are like the jealous envious friend who gets upset when someone else achieves something. TTP was there to make sure Pakistan doesn't go beyond Somalia/Sudan level, that's why they go bonkers when Pakistan gets positive coverage. They think they they deserve influence in Pakistan, delusional.

Pakistan needs 20 years of year on year progress and once we make it to the other end, our people will label them as primitives and they will become invisible.

Meh.. I don't know in what country you exist but this doesn't correspondent with our current affairs or Pakistan.. We have a solid relations with them. As I said IEA has nothing to do with anyone outside of their borders. Don't inter-exchange entities thinking this will somehow confuse someone that is just fantasizing this is not how things occur in the diplomatic world there is no place for vague or assumptions they are non-existential stuff but only certainity.

Besides we are in war already on our eastern front it may not be active currently but we are in conflict and could flare up at any point.. Hence we are technically in an active frozen conflict with the gangus..

Hence why our stragetic depth is an asset which means anything that adds depth to us we will take it such as bulk, depth and great terrain without hassle
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Half of Pakistan?
Pfftt... the sect that Taliban belong, its not more than 10 percent. Majority of Pakistan is Barelvi.

Not brelvi but Sunni Hanafi Sufi. The small terrorist organisations using their media power are trying to make the majority in to a sect. If they are brelvis then who is Mujadad Ali Thani Ra, Shah Muhaddas Delvi Ra, who is Data Ali Hujveri Ra, Mughal Empire, Delhi Sultanate etc etc. The terrorist organisations always protect each other and this is why TTP is still here after 20 years, their fatherly organisations propaganda must be destroyed and only then TTP, SSP, ASWJ, lashkar Jangvi, JM etc will be destroyed.
People announced his death like dozens of times already and he always comes back and refuses to die

Man survived a drone attacked with severe injuries!

Only a dead body can convince me at this point

This is a different guy. They guy you are talking about is Umar Khalid Khurasani

Umar Khalid Khurasani is from Mohmand Agency and was head of TTP in Mohmand Agency. Later on he broke away from TTP and formed his own group Jamat ul Ahraar. Recently he has rejoined TTP

This guy who was killed yesterday is Mohammad Ali aka Khalid Balti. He was from Baltistan and was spokesman of TTP after Shahid ullah Shahid who joined ISKP
Not brelvi but Sunni Hanafi Sufi.

Not Sunni Hanafi and certainly not sufi but rather non-denominational sunni.. The Generations have evolved plus there has been a change of era example during partition period and much of the 60s 70s you have many brelvis, sufis and tablighs etc etc but they have declined considerable because of secularism becoming more outspread and once people return back from secularism they go with non-denominational sunni which is theorically and ideological same as deobandi they are just called different names. They don't have ideological differences but political..

The reason non-denominational sunni is widespread is due to the english speaking world since Pakistan is english speaking nation they have access to the worldwide public opinion and dawah..

Brevlism is old-school for this current generation and so is sufism it is a bygone era that has gone by silently
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People announced his death like dozens of times already and he always comes back and refuses to die

Man survived a drone attacked with severe injuries!

Only a dead body can convince me at this point
Dawn posted the picture but removed it. It was picture of khurrasani with a nice hole in the middle of the forehead.
Not Sunni Hanafi and certainly not sufi but rather non-denominational sunni.. The Generations have evolved plus there has been a change of era example during partition period and much of the 60s 70s you have many brelvis, sufis and tablighs etc etc but they have declined considerable because of secularism becoming more outspread and once people return back from secularism they go with non-denominational sunni which is theorically and ideological same as deobandi they are just called different names. They don't have ideological differences but political..

The reason non-denominational sunni is widespread is due to the english speaking world since Pakistan is english speaking nation they have access to the worldwide public opinion and dawah..

Brevlism is old-school for this current generation and so is sufism it is a bygone era that has gone by silently

You think so? And brelvism never existed, otherwise brelvis would have been tiny minority, it was always between a traditional orthodox sunni Islam v a reformist modern Islam. InshaAllah you will never see the end of the traditional orthodox sunni Islam because our youth will turn back to the original Islam once they get enough education. The promoters of sect and fitna can continue with their deception, our youth will learn the true Islam and follow it. The history of our ancestors is enough for us alhamdulillah

@moderators, why other people are allowed to use sectarian words to label sunni Muslims as brelvis but we cannot label or expose the terrorist groups and their sects?
This is a different guy. They guy you are talking about is Umar Khalid Khurasani

Umar Khalid Khurasani is from Mohmand Agency and was head of TTP in Mohmand Agency. Later on he broke away from TTP and formed his own group Jamat ul Ahraar. Recently he has rejoined TTP

This guy who was killed yesterday is Mohammad Ali aka Khalid Balti. He was from Baltistan and was spokesman of TTP after Shahid ullah Shahid who joined ISKP
I want to see that Chad ttp dead, dude is lagendary
He is like a cockroach he survives everything
These Afgan Taliban would do nothing against their brothers in sect. ISI should establish more death square in Afghanistan and eliminate these TTP scums.

Did anyone claim that Pakistani forces conducted any operation against him. There is no need of creating a perception which has zero physical existence. Maximum could be sharing of information and operation conducted by Afghan Forces or he got killed by IKSP if not by TTA.
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