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Muhammad Khurrasani spokesperson of TTP killed in Afghanistan - PTV News

Let's see. We didn't had such a free hand to hunt talis before Aug 15.
These Afgan Taliban would do nothing against their brothers in sect. ISI should establish more death square in Afghanistan and eliminate these TTP scums.
You think everyone thinks like Iran, right? The problem here is not(for you it seems its all) sect, the problem is whether TTP is a security threat to talibs or not.
Expect more hits by "unknown" assasins .............. nuff said.
hit their entire leadership and all will be good........ These mullahs for rent will never want their own to go to heaven only sending other people there!
More than those expats Afghans, its Pakistanis (liberal scum brigade) on social media spreads propaganda against military. First we need to tame them down which we coudn't.
As the west looses its foothold in pakistan these liberals will be brought under control with time..... their dady have left them stranded and helpless......
I personally want us to conduct a zero dark thirty level of operation and take the TTP chief out along with their rest of the leadership. Want us to properly document it, make a movie out of it and push this as part of our succesful counter ops offensive against the hell bound talibunnies. This will have damning psychological effects on these cave dwellers.
the tab themselves; they made it clear that it is their policy to not let anyone use their territory be used against any neighboring country. so its a natural conclusion that they will facilitate any of the disgruntled elements of the ttp to reconcile with Pakistan to come into the mainstream and will move against any of the elements hell bent on being hardcore terrorists. don't forget, the afghan taliban have openly waged war on daesh in afghanistan and some ttp elements have pledged allegiance to daesh so its only natural for the tab to wage war against those ttp elements; this khorasan guy that got killed may well be one of them, its a known fact that he has been trying to unite all the ttp factions under the daesh umbrella. that makes these hardcore ttp elements a common enemy to both tab and Pakistan. goli tau banti hay.
I completely disagree with this. There is nothing to support your theory. There is however a lot of evidence of them being a total nuisance to us on the border and being hostile. AT has done us no favours.
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I have a theory, 3 weeks back, Mullah Faqir also had a narrow escape where as Khorasani got killed. This may very well implies that Afghan Talibans are quietly cooperating with us and to show others that they do not listen to Pakistan much, they deliberately staged fencing destruction incidents.
I completely disagree with this. There is nothing to support your weak theory. There is however a lot of evidence of them being a total nuisance to us on the border and being hostile.
Some people still acting as lawyers of Afghan taliban despite the fact that attacks in Pakistan has increased by 56% in last 12 months.

It would be foolish to ignore that it were Afghan taliban who asked Pakistan to make peace deals with the killers of our children.

Some people continue to ignore that Afghan taliban think that Pakistan is not an islamic country and our system isn't islamic.

We have yet to see what Afghan taliban did to the people who damaged fence at Durand line.

Some Pakistanis continue to forget that we have Indian supported Kabul regime vs Afghan taliban as choice in Afghanistan and latter was only the less evil compared to the former. We have no brothers outside Pakistan.
Half of Pakistan?
Pfftt... the sect that Taliban belong, its not more than 10 percent. Majority of Pakistan is Barelvi.

Deobandi are 10℅?? Lolz ok. And according to u shias are 30℅ right? U r not only a sectarian biggot but also a dumb one. Its just u ppl that think of sect as everything, others dont think like that and are logical.
Deobandi are 10℅?? Lolz ok. And according to u shias are 30℅ right? U r not only a sectarian biggot but also a dumb one. Its just u ppl that think of sect as everything, others dont think like that and are logical.

He doesn't know that majority of Punjab and Sindhi aren't sufis or Baralvis in this era.. The newer generations follow traditional non-denominational sunni doctrine and the reason for the massive change is due to the new generations being more in line with social media and english speaking world they are sort of interlinked with the more classical form also all that couldn't have been possible if Pakistan didn't first secularize herself because I have noticed that when liberalism and secularism occurs first it tend to eliminate sufism and baralivism etc etc because it is khurafat.... It is to backyard for the younger generations to subscribe to that once they leave behind liberalism they go directly to non-denomination traditional sunni doctrine which is the more mainstream form and easiest..

There numbers will decline further in the coming 2 decades hence there is technically not difference between a Deobandi and non-denominational sunni ideologically except politically but not ideological... Baralvism or sufism in general is fading because it is out of fashion and to old-school concept for the younger generations
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People announced his death like dozens of times already and he always comes back and refuses to die

Man survived a drone attacked with severe injuries!

Only a dead body can convince me at this point
He has a hole in his head...
Anyways, let's see which terrorist ahole is next on the list. Hopefully it is the Leader of TTP !!
Deobandi are 10℅?? Lolz ok. And according to u shias are 30℅ right? U r not only a sectarian biggot but also a dumb one. Its just u ppl that think of sect as everything, others dont think like that and are logical.
f*** *** with your sectarian bullshit!
Most wanted Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander and a spokesperson for the proscribed outfit Khalid Balti alias Muhammad Khorasani was killed in the Afghan province of Nangarhar, sources told The Express Tribune on Monday.

Khorasani was appointed as the new spokesperson for the terrorist group in 2014 after former spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid declared his allegiance to Da'ish. He had established a terrorist hub in Miranshah but after the successful operation "Zarb-e-Azb", he escaped to Afghanistan.

Khorasani was involved in the killing of many innocent civilians and personnel of security forces and was involved in uniting different factions of TTP. Sources said that Khorasani was planning attacks against Pakistan with Noor Wali Mehsood and had hinted at attacking different targets in the country recently.

Last year, Pakistan had approached the Afghan Taliban leadership after the group returned to power in August with a list of demands that included action against the TTP. The interim Taliban government was even provided with a list of most wanted TTP terrorists. But Afghan Taliban instead offered its good offices to broker a peace deal with the TTP. Pakistan accepted the offer and after some face to face meetings between the two sides, a ceasefire deal was reached in November.

According to senior Pakistani official, Islamabad believes that TTP is a "test case" for the Afghan Taliban, as tackling the group would help the interim government establish its credentials in the eyes of the world with regards to dealing with other terrorist outfits. "We are telling the Taliban leadership consider the TTP as a test case," the official familiar with the development told The Express Tribune while requesting anonymity on Sunday. "If the Taliban can't address concerns of Pakistan then who would trust them and their promise of cutting ties to al Qaeda and other such groups," the official added.

Last week at a news conference Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar for the first time publicly revealed why Pakistan entered into a ceasefire with the TTP. According to the chief military spokesperson, the interim Taliban government facilitated ceasefire with TTP as a confidence building measure. The month-long ceasefire, however, was ended on December 9 with no further progress.

General Babar said talks were now on hold as some of the conditions put forward by the TTP were non-negotiable for Pakistan. Although he did not divulge details, it is believed that the TTP was demanding the release of their senior commanders, establishment of a political office in a third country, reversal of FATA merger and introduction of Sharia law in the country. As per the DG ISPR, operations against the TTP were being conducted on a daily basis and the fight against the "violent non-state actors" would continue till their threat was totally eliminated.

The statement of DG ISPR clearly suggested that Pakistan was not hopeful of any prospects of talks or peace deal with the TTP at least in the foreseeable future. The official sources said Pakistan was talking to the interim Taliban government on the TTP issue. "It is a complicated process. Afghan Taliban are keen that the TTP no more uses Afghan soil against Pakistan but they are not willing to act against them," said another official.

Despite a month-long ceasefire, the number of terrorist attacks in 2021 saw 56 per cent increase compared to 2020. Interestingly, the surge in TTP sponsored attacks was coincided with the Afghan Taliban takeover in August 2021. As per the Islamabad think-tank report August saw 45 terrorist attacks in Pakistan, the highest tally in a single month since 2017. While Pakistan would continue operations against the TTP, it has been pushing the Taliban government to make sure that the Afghan soil is not used by these terrorist groups against the country.

GG boys
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