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Muhammad Khurrasani spokesperson of TTP killed in Afghanistan - PTV News

Don't say that. Pushtoons on this forum will call you racist and get you banned. 😅😅

Here's a TTP commander Mangal Bagh Afridi Jalsaa recording. Look at how many tribals attending.

Not a Pashtun but yes you're a racist against many different and varied people groups of Pakistan not just one group, on top of all that are a secterian (ofcourse there were tribals issues involved and some tribes were pro-ttp, but since you have a history of throwing it as an "whole ethnic" card instead of tribal or regional ones so I'll give you the response in that context

Native Lashkars who faught ttp were tribal Pashtuns, they were the first line of defense until we let them down by brokering a "peace/surrender" deal cause we lacked the courage- than they were massacred
FC who faught ttp were Pashtuns
General who led the fight against ttp and reformed FC to fight back when we were really suffering was from tank KP, near waziristan
Most barbaric acts of TTP were conducted against Pashtuns and they suffered the most out of anyone in the country,
the tribals were forcefully asked to show up in these meetings or else they'll face the consequences so even if you oppose you'll have to show up

MQM was pretty barbaric, forget direct involvement of raw, Thier torture cells where the most brutal forms of torture took place just because someone crossed them and were ethnically different (yes not just opponents were tortured random people from different ethnicities we're picked up tortured)
And these guys were voted in unlike ttp, and no one faught them off till PMLN/army launched operation to kick em out
Should I start throwing stereotypes, slurs and blaming actions of mqm, Thier killings and links with RAW on all y'all? would that be considered fair?

But if you say something against y'all this forum goes on a meltdown (that's ok too no one should but the amount of racism y'all show in this forum to others including Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis and other groups is not even close to what we can throw back in return but rr is a constant)

@The Eagle , @waz please look into this guy and his posting history, he is incredibly racist and wants to cause divisions
And couple others from that city who talk like hindutava maniacs but good for us can't act on it, we are blessed
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That doesn't hide the fact that all suicide bombers in Pakistan orginated from Pushtoon tribal areas .
All the documentaries recorded during operation Zarb e Azb are still available. Just see which areas those were recorded in and how openly explosives were made in main bazaars and no locals cared.
MQM had similar ideology. Openly storing weapons and killing on ethnic grounds.
I myself am one of them .
So I know , how ethnic sentiments lead to terrorism.
yeah well they too were bearing the brunt of the drone strikes, ya' think mental stress may have something to do with? stop demonizing our pakhtoon brothers! your hatred for them and other ethnic groups is plain and apparent.

@waz @The Eagle ... please do something about this bigot!
Yeah same as we mohajirs were discriminated under quota system and much more. So MQM came into being and started ethnic terrorism. Should I justify that?
Under same reasoning you are justifying for Pushtoon tribes?
Drones only came when the tribes gave refuge to terrorists running away from Afghanistan and hiding in Pakistan territory, and that was done on ethnic basis.
I'm a so called "muhajir" and I nor any of my relatives and/or family members felt discriminated against. you have a hidden agenda.

@waz @The Eagle
Not a Pashtun but yes you're a racist against many different and varied people groups of Pakistan not just one group, on top of all that are a secterian (ofcourse there were tribals issues involved and some tribes were pro-ttp, but since you have a history of throwing it as an "whole ethnic" card instead of tribal or regional ones so I'll give you the response in that context

Native Lashkars who faught ttp were tribal Pashtuns, they were the first line of defense until we let them down by brokering a "peace/surrender" deal cause we lacked the courage- than they were massacred
FC who faught ttp were Pashtuns
General who led the fight against ttp and reformed FC to fight back when we were really suffering was from tank KP, near waziristan
Most barbaric acts of TTP were conducted against Pashtuns and they suffered the most out of anyone in the country,
the tribals were forcefully asked to show up in these meetings or else they'll face the consequences so even if you oppose you'll have to show up

MQM was pretty barbaric, forget direct involvement of raw, Thier torture cells where the most brutal forms of torture took place just because someone crossed them and were ethnically different (yes not just opponents were tortured random people from different ethnicities we're picked up tortured)
And these guys were voted in unlike ttp, and no one faught them off till PMLN/army launched operation to kick em out
Should I start throwing stereotypes, slurs and blaming actions of mqm, Thier killings and links with RAW on all y'all? would that be considered fair?

But if you say something against y'all this forum goes on a meltdown (that's ok too no one should but the amount of racism y'all show in this forum to others including Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis and other groups is not even close to what we can throw back in return but rr is a constant)

@The Eagle , @waz please look into this guy and his posting history, he is incredibly racist and wants to cause divisions
And couple others from that city who talk like hindutava maniacs but good for us can't act on it, we are blessed

It is Sarfraz making a comeback after being permanently banned for being a racist.
Well you may be if lighter skin. I am proper "Kaala" so there may be thr difference.
I didn't even get the domicile of the place in KPK I was born and grew up, because I was "too dark" and "didn't look pakistani " . So you don't represent me . Now go cry rivers to moderators 😅😅
epic failure. I am as dark as it gets buddy. my great grand parents were pathans but no one knows that either from my past name no the last names of family names of either my father's or my mother's sides. And yet, we never had any problems nor were discriminated against by any pashtoon.
Pakistan defence forum should have ABSOLUTE ZERO tolerance against ANYONE who try to divide the nation, spread hate and pass out racist comments. Any commentary labeling any pakistani ethnic group as a Villain should not be tolerated for even a second.

In real life, I have never faced such a-holes, who spews venom against Pakistani ethnic groups. I believe most of these people are INDIANS disguised as Pakistani. I see lot of targeting to Pashtuns deliberately as indian media has given lolly pop to indians that pashtuns are rising against Pak LOL!. Only an IDIOT can think like that. Pak army is filled with Pashtuns. The nation has 5 crore Pashtuns in its population. The desperate attempts of indians can be seen everywhere. Pakistan has more pashtuns then Afghanistan's entire population. So indians need to learn there is no use to keep carrying out this agenda as this can never happen. They see few thousand PTMs and think entire pashtuns as them. You disguised indians must be totally nut jobs to think something like that.
Sure, criticise certain ethnicities, about the haem done by many of their kinds ethnic ideology, and the vultures descend on you. Good one .
No wonder now PTM is so popular and depicting tattooists and the victims and army as perpetrators.
Because nobody showed them the mirror. I do just that.

You are just another INDIAN. A pakistani never speaks like you are speaking. Its too easy to change flags / use VPNs in a way that never found out.. But your language speaks for yourself. I mean a Pakistani would be OUT of his mind saying CRAP about almost half of country's population. Keep participating business as-usual in other posts but showing your true colors trying to create ethnic divide. Why on earth a pakistani will ever do that ?. Why a pakistani will openly say shit to so many Generals and many battalions of Pakistani army which are composed of Pashtuns. Why a pakistani will say such shit to so many Martyrs who laid their life for their country which were Pashtuns.
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He’s just a vile guy full of total filth snd he should definitely not be allowed to post his hatred against Pakistan natives openly and regularly as he does on here. In real live a Pashtun would kick s hit out of him and his types.
Sure, criticise certain ethnicities, about the haem done by many of their kinds ethnic ideology, and the vultures descend on you. Good one .
No wonder now PTM is so popular and depicting terrorists the victims and army as perpetrators.
Because nobody showed them the mirror. I do just that.
so, a handful of sold out traitors manipulate an uneducated, poor people from a certain region and in your veiw, WALA...they are all automagically are the same, aye?

yeah your a sanghi, either a sanghi or a sanghi bhakt butt licker.
Pakistan defence forum should have ABSOLUTE ZERO tolerance against ANYONE who try to divide the nation, spread hate and pass out racist comments. Any commentary labeling any pakistani ethnic group as a Villain should not be tolerated for even a second.

In real life, I have never faced such a-holes, who spews venom against Pakistani ethnic groups. I believe most of these people are INDIANS disguised as Pakistani. I see lot of targeting to Pashtuns deliberately as indian media has given lolly pop to indians that pashtuns are rising against Pak LOL!. Only an IDIOT can think like that. Pak army is filled with Pashtuns. The nation has 5 crore Pashtuns in its population. The desperate attempts of indians can be seen everywhere. Pakistan has more pashtuns then Afghanistan's entire population. So indians need to learn there is no use to keep carrying out this agenda as this can never happen. They see few thousand PTMs and think entire pashtuns as them. You disguised indians must be totally nut jobs to think something like that.

You are just another INDIAN. A pakistani never speaks like you are speaking. Its too easy to change flags / use VPNs in a way that never found out.. But your language speaks for yourself. I mean a Pakistani would be OUT of his mind saying CRAP about almost half of country's population. Keep participating business as-usual in other posts but showing your true colors trying to create ethnic divide. Why on earth a pakistani will ever do that ?. Why a pakistani will openly say shit to so many Generals and many battalions of Pakistani army which are composed of Pashtuns. Why a pakistani will say such shit to so many Martyrs who laid their life for their country which were Pashtuns.

100% injun turd sarfraz, probably more likely his name is sarabjit
Not a Pashtun but yes you're a racist against many different and varied people groups of Pakistan not just one group, on top of all that are a secterian (ofcourse there were tribals issues involved and some tribes were pro-ttp, but since you have a history of throwing it as an "whole ethnic" card instead of tribal or regional ones so I'll give you the response in that context

Native Lashkars who faught ttp were tribal Pashtuns, they were the first line of defense until we let them down by brokering a "peace/surrender" deal cause we lacked the courage- than they were massacred
FC who faught ttp were Pashtuns
General who led the fight against ttp and reformed FC to fight back when we were really suffering was from tank KP, near waziristan
Most barbaric acts of TTP were conducted against Pashtuns and they suffered the most out of anyone in the country,
the tribals were forcefully asked to show up in these meetings or else they'll face the consequences so even if you oppose you'll have to show up

MQM was pretty barbaric, forget direct involvement of raw, Thier torture cells where the most brutal forms of torture took place just because someone crossed them and were ethnically different (yes not just opponents were tortured random people from different ethnicities we're picked up tortured)
And these guys were voted in unlike ttp, and no one faught them off till PMLN/army launched operation to kick em out
Should I start throwing stereotypes, slurs and blaming actions of mqm, Thier killings and links with RAW on all y'all? would that be considered fair?

But if you say something against y'all this forum goes on a meltdown (that's ok too no one should but the amount of racism y'all show in this forum to others including Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis and other groups is not even close to what we can throw back in return but rr is a constant)

@The Eagle , @waz please look into this guy and his posting history, he is incredibly racist and wants to cause divisions
And couple others from that city who talk like hindutava maniacs but good for us can't act on it, we are blessed

What is very sad is that this kind of guy makes his kin look bad, I have nothing against other ethnicities or sects in Pakistan, if someone treats me with respect or disrespect, I will reciprocate. These type of people need therapy and have to vent out their own personal issues.
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