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Muhammad Khurrasani spokesperson of TTP killed in Afghanistan - PTV News

Fascinating how Pakistans own public allowed TTP to gain traction between 2005-2010. I hope anyone that got hoodwinked by their narrative should hang their heads in shame for the APS massacre.
Pakistanis in general really REALLY REALLY need to wrap their heads around how the int'l establishment and their intel agencies operate, how they use a legit slogal to further an illegit agenda.

high time that our drama industry gets out of the "saas bahu" mode and start make dramas en masse around the above said issues...
your source? its a pretty big claim without any evidence that our operatives have gone dark.

You can believe it or not, and the source is me.
i dont think they will help us when we havw to clean the thrash in their cities, we are on our own.

fortunately, it is easier to deal with, than a hostile afghan state, with the help of international intel agencies.
TTP top commander & Spox M.Khurasani is dead

Likely killed by intelligence Ops.

View attachment 807625

His original name was Muhammad Ali Balti, belonging to Chorbat Valley of Gilgit Baltistan's Ghanche District. Studied and taught in a madrassa in Karachi.

The terrorist Khurasani was actively involved in recruiting fighters for TTP in Af-Pak region for the terror outfit of TTP.
Two different peope
Is it khalid balti or khursani? These are two different people and khorasani looks different than the guy that got killed
Whats your source for their “cooperation”?
the tab themselves; they made it clear that it is their policy to not let anyone use their territory be used against any neighboring country. so its a natural conclusion that they will facilitate any of the disgruntled elements of the ttp to reconcile with Pakistan to come into the mainstream and will move against any of the elements hell bent on being hardcore terrorists. don't forget, the afghan taliban have openly waged war on daesh in afghanistan and some ttp elements have pledged allegiance to daesh so its only natural for the tab to wage war against those ttp elements; this khorasan guy that got killed may well be one of them, its a known fact that he has been trying to unite all the ttp factions under the daesh umbrella. that makes these hardcore ttp elements a common enemy to both tab and Pakistan. goli tau banti hay.
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Pakistanis in general really REALLY REALLY need to wrap their heads around how the int'l establishment and their intel agencies operate, how they use a legit slogal to further an illegit agenda.

high time that our drama industry gets out of the "saas bahu" mode and start make dramas en masse around the above said issues...

TTP is an AQ remnant that found footing in Pakistan using the "Islam under attack" narrative. It was all pre-planned by OBL and the Taliban who jumped on this salivating at the thought of taking KPK and FATA. They invited the invasion to recreate the Soviet invasion and used it to push Pakistan into a corner for compliance or chaos (either way they win). This narrative doesn't even make sense, NATO balkanized Yugoslavia for Muslims few years before and AQ attacked US three times before lashing out.

The disinformation, 5th gen warfare you talk about is actually a product of AQ who made Pakistanis believe they are the enemy of Islam and deserve capitulation and a purge when in reality Afghanistan got invaded because they facilitated an attack on another country. Once they got a firm grip of Pakistani balls they didn't let go. Lal Masjid cuck types loved this and TLP is a mild evolution of this narrative. All roads lead to Afghanistan.
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Afghanis pump out too many babies and mist are disposable. Average a dozen a family. One dies , another replaces him.
TTP is an AQ remnant that found footing in Pakistan using the "Islam under attack" narrative. It was all pre-planned by OBL and the Taliban who jumped on this salivating at the thought of taking KPK and FATA. They invited the invasion to recreate the Soviet invasion and used it to push Pakistan into a corner for compliance or chaos (either way they win). This narrative doesn't even make sense, NATO balkanized Yugoslavia for Muslims few years before and AQ attacked US three times before lashing out.

The disinformation, 5th gen warfare you talk about is actually a product of AQ who made Pakistanis believe they are the enemy of Islam and deserve capitulation and a purge when in reality Afghanistan got invaded facilitating an attack on another country. Lal Masjid types loved this and TLP is a mild evolution of this narrative. All roads lead to Afghanistan.
you are right, but my point still remains that media awareness has to be created in the masses.
you are right, but my point still remains that media awareness has to be created in the masses.

How will that impact when Pakistanis have been trained to become defensive and compliant when their faith is questioned? Insecure people get used and abused, fact of life.

If they saw more value in a tyrannical AQ militant regime than a democratic progressive government, how can you reverse this? Soviet Invasion should not have been romanticized or had involvement in. Zia is also responsible. This was cultivated for decades prior.
How will that impact when Pakistanis have been trained to become defensive and compliant when their faith is questioned? Insecure people get used and abused, fact of life.
most of it is due to a tunnel vision that people have are not aware of the bigger game being played out. a public that is aware is harder to mentally subdue and manipulate.
most of it is due to a tunnel vision that people have are not aware of the bigger game being played out. a public that is aware is harder to mentally subdue and manipulate.
Not tunnel vision, tribal and ethnic vision.
Not tunnel vision, tribal and ethnic vision.
...and media is the best way to change that vision by providing the bigger picture of how they can manipulated by people behind closed doors.
Here's a TTP commander Mangal Bagh Afridi Jalsaa recording. Look at how many tribals attending.

All to save Afghanistan from getting an a*s whopping? Pakistan lost 70k + lives, damaged global reputation, $100 billion loss, lost an ally. They put Pakistan under the bus to save a dust bowl.
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Due to ethnic priorities. Afghan are their blood , we are foreign.
that is mostly incorrect. vast majority of pathans in Pakistan consider non-pushtoon Pakistanis as their brothers & citizens while consider the afghans as their cousins and that too, just the pashtoon afghans, they have no love lost for the dari speaking tajik or uzbek afghans. you are spreading hate and false propoganda against Pakistani pakhtoons. reported.

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