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Most Afghans want US troops

If that were the case, the Taliban would've had far more sophisticated weapons. If what you say is true, they can possibly even bring down enemy aircraft or kill tanks and armored vehicles :rofl:

If you read the latest reports of the ongoing operations in the FATA, or the scuffle in NWFP/KP; you will see that the terrorists have sophisticated weaponry at their disposal (timer bombs & others).
The fact of the matter is that Pakistan & the Pakistan Army has gone out of its way to conduct the operations in the FATA (even over-compensated itself by deploying the troops from the Indian LOC to the Afghan border), whereas Afghanistan has let Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan and Nangarhar Taliban & Al-Qaeda central; not doing their job of tackling these terrorists on their end, abandoning checkposts & outposts to let these terrorists recapture areas; & using their Afghan safe havens to attack Pakistan's tribal areas with impunity, with the blessings of the ANA/NATO Forces.
A lot of the development and advances were contributed by the South Koreans themselves. And of-course American help always helped. Kind of like how Japan progressed after WWII.

Afghanistan just isn't the same, especially with the Taliban around. Even in Iraq, it still isn't fully stable. Not an easy job.

Of course am not discrediting the Koreans, but to say that America is not a "nation developer" would be wrong.

to be honest with you, if we AFGHANS are stupid, then nobody can do nothing. We surely and rightly blame the others for waht we have got today, but that doesnt mean we are totally free of criticism as well. It is our country and we need to make sure to take to the right direction.

I wouldn't blame the Afghans. Your country has been seeing constant conflict for the past 30 years. You need a conducive environment to build a country/society. Americans can provide Afghanistan that security and stability to build on. 15-20 years is all it needs, so that a whole generation of kids can get education, go through school and then college/university, and once that is achieved everything else will fall in place. Of course development of Afghan armed forces simultaneously is a must.

Yes sure, America is in Afghanistan for its own strategic interests as well, but it shouldn't bother the Afghans, as long as it helps them get out of this constant warring/infighting and improve their society and country. Its a selfish world, everyone, every country needs to look out for their own interests.
At the end of the day, all these terror groups (Afghan Taliban, Al-Qaeda, TTP) are mercenaries with no loyalties to anyone/anything but power. They've sided with the West in the past for power, & now they are fighting against those very same people. They are not the guardians/protectors of Islam/Muslims, they kill innocent Afghanis/Pakistanis/general civilians on Ramazan, Eid & all other holy days/times of Islam. They don't spare children, women or old people.
Again, I am waiting for the response of the Afghan members that were attacking Pakistan to answer the questions & arguments I highlighted in my posts.
The uprising of the Taliban in last 3 years shows US it self wants to make Afghans say this so! but we have no other choice but to accept this and I want them to stay for at least 10 years more, not alot of them but around 1000-3000 trainers, advisers and air force members. I believe if any pact on their stay for another decade is signed you will see a massive decrease in Taliban attacks and control but only ISI supported Taliban will not leave fighting though they might increase their attacks!

Other day you were saying that ISI is US puppet. So how can ISI be US puppet if it supports Taliban? You can't have it both ways.
Other day you were saying that ISI is US puppet. So how can ISI be US puppet if it supports Taliban? You can't have it both ways.

That is the problem with some Afghan members here, they just seem to contradict themselves repeatedly, & have no fixed viewpoints of the events that transpire in the region.
The Afghan Taliban have killed far more civilians then soldiers. They are no different then the TTP.

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

This fact is conveniently filtered out by the Talibunny fans here.

It is the "Afghan Taliban" (actually they are one and the same, better to call it Pushtun Taliban) that raids inside Pakistan and kills the soldiers.
Other day you were saying that ISI is US puppet. So how can ISI be US puppet if it supports Taliban? You can't have it both ways.

No I never said such thing may be you misinterpreted.
Other day you were saying that ISI is US puppet. So how can ISI be US puppet if it supports Taliban? You can't have it both ways.

If iSI was an american puppet america would not be trying to undermine it with all the negative propaganda that they come out with about ISI. It is a fact that ISI defends pakistan is pakistani secret servise and not americans puppet.

long live Pakistani ISI:pakistan:
As long as US is their in Afg,one of it's neighbor & it's ally will be in their limits.
This fact is conveniently filtered out by the Talibunny fans here.

It is the "Afghan Taliban" (actually they are one and the same, better to call it Pushtun Taliban) that raids inside Pakistan and kills the soldiers.

But don't you say that the Afghan Taliban is controlled by/a puppet of the Pakistani ISI?
to be honest with you, if we AFGHANS are stupid, then nobody can do nothing. We surely and rightly blame the others for waht we have got today, but that doesnt mean we are totally free of criticism as well. It is our country and we need to make sure to take to the right direction.
Honestly..The over religious people..over Islamic people and people who gives more importance to over religious than simple logic are responsilble for the state of current afghanistan..

1st step is to teach Afghan children Science...so that they beleive in logic than radicals who try to inject islamic jihad into their brains
Honestly..The over religious people..over Islamic people and people who gives more importance to over religious than simple logic are responsilble for the state of current afghanistan..

1st step is to teach Afghan children Science...so that they beleive in logic than radicals who try to inject islamic jihad into their brains

There is logic in everything! thus we do accept and follow Islam as a prime religion; It's not the religion which injects the wrong logic into their minds but those who are advocates of the non-believers; we will remain to learn the teachings of Islam before anything else! I don't see any logic in your post and assuming your logic 1.5 bln Muslims should now be all terrorist/radical Islamist?

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