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Most Afghans want US troops

americans are doing the same in iraq begging the puppet regime to publically ask them to stay. What is it with americans go home you are not wanted. Yes initially there may be bloodshed but thats to be expected when an illegitemate regime has been aided by americans to stay in power
americans are doing the same in iraq begging the puppet regime to publically ask them to stay. What is it with americans go home you are not wanted. Yes initially there may be bloodshed but thats to be expected when an illegitemate regime has been aided by americans to stay in power

Do you consider the Taliban regime prior to 2001 in Afg to be legitimate ??

---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

and none of that is available from India..so STFU!

True, India can neither provide the Security forces on the ground like NATO and Terrorist Taliban like Pakistan :)
The Taliban is killing an armed combatant.
TTP is killing civilians going about their daily life.

If you cannot see the obvious different, you sir need to check your eyes!

And who is killing the Afghan civilians in road side bomb attacks? Are you telling me no Afghan civilian has been killed by Taliban?
The uprising of the Taliban in last 3 years shows US it self wants to make Afghans say this so! but we have no other choice but to accept this and I want them to stay for at least 10 years more, not alot of them but around 1000-3000 trainers, advisers and air force members. I believe if any pact on their stay for another decade is signed you will see a massive decrease in Taliban attacks and control but only ISI supported Taliban will not leave fighting though they might increase their attacks!

Again same BS from Afghanistan side, you people are ready to allow foreign troops because you itself a failed nation which even can't unite and decide. You people are going to play against your master minds Iran, Pakistan, Russian federation and China so forget about any better situation in future. If you people are so interested in development of Afghanistan then go and unite yourselves first and call back all migrants from Pakistan and provide them safe living standered and learn to live without any external support. But it is hard to believe that this will happen but with same bull crap against Pakistan your enthusiasm ended. Then get it.

“They are in favor of a long-term strategic agreement that includes basic rights for the US military, despite the objections of neighbor states” he said. “Afghanistan is the most logical place for the US to have a base.

Ghairat bechney ka acha tarika he
The Taliban is killing an armed combatant.
TTP is killing civilians going about their daily life.

If you cannot see the obvious different, you sir need to check your eyes!

TTP is far less killing civilians! Taliban is killing 20/30/40 innocent civilians for just 2-4 'armed combatant'.
Exactly and how will few thousand american trainers or even commands and ground forces turn around the situation when Afghan's own security forces are soo incompetent and corrupt? They keep selling their official ammo to the terrorist and defect.

And remember, America is trying to broker a peace deal with the same so-called "ISI Sponsered" talibans.

in my opinion a few thounsands is not enough, they have to be in significant number to assist us not in training but to help in keeping security. You tell me about elements of our army helping/informing the taliban, the same thing is happening with pak army, so these bloody elements are everywhere. Secondly, ANA is a new establishement, it will take a very long time to see them competing with the other armies, we are in the right direction while we never had any army 10 years ago. You cant expect peopole to perform miracles.
and if we ask the americans to leave the country at this moment, there will be again huge bloodshed and loss of civilians lives and civil war, as a result we not only lose all what we have achieved in the last decace, but it will be reveresed brutally and the country once again go nose diving with countless number of peopole losing their lives, so their stay is vital-not because we are in love, but because of necesity.

Civil and political war which also waiting for a suitable time, and Afghan govenment know how to terminate it but they don't want to do because $$$.
Protecting the intrest could be better achieved by working with a sane Afghan government with stake in regional interests rather than sending terrorist? dont you agree with this? ISI is a professional institute they dont harvest cave mentality of sending thugs aka "Bashiriyas" in local slang to solve every problem with AK-47. The sad fact that the current non-representative colonial Afghan government is more interested in stirring up anti-Pakistani issues rather than working with the neighbors. A nascent disease which has infected every Afghan government since the cold war days and the result is for all to see.

End of the day Pakistan is a neighboring country and there is no doing away with that fact. The only "so-called" interest Pakistan has in Afghanistan is the energy security and trade corridor to Central Asia. That is not something hard to give for Afghanistan or to receive by Pakistan. The rest all are rumors.

I agree, but if that was only for energy security and trade corridor to Central Asia; have you ever heard that Afghan gov blocked Pakistani trade goods to Central Asia? no but we are always having difficulties with ports like Karachi and Gawadar may be in the mean time that I am replying here 100s of Afghan containers are stopped to ship their goods to Afghanistan.
And who is killing the Afghan civilians in road side bomb attacks? Are you telling me no Afghan civilian has been killed by Taliban?

They are killed by covert CIA/RAW operation to generate negative sentiments and views against Pakistan for their further plan to make gpositive ground for US's puppet India and getting support for US forces.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

TTP is far less killing civilians! Taliban is killing 20/30/40 innocent civilians for just 2-4 'armed combatant'.

You should review what are you talking!
They are killed by covert CIA/RAW operation to generate negative sentiments and views against Pakistan for their further plan to make gpositive ground for US's puppet India and getting support for US forces.

Yeah right! And am supposed to be believe that because?
Yes initially there may be bloodshed but thats to be expected when an illegitemate regime has been aided by americans to stay in power

it is nothing to do with intitially or finally, we have been having this terrible time for the last 35 years, it is never ending. Our best time in this periiod has been last ten years.
in my opinion a few thounsands is not enough, they have to be in significant number to assist us not in training but to help in keeping security. You tell me about elements of our army helping/informing the taliban, the same thing is happening with pak army, so these bloody elements are everywhere. Secondly, ANA is a new establishement, it will take a very long time to see them competing with the other armies, we are in the right direction while we never had any army 10 years ago. You cant expect peopole to perform miracles.

Right miracles are not going to be happened but miracles also not going to be happened till you will not realize in which world you are living and what challenges stand in front of you and also consider concerns of neighbor countries and if you are ignoring them by saying that WE HAVE NO CARE OF NEIGHBOURS BUT WILL INVITE US/NATO FOR LONG RUN then you are doing a great mistake and it may return in form of another problematic period for Afghanistan. Your 70% problems are only because of your going to allow US to stay on your soil.
They are killed by covert CIA/RAW operation to generate negative sentiments and views against Pakistan for their further plan to make gpositive ground for US's puppet India and getting support for US forces.

hope you are not serious.
Again same BS from Afghanistan side, you people are ready to allow foreign troops because you itself a failed nation which even can't unite and decide. You people are going to play against your master minds Iran, Pakistan, Russian federation and China so forget about any better situation in future. If you people are so interested in development of Afghanistan then go and unite yourselves first and call back all migrants from Pakistan and provide them safe living standered and learn to live without any external support. But it is hard to believe that this will happen but with same bull crap against Pakistan your enthusiasm ended. Then get it.

This statement can also be turned on Pakistan because Pakistan is very much dependent on China and you know it irks USA/UK/India, you should not include Russian federation they supports US stay in Afghanistan and they fear the rise of Taliban, even they sent their men to guard Uzbekistan Tajikistan borders. US was a good ally of Pakistan right? why now it's a problem for Pakistan if they stay in Afghanistan more longer? you surely remember Pakistan allowed them flights from it's land and sea to attack Taliban and allowed them to ship their military equipments and other stuff via Pakistan! as a nuclear power you should first dare to cut their supplies and as a poor, war torn and third world country we will not accept their request to stay longer here.
Right miracles are not going to be happened but miracles also not going to be happened till you will not realize in which world you are living and what challenges stands in front of you and also consider concerns of neighbor countries and if you are ignoring them by saying that

We have realized the problem, unless we get a proper army to proetct us with a right gov, we will continue to suffer. But as i said before, you cant build army just like that, it takes time, resources, training etc.

WE HAVE NO CARE OF NEIGHBOURS BUT WILL INVITE US/NATO FOR LONG RUN then you are doing a great mistake and it may return another problematic period for Afghanistan. Your 70% problems are only because of your going to allow US to stay on your soil.

Nobody invited the americans, they came by their own wish and will leave the same way, and as a matter of fact it has been the neigbhours and international powers who are not caring about afghanistan and making it their proxy dogfight. I can surely blame america for many things, but i cant understand how you can say 70% of our problems will be solved if they leave just like that, actually, we will face a million times tougher time if they leave right now.

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