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Most Afghans want US troops

That's what I am telling you there was a huge difference between the state and the people.

You werent telling me anything of the sort

this is what you were telling me

sher malangs previous post said:
I am not neglecting that Zahir's era was peaceful but he kept the nation in dark so he could rule, he used to hire Peers in remote villages to spread his words with religious illusions, he is known for his animal hunting in various parts of Afghanistan and all he brought was peace in his era nothing else.

which was completely bogus.

internet afghanery again.. the king gave women full voting rights, enabled them to enter into professions and tried to ween them away from the burkha. he was successful to a degree. how was this this a bad thing exactly? do you object to women having voting rights? i would say he was courageous and progressive but more importantly he was able to maintain peace, which is something other ethnic groups are incapable of in afghanistan.

No, economical, infrastructural and cultural wise Kabul in the current situation is a lot better than it was called Paris of Central Asia.

you had hashish coming out your ears when you wrote that i'm sure.

in the 1970s, afghan women could wear what they liked in kbul, now most wear bukhas. thats not cultural enlightenment, it's more a climate of insecurity.

in the 1970s you wouldnt get blown away in kabul. now you would. cultural enlightenment again for you

kabul then

kabul now

when the effects of the weed wear off you too will see the difference :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

That's what I tried to say in my previous post, despite of being a major reality in Afghanistan's history they chosen to take part in the destruction of Afghanistan and as a matter of fact Pashtun leaders are responsible for the start of instability in Afghanistan.

try not posting while on drugs.

you said

previous post of sher malang said:
I am not neglecting that Zahir's era was peaceful but he kept the nation in dark so he could rule, he used to hire Peers in remote villages to spread his words with religious illusions, he is known for his animal hunting in various parts of Afghanistan and all he brought was peace in his era nothing else.

here you admit pashtun rule was peaceful. that is whole point. the pashtuns are capable of maintaining peace in afghanistan. all the ethnic groups chose to take part in the subsequent destruction of it along with foreign forces.
roadrunner, you here act more pashtun that the pashtun themselves. you tell us about the golden rule of Pashtuns, but have read the full history of Afghansistan yet? have you ever heard of Tajik golden times or not? during this so called pashtun rule, we had discrimination against its own peopole, we were treated like animals, go a bit further than the zahir time, you will see human slavery of non pashtuns, you will see masascres and many more, off course there were some good things as well, not everything was bad, we had a religioulsely moderate society which was excellent and other good thigs too, nobody is denying it, but the fact is that you completly ignore the other facts as well.
You werent telling me anything of the sort

this is what you were telling me

which was completely bogus.

internet afghanery again.. the king gave women full voting rights, enabled them to enter into professions and tried to ween them away from the burkha. he was successful to a degree. how was this this a bad thing exactly? do you object to women having voting rights? i would say he was courageous and progressive but more importantly he was able to maintain peace, which is something other ethnic groups are incapable of in afghanistan.

I told you the same thing and that isn't bogus if you come to Afghanistan I will take you to the places he used to hunt animals and will meet you with the people who used to be peers in the villages and spread what Zahir wanted, there was a huge difference between the state and the people, you only see what Zahir's wife or other women worn at that time but out of Kabul Burqa was worn by the local Afghan women they hated this westernized traditions and called them kafir, and this burqa is not a recent trend it was worn by Afghans in Kabul too in Zahir's era:


don't tell me what they worn in Kabul tell me what they did for the country rather than themselves?

you had hashish coming out your ears when you wrote that i'm sure.

I take this a joke.

in the 1970s, afghan women could wear what they liked in kbul, now most wear bukhas. thats not cultural enlightenment, it's more a climate of insecurity.

in the 1970s you wouldnt get blown away in kabul. now you would. cultural enlightenment again for you

HEY don't forget, I am not someone sitting outside Afghanistan writing you all this so better justify what you say because it's my daily life routine to see what's inside Kabul and what's not. If you are too much interested to see the reality than give me a visit but don't try to post rubbish; there is no law on wearing/ not wearing burqa in Afghanistan and I think you are on weed and still seeing this government as a Taliban government.

here you admit pashtun rule was peaceful. that is whole point. the pashtuns are capable of maintaining peace in afghanistan. all the ethnic groups chose to take part in the subsequent destruction of it along with foreign forces.

I am Pashtun I am not able to say this how come you are so sure about this? It was peaceful I said too, but lacked development and that peaceful stay of Zahir for 40 years damaged the progress of the country and the result were the coups.
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