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Mossad behind 9/11, alleges Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Some people knows no question about it, check Bill Cooper, he told many, or check Firefighters for 911 truth
Yeah...The way 'some' people out of tens of thousands of people involved in the Apollo program 'knew' that the program was a hoax.
Before you know, Press Tv is gonna tell you that Jews shoot laser beams from their eyes.
9/11 was definitely a inside job by US and so is the OBL raid drama. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but I am surprised
that PAK army and GOP is playing along with the US drama.
you should go somewhere else plz............
Gordon Ross, a mechanical engineer ...
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Haaretz TV ....Blah Blah Blah Blah...N



Haaretz TV Blah Blah blah...Bhaoo Waoo....

Islamist Islamist Islamist.....

Blah Blah Blah.....Bhaoo Waooo.....
I have no love for right wing Israeli goverment or IDF but Mosad warned US about 9/11... Just because CIA and Pentagon were idiots enough to ignore Mosad doesn't mean this was Mosad's job...

This is simply ridiculus...

Turks were never really...watever they show themselves.
please dont try to open the eyes of million who think by closing their eyes to truth make them safe.Let them see it for themselves what coming for them.

For the Americans here on this forum : It BS to believe that 9/11 was an inside job and keep supporting Israel with money and weapon . We dont care .U are and u will the feel the heat of ur actions. Just wait and see.............
9/11 may be real not a conspiracy, it could have been carried out by Al qaida, but my brain cannot get around the fact that three untrained pilots who lost contact with air towers shortly after the take off were able to guide a huge plane to a target with pin point accuracy. This in itself is a miracle
The people who stole fried chicken at KFC on prophet loving day were also Mossad agents.
9/11 may be real not a conspiracy, it could have been carried out by Al qaida, but my brain cannot get around the fact that three untrained pilots who lost contact with air towers shortly after the take off were able to guide a huge plane to a target with pin point accuracy. This in itself is a miracle

ahh "your brain" as you state-- now there in lies that mystery, does it not?

loosing communications by turning it off as they did has nothing to do with on board navigation. Then of course maybe your mind was asleep when Bin laden himself said he planned it and when few of the pilots/ 911 team made tapes months ago before 911 saying they were going to do this mission. The mind " strange place in some folks" - carry on
I get to know this when I joined General Aviation.
Leave it fellow beings, everybody know that they wanna accomplish the plan of Greater Israel and want to reconstruct the Solomon's Temple as they believe by doing this we could rule the World again as it was ruled at the time of King David.
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