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General Mahmud Ahmed, Carlyle Group & 9/11 - the ISI+CIA coverup

Unless you want the notoriety to burnish your perceived credentials in front of a particular audience.

Huh? If none of these allegations were true then why did Mushraaf depose him?
This thread, including the original post, didn't teach me anything new. Ever since the first day pf 9/11 I've been reading in Western newspapers about the ISI chief having sent money to Atta. This thread just repeats that allegation, so there's nothing new.

As far as I know, 9/11 was mainly a collaboration between the US and Israeli governments to justify unlimited war on the Muslim world. That's what we got and that's all there is to it.

Now many, if not most, Americans have the same view as I do.

It wasn't to teach. Since generals are being exposed nowadays for being bootlickers of the west I just wanted to add another minor detail to the long list of incidents and events that prove without a doubt that the GHQ does not have Pakistan's interest at heart.

They are mercenaries.
Huh? If none of these allegations were true then why did Mushraaf depose him?

That is for Gen Musharraf to explain. If USA had found any actionable credible information against General Mahmud, he would have had more consequences than mere dismissal, that is for sure.
You people might know more but there have been instances where the US Army or Navy attacked itself to create a cause for War.

The Spanish–American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region, and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions.
You people might know more but there have been instances where the US Army or Navy attacked itself to create a cause for War.

The Spanish–American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region, and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions.

The source of the explosion was thought at that time to be a Spanish mine.

It was only much later using modern techniques that doubts were raised in 1976.
You people might know more but there have been instances where the US Army or Navy attacked itself to create a cause for War.

The Spanish–American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region, and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions.

I’m already convinced 9/11 was an inside job.

It was a “new Pearl Harbour” as the PNAC document stated (PNAC = Project for a New American Century). In it they explained how a catalyst would be needed to propel America into the 21st century…to quote they literally said “a new Pearl Harbor”.

Furthermore, the War Games which took place on that day are just sketchy. They were simulating hijacked aircraft crashing into buildings on 9/11 and then the REAL thing happens. Odd.

And don’t even get me started on the implosions of the WTC and the missile fired at the Pentagon. Imagine a skyscraper falling down at freefall speed without any resistance…and they claimed jet fuel Melted a few beams to cause all that.

No doubt 9/11 was an inside job.

My question is that if indeed this was an inside job, what was General Mahmud doing in Washington on that day? Was the ISI part of it…along with Mossad?
I’m already convinced 9/11 was an inside job.

Obviously, facts do not matter when the mind is already made up. :D

My question is that if indeed this was an inside job, what was General Mahmud doing in Washington on that day?

BS premise. IF it was an inside job? It was not. What Gen Mahmud was doing there had nothing to do with it. False premises, false innuendo.
Obviously, facts do not matter when the mind is already made up. :D

BS premise. IF it was an inside job? It was not. What Gen Mahmud was doing there had nothing to do with it. False premises, false innuendo.


9/11 was an inside job. Debunktards like you can’t even answer basic questions about 9/11. Like how cell phones worked at cruising altitude and had open conversations with family members for over 20 minutes in some cases.

9/11 The New Pearl Harbor
Yeah, Pakistan is not on the list.

The Former President of Italy said: "all democratic circles in America and of Europe, especially those of the Italian centre-left, now know that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world, to place the blame on Arab countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan".

Here are a couple of videos that Italians from Italy produced on 9/11 after fact finding.

In English:

Incorrect. Omar Sheikh was a known financier:

On 6 October 2001, a senior-level US government official, told CNN that US investigators had discovered Sheikh (Sheik Syed), using the alias "Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad" had sent about $100,000 from the United Arab Emirates to Mohamed Atta. Investigators said "Atta then distributed the funds to conspirators in Florida in the weeks before the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil that destroyed the World Trade Center, heavily damaged the Pentagon and left thousands dead. In addition, sources have said Atta sent thousands of dollars – believed to be excess funds from the operation – back to Syed in the United Arab Emirates in the days before September 11."[43] CNN later confirmed this.[44]

However, the General was never proven as the source:

The 9/11 Commission's Final Report states that the source of the funds "remains unknown."

More than a month after the money transfer was discovered, the head of ISI, General Mahmud Ahmed resigned from his position. It was reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was investigating the possibility that Gen. Ahmed ordered Sheikh to send the $100,000 to Atta.[41]

The Wall Street Journal was one of the only Western news organisations to follow up on the story, citing the Times of India: "US authorities sought General Mahmud Ahmed's removal after confirming that $100,000 was wired to WTC hijacker Mohamed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the insistence of General Mahmud.

Such claims were made by Indian media, but never shown to be true.

Did Omar Sheikh wire the $100,000 to Atta ?


9/11 was an inside job. Debunktards like you can’t even answer basic questions about 9/11. Like how cell phones worked at cruising altitude and had open conversations with family members for over 20 minutes in some cases.

Cellphones can work at cruising altitude. It is not guaranteed. But it can work if the coverage is there
9/11 was an inside job.

Of course Mickey Mouse is real too, and lives in a castle in Florida. :D

India tried many times to link ISI as the source of the 9/11 funds, and failed. It then tried to link the ISI to OBL's hideout, and failed there too. It is obvious why you are rehashing the same false allegations. NMFP.

Did Omar Sheikh wire the $100,000 to Atta ?

Please see the above.
Did Omar Sheikh wire the $100,000 to Atta ?

Cellphones can work at cruising altitude. It is not guaranteed. But it can work if the coverage is there

Umm no cellphones don’t work at above 10,000 Feet.

Here’s the evidence in support of that.
You can't spread 9/11 truth in the USA, educating Americans on "deepstate corruption" only funnels them to Qanon and Trumpism. Once Trump took office in 2017, you can no longer spread truth to the masses in the USA, especially the demographic of whites or hispanics. Trump, same as Putin, is a fraud populist leading the fake resistance. Trump despises the 9/11 Truthers that follow Trump, Trump despises his followers in general. As Putin despises the anti-semitic far right/nationalists that are drawn to Putin. Putin is tasked to lead the fake resistance. The best way to defeat the deepstate is to spread neo-liberalism to the USA. To make it LGBTQ friendly and non-violent. This is why the new Faux News and New York Post enemy is the LGBTQ transgendered woke liberal. They are the new Chinese enemy. They are the new "Muslim terrorist" scapegoated enemy. The new group to blame the problems of America on. Muslims experienced this. Chinese experienced this.

Spreading info to the American masses leads them to opposing Democrats and get involved in influencers. These influencers are typically government cia pro-Trump shills to leading you to being 5th columnists against your own people which are led by shills such as Alex Jones. Alex Jones predicted 9/11 because Alex Jones is a mossad/cia bot. Alex Jones wants to be your leader. To promote deepstate Trump, to defend deepstate Putin.

When the Bush neo-conservatives were the overt rulers of the Republican cia Party, then you could expose 9/11, as a Bush cia operation, and get your viewing public to be opposed to the USA deepstate. Bush is puppet master to Trump, Trump is tasked with leading the anti-Bush, anti-neocon resistance to do the exact things the Bush cia wanted to do. Destroy China. Destroy the EU. Conflict with Iran.

After Trump took office, I abandoned the conservative Americans fooled by Trump. I advised East Asians and Middle Eastern nations the cia agenda and how to survive. Though I stopped that after the War in Ukraine. Trump buddy Putin is the new Trump. As there is no reason to help Trumpers out, there is no reason to help Putinite China and Iran out. Mullah Iranians and Communist Chinese are the new Trumpers promoting the Trump agenda to burn down the global order for the cia Pompeo agenda. This is why Pompeo buddies - Trump, Bannon, Tucker, Roger Stone, Flynn, and the other tinfoil hat Trump Team back Putin overtly and covertly. Putin is tasked with burning down Europe, as Trump is tasked with burning down Asia.

This is part and parcel of the Bush agenda. The 9/11 agenda. The 9/11 agenda is the Project for the New American Century. Not the New Chinese Century or New European Union Century or New Iranian Century. The Bush cia neo-con led Project for the New American Century. With Trump trying to promote conflict with China, that is Bush cia PNAC. With Putin trying to burn down rival EU, that is Bush cia PNAC. Destroying Iran is Bush PNAC.
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Well pakistan had a lot to gain… tens of billions of dollars. If CIA was involved then best be sure their ISI puppets were in on it as well…
It is a known fact that Bin Laden came from a wealthy family
Not sure where conspiracy theories take root

Carlyle's 2001 investor conference took place on September 11, 2001. In the weeks following the meeting, it was reported that Shafiq bin Laden, a member of the Bin Laden family, had been the "guest of honor", and that they were investors in Carlyle managed funds.[19][20][21][22][23] Later reports confirmed that the Bin Laden family had invested $2 million into Carlyle's $1.3 billion Carlyle Partners II Fund in 1995, making the family relatively small investors with the firm. However, their overall investment might have been considerably larger, with the $2 million committed in 1995 only being an initial contribution that grew over time.[24] These connections would later be profiled in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. The Bin Laden family liquidated its holdings in Carlyle's funds in October 2001, just after the September 11 attacks, when the connection of their family name to the Carlyle Group's name became impolitic.

@zectech @KaiserX
For debunktards like you who support American terrorism, of course you'll defend your imaginary 911 story.

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