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Mossad behind 9/11, alleges Dr. Alan Sabrosky

This interview with the Iranians is one year old and nothing happened since then. But here is an interesting factoid about the man...

Who the heck is Alan Sabrosky? - Yahoo! Answers
Sabrosky was working at the US Army War College as an administrator. He never was the director or dean of the college. Far from it. According to the Press Office of the Army War College, in the mid-1980s, Sabrosky served as a civilian administrator at a research department of the college, supervising the publication of papers written within that department. Putting it simple, he was something like a librarian, a mid-level civilian manager at a military college, without access to the sort of highly classified material of the sort he now fraudulently claims to have. Moreover, he worked there 25 years ago. How on earth could someone who worked on the level of a college librarian in the 1980s be privy to top secret information about the 9/11? And how on earth could he be the only person to know about it or think it worth revealing?
The US Army War College is not going to monitor society or even social media to see if anyone is abusing its name for their own gain. The downside is that anyone can make any claim about himself using exaggerated relationships with established institutions to lend himself some measure of credibility. The reason this interview got nowhere is because some people are willing to fact check.
I have no love for right wing Israeli goverment or IDF but Mosad warned US about 9/11... Just because CIA and Pentagon were idiots enough to ignore Mosad doesn't mean this was Mosad's job...

This is simply ridiculus...
9/11 was definitely a inside job by US and so is the OBL raid drama. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but I am surprised
that PAK army and GOP is playing along with the US drama.

We will forgive you and just take that you in the reality of your avatar's world. +5 mana to cast your magical theories .. sprinkle away
Another 9/11 conspiracy theory thread:lol:........lot of people lost their lives that day and that building wasn't like a grocery store, it had top law firms, top investment firms and so on...it was the center of elites in the world....everyone lost someone in that attack in the US. You can't conspire with such a big thing in the middle of the greatest city in the world. This guy who is giving the interview is a tool, i closed it down after i saw the shirt he was wearing, you can't take a man seriously who wears a shirt like that.
The laws of physics are not negotiable.

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I do not think that this is a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately even Pak journalists lament that their Pakistanis dont accept reality and the country is full of conspiracy theorists as they just dont want to assume any fault. this is just one such instance
People who believe that al Qaeda was not responsible for the 9/11 attack, or who believe that al Qaeda was merely an agent for someone else (i.e, the CIA or Mossad), are stupid people. There is no way to sugar coat it. They do not have the intellectual capacity to weigh evidence and reach logical conclusions. However, actually, I think that most hate America so very much that they talk themselves into believing anything that has the power to reinforce their hatred.
This interview with the Iranians is one year old and nothing happened since then. But here is an interesting factoid about the man...

Who the heck is Alan Sabrosky? - Yahoo! Answers

The US Army War College is not going to monitor society or even social media to see if anyone is abusing its name for their own gain. The downside is that anyone can make any claim about himself using exaggerated relationships with established institutions to lend himself some measure of credibility. The reason this interview got nowhere is because some people are willing to fact check.

Oh. I think I know. Maybe.. he is a MOSSAD agent pretending to be anti-Israeli in order to get information out of Iran! BINGO!
People who believe that al Qaeda was not responsible for the 9/11 attack, or who believe that al Qaeda was merely an agent for someone else (i.e, the CIA or Mossad), are stupid people. There is no way to sugar coat it. They do not have the intellectual capacity to weigh evidence and reach logical conclusions. However, actually, I think that most hate America so very much that they talk themselves into believing anything that has the power to reinforce their hatred.

But you have that intellectual capacity -arrogance at its best or worst -.
You say this after seeing the video in post #21.
you mean al quaida sent demolition teams to the US prior to the 9/11 events and then hijacked the planes and exploded the twin towers on its own, and all this was done from Iraq and Afghanistan, like if the US was a desert with no security apparatus at all.
this shows clearly a false flag operation under an Arabic name al quaida to justify the zionist plot for destroying Iraq and afghanistan and make billions of dollars in their pockets at the same time(the insurance of the buildings -the twin tower and beyond-)
So please understand that you can not fool people in this forum, whatever you try.
there was many, many more people involved in 9/11 than Mossad or the Saudis, it was a huge deception carried out by many agencies including the american´s, canadian, british´s. Some we may agree Mossad it´s all over the place, but they could´t have done 9/11 ever by themselves, they are nowhere near being that good.
there was many, many more people involved in 9/11 than Mossad or the Saudis, it was a huge deception carried out by many agencies including the american´s, canadian, british´s. Some we may agree Mossad it´s all over the place, but they could´t have done 9/11 ever by themselves, they are nowhere near being that good.

And NOT ONE person dropped a dime ?
lol ok then another bullshit story, so many conspiracy theories around, but as long as there are stupid people lapping it up then they will continue to surface.
Even the 'LOOSE CHANGE' guys are on their 3rd or 4th 'version'. BILL COOPER ? Isn't he the guy that believed in conspiracies that involved ALIENS ? Yes, he is !!! :rofl:
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