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Mossad behind 9/11, alleges Dr. Alan Sabrosky

I get to know this when I joined General Aviation.
Leave it fellow beings, everybody know that they wanna accomplish the plan of Greater Israel and want to reconstruct the Solomon's Temple as they believe by doing this we could rule the World again as it was ruled at the time of King David.

or maybe the Israelis are just trying to hold onto the land they have and insure the survival of their people and maybe 9/11 was caused by some criminal thugs who called themselves al qaeda.

Man u really do have a collection of awesome gif's ...... Where do u get it
or maybe the Israelis are just trying to hold onto the land they have and insure the survival of their people and maybe 9/11 was caused by some criminal thugs who called themselves al qaeda.

Yea, that's y at first Anti-Christ would be followed by 30, 000 Jews.

*Ex-Member :P
9/11 was definitely a inside job by US and so is the OBL raid drama. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but I am surprised
that PAK army and GOP is playing along with the US drama.
Definitely? Really? Where is your proof? Got any? Or are you just blowing smoke in the wind for some brownie points as is your habit? :P Oh yeah, the Earth is flat too. Some Mullah said so.
9/11 may be real not a conspiracy, it could have been carried out by Al qaida, but my brain cannot get around the fact that three untrained pilots who lost contact with air towers shortly after the take off were able to guide a huge plane to a target with pin point accuracy. This in itself is a miracle
Then get your brain around this:

- The terrorist pilots were not 'untrained'. They were already qualified to fly small aircrafts and they were studying to fly larger aircrafts.

- The terrorist pilots did not 'lost' contact with anyone. They did not communicate. Simple as that.

- The terrorist pilots performed no 'miracles' in flight. Airliners today are sophisticated enough that even YOU can perform basic maneuvers in flight. That does not mean YOU can take a job with any airliner. It mean that there are certain aspects of flight that even a student can perform with reasonable proficiency.
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