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Morocco will acquire the F-35

The thing is that they are already contained in those two small cities in the North of Morocco..boycotted by Moroccans for the last few years.. it just a question of time for Spain to give them back or just keep supporting the Spaniards there who's trade and commerce is dead..but the fact now is that Spain itself is in deep trouble economically..!!!

Morocco should establish a direct link to Gibraltar and even have a consulate there. That will throw a spanner in the works.
These Spanish invaders make me sick, their arrogance is incredible.
I love Morocco, beautiful country, great food, brotherhood and the women are just beautiful.
I think KFX/IFX is good for countries who needs to have fighter with larger range than F35. It is also much more agile since it follow F 22 design and has better speed than F 35.

KFX/IFX is also since the start is design to have several hard points that include hard points for 2 fuel tanks while F 35 with fuel tanks will really destroy its advantage at STEALTH.

Any way although KFX block 1 has less STEALTH than F 35, it doesnt say the plane will be lost in any combat with F 35. There is electronic counter measure device in the plane.


It is pointless to discuss and highlight KF-X in this thread. There is not even a prototype to discuss in the present.

F-35 already possesses a combat radius that is well beyond that of many existing tactical fighters with internal FUEL storage capacity of 18,500 pounds.

F-35 will receive all-composite external fuel tanks at some point though - optimized for stealthy applications just in case. VLO is not a requirement for numerous missions anyways.

Now contrary to popular belief, F-35 is not lacking in maneuverability in comparison to 4th generation fighter jets. Pilots have demonstrated some maneuvers with F-35 which even F-16 could not perform for instance. However, Lockheed Martin is adopting a measured approach for shaping maneuverability prospects of F-35 to make sure that its VLO characteristics are not compromised in the process - this is a delicate balance to maintain. Some mistakenly assume that a jet fighter can be VLO and super-maneuverable at the same time - there will be trade-offs in this matter since super-maneuverability introduce lot of stress on the FRAME and constrain VLO considerations in the mix. South Korea and Indonesia being partners in the KF-X project, will find out much the hard way.
Agreed but. Who is the enemy for Morocco?
Being powerful for every time enemies rise
I think KFX/IFX is good for countries who needs to have fighter with larger range than F35. It is also much more agile since it follow F 22 design and has better speed than F 35.

KFX/IFX is also since the start is design to have several hard points that include hard points for 2 fuel tanks while F 35 with fuel tanks will really destroy its advantage at STEALTH.

Any way although KFX block 1 has less STEALTH than F 35, it doesnt say the plane will be lost in any combat with F 35. There is electronic counter measure device in the plane.

My knowledge about Thai is not good but I didn't saw any interior bays in it
F35 made by huge experiences history of Lockheed Martin so if I choose I prefer f35
Yo want to say if there is a way for Pakistan to buy that condoms with holes you still don't want them?

Beautiful words can't change anything Israel is not under sanctions even they have international support
That is just one reason of many reasons that mean Israel hell will be strong for long time so it's better to use diplomacy to find a solution than slow occupation of remain lands

Dear Member USA has felt the music after supplying F16s to PAF and they know what wonders tech can do in hands of PAF pilots so it is my perception that leaving F35 on one side they shall not even allow V upgrade for existing F16s of Pakistan.

For Arabs though they are now far better still they lost even F15s during Yemen conflict moreover Israeli F35s with their own modifications will always have upper hand on Arabs.

Pakistan shall go for domestic next gen jet or may avail Chinese option far economical then US one.
Dear Member USA has felt the music after supplying F16s to PAF and they know what wonders tech can do in hands of PAF pilots so it is my perception that leaving F35 on one side they shall not even allow V upgrade for existing F16s of Pakistan.

For Arabs though they are now far better still they lost even F15s during Yemen conflict moreover Israeli F35s with their own modifications will always have upper hand on Arabs.

Pakistan shall go for domestic next gen jet or may avail Chinese option far economical then US one.
Yes PAF pilots are brilliant and I know USA never do even upgrades on PAF f16 fleet
I heard about project AZM is any project by this title ongoing?
Yes PAF pilots are brilliant and I know USA never do even upgrades on PAF f16 fleet
I heard about project AZM is any project by this title ongoing?
Project AZM is a long term domestic project so there are vital chance for induction of limited next gen jets i.e Chinese Fc31 is one option and rumors are that Chinese are developing further next gen jets.
Project AZM is a long term domestic project so there are vital chance for induction of limited next gen jets i.e Chinese Fc31 is one option and rumors are that Chinese are developing further next gen jets.
I don't think china let the Pakistan to build Chinese stealth fighter china want that Pakistan always need them in military industry
Yes they are helping your industry but by limits
Being powerful for every time enemies rise

My knowledge about Thai is not good but I didn't saw any interior bays in it
F35 made by huge experiences history of Lockheed Martin so if I choose I prefer f35

Block 2 will have internal bay inshaAllah. It has been design to have internal bay. You can look on KFX/IFX thread to know more.
Block 2 will have internal bay inshaAllah. It has been design to have internal bay. You can look on KFX/IFX thread to know more.
So we need to join and investment in project block 2
So we need to join and investment in project block 2

Ask the Korean for that since they are the senior partner of the project while Indonesia is the junior partner.

Morocco will buy the F-35 from the US to be the largest military power in Africa: Spanish concern

Rabat and Washington signed a military agreement on October 2 that contemplates the possible acquisition of F-35s, the best and most expensive aircraft in the world

Last October 2 marked a milestone in trade and diplomatic relations between the US and Morocco . That day, the two countries signed a "historic" agreement of military character to implement in the next decade.

The ultimate goal of the US Government is to strengthen defense cooperation and prepare the nation governed by Mohamed VI as the best-equipped North African country militarily, bearing in mind that the US Administration is already the largest supplier of weapons to Morocco.

In this way, with the new headings in 2020 , Morocco has designed the roadmap for the next decade in North Africa with cooperation in different areas: "Freedom of navigation, intelligence exchange and disaster response operations", according to the Pentagon. To this can be added, according to sources from Rabat, the “acquisition and manufacture of weapons material"

In this way, the Moroccan military commitment to the US machinery will strengthen in the next ten years. And Morocco will benefit from many privileges.

The first is to guarantee the "exclusivity" of US military supplies for the benefit of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, especially with regard to the F-16s, to which the US is introducing a series of technical and technological modifications.

Likewise, it will have the possibility to acquire the changes of the 6x6 Cougars armored vehicles and the MIM-104 Patriot long-range surface-to-air missile system, exclusively for Africa

Morocco is among the 22 countries that will acquire advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM) in a contract worth 768 million dollars to be completed in February 2023, as confirmed by the US Department of Defense.

"The contract provides for the production of AMRAAM missiles, captive air training missiles, guidance sections, AMRAAM telemetry system, spare parts and other production engineering support hardware," the Pentagon department reported in a statement in late 2019.

In addition, this agreement will allow the development of Moroccan hardware and its opening to the American market. In turn, "the Moroccan military modernization will open the doors to enter the club of countries that have fourth generation aircraft with AESA radars, very similar to the F-35, the jewel of the fifth generation of the American army", published last week the Moroccan digital Hespress .

From the Moroccan intelligence they point out to EL ESPAÑOL that “in this decade Morocco will be able to acquire the F-35s.

But, in addition, one of the fears in Madrid is the possibility that Morocco will also join the club of arms producing countries. This would constitute a threat to their strategic and vital interests in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

Something that was revealed by the deputy minister in charge of national defense, Abdeltif Loudyi, when proposing to “consolidate military cooperation with the United States by promoting joint investment projects in Morocco in the defense industry sector, with a view to promoting the transfer of technology and gradually build the strategic autonomy of the country in this area ”.

And the thing is that the US will give the Maghreb country the keys to manufacture weapons with American technology, with which it will build drones and radars. For example, as EL ESPAÑOL has learned, Washington will transfer the RQ-4 Global Hawk technology to the manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles for surveillance and attack. It is the largest drone in the world of the US military.

Considered the contemporary “spy plane” , it performs the so-called ISR missions: intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance of land and sea spaces by day and night and up to 34 hours at a time.

The agreement also includes a cybersecurity and cyber defense collaboration. In the expansion of the Alcazaseguir naval base, in northern Morocco, a few kilometers from Ceuta, the National Security Agency (NSA) , the intelligence of the American naval navy attached to the Department of Defense, and also the CIA will be installed. it will expand its personnel and intelligence units.

The NSA intercepts the communications of other countries and secures the communications of the US Government , both internally and with its allies. Almost all the information regarding this agency is classified and the exact number of its employees and their locations is unknown, although it is known that it has stations in American bases deployed around the world and also in the military bases of its allies, at least in 35 countries.

According to sources consulted by EL ESPAÑOL, in Morocco "it will be installed at the Alcazaseguir naval base to control transit through the Strait of Gibraltar, but, in addition, they will build an American military base, presumably in the north eastern part of the country."

The inspector general of the Royal Armed Forces, Abdelfettah Louarak, specified in a statement that "the cooperation includes the organization of combined exercises, the exchange of information visits and participation in various trainings and training practices."

He also highlighted the importance of the African Lion multilateral exercises, known throughout the region as essential maneuvers for several countries, which this year were not carried out due to the closing of the borders due to the pandemic. Normally, they extend in the south of Morocco, but in the future their scope will be extended to the Sahel.

From the headquarters of the Department of Defense they explained that the agreement took two years to negotiate and could serve as a model for future US pacts with other governments in Africa.

In Morocco , the agreement was signed during the three-day visit to Rabat by the US Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, at the beginning of October. For the US Administration, "Morocco is a strategic ally outside of NATO and a gateway to the African continent," said Esper.

He added that "for trade links and exchanges, we must strengthen our defense capabilities and develop partnerships with African governments", recalling that "Morocco is a leader in this area." Despite everything, Algeria , its great rival in the region, remains the greatest military power on the African continent.

Regarding the security aspect, the new American ambassador in Rabat, David T. Fischer, stressed that "the US and Morocco remain determined in their intention to promote religious freedom and fight against violent extremism."

Thus, on October 6, the United Nations Office Against Terrorism (UNOCT) and Morocco signed an agreement on their establishment in Rabat to develop counter-terrorism capacity and cooperation in Africa.

The training center will design and deliver specialized anti-terrorism and law enforcement programs to requesting member states in North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, with an initial focus on the Sahel. In addition, it will develop national counter-terrorism curricula in line with human rights.

As EL ESPAÑOL has learned, Abdellatif Hammouchi, in command of the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), decorated by the Spanish and French governments for his fight against terrorism, is the strongest candidate to direct this training center.

The friendship treaty between both countries dates from 1786 and was renegotiated in 1836. Ambassador Fischer already defended last summer before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the North American Senate that this association is "vital" and "must be consolidated" economically and politically, as well. as in terms of security cooperation. To which Mark Esper of the Pentagon added in his recent visit to Rabat: "In many respects, Morocco is the first friendly country of the United States of America".




Forbes magazine reported that “Morocco was the largest US arms customer in the Middle East and North Africa region in 2019,” and that “Washington reached arms deals with Rabat worth about $ 10.3 billion last year".
If that is true, good for them. They'd have a strong fleet of fighters in their air force.
Ask the Korean for that since they are the senior partner of the project while Indonesia is the junior partner.
Man I'm a simple man I can't ask them to join in project I can just say good luck I like it from my room
Who is Morocco arming against. I have been there 3 times and lived ech experience. Its a poor country with many shortages especially education and medicine. These purchases are a waste
Yeah you propably never set foot in Morocco and you're not allowed without a visa. They have bullet trains, highest minimum wage in Africa (higher than your country), they have the biggest ports in Africa and the best infrastructure in the continent.
Interesting! But the real question to ask is, at what cost, does Morocco get the privilege of operating F-35s? Will Morocco join the growing list of Muslim countries that recognize the $wine-b@stard state of israel?

1. Turkey (1949)
2. Egypt (1979)
3. Albania (1991)
4. Azerbaijan (1992)
5. Kazakhstan (1992)
6. Kyrgyzistan (1992)
7. Uzbekistan (1992)
8. Tajikistan (1992)
9. Turkmenistan (1992)
10. Jordan (1994)
11. Emirates (2020)
12. Bahrain (2020)

It's interesting how half on that list are of turkic origin countries, while the other majority is Najdi states.
israel looks way deferently at Morocco. Morocco has the second largest Jewish community in israel with Moroccan jews in higher positions. Also Morocco has a strong Jewish community in the US too and they love their country so much. Morocco also is the furthest arabic country to israel but Israel keeps trying to have relations with the country not for security reasons but for cultural reasons. Even in the war, Israel threw letters at Moroccan soldiers asking them to not fight them as israel have only love for them.. Morocco refuses to have relations with israel because its the official lawyer of palestine in the UN and the president of the Al Quds committee and the keeper of the Al Quds public treasury wich pays for Palestinian projects and other financings. So Morocco has the stongest posotion in this matter and can't be pressurd by Israel or any jew because Morocco has their own jews. Going back to the F-35 matter, Morocco is the gate of Africa and was going to be the start point of the Chinese 5G project in the continent. The US UK are now preparing to take Africa from the Chinese with Morocco being the launch point and the base of this operation.

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