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More than 150 people have died in Bahawalpur

What made them take this risk in the first place? POVERTY

And why are they poor? cuz of corrupt Government

Well, they didn't payed for it. So should have stayed away from it.
So u are saying that Nawaz has been in IQTEDAAR since last 70 years and ONLY he his responsible for poverty of people..great thinking..btw poverty has been there since EARLY TIMES OF MANKIND is me bhe NS ka qasoor hy...lol

U cant blame one person for the poverty and apart from it GREED IS CURSE and same happened to those folks..u cant become RICH by filling a bucket with petrol but maybe u can satisfy ur greed a bit...HUMNE MUFT KA PETROL BHARA HY TANKER SE as such expressions can be seen in a video of the incident where a man is walking away from the tanker with a BIG SMILE on his face and a 1.5 litre bottle of petrol in his hand
may Allah forgive them and bless them with jannah..

you sir should stop judging poor people, if you can pray then good enough, otherwise you should contribute in other threads. @waz @The Eagle

This incident have lesson for others.
its not just about being poor
see it was still ramzan and they were fasting and while you are fasting you are to stop all bad deeds regardless of wealth

death by fire in this dunya is considered shahadat if you are a Muslim

inna liallahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon

Jo Allah ka hukm or Rida

Why no burns unit in Bahawalpur ?????? Its the biggest district in South Punjab !!! Where is the police when the oil tanker over turned ????

this statement is pure gustakhi. Are you are a Pakistani ?

Do you have ghaybi ilm to claim what they deserved ? If you get cancer tomorrow or someone close to you gets diagnosed with terminal cancer, or dies in a car accident, will you say they deserved that for so and so reason ?
you are right,sorry i have erred
its only impermissible to enact laws regarding family planning,i will delete that part now
its not just about being poor
see it was still ramzan and they were fasting and while you are fasting you are to stop all bad deeds regardless of wealth

you are right,sorry i have erred
its only impermissible to enact laws regarding family planning,i will delete that part now
please consult hadiths in saahi bukhari about ruling about lost objects. read about the instructions of finding a lost camel and a goat and they are given there as examples. collecting spilling oil is not the same as stealing that too by extremely poor people.
155 burn dead bodies and everyone trying to sell their churan. From Govt to opposition the media or social media all are just pathetic.
I've just seen this video:

The tanker is lying toppled with its spillage on the road and into the side. Vehicles including oil tankers passing by 'with no worry'. Passers by walking heedless. It seems it's a normal thing, toppling of an oil tanker is like that of a water tanker. At least we don't see 50 plus bikes and cars collecting oil from this particular video, however some bikes and a car was spotted, the rest were villagers with their greed and ignorance. It looks like a loot party.

The reason I see of this disaster is 'widespread ignorance' among all. The area wasn't cordoned off. There was no authority / administration to be seen. Or perhaps 'the authority' was also Jahil like the general public.

Villagers, the poor masses, don't seem much responsible for this tragedy. They are only responsible to the extent that they set wrong examples for others to join them in this 'loot' and this added to the death toll.

Blame the monstrous over population of this country which either receives no education or inadequate or even wrong education. Because of the burden of this uncontrolled number, governments have not been able to provide basic facilities including health and education to all from the 'tax payers money'.
I've just seen this video:

The tanker is lying toppled with its spillage on the road and into the side. Vehicles including oil tankers passing by 'with no worry'. Passers by walking heedless. It seems it's a normal thing, toppling of an oil tanker is like that of a water tanker. At least we don't see 50 plus bikes and cars collecting oil from this particular video, however some bikes and a car was spotted, the rest were villagers with their greed and ignorance. It looks like a loot party.

The reason I see of this disaster is 'widespread ignorance' among all. The area wasn't cordoned off. There was no authority / administration to be seen. Or perhaps 'the authority' was also Jahil like the general public.

Villagers, the poor masses, don't seem much responsible for this tragedy. They are only responsible to the extent that they set wrong examples for others to join them in this 'loot' and this added to the death toll.

Blame the monstrous over population of this country which either receives no education or inadequate or even wrong education. Because of the burden of this uncontrolled number, governments have not been able to provide basic facilities including health and education to all from the 'tax payers money'.

for this they should be sent to hard labour camps.
Before everyone here beats up the poor dead guys for being jahil , corrupt and illiterate , etc , lets look at another tragedy in Developed uk last week.
Minimum 80 odd guys burned to death in a appt because educated whites certified that the outer covering used in scores of appts was fire resistant.
Brit media has buried the news to maintain image of shining uk but its more of a criminal act that so many appts are covered by a highly inflammable material.
So incompetence or lack of awareness or corruption is a global phenomenon.
Local authorities should have a plan in place how to manage spills in future.
God thats just too sad. Mainly dehatis have died. I think mainly district administration or highway police , oil transporting company, punjab gov have to be blamed. The area was supposed to be cordoned off by police. Oil company should have used proper tankers safe for oil transport or should have put some measures in place for safety in event of tanker overturning, punjab gov deserves a blame because district hospital or any gov hospital had no burn units. This is just too disturbing...

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you think people in Canada do not steal en mass ? May i give you examples of their phenomenal greed ?

sheeshe ke ghar me reh kar dusron par pathar phenkna

Dishonesty among Canadians ? i can list examples that could run into hundreds of pages, dont get me started

How is that relevant? Stick to the topic.

Pakistanis should all be ashamed of themselves and learn some lessons from this incident which has further degraded our image on international stage.
Before everyone here beats up the poor dead guys for being jahil , corrupt and illiterate , etc , lets look at another tragedy in Developed uk last week.
Minimum 80 odd guys burned to death in a appt because educated whites certified that the outer covering used in scores of appts was fire resistant.
Brit media has buried the news to maintain image of shining uk but its more of a criminal act that so many appts are covered by a highly inflammable material.
So incompetence or lack of awareness or corruption is a global phenomenon.
Local authorities should have a plan in place how to manage spills in future.

thats becuase they have gora zardari version of uk .
Do you have ghaybi ilm to claim what they deserved ? If you get cancer tomorrow or someone close to you gets diagnosed with terminal cancer, or dies in a car accident, will you say they deserved that for so and so reason ?

Ghaybi ilm ? No just ackal.

If cancer is caused by something we knew it causes cancer(for example smoking) then if i start to smoke and got cancer i deserve it. It's simple... Because i played with fire. Do you agree ?
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Well, I should clear something for you guys,
Those guys who died was not poor, they was just greedy, some people go there on cars to stole oil, are those guys are poor???, one on them was consular with their two son, who died yesterday, was he poor,????? No, we are the world worst nation in the world, maybe, because of less education, it'd totally no offence, I live in Ahmedpur east, and my teacher was a victiom, before that thing happened, he was going on home, on 6:15,he saw there was a little fire on car bonnet, and one kid already burned, so they let him to Ahmed our east local hospital, but nobody care about that, and everyone was hurry in stealing oil, that all thing happen in 6:20,fortunatly my teacher was home, now whose there saying that those guys died because of hunger, (people are selfish, most of people praying for death of their family member so they can get 20 lakh rather then 10)
*تصویر کا دوسرا رخ*
ایک جلی ہوئی لاش کے ساتھ پڑی بالٹی دیکھ کر اک لمہے کے لئے دکھ ہوا کہ انسانی جان ضائع ہو گئی پھر سوچا کیوں ایسا کیوں ہوا یہ حادثہ کس وجہ سے پیش آیا تو دل میں خیال ایا ک یہ جلا ہوا انسان تو کچھ بتا نہیں سکتا تو وہاں کھڑے کچھ سیانے لوگوں سے پوچھا تو انہوں نے کہا غربت لے ڈوبی اتنی جانے اس سب کی ذمہ داری حکومت پر ہے لیکن بات سمجھ میں نہ آئی تو مفکرین کی طرف دیکھا تو وہ بھی یہی کہتے نظر آئے تو اسی کو سچ مان کر آنکھوں میں آنسو لئےواپس پلٹنے کا ارادہ کیا
واپس مڑا ہی تھا کہ بالٹی چیخ اٹھی کہ میری بھی سنو میں تو اس جلنے والے کے ہاتھ میں تھی میری سنو گے یا انہی کی طرح غربت کو ذمہ دار بنا کر چلے جاو گے۔ یہ سن کر قدم رک گئے دل کی دھڑکن تھم سی گئی کہ اب یہ بالٹی ہم انسانوں کو حقیقت سمجھائے گی۔ بالٹی نے بولنا شروع کر دیا اے پاکستانی بتا۔
1۔ کیا انہوں نے اس تیل کے ساتھ روٹی کھانی تھی۔ 2۔ کیا اس تیل سی انکو عید کے کپڑے ملنے تھے ۔
3۔ کیا یہ تیل ان پہ چھت بننا تھا۔
4۔ کیا یہ جو گاڑیا ں نظر آ رہی ہیں ان کے گھر میں چولہے نہ جلتے تھے۔
5۔ کیا جو موٹر سائیکل خرید سکتا ہے وہ تیل نہیں ڈلوا سکتا وہ اتنا غریب ہے۔
6۔ کیا تمہارے حکمران بھی غریب ہیں جو ہر چیز کو لوٹنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں
اگر ان تمام سوالوں کا جواب نفی میں ہے تو ذمہ دار غربت کیسے۔ یہ لاشیں تیری قوم کہ سوچ کو ننگا کر رہی ہیں۔ ان کی چیخیں سنو یہ کہہ رہی ہیں کہ *ہماری بحثیت قوم تربیت میں کمی تھی* تم حکمرانوں کو تو چور کہتے ہو انہیں کسی نے نہیں بتایا کہ *کسی کی گری ہوئی چیز پہ تمہارا کوئی حق نہیں تم تو مسلمان ہو اور مسلمان تو گمشدہ چیز ملنے پر اس کے مالک تک پہنچاتا ہے بجائے کہ اس کو لوٹے۔*
شاید میرے لئے حادثے سے زیادہ حادثے کی وجہ تکلیف دہ ہے۔
یہ حادثے ہوتے رہیں گے انسانی جانے ضائع ہو تی رہیں گی *جب تک ہم بحثیت قوم اپنی تربیت نہیں کر لیتے* ۔
Aakhir inko kya parhi thi behte tel pe khare ho kar cigarette pine ki? Muft petrol lene gaye aur kud petrol ho gaye.
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