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More Saudi Arabians pursue studies in US

@al-Hasani Got sentimental.

What do you mean? Are you telling me that those women are not good-looking despite them being dark/brown? They are much better looking than your average Danish girl in my opinion.

Are you a gay?

Yeah in UAE of the local marries a foreign woman, her children get nationality, not the woman though. Weird.

Well, is that not the case in most countries? After all you inherit most of your identity, surname etc. from your father and his father etc. My paternal lineage is quite mixed but I consider it fully Arab despite that due to the lineage.
What do you mean? Are you telling me that those women are not good-looking despite them being dark/brown? They are much better looking than your average Danish girl in my opinion.

Are you a gay?

Well, is that not the case in most countries? After all you inherit most of your identity, surname etc. from your father and his father etc. My paternal lineage is quite mixed but I consider it fully Arab despite that due to the lineage.

I wanted to post my post before that post about girls. U have become sentiment today.

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