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More communal riots in Rajasthan, UP, than in Gujarat, Maulana Madani tells Aap Ki Adalat

Jason bourne

Jul 13, 2011
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New Delhi: The general secretary of Jamiat Ulema Hind, Maulana Mahmood Madani has indirectly praised Narendra Modi by saying that there are more Muslim youths in the jails of Maharashtra than in Gujarat, and more communal riots have taken place in Rajasthan and UP than in Gujarat.

The Muslim cleric said: "I don't say any such things in private or in public to show that I support Modi. But if I compare Gujarat with Maharashtra and Rajasthan, then people will say I support Modi. Once I was asked, in the last 10 years since 2002, there has been no communal riot in Gujarat, whereas in Rajasthan, in the last two years, more than four dozen riots took place, and in the last one and a half year, in Uttar Pradesh there were more than 102 riots. Then, please tell me, who is right and who is wrong?"

Madani said, more Muslim youths are in the jails of Maharashtra and Rajasthan than in Gujarat.
The question must be why is there even a SINGLE communal riot in "tolerant" India?
"Madani said, more Muslim youths are in the jails of Maharashtra and Rajasthan than in Gujarat."

Probably because muslims are more terrorist-y there?

Modi is exceptional, no doubt, But is the number of Muslims in jail really a measuring tool for that? Would Modi become less impressive if more Muslims start doing crimes in Gujrat and end up in jail?

I swear most of these Muslim and Congressi politicians have an IQ of 10 with these ret*rded statements they make.
The question must be why is there even a SINGLE communal riot in "tolerant" India?

When you put two groups together, there is bound to be friction. Such things can be solved with increase in income and reduction in poverty.
2002 killings/riotings were started by Muslims and finished by Hindus.

LOL. That is not the point at all!

It is the responsibility of the majority Hindu population to make sure that there are no massacres of minorities.

Simply irrelevant who "started" the riot.

In a civilised country, riots that lead to massacres simply do not happen.

Now I am done with this attempt at Modi propaganda thread.
LOL. That is not the point at all!

It is the responsibility of the majority Hindu population to make sure that there are no massacres of minorities.

Simply irrelevant who "started" the riot.

In a civilised country, riots that lead to massacres simply do not happen.

Now I am done with this attempt at Modi propaganda thread.

Few points:
1) If muslims try something that is against the interest of Hindus/Indians, then they will get appropriate treatment/response.
2) If muslims think that they can kill Hindus and get away with it, they are very much mistaken. 2002 showed that
3) We Hindus will never start anything, but if muslims lay a hand on us like 2002, they can expect that hand to be cut off
4) Im done replying to you too
LOL. That is not the point at all!

It is the responsibility of the majority Hindu population to make sure that there are no massacres of minorities.

Simply irrelevant who "started" the riot.

In a civilised country, riots that lead to massacres simply do not happen.

Now I am done with this attempt at Modi propaganda thread.

if u dont want to listen to people then it's better u take off from this thread ! Look into your own country and pakistan and then throw these holier than thou lines like .. " It is the responsibility of the majority population to make sure that there are no massacres of minorities. "

You guys can't even stay along with each other among different sects and talking about religious harmony ? LOL @
Some of these Maulana's are getting more mature by the day .

Rather than falling prey for the scare tactics of the congress , they are basing their decision on what is good for their community .

A welcome move .
1984 and 2002 massacres among others perpetrated by Hindu rioters.
1984 was committed by Congress workers of many different religions, do some research. 2002 was started by your intolerant people and they got the appropriate butt kicking. :)
most of the communal riots start as law and order issues and they are turned into communal by politicians most of the time or some individuals for some personal gains.only solution is to keep religion a private matter and educating people to improve onces life.
Regarding 1984 riots, it was hindus who saved sikhs from getting massacred ! They not only organized armed vigils but also have beaten back congressi communal goons repeatedly during the height of the riots !
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