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Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China

We have too many hot stuffs on our plate
Why bring "Mongolia" to the fore?

Putin's Russia has bought China some temporary breathing space.

The European Union and NATO are creeping eastward. The Western goal of subduing Russia and China never went away.

Putin has halted the European Union and NATO at Ukraine for now. However, if Putin dies of old age or retires due to health problems, the European Union will resume its march eastward (with or without Russia).

China needs to understand there is urgency. The United States (via the IMF and World Bank loans) and the European Union are offering monetary subsidies and trade benefits to entice one country after another into joining the EU.

China had better wake up and start offering a competing bid. The easiest and nearest target is Mongolia. However, to stave off the European Union/NATO, China will need to come up with an offer for Russia and the Stans. If not, these buffer states will be absorbed by the European Union over time.

Georgia was supposed to join the EU and NATO (via Membership Action Plan or MAP) in 2008. Putin waged a war and stopped Georgian ascension. Ukraine was supposed to join the EU in 2014. Putin waged another war to stop Ukrainian ascension. Someday, Putin won't be there to save China.

European Union Moving Inexorably Eastward


Agree on the opinion generally but disagree on the setting of the priority, ie on "urgency"
I don't disagree with Chinese ascendancy. But Russian ascendancy? I don't see that.

We have 30 million Chinese Mongolians vs 3 million Outer Mongolians.

As for Russia, at least the whore East Ukraine wanna join them for sure, maybe also Belarus.

what a i knew is Mongolian is much richer than Chinese in average level.

Outer Mongolians?

lol, only Inner Mongolia has the high living standard in China.

Putin's Russia has bought China some temporary breathing space.

The European Union and NATO are creeping eastward. The Western goal of subduing Russia and China never went away.

Putin has halted the European Union and NATO at Ukraine for now. However, if Putin dies of old age or retires due to health problems, the European Union will resume its march eastward (with or without Russia).

China needs to understand there is urgency. The United States (via the IMF and World Bank loans) and the European Union are offering monetary subsidies and trade benefits to entice one country after another into joining the EU.

China had better wake up and start offering a competing bid. The easiest and nearest target is Mongolia. However, to stave off the European Union/NATO, China will need to come up with an offer for Russia and the Stans. If not, these buffer states will be absorbed by the European Union over time.

Georgia was supposed to join the EU and NATO (via Membership Action Plan or MAP) in 2008. Putin waged a war and stopped Georgian ascension. Ukraine was supposed to join the EU in 2014. Putin waged another war to stop Ukrainian ascension. Someday, Putin won't be there to save China.

European Union Moving Inexorably Eastward



Because, my friend, if ever the day comes that Northeast Asia unites (China, Japan and unified Korea), there is no force in this world that can stop us. Intellect ? We have it. Ingenuity? We have it. Military ? We have it. Economy? Hell yes we have it. Population ? 1.4 Billion + 128 million + 80+ million (~1.6 Billion) we have it. Natural resources ? We have it.

Europe (combined) is only around 500 million. North America (Canada + US) is only around 340 million.

That said, Northeast Asia is a silent , sleeping giant. If it ever is united, as I said, there is no force in this world that can stop us....

Good dream, but it simply won't happen. Most people love their independence and won't accept outsider meddling. Will the Japanese and Korean agree to lower their standard of living, let go their independence and rule by the Chinese as one of their provinces? Even if you go by democracy/referendum route or EU/USA style, sooner or later Chinese will dominate the union simply by their sheer number of people, economic power and military might. Whatever safeguard the founder thinking of, can simply bypass later on, when that happen Japan and Korea will swamp by new immigrant like what happen in HK/Xinjiang now.
You know why mogolia got independence?Just both Russian and Chinese did not want it for one of them had already gotten good things from it and the other only lost garbage.
We have too many hot stuffs on our plate
Why bring "Mongolia" to the fore?

Mongolian forex reserves are down to $1.3 billion. Mongolia has $1.08 billion in foreign debt due in the next three years.

Since Mongolia is dead broke, now is a good time to strike a deal.

China should offer a First World living standard of $20,000 US dollars to all three million Outer Mongolians in exchange for an American-style state-federal government structural relationship.

The reincorporation of Mongolia into China will enable China to establish close physical ties with Russia.

The threat on the horizon is the ever-expanding European Union, which is a stalking horse for the United States.

If the EU would just stay in Europe, things would be fine. However, the West is changing the status quo. The EU is expanding and determined to own the Silk Road countries.

Thus, China must pull the 144 million Russians into the Chinese camp. A +144 into the Chinese camp means no +144 for the European Union. The total difference is +288 million "net effect" for China. If China can also pull Kazakhstan into a federation or alliance structure then the buffer states will be solid and China should be safe from NATO.

The worst possible outcome is to stay complacent until Russia and/or Kazakhstan join the EU/NATO. At that point, it will be too late and the choices are all ugly.
Mongolia’s Bonds Slump With Copper as Rio Spat Stalls Mine - Bloomberg Business

"Mongolia’s Bonds Slump With Copper as Rio Spat Stalls Mine
by Michael Kohn
January 26, 2015
Foreign Reserves
Mongolia’s foreign reserves stood at $1.35 billion at the end of November, down 42 percent from a year earlier, according to the central bank’s website.

The price of Mongolia’s 2018 bonds slid to a record low 85.82 cents on the dollar on Jan. 21 from 92.64 at the end of 2014. Dollar notes due December 2022 fell to 78.51 the same day, from 86.47 on Dec. 31, pushing the yield to an unprecedented 9 percent.

The Bank of Mongolia raised its policy rate this month to 13 percent from 12 percent, citing high inflation and low foreign investment. In December, the World Bank encouraged the nation to tighten policy and start preparations to repay $1.08 billion of debt due in 2017 and 2018.

‘Fragile Outlook’
'The central bank’s decision to raise rates also underscores the fragile outlook for Mongolia’s balance of payments,' Ben Shatil, an analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Singapore, said by e-mail. 'There’s recognition that Mongolia’s fundamentals are being seriously challenged by the decline in commodity prices, as well as the expectation for slower, and less investment-intensive growth in China this year.'"
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We can help Russia to recover USSR, while we only need to recover Mongolia.

This will be a win-win deal.

At least, this is more realistic than NiceGuy's wet dream about the Greater Mekong. :lol:

What if at last, you found Mongolia belong to Russia or USA influence ?
We have 30 million Chinese Mongolians vs 3 million Outer Mongolians.

As for Russia, at least the whore East Ukraine wanna join them for sure, maybe also Belarus.

Outer Mongolians?

lol, only Inner Mongolia has the high living standard in China.


View attachment 187659

The map is incomplete,Tiger
Missing pieces are 1. the sovereignty of the Islands offshore 2. South Tibet




USSR returned Xinjiang to China but will not return Mongolia for a good reason.
If there is to be peace between Russia and China, Mongolia needs to be a demilitarized zone.
That was in fact one of the proposal by Deng Xiaoping on repairing Sino-Soviet relations.

China wants Mongolia for its resource, but in truth, it practically own all of Mongolia's resource. Mongolia, being landlocked, cannot really sell to any other country without first entering China.

China dominates 80% of Mongolia's economy, the other 20% Russia.

There is no reason for China to take Mongolia, the 3 million Mongolians there are not a threat to China, and Russia won't be happy.

Funny thing is China respect USSR/Russia power much more than India. Tibet was basically in the same situation as Mongolia in 1949, and India made it clear that it wants a demilitarized and independent Tibet. China took over Tibet without a second thought and left Mongolia as it is.
USSR returned Xinjiang to China but will not return Mongolia for a good reason.
If there is to be peace between Russia and China, Mongolia needs to be a demilitarized zone.
That was in fact one of the proposal by Deng Xiaoping on repairing Sino-Soviet relations.

China wants Mongolia for its resource, but in truth, it practically own all of Mongolia's resource. Mongolia, being landlocked, cannot really sell to any other country without first entering China.

China dominates 80% of Mongolia's economy, the other 20% Russia.

There is no reason for China to take Mongolia, the 3 million Mongolians there are not a threat to China, and Russia won't be happy.

Funny thing is China respect USSR/Russia power much more than India. Tibet was basically in the same situation as Mongolia in 1949, and India made it clear that it wants a demilitarized and independent Tibet. China took over Tibet without a second thought and left Mongolia as it is.

Okay, we will add one more condition to the Sino-Mongolian agreement. China promises to keep military equipment out of Mongolia without Russia's prior consent. This should solve the demilitarization problem.

As I understand it, it is already Chinese policy to keep very few combat air bases near the Sino-Russian border.

Mongolian forex reserves are down to $1.3 billion. Mongolia has $1.8 billion in foreign debt due in the next year or two.

Since Mongolia is dead broke, now is a good time to strike a deal.

China should offer a First World living standard of $20,000 US dollars to all three million Outer Mongolians in exchange for an American-style state-federal government structural relationship.

The reincorporation of Mongolia into China will enable China to establish close physical ties with Russia.

The threat on the horizon is the ever-expanding European Union, which is a stalking horse for the United States.

If the EU would just stay in Europe, things would be fine. However, the West is changing the status quo. The EU is expanding and determined to own the Silk Road countries.

Thus, China must pull the 144 million Russians into the Chinese camp. A +144 into the Chinese camp means no +144 for the European Union. The total difference is +288 million "net effect" for China. If China can also pull Kazakhstan into a federation or alliance structure then the buffer

The worst possible outcome is to stay complacent until Russia and/or Kazakhstan join the EU/NATO. At that point, it will be too late and the choices are all ugly.

As far as Mongolia is concerned, time is on our side
I am not advocating for the rush.
We wont be worse off if Mongolia is not becoming part of us now or in the next decades


Be patient my friend, the patience is always our best weapon.

Haha I am not the person who is rushing for things to get done
Funny thing is China respect USSR/Russia power much more than India. Tibet was basically in the same situation as Mongolia in 1949, and India made it clear that it wants a demilitarized and independent Tibet. China took over Tibet without a second thought and left Mongolia as it is.
Not really,if India really want Tibet they could take it very easily.
Tibet is reall the same as garbage as Mongolia.
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