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Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China

Not interested. Should we incorporate Kyrgyzstan too? That was also Qing dynasty land. Some Chinese irrendentists disturb me with their obsession with inhospitable, arid, and burdensome lands. Let's not be like certain "Akhand Bharat" fanatics on the other side of the Himalayas.

Besides, virtually all Mongolian exports (basically minerals) flows to China. It's the equivalent of owning the country, without the liability of administering it.
I will provide additional arguments.

Firstly, why does China want Taiwan? Unity is always stronger than separation. This is the same reason that Scotland voted to stay with Britain. Scotland cannot hope to replicate the breadth and scope of British technology. Also, Scotland lacks Britain's capital.

Next, if China is willing to bring in Taiwan then why not expand the club to others?

At one point, Manchuria had a semi-separate identity. Today, Manchu is a dead language. Manchurians are now 100% Chinese. Also, there are about two million Korean-Chinese living in Qingdao. Manchus and Qingdao Koreans are 100% Chinese.

Personally speaking, my parents were forbidden from speaking Taiwanese when they went to school in Taiwan. The newly-arrived mainland-KMT imposed a fine of 10 cents for every infraction of a student speaking Taiwanese at school. Thus, the model is Mandarin spoken at school, business, and government functions/buildings. At home, people like me are allowed to freely speak Taiwanese.

The KMT model of converting native Taiwanese (who are not Aborigine) into 100% Chinese can be extended to others. Also, let's recognize that there are already 30 million Inner Mongolians in China. What is another 3 million Outer Mongolians from Mongolia?

Regarding Kyrgyzstan, why not? If we conduct a poll and the Chinese people are willing to extend the same "Taiwan proposal" to them AND the Kyrgyzstanis are willing to accept then why shouldn't it happen? Kyrgyzstan is a small country and it will barely create a ripple in Chinese society.

Though China is a huge continent-sized country, there are benefits to creating a Chinese EU-style federation. Many of China's neighbors want a First World standard of living. China has the capability to give it to them. A larger and stable federation means a stronger China. Both sides win.
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Most Outer Mongolians are fiercely independent and those ethnic Mongols inside China identify with China first and foremost.

This thread is as bad and foolish as that one about "China invading Siberia." @Hu Songshan It may be wise to close this thread before it turns into another flame war.
Most Outer Mongolians are fiercely independent and those ethnic Mongols inside China identify with China first and foremost.

This thread is as bad and foolish as that one about "China invading Siberia." @Hu Songshan It may be wise to close this thread before it turns into another flame war.

The only person flaming is you. You can also say the French are fiercely independent. They joined the EU. Didn't they?

There are no invasions in my proposal.

Try reading my posts in this thread. I said both sides have to vote on the proposal.

The proposal is to create a EU-style federation with China at the core (instead of Germany).
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I would take the moon and mars first (mind you, we might actually be working on it:azn:) before taking Mongolia. What do they have? Cold weather and minerals, right? Mining the minerals will pollute the land, and what do you do after the minerals are gone?

Taiwan is another matter. The only reason we do not permit Taiwan to go independence is we don't want another U.S. military base in our backyard.
I would take the moon and mars first (mind you, we might actually be working on it:azn:) before taking Mongolia. What do they have? Cold weather and minerals, right? Mining the minerals will pollute the land, and what do you do after the minerals are gone?

Taiwan is another matter. The only reason we do not permit Taiwan to go independence is we don't want another U.S. military base in our backyard.

Firstly, Mongolia was part of China. They were Chinese until 1945. Outer Mongolians are just like Taiwanese (who left in 1949). The difference is only 4 years.

Secondly, as I stated in my original post, Mongolia will provide many jobs for the high-speed rail companies and other infrastructure builders.

The strategic value of Mongolia is to get closer to Russia by hundreds of miles. China can build highways and railways throughout Outer Mongolia for easy access to Russian customers and business partners.

For a thorough study of the benefits, you can go and read the benefits of the EU. There are mountains of white papers on the advantages of joining the European Union. The same benefits apply to an Asian/China Union.

All I'm saying is let's put it to a vote of the Chinese people. We don't know the majority opinion of Chinese to an Asian Union modeled on the European Union.

By the way, if one of the Chinese-speaking members here can put up a poll on a Chinese website, I would be grateful. I'm curious to see how much support there is for an Asian Union among the Chinese public. For now, just suggest Mongolia as the only candidate. Later, Thailand, North Korea, Laos, etc. can be added as multiple choices for support.

Finally, China has been lamenting the lack of a true ally. My proposal is a viable approach to attracting international allies. Let's bring them in, raise their living standards, and give them access to Chinese technology. Problem solved.
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Are you sure there is no question in your mind, maybe before you go out forget to take medicine.
No one wants
EU style may be possible. Now this is the trend for example GCC, Eurasia Union. The pre-requisite is Russia weakened, so as not to interfere. Mongolia remain a shit hole as it is and China become Germany 2.0 where everyone wants to migrate and have a better life.

One more thing I wish to add, China need to turn democracy as well as HK template for unification must be nicely done.

Imagine clever Mongols migrate or study in China some point of their life, fluent in Chinese...etc.

The Mongol today still use Chinese Zodiac

Mongolian Calendar

Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.
Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.

This is Meiji thinkers' proposal, to be fulfilled by either China or Japan- a pan East Asia Union.
I'm all for an East Asian Union,maybe will become a reality in the future
Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.


In Japan there are 2 groups of political forces. PM Hatoyama preaches East Asian Union. USA fumed and take Hatoyama down.
Quote [atatwolf]: Yeah good idea joining a totalitarian regime where minorities are getting crushed and where freedom and democracy is not held high.

First solve the staggering poverty in chjnk land which I doubt you will be able to do. Economy is slowing down and as ecnomist say it is only the beginning of bad times. From here the trend will be downwards. [End of Quote].

Reported for racist content. The member is infamous for its anti-China racism and hence should be dealt with accordingly. Sirs, please clean this disgrace from the board.

@Hu Songshan , @WebMaster , @Horus

Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.

If I understood correctly, what Martin suggests is more like a loose union, which is based on voluntary participation. I guess, in this scheme, the participating nations will still be responsible for their internal affairs, including economy. Sort of an EU.
China is now not so eager to re-unite with Mongolia..
We have patient to wait..There are many other issue to solve before considering Mongolia issue..

Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.
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