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Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China

what a i knew is Mongolian is much richer than Chinese in average level.
The nightmare is if Russia someday falls into the European camp. Alternatively, the European Union (after swallowing up the Warsaw Pact countries and Baltic States) is steadily working its way eastward to Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Secondarily, I do not think Japan would condone such an action as it would directly undermine and jeapordize Japan's own national interest and the region's overall stability. Do not be surprised if Japan would contradict this. We may agree to an American alliance as it serves our interests in the present. But to have European presence in our own region? LOL

A big HELL No. You won't find a greater anti-European force in regards to European meddling in East Asia --- than Japan.
Europa is fighting within itself to keep the relevance of EU alive, plus the Islamization in progress, Europeans will have much to handle, let alone ride across the steppe to irritate us, lol.
Putin's Russia has bought China some temporary breathing space.

The European Union and NATO are creeping eastward. The Western goal of subduing Russia and China never went away.

Putin has halted the European Union and NATO at Ukraine for now. However, if Putin dies of old age or retires due to health problems, the European Union will resume its march eastward (with or without Russia).

China needs to understand there is urgency. The United States (via the IMF and World Bank loans) and the European Union are offering monetary subsidies and trade benefits to entice one country after another into joining the EU.

China had better wake up and start offering a competing bid. The easiest and nearest target is Mongolia. However, to stave off the European Union/NATO, China will need to come up with an offer for Russia and the Stans. If not, these buffer states will be absorbed by the European Union over time.

Georgia was supposed to join the EU and NATO (via Membership Action Plan or MAP) in 2008. Putin waged a war and stopped Georgian ascension. Ukraine was supposed to join the EU in 2014. Putin waged another war to stop Ukrainian ascension. Someday, Putin won't be there to save China.

European Union Moving Inexorably Eastward

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Europa is fighting within itself to keep the relevance of EU alive, plus the Islamization in progress, Europeans will have much to handle, let alone ride across the steppe to irritate us, lol.

In regards to overall rapid progress, I will say that Northeast Asia is the Model Entity. We have one of the highest HDI in the entire world, THE highest IQ rates in the world (all over 100) as compared to the rest of the world. Ingenuity, as in the number of patents annually? East Asia is leading the way. In regards to stability ? Northeast Asia is an ocean of calm and peace in an unstable world.

Some data , as I like to support my thesis:


This graph shows the level of tertiary education, notice that the Top 3 include South Korea and Japan.


Average IQ of Northeast Asians is already --- well above 100.


Notice Japan and China lead in the growth in number of patent applications; this demonstrates ingenuity.
Yes. Very nice data indeed. I always wonder if the theory of Darwin's Natural Selection had anything to do with the Europeans leading the world for a good period of time in the affairs of science, economics, etc. If so, will the "selection process" swing in our favor, to East Asians in the 21st century?
China should embark on a public relations campaign to persuade Mongolia to voluntarily rejoin China. Mongolia was part of China prior to 1945. The Mongolian parliament only needs to hold a vote on rejoining China.

China has all of the technology in the world. Whether it's Tianhe-2 supercomputers at 33.86 petaflops, 3-micron CNC five-axis machine tools, 28nm semiconductor fabrication, 350 km/hr high-speed rail, etc.

According to the IMF, the nominal per-capita GDP of China and Mongolia for 2014 are as follows.

China: $7,572 (and $8,211 for 2015)
Mongolia: $4,008 (and $4,116 for 2015)*

*Both figures for Mongolia are prior to the Mongolian currency devaluation.

Mongolia is down to its last $1 billion in foreign exchange reserves. In sharp contrast, China has $3,840 billion in foreign exchange reserves. Why would Mongolia want to beg Rio Tinto for money? China has money that reaches to the sky.

Why in the world would Mongolia want to remain a dirt-poor resource-dependent Third World nation?

Vote to rejoin China and become a First World nation. You want to live in a modern high-rise tower? Check. You want high-speed rail? Check. You want modern highways? Check. You want plentiful heat during the winter and air-conditioning during the summer? Check. You want cars to drive? Check. You want computers for everyone in your family? Check. You want 60" large-screen TVs? Check. You want a fiber-optic internet connection? Check.

Mongols love their tents and horses and fresh air.

If they want to compare the annual income, they tend to prefer Russia over China
as Russian income even triple theirs.

If for first world, they would love Japan, USA ... as oversea state of those FIRST WORLD.

In old era, Mongols ever love China and Europe land, and they invaded China and Europe by force. And it's not wrong to say "China is apart of old Mongol empire"
Yes. Very nice data indeed. I always wonder if the theory of Darwin's Natural Selection had anything to do with the Europeans leading the world for a good period of time in the affairs of science, economics, etc. If so, will the "selection process" swing in our favor, to East Asians in the 21st century?

Because, my friend, if ever the day comes that Northeast Asia unites (China, Japan and unified Korea), there is no force in this world that can stop us. Intellect ? We have it. Ingenuity? We have it. Military ? We have it. Economy? Hell yes we have it. Population ? 1.4 Billion + 128 million + 80+ million (~1.6 Billion) we have it. Natural resources ? We have it.

Europe (combined) is only around 500 million. North America (Canada + US) is only around 340 million.

That said, Northeast Asia is a silent , sleeping giant. If it ever is united, as I said, there is no force in this world that can stop us....

Mongols love their tents and horses and fresh air.

If they want to compare the annual income, they tend to prefer Russia over China
as Russian income even triple theirs.

If for first world, they would love Japan, USA ... as oversea state of those FIRST WORLD.

In old era, Mongols ever love China and Europe land, and they invaded China and Europe by force. And it's not wrong to say "China is apart of old Mongol empire"

History is history, my friend. In the present, Mongolia is nothing but a flat land , populated with no more than 4 million people. Their existence depends on trade with China.
Freedom and self determination is symbol of one nation, not money.

Why Canada dont join to USA ?
Freedom and self determination is symbol of one nation, not money.

Why Canada dont join to USA ?

Because Canadians, historically speaking, were loyalists to the British Crown. After the US won their independence, scores of American colonials who were loyal to the British Crown -- migrated to the Dominion of Canada.

Even now, Canada is a Commonwealth of the British Empire. Their symbol of the state is the British Monarch.
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