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Modi to destroy Pakistan in 6 months | Senior Shiv Sena Leader.

In 1965, people came out with sticks, axes, rods, old leeEnfields and swords to support the Army in Lahore and Sialkot sector. Now Pakistani civilians hold 70 firearms for every serving Indian soldier. If lets say India invades, the Pakistan army won't be fighting alone, it will be extremely hard for the govt to stop people from going to the border to fight, using their own assault weapons and ammo cache's. We all use 7.62X51mm standard round, so there is no shortage of ammo either.

Indian general's think that they can outnumber us - which is a stupid notion as even they know that a Pakistani civilian will not duck in home, he will be out in the field with his fire arms and buddies to hunt the enemies. Pakistani civilians know that an entire nation would have to fight such an invasion if we are to defeat an enemy that outnumbers us 6-1.

Even a small country with an "armed population" can easily hold off much larger opponents, Switzerland during WW2 for example.

Pakistan in population terms is a medium-large country, the 6th largest in the world in fact. Even if we take the conservative estimate of 85 million "licensed" firearms in Pakistan, even China could not summon up enough troops against that, let alone anyone else in the world.

We all use 7.62X51mm standard round, so there is no shortage of ammo either.

It's a good round. Great for the geography in rural Pakistan as well, as compared to the 5.56×45mm round. :tup:
Modi " Jaadugar " will be able to do what India has been trying to do since 1947.

If Modi nurtures such foolish dreams , he might end up destroying himself or much worst India.

Clearly modi isnt the one making such claims....he is a better politician than that...

If such grand schemes are in play, a low life nobody like Kadam will be the last person to get briefed on said plans.
Hopefully you guys can sleep better now...
Brahmos with Sukhoi-30 fighters to improve India's strike options | Business Standard
here will soon be a more practical way of retaliating against a foreign-backed terrorist attack on Indian soil than mobilising our 1.6 million-strong military for a war that might trigger a nuclear conflagration. Instead, New Delhi will soon be able to punish terrorists harbouring across the border with surgical strikes from Brahmos cruise missile, fitted on Sukhoi-30MKI fighters.<<<<<:D:D:D:D:D:D:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame:

The supersonic Brahmos, jointly developed by India and Russia, already equips Indian warships and artillery units. Yet its limited range of 295 kilometres means that targets far across the border are out of reach. That will change once Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), Nashik, fits the Brahmos onto the Sukhoi-30MKI fighter, allowing the missile to be carried for over a thousand kilometres and then launched at a target another 295 kilometres away.

Parked in a hangar in HAL's Nashik facility is the first Su-30MKI that is being modified to carry the Brahmos in the cavity between the aircraft's giant engines. Later this year, ground tests will begin at Nashik. If successful, the aircraft will be ferried to Rajasthan to actually test-fire the missile in Pokhran. If all goes well, the air-launched Brahmos would enter operational service next year.

While HAL modifies the aircraft, the Indo-Russian joint venture that has developed the Brahmos is finalising and certifying an air-launched version of the missile.

Developing an air-launched Brahmos has not been easy, given its weight (2.5 tonnes) and size (8 metres long, 0.7 metres in diameter). The Indian Air Force (IAF) challenged both Sukhoi and HAL to propose competing solutions for integrating missile with aircraft. The Indian solution won out handily, and a contract was signed with HAL in January. Already the Brahmos has been mounted under the Su-30MKI's belly, secured on two mounting stations that replace hard points that were designed to carry ten 250-kilogramme bombs.

"The Russians are most interested in how HAL is integrating the Brahmos. We beat them out in the contract and now they want to know what we're doing," says RP Khapli, who is leading HAL's design team in the project.

Nobody will acknowledge this, but modifying a Su-30MKI to carry a 2,500 kg missile is a big step towards rendering it capable of carrying and delivering a thermonuclear bomb.

A Brahmos air launch is a relatively straightforward affair. Before take-off, the target coordinates are fed into the missile. When the Su-30MKI reaches the designated launch point, probably just short of the border to maximise range, the pilot releases the Brahmos. The missile drops clear of the aircraft before its booster ignites; then, powered by a ramjet, it quickly accelerates to more than twice the speed of sound providing little reaction time to enemy air defence fighters and missiles. Guided by navigation satellites, its inertial navigation system takes it precisely to its target.

Besides punitive strikes on terrorist targets, an air-launched Brahmos would also be the weapon of choice for striking heavily defended targets - such as enemy air bases or headquarters - without risking a manned aircraft. The Su-30MKI would release the Brahmos from a safe distance of 295 kilometres and then head back to base even as the missile heads for the target.

Integrating the Brahmos with the Su-30MKI encountered several technical challenges. IIT Mumbai assisted with studies in "computational fluid dynamics" to ascertain that the giant missile did not create disruptive airflow that would destabilise the fighter or starve its two engines of air.

HAL had already experienced such difficulties whilst upgrading the MiG-21BIS with four new missiles. That fighter's engine had to be modified with an anti-surge system to avoid shut off. This experience, say HAL designers, came in handy.

Besides the Brahmos project, HAL's Aircraft Upgrade R&D Centre has developed over 40 modifications to enhance the performance of the Su-30MKI. It has also developed almost 400 types of ground equipment, such as oxygen chargers, nitrogen chargers, mobile air charging trolleys and cooling trolleys.

"We are not just building aircraft for the IAF but are also a knowledge partner for indigenisation," says Khapli.
Since you brought this up, suffice to reply in kind as this is what happened the last time you tried some mis-adventure using the IAF.
The event
  1. At 11:30 am PST [Pakistan Standard Time], 3 Indian Mirage 2000-H fighter jets crossed the line of control, intruding in airspace over Pakistani side of the disputed valley of Kashmir, up until approximately three to four miles before they were intercepted by 2 F16s and 2 Mirage III fighter jets of Pakistan air force.
  2. The second intrusion was recorded at around 12:20 pm PST, when 2 Indian SU-30 MKIscrossed the international border near an eastern city of Pakistan; Lahore. During this instance, they were able to penetrate around 2 miles inside the Pakistani airspace before getting intercepted by 3 F-16s and 3 F7 fighter jets of Pakistan air force.
Given the murkiness surrounding the event, it’s still unknown (thus subject to a future update of this post), if the intruding aircrafts went back on their own upon registering PAF fighters on their radars, or were hailed by PAF fighters and got escorted out of Pakistani air space.
......... :devil:

Better than 40% criminal candidates of AAP. Haha
In 1965, people came out with sticks, axes, rods, old leeEnfields and swords to support the Army in Lahore and Sialkot sector. Now Pakistani civilians hold 70 firearms for every serving Indian soldier. If lets say India invades, the Pakistan army won't be fighting alone, it will be extremely hard for the govt to stop people from going to the border to fight, using their own assault weapons and ammo cache's. We all use 7.62X51mm standard round, so there is no shortage of ammo either.

Indian general's think that they can outnumber us - which is a stupid notion as even they know that a Pakistani civilian will not duck in home, he will be out in the field with his fire arms and buddies to hunt the enemies. Pakistani civilians know that an entire nation would have to fight such an invasion if we are to defeat an enemy that outnumbers us 6-1.

No disrespect to your nationalism and I appreciate that Pakistanis have this will to defend your country by any means....but what makes you think the only way to deal with your "household" weapons is through infantry combat??

Planes, drones, CMs....everything is at our disposal...Of course using such tactics against civilians would be absolutely atrocious in my book, let alone the backlash from the international community...

Nevertheless, we speak in hypotheticals....
there is hardly anyone talks about Pakistan in India these days...Pakistan topic comes up only if there is any terrorist attack..thankfully, things are much better now...

Indian voters are more interested in corruption free and progressive government and NOT the one who can destroy Pakistan!

But, YES.. we do expect our next leadership to take strong stance against bullying countries like China!
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