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Modi to destroy Pakistan in 6 months | Senior Shiv Sena Leader.

Is this guy high on YOGA ?? :undecided:


is yoga the best he could come up with
:lol: :lol:
And we (civilians) have over 85 million firearms :D

Wow, it's too bad China has such strict arms control. :P Anyway, you guys already have India covered.

China is currently developing HGV technology for our strategic forces, hopefully we will have some sort of under-the-table transfer/cooperation with Pakistan in the future. You guys need something to deter the real global hegemon (USA). Nukes alone are a lot better than nothing, but having the ability to "reliably" retaliate against the American mainland is worth more than gold.
Dont know who is more stupid.

The leader who made the stupid comment, or the stupid party which tolerates hate speech and didnt thrown out the leader or the poster who changes the header for sensationalism .
Wow, it's too bad China has such strict arms control.

Trust me. It's a good thing. You don't want to be Pakistan, uneducated idiots running around with assault rifles. They will self destruct themselves, it is nothing to be proud of. It is very easy to let everyone have their own guns. Some countries just choose not to.
Thread name deliberately changed by OP. Against rules isn't it ?

On the topic people like these is why people don't vote for BJP. BJP has to cut off all their relations with such hardliner parties or at least ask them to shut up.

They are going to squander away all the hard work done by Modi.

in the civilized world there is a name for all the leg pulling, back stabbing, character assassinations its civilized version is called


welcome to the real world ;)
Weapons cannot guarantee anything except a feeling of security to its owner during & before war provided of course they are allowed to work.

USSR had more nukes than most yet it exists no more and remains in a different form ..without a shooting war.

I should have clarified, against "external invasion" from other countries, leading to the disintegration of national sovereignty. As in the thread title.

The USSR, as a union of many different nations, disintegrated due to internal factors. In this case, nuclear weapons couldn't help of course. In fact they made things a lot more messy, considering that Ukraine inherited a large proportion of Soviet nukes, which they were later forced to give up.
He already made this plan long ago. Ab kiya ho ga Pakistan ka kaliya. :shout:
Wow, it's too bad China has such strict arms control. :P Anyway, you guys already have India covered.

China is currently developing HGV technology for our strategic forces, hopefully we will have some sort of under-the-table transfer/cooperation with Pakistan in the future. You guys need something to deter the real global hegemon (USA). Nukes alone are a lot better than nothing, but having the ability to "reliably" retaliate against the American mainland is worth more than gold.

Yes, lets hope that happens. Offensive weapons are the best defense!
I understand that... But once in Power Modi is going to be associated with these same guys.... How much bad name these idiots bring to the country??

Now he is just a PM candidate.But when he get the power of PM, things will not be like this.Morons like this will stay away from him.It is not like an election stunt.
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