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Modi steps into Pakistan -UAE breach

India's relationship with any country has nothing to do with Pakistan and same is with Pakistan's relationship with other countries for India ,all we want is other countries not taking sides specially the Muslim countries when it comes to India Pakistan relations.

I agree. Congrats to India/UAE. For some time UAE has been India's closest friend. It is only natural that India acknowledges UAE's benevolent nature help given to poor Indians.

This only leave military alliance to be sealed. UAE complained about Pak and Turkey having failed to provide military support.

May I suggest UAE ask India. It certainly has enough manpower available.


68 year old country trolling thousand of years old ties.:pdf:

Indian Repubic independance day - 15th August 1947. Duration: 68 years and 3 days

Independence Day (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Before that was British Raj:-

In all seriousness it must be said that what is today Pakistan also had similar ties with the Arabian Peninsula. In some periods even closer than with areas of what is today India.

I can't speak for all 450 million Arabs nor am I a leader (surprise, surprise) but I think that I can speak for most Arabs when I say that we wish to have cordial ties with both Pakistan and India which has been the case historically. In fact I see no reason why we should not try to have cordial ties with EVERY country out there as long as it can benefit us. I mean is that not what every sane state/regime is doing?

It's just that the Pakistani-Indian rivalry overshadows everything for a lot of Pakistanis and Indians while you forget that your current dogfight is an internal matter. My impression is that both Pakistanis and Indians try to keep out of the Arab-Farsi dogfight that has been ongoing since 1979.

I have encountered every South Asian nationality in the GCC and Europe (Pakistanis, Indians, Nepalis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis of all backgrounds and ethnic groups) and I grew up with many. Overall my impression with most has been only positive and I see no reason to why I should hate any South Asian. I discovered many similarities that I did not knew existed beforehand and this made me study the relations and I discovered even more surprises. Since that period I have not seen any reason to dislike/hate that part of the world or its people regardless whether some might hate us Arabs.

Arabs in the GCC and Indians get along just fine. I for once don't hate India and I doubt that many Arabs do. At least I am yet to meet one.

Don't ask me brother we didn't ask you sever your ties with anyone (pakistan) . It's Pakistani who are bashing you guys because you have good ties with us as you guys owe them something.
I don't see what the big deal is lol. Why are some Pakistanis getting all emotional over this. This is all a part of realpolitik. Every nation establishes relations with another based on mutual interests be they economical or military interests. There never was any brotherhood to begin with. Its all about scratching each others backs until no longer needed. No one is stopping Pakistan from looking after its interests. Pakistanis really need to remove the lens of "Islamic brotherhood" and accept reality for what it is. Arabs will do as they please, so should we too do what is in the interests of our nation. If anyone doesn't like what we do, so be it then. We are not obligated to sacrifice our own nation on an alter for someone else's sake over a non-existent brotherhood.

@p(-)0ENiX @Psychic @Gufi @persona_non_grata
You clearly showed my point - British raj over India and not British raj over India+pakistan.

Thank you

You muppet - words can have multiple meanings. India - the republic. India the geographic region. When you talk which meaning are you using, the political unit or geographic region? The British Raj referred to region.

If Pakistan decides to call itself Asia would it mean (a) that it had realm all over Asia and that it existed along all Asia?

You Indian's the amount of deception and fraud that goes on with this "India" is disgusting.
. We are not obligated to sacrifice our own nation on an alter for someone else's sake over a non-existent brotherhood.
i do not get what the big fuss is in this, there are a lot of Indians in the UAE and they send their money to India. The Arab countries have already invested heavily in India to recuperate some of that money. A simple example I think would be if a UAE based company invested in India, it would collect on those investments while providing jobs but the profits would in the end be moved outside the country. This is will ensure that the money they have accumulated goes to good use. There is nothing wrong with other countries investing in India, and is something Indians should not be happy about.
Pakistan does not have the funds India has, and if India rather other countries take advantage of opportunities in infrastructure development rather than invest that money which they have saved up, it is their loss. Just a road and its tolls are a very good return for the investment and if the Indian government had done it, it would have yielded much greater returns than the money being added fruitlessly in their reserves.
The reserves would not lessen the tax burden of the people, nor would it stimulate the economy, but if the roads had a constant earning for the GoI it would either work at a zero profit set up with a reduction of tolls or it would help balance the budget in other areas which could lead to more infrastructure opportunities in the long run. The GoI does not realise that the opportunities at hand but UAE does, thus UAE will benefit much more from this deal than India will. Not only will there be a goodwill created, but UAE will have more leverage in any discussions because of improved relations they can also demand more checks on things that they want to regarding the Indians in the UAE.
You muppet - words can have multiple meanings. India - the republic. India the geographic region. When you talk which meaning are you using, the political unit or geographic region? The British Raj referred to region.

If Pakistan decides to call itself Asia would it mean (a) that it had realm all over Asia and that it existed along all Asia?

@waz and other moderator please take care of him as he is doing personal attack when i am showing nothing but respect.
You clearly showed my point - British raj over India and not British raj over India+pakistan.

Thank you
Okay, now i will use your logic: So if india is the name of your country then what's Hind?? How come indians don't call their nation Hind? Does that mean Hind, which existed before "india" was a separate entity and thus "india" is a recent creation just like Pakistan?

The Arab world is the cradle of civilization and home to the oldest civilizations on the planet and cities. The region was home to some of the richest civilizations throughout history (long before oil and gas was discovered) and remains one of the richest areas of the world in terms of natural resources and minerals.

The Arab world and in particular GCC has excellent ties with all world powers. In West or East.

Less than 300.000 have died in Syria and it's a civil war. What did you expect? Over 2 million people have died in your nearby Afghanistan since the 1980's and let's not talk about what went before Pakistan was created in 1947.

Besides Europeans were killing each other in the millions upon millions (just between WW1 and WW2 they killed over 60 million of each other) and look at them now. Killings in the Arab world for the past 100 years do not even reach 10% of that number!

The Arab world has been largely peaceful in the past 100 years with the exception of Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and now Syria. All the other conflicts, wars etc. are in the greater scheme not very prolific.

Arabs were never beggars so don't confuse us with others.

If you hate Arabs then leave the religion they gave to you, change your names, large part of your culture, your languages (Urdu and numerous other languages spoken in Pakistan are full of Arabic words), alphabet, stop sending millions of your compatriots to work in the Arab world etc. The list is very long.

Most Arabs including myself have only affinity for Pakistan and Pakistanis but that does not mean that we should have no business relations with India (a millennium old partner on this front) who have never hurt us just because you two cannot work together as neighbors with more in common than the opposite.

Why should we follow your wishes blindly when you are not doing the same? Why the double standards?

Off he goes on again about the arabs being cradles of civilisation. This BS notion you have has been refuted many times before. Every nation on earth has some historical link to an ancient civilisation so get over it.

Your pan arabist BS only works to a degree, all this mumbo jumbo of modi and UAE is due to the fact that we said get of your fat arses and fight yourselfs. What have you and your so called ideals from the ancient arab civilisation done for arabs in syria, palestine. JACK Sh1t, then its classed as a civil war, then why the hell did you want pakistani help when it came to your own civil war.

The arab world which you decree as peaceful has been peaceful because of oppression, extra judicial killings, prisons etc so quit this BS.

ARABS didn't give us sh1t, including religion. It was the almighty who gave us this, to tell you a little history not all the sahaba and those spreading Islam were arab.

You were obviously (for very good reasons) unable to counter my factual post so I did not expect anything else other than a nonsense reply.

Strange considering that all the most holy Islamic sites are located in the Arab world, that Arabs were the greatest contributor in the spread of Islam (both militarily, through trade and conversions) and ruled the Islamic Caliphate at its height for almost 1000 years.

Yes, Arabs are so big "cowards" that they created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history, more than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Including ruling most of what is today Pakistan.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway it's good that we have Pakistani's like you in this world!:enjoy:

Cheer up buddy.

The empires were ISLAMIC empires NOT ARAB empires.

Islam unified and conquered.
Thanks for explaining many things there.

As for the reactions that you and I see...... its just 'insecurity' that is surfacing. One thing that I have been unable to get over is the belief that I see in (some) Pakistanis..... that -- if you are not with us then you MUST be against us.
Life has never been like that and Modern Times, even more so.

Life and Nature (all Creation) is all about Balance or atleast seeking to maintain a Balance. What is on display is just unnatural. Not an attitude that can take anybody far.

Now about hunting etc..... In India too we have bot a problem in trying to conserve Wild-Life as well as Poaching. Our own Royalty blew away huge amounts of our wild-life in the past simply as a sport. Fortunately, the laws are very stringent and well enforced for the most part. Which is showing itself in slowly rising numbers of the Asiatic Lion and Bengal Tiger populations. But much more needs to be done, many species are gone forever.

You are welcome buddy.

I agree with that notion but it's not something that is only endemic to Pakistanis. It's common among all peoples depending on the situation. I just don't understand why our Pakistani brothers and sisters here are questioning the overall cordial (historically too) ties between the Arab world and Pakistan? It's not like the business ties between the GCC and India are a new thing. It's been ongoing for millenniums as most educated people know all too well.

I have been saying this time and time again. Indian-Iranian or Pakistani-Iranian relations is not the business of Arabs. From what I know about we don't have many objections on this part.

Let me once again state that one thing is political differences another thing altogether is economic relations. Let me give you an example. The regimes of the UAE and Iran are not best friends to put it mildly but Iran's biggest trading partner is surprise, surprise the UAE.

The GCC and Pakistan have on many fronts closer ties with each other than GCC and Indian relations but in terms of economy the relations between the GCC and India are much greater. There are good reasons for that and they are not bound in Arabs "hating Pakistanis or loving Indians". It's just simple economics.

Why is it that KSA has much greater economic ties with several non-Arab nations compared to even neighboring Arab nations? Does that mean that the people of KSA love Japanese people more than neighboring Iraqis or Yemenis? Of course not. It's just that the economic realities are what they are.

Wise words about the balance you mentioned. I agree fully.

I have actually read about Indian wildlife and I was impressed with some of the conversation efforts in particular aimed at the Asiatic Lions in Gujarat.

Yes, I am well aware of some of the species becoming extinct but it's the same case in the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world.

93 years ago the last lion on the Arabian Peninsula was killed and a few decades later the last wild cheetah was killed in KSA. Now wild cheetahs are only present in a few select national parks in the UAE while lions are only present in zoos. The Arabian gazelle and ostrich have also become extinct due to hunting in the past century.

This photo is of an cheetah killed by a poacher in Al-Anbar Iraq in 1925. The last cheetahs went extinct in KSA in the 1970's.

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabian gazelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully the Arabian Peninsula (largest peninsula in the world) has some of the richest marine life and bird life to this day as well as several predators in the wild (Arabian leopard etc.) but many of them if not most of the species are endangered, sadly. I have a great fondness for nature so it pains me personally but there is not much I can do.

Thankfully they brought the almost extinct Arabian oryx back from the grave.

Arabian oryx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This photo below shows some of the extant wildlife in KSA:


Lions for instance always had a important cultural role in Arabia. Many Arabic names basically mean lion such as Hamzah, Assad etc. Hunting lions as a sign of manhood was very popular.

Arabian Lions | Anonymous Arabist وين الناس

The last wild lion in KSA was killed in 1923.

"The last Lion in the Saudi Arabian peninsula was killed in 1923."

Roman Slaughters Endangered Species Handbook

Off he goes on again about the arabs being cradles of civilisation. This BS notion you have has been refuted many times before. Every nation on earth has some historical link to an ancient civilisation so get over it.

Your pan arabist BS only works to a degree, all this mumbo jumbo of modi and UAE is due to the fact that we said get of your fat arses and fight yourselfs. What have you and your so called ideals from the ancient arab civilisation done for arabs in syria, palestine. JACK Sh1t, then its classed as a civil war, then why the hell did you want pakistani help when it came to your own civil war.

The arab world which you decree as peaceful has been peaceful because of oppression, extra judicial killings, prisons etc so quit this BS.

ARABS didn't give us sh1t, including religion. It was the almighty who gave us this, to tell you a little history not all the sahaba and those spreading Islam were arab.


In India only hens in poultry farms, not much good for them.

Man, don't disappoint like that; their backside is used to sit in Rolls Royce and you're telling them to sit in TATA Nano? Not good, not good...

As for the reactions that you and I see...... its just 'insecurity' that is surfacing. One thing that I have been unable to get over is the belief that I see in (some) Pakistanis..... that -- if you are not with us then you MUST be against us.
Life has never been like that and Modern Times, even more so.

Not really. The only value any relationship with GCC countries brings is that many Pakistanis are working there who send huge remittances back home. Nothing more, nothing less. Strategic relations with these is overrated.
You are welcome buddy.

I agree with that notion but it's not something that is only endemic to Pakistanis. It's common among all peoples depending on the situation. I just don't understand why our Pakistani brothers and sisters here are questioning the overall cordial (historically too) ties between the Arab world and Pakistan? It's not like the business ties between the GCC and India are a new thing. It's been ongoing for millenniums as most educated people know all too well.

I have been saying this time and time again. Indian-Iranian or Pakistani-Iranian relations is not the business of Arabs. From what I know about we don't have many objections on this part.

Let me once again state that one thing is political differences another thing altogether is economic relations. Let me give you an example. The regimes of the UAE and Iran are not best friends to put it mildly but Iran's biggest trading partner is surprise, surprise the UAE.

The GCC and Pakistan have on many fronts closer ties with each other than GCC and Indian relations but in terms of economy the relations between the GCC and India are much greater. There are good reasons for that and they are not bound in Arabs "hating Pakistanis or loving Indians". It's just simple economics.

Why is it that KSA has much greater economic ties with several non-Arab nations compared to even neighboring Arab nations? Does that mean that the people of KSA love Japanese people more than neighboring Iraqis or Yemenis? Of course not. It's just that the economic realities are what they are.

Wise words about the balance you mentioned. I agree fully.

I have actually read about Indian wildlife and I was impressed with some of the conversation efforts in particular aimed at the Asiatic Lions in Gujarat.

Yes, I am well aware of some of the species becoming extinct but it's the same case in the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world.

93 years ago the last lion on the Arabian Peninsula was killed and a few decades later the last wild cheetah was killed in KSA. Now wild cheetahs are only present in a few select national parks in the UAE while lions are only present in zoos. The Arabian gazelle and ostrich have also become extinct due to hunting in the past century.

This photo is of an cheetah killed by a poacher in Al-Anbar Iraq in 1925. The last cheetahs went extinct in KSA in the 1970's.

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabian gazelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully the Arabian Peninsula (largest peninsula in the world) has some of the richest marine life and bird life to this day as well as several predators in the wild (Arabian leopard etc.) but many of them if not most of the species are endangered, sadly. I have a great fondness for nature so it pains me personally but there is not much I can do.

Thankfully they brought the almost extinct Arabian oryx back from the grave.

Arabian oryx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This photo below shows some of the extant wildlife in KSA:


Lions for instance always had a important cultural role in Arabia. Many Arabic names basically mean lion such as Hamzah. Hunting lions as a sign of manhood was very popular.

Arabian Lions | Anonymous Arabist وين الناس

The last wild lion in KSA was killed in 1923.

"The last Lion in the Saudi Arabian peninsula was killed in 1923."

Roman Slaughters Endangered Species Handbook

Saudi Aramco World :
The Arabian Lion

Thanks again.... for adding to my fund of knowledge about the Arabian Peninsula.

For now, I'll just respond to the part of your post that speaks about the GCC-Iran relationship. I know about that economic relationship, so much so that Iran has a huge contribution to the economic power center that Dubai (and GCC0 has become. Most if not all of Teheran's financial transactions after the Revolution happened through Dubai. In turn Dubai helped run the Iranian economy through the sanctions ridden period. I'd go so far as to say that Dubai would have been markedly different if Iran did not exist.
I first laid eyes on Dubai in 1974, when it was little bigger than a fishing village. Most of Dubai's economy ran because of being a Gold Transhipment point; most of it feeding the Gold Smuggling trade into India ! The biggest Bazaar was the Gold Souk which was on the bank of Bur Dubai Creek. Then I saw the change in frequent visits in the interim, including spells of working in and out of Dubai in between. Two port cities changed in front of my eyes, Dubai and Singapore....... all because of Commerce.

You are welcome buddy.

I agree with that notion but it's not something that is only endemic to Pakistanis. It's common among all peoples depending on the situation. I just don't understand why our Pakistani brothers and sisters here are questioning the overall cordial (historically too) ties between the Arab world and Pakistan? It's not like the business ties between the GCC and India are a new thing. It's been ongoing for millenniums as most educated people know all too well.

I have been saying this time and time again. Indian-Iranian or Pakistani-Iranian relations is not the business of Arabs. From what I know about we don't have many objections on this part.

Let me once again state that one thing is political differences another thing altogether is economic relations. Let me give you an example. The regimes of the UAE and Iran are not best friends to put it mildly but Iran's biggest trading partner is surprise, surprise the UAE.

The GCC and Pakistan have on many fronts closer ties with each other than GCC and Indian relations but in terms of economy the relations between the GCC and India are much greater. There are good reasons for that and they are not bound in Arabs "hating Pakistanis or loving Indians". It's just simple economics.

Why is it that KSA has much greater economic ties with several non-Arab nations compared to even neighboring Arab nations? Does that mean that the people of KSA love Japanese people more than neighboring Iraqis or Yemenis? Of course not. It's just that the economic realities are what they are.

Wise words about the balance you mentioned. I agree fully.

I have actually read about Indian wildlife and I was impressed with some of the conversation efforts in particular aimed at the Asiatic Lions in Gujarat.

Yes, I am well aware of some of the species becoming extinct but it's the same case in the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world.

93 years ago the last lion on the Arabian Peninsula was killed and a few decades later the last wild cheetah was killed in KSA. Now wild cheetahs are only present in a few select national parks in the UAE while lions are only present in zoos. The Arabian gazelle and ostrich have also become extinct due to hunting in the past century.

This photo is of an cheetah killed by a poacher in Al-Anbar Iraq in 1925. The last cheetahs went extinct in KSA in the 1970's.

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabian gazelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully the Arabian Peninsula (largest peninsula in the world) has some of the richest marine life and bird life to this day as well as several predators in the wild (Arabian leopard etc.) but many of them if not most of the species are endangered, sadly. I have a great fondness for nature so it pains me personally but there is not much I can do.

Thankfully they brought the almost extinct Arabian oryx back from the grave.

Arabian oryx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This photo below shows some of the extant wildlife in KSA:


Lions for instance always had a important cultural role in Arabia. Many Arabic names basically mean lion such as Hamzah. Hunting lions as a sign of manhood was very popular.

Arabian Lions | Anonymous Arabist وين الناس

The last wild lion in KSA was killed in 1923.

"The last Lion in the Saudi Arabian peninsula was killed in 1923."

Roman Slaughters Endangered Species Handbook

Saudi Aramco World :
The Arabian Lion

Thanks again.... for adding to my fund of knowledge about the Arabian Peninsula.

For now, I'll just respond to the part of your post that speaks about the GCC-Iran relationship. I know about that economic relationship, so much so that Iran has a huge contribution to the economic power center that Dubai (and GCC0 has become. Most if not all of Teheran's financial transactions after the Revolution happened through Dubai. In turn Dubai helped run the Iranian economy through the sanctions ridden period. I'd go so far as to say that Dubai would have been markedly different if Iran did not exist.
I first laid eyes on Dubai in 1974, when it was little bigger than a fishing village. Most of Dubai's economy ran because of being a Gold Transhipment point; most of it feeding the Gold Smuggling trade into India ! The biggest Bazaar was the Gold Souk which was on the bank of Bur Dubai Creek. Then I saw the change in frequent visits in the interim, including spells of working in and out of Dubai in between. Two port cities changed in front of my eyes, Dubai and Singapore....... all because of Commerce.
You are welcome buddy.

I agree with that notion but it's not something that is only endemic to Pakistanis. It's common among all peoples depending on the situation. I just don't understand why our Pakistani brothers and sisters here are questioning the overall cordial (historically too) ties between the Arab world and Pakistan? It's not like the business ties between the GCC and India are a new thing. It's been ongoing for millenniums as most educated people know all too well.

I have been saying this time and time again. Indian-Iranian or Pakistani-Iranian relations is not the business of Arabs. From what I know about we don't have many objections on this part.

Let me once again state that one thing is political differences another thing altogether is economic relations. Let me give you an example. The regimes of the UAE and Iran are not best friends to put it mildly but Iran's biggest trading partner is surprise, surprise the UAE.

The GCC and Pakistan have on many fronts closer ties with each other than GCC and Indian relations but in terms of economy the relations between the GCC and India are much greater. There are good reasons for that and they are not bound in Arabs "hating Pakistanis or loving Indians". It's just simple economics.

Why is it that KSA has much greater economic ties with several non-Arab nations compared to even neighboring Arab nations? Does that mean that the people of KSA love Japanese people more than neighboring Iraqis or Yemenis? Of course not. It's just that the economic realities are what they are.

Wise words about the balance you mentioned. I agree fully.

I have actually read about Indian wildlife and I was impressed with some of the conversation efforts in particular aimed at the Asiatic Lions in Gujarat.

Yes, I am well aware of some of the species becoming extinct but it's the same case in the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world.

93 years ago the last lion on the Arabian Peninsula was killed and a few decades later the last wild cheetah was killed in KSA. Now wild cheetahs are only present in a few select national parks in the UAE while lions are only present in zoos. The Arabian gazelle and ostrich have also become extinct due to hunting in the past century.

This photo is of an cheetah killed by a poacher in Al-Anbar Iraq in 1925. The last cheetahs went extinct in KSA in the 1970's.

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabian gazelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully the Arabian Peninsula (largest peninsula in the world) has some of the richest marine life and bird life to this day as well as several predators in the wild (Arabian leopard etc.) but many of them if not most of the species are endangered, sadly. I have a great fondness for nature so it pains me personally but there is not much I can do.

Thankfully they brought the almost extinct Arabian oryx back from the grave.

Arabian oryx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This photo below shows some of the extant wildlife in KSA:


Lions for instance always had a important cultural role in Arabia. Many Arabic names basically mean lion such as Hamzah, Assad etc. Hunting lions as a sign of manhood was very popular.

Arabian Lions | Anonymous Arabist وين الناس

The last wild lion in KSA was killed in 1923.

"The last Lion in the Saudi Arabian peninsula was killed in 1923."

Roman Slaughters Endangered Species Handbook


No long essay for me?
And continuing from post 103 I wrote, other things like counter terrorism, that is something which every country says to each other.
Those words are part and parcel of most discussions in the region and should not be given weight. And the UN issue is not even dependant on any of these regimes, it is the P5 which will end up deciding what is to be done and no country other than them has any real say in the matter.
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