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Modi steps into Pakistan -UAE breach

Let me rephrase it:
"Simple words, Pakistan's economy sucks."

Economy has got nothing to do by making wrong choices on diplomatic front, and loosing friends to enemies.
Our economy sucked much more in past, when we had friends.
Huge coalition of Islamic world was building up and instead of taking lead, Nawaz Sharif decided to side with non state actors.
Today, Pakistanis are going to Iraq and Syria to kill Arabs not Indians, while Pakistan failed to stop this travel.
Now accept your mistake, instead of blaming it on economy....
We allowed iran to smuggle oil to Pakistan, some thing is seriously wrong within ministries....its not as simple matter is being sold here.
As long as Nawaz Sharif is PM, India need not worry. He will invent ways to pull his country backwards. Even if somehow he starts to take sensible decision on economic fronts, we can always confiscate his investment in steel mills here. One can only marvel at his decision of starting Metro projects in various cities by taking huge loans.
pure troll bait. Lets see if someone takes it.
Sir, it's about economics. Middle East doesn't need us for military reasons. We should get out of this retarded approach to foreign policy. Times have changed and so should we. We also need to get rid of seeing every damn thing from religious or military perspective.

Money has no religion and no nationality. If Pakistan was economically strong, every country would have been interested in having good relationships with us. Propaganda has deluded the common public to such an extent that we continue to believe that foreign relations could be built upon cheap religious emotionalism and the so-called strategic interests.

The only real strategic interest is economic interest.

Well you are right i dont disagree with your approach ,One has to see what India cant offer as UAE is among biggest Importers of Indian goods and man power .Now where is W/W relationship as UAE has little to offer to any other country in terms of exports .Only reason i see Indians ties warming up with Arabs are due to American presence and shifting of strategic balance in the region. Gawadar is direct threat to Duabi port so we think this changing paradigm is due to that or is it Iran factor one has to see in a bigger picture .I also agree relationships are not built on cheap relegious emotionalizm but here in these region it is still a wild card .So pushing towards Iran is isolating more in GCC for Pakistan or is it some thing world has finally understood to keep both relationships (Ind,Pak) intact ? I am leaving this question for debate as with no official think tank other than military in Pak to adress these issues perhaps we can get to some point

See the problem with Pakistan & Pakistanis has always been that they still have that school boy way of thinking of having ' best friends' & ' if you are not with me - you are against me'.

Nations do not behave like this, at least the mature & economically stable ones do not.

Principles may remain constant ( for instance adherence to democracy) but relationships are transactional.

Is India not doing the same ? then why ask countries to stop trading with Pakistan ? Fact to the matter is you dont know what you are getting in to .Its just Uncle Sam using you against chinese and you guys are behaving like pupi dog
Is India not doing the same ? then why ask countries to stop trading with Pakistan ? Fact to the matter is you dont know what you are getting in to .Its just Uncle Sam using you against chinese and you guys are behaving like pupi dog

The word is Puppy

No, India is not doing the same, when has India asked anyone not to trade with Pakistan ? Weapons is a different issue as India needs to cater for its defence needs.

I dont think you have got the drift - yet. Unlike Pak, India has the money to buy therefore all its deals are transactional. If & when it suits India things move ahead when not they dont.

Example sanctions on Iran, despite a No No from US , India went ahead because national interests are involved.
This is what happens when X country refuses to stand with Y country in a serious foreign challenge ..
Z country steps in and takes X spot... This is how politics work.

hard lesson but it will not be the only one I think... more chapters are coming and a lot of equations will be different
This is what happens when X country refuses to stand with Y country in a serious foreign challenge ..
Z country steps in and takes X spot... This is how politics work.
Which foreign challenge? Are you referring to Yemen? If so then since when is India deploying troops to Yemen on behalf of Arabs? Infact Indians are heavily investing in Iran.
How come is it a surprise for certain Pakistani users on PDF that the Arabian Peninsula (today represented by the GCC, excluding Yemen) has close economic ties with India when this has been going on for over 5000 years? It's hardly breaking news. India's biggest trading partner (by far) is the Arab world and in particular the GCC. That's been the case for much of India's history.

Did all this stop the GCC/Arab world and Pakistan from having close/cordial ties throughout Pakistan's entire existence? No, it did not.

If Pakistanis feel betrayed by Arabs, in this case UAE, because the latter is having business ties with India, then Pakistan have no friends left as even their main allies (China) have booming trade relations with India. All other major Muslim countries as well.

I don't get the insecurity to be honest. Arabs are not holding Pakistan at gunpoint telling them not to have business relations with entity x or y.

Besides UAE is 1 out of over 20 Arab nations and the idea of having close business ties with India was not the idea of 450 million Arabs but a few select regimes. Not that most Arabs are complaining since we have always been business minded people.

You have no need to worry. Arab and Pakistani ties will remain close and develop for the better too. You just have to understand that nation states are mostly looking at other nations with economic lenses. People to people is another discussion altogether.

Yes GCC has economic relations with many powers. But when push comes to shove ,they dont mean jack shit , its the strategic relations that are the "real deal " . Just take a step back and analyze the events of the past 2-3 years.From the looks of it GCC is in deep shit.
Your Strategic partnership with US sunk deep in the Arabian Sea , when US not only signed a pact with your persian enemies but also refused to join your coalition in Yemen. Turkey also refused to be your partner in the yemeni war and directly supported MB in Egypt .That leaves Israel as your only ally in the region . Thousands of your youths have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq many have joined ISIS and when these radicalized citizens come back they will cause more than just headaches. Infact, the series of Mosque bombings this year is also alarming. Iran uses its oil revenue to boast its various manufacturing industries . Sheiks use their oil revenue to build sand castles and luxury hotels.
Yes GCC has economic relations with many powers. But when push comes to shove ,they dont mean jack shit , its the strategic relations that are the "real deal " . Just take a step back and analyze the events of the past 2-3 years.From the looks of it GCC is in deep shit.
Your Strategic partnership with US sunk deep in the Arabian Sea , when US not only signed a pact with your persian enemies but also refused to join your coalition in Yemen. Turkey also refused to be your partner in the yemeni war and directly supported MB in Egypt .That leaves Israel as your only ally in the region . Thousands of your youths have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq many have joined ISIS and when these radicalized citizens come back they will cause more than just headaches. Infact, the series of Mosque bombings this year is also alarming. Iran uses its oil revenue to boast its various manufacturing industries . Sheiks use their oil revenue to build sand castles and luxury hotels.

Nobody outside of Saddam Hussein has ever attacked the GCC (Kuwait only) nor is anyone in the neighborhood able to harm the GCC or suicidal enough to attack it. Our only enemy in the region are the fake-wannabe Arab Mullah's that have ruled Mullahstan since 1979.

Yes, if having the by far biggest economy in the MENA region and Muslim world (almost a 2 trillion dollar GDP (nominal), highest GDP per capita (nominal), having cordial relations with all powers and all Muslim countries with the exception of Mullahstan, being one of the most resource rich areas of the planet, one of the most strategically located, being a religious and cultural power in the Muslim world means being "in deep shit" then I am happy about that.:lol:

Let alone the fact that the non-oil/gas sector in the GCC is booming and the populations are getting highly educated at a rapid speed. For instance KSA has the highest number of students at US universities in the world per capita and only fourth in terms of sheer numbers after 1.3 billion big China, 1.2 billion big India and 50 million big South Korea.

More Saudi Arabians studying in the U.S. - latimes

Moreover the GCC is home to the highest ranked universities in the MENA region.

The US-GCC relations will remain close and cordial like they have been for 70 years despite certain differences with the Obama administration. The relations are too important economically, geo-politically and military wise.

The US is supporting the Arab coalition in Yemen and the Arab coalition (mostly made up by KSA and UAE) are advancing all the time and have suffered less than 100 casualties in 5 months of war. The Houthi terrorist cult has had 20-30 as many casualties and its foot soldiers + branches of the Yemeni army loyal to the Ali Abdullah Saleh crook.

Are you drunk? The GCC has the entire Arab world outside of the Iraqi and Algerian regimes as brotherly allies. That's almost 400 million people. Excluding the close/trusted relations with several important Muslim nations and world powers.

Less than 2500 youths have joined Daesh out of a population in the GCC of over 50 million. Many of those youths have ancestral ties to nearby Iraq and Syria and most of them hail from the border regions. Daesh has only managed to kill 40 people in KSA in the past 2.5 years.

You are really ignorant about this topic.

The Land of the Two Holy Mosques has been blessed with wealth, beauty and stability and if the stability will be challenged Muslims all across the world will answer the calls. House of Saud or no House of Saud. They are irrelevant here and are 1 ruling family out of 100's that have ruled Arabia and they won't rule forever either.

I have read about those doomsday predictions dating all the way back to the late 1950's. Just give it up. The development has only moved in the right direction since then although not always fast enough or without trouble but that's the case with every nation.
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Which foreign challenge? Are you referring to Yemen? If so then since when is India deploying troops to Yemen.


Anyway, who cares. Sure trade is huge, yes Modi said a few things whilst on UAE soil, that's life. Could you imagine the outcry had Pakistan done similar with the Iranian foreign minister, who came to Pakistan recently i.e. allowed him to indirectly attack the Gulf Kingdoms.
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Lavrentiy ---Well we have to get rid of this stupid mentality --- fools
most of us are masturbating over

@mods are we allowed to use such flaming words and if not y he is not getting banned... if its allowed to use the words than i should also be allowed to say it. by just adding one word at the end of these words like ''his --- or something''
every one has their opinion and allowed to express it in civilized manner. i can say many bad words but i will not lower my self to his standards. And by the way i am against united ummah also and brotherhood my point was and is Pakistan first.
Indians are very smart as they are trying to isolate Pakistan in economic terms .
1. Rice dumping resulted in less exports (30%)
2. Giving rebate of over 30-40 % in textile just to counter Pakistan exports result in declining exports in this sector
3. Now UAE biggest contributor of remittances to Pakistan .

I believe Yemen conflict could have been done in a very different way .Some called him Saudi pitho even though Pak didnt send troops .At the end of day we have to choose lesser of Evil with Iran acting totally lunatic so it was a wise decision not to go as we all know who is sponsoring who .But mind my words at the end of day Arabs need Pak more than Pak need Arabs as no one is going to bail them out when they will be threatened .

Arabs are rich nations, they can throw money buy stuff and take care of themselves. With that kind of money anybody will take care of them. Arab dont need pakistan.
Indians, now that you're in bed with these filthy-rich sheikhs and Pakistan is coming out of their clutches, what're some rare Indian birds that his excellency can hunt? :tup:

No, they will still come to pakistan to kill those species, and have some good time. While their investors are busy investing in india.

We have nothing to offer for arabs to fulfll their fantasy of killing animals.
Arabs are rich nations, they can throw money buy stuff and take care of themselves. With that kind of money anybody will take care of them. Arab dont need pakistan.
Yea they need u Indians for slaves
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